Israeli occupation forces continue their massacre against the people of Palestine

  • 7 months ago
Israeli occupation army troops invade and surround the first refugee camp set up by UNRWA. Also, Israeli planes and drones drop bombs on tents sheltering Gazans. teleSUR
00:00 This time we go back to Palestine, where in a new Israeli attack on the Gaza Strip, at least
00:05 14 Palestinians were killed and hundreds injured.
00:08 Our correspondent, Huda Hegazi, brings us the latest details from the ground.
00:12 According to Palestinian sources, today at approximately 2 p.m., Israeli occupation army
00:24 troops proceeded to invade and surround the industrial headquarters in the governorate of
00:30 Janinez, which was the first refugee camp set up by UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works
00:36 Agency for Palestine refugees in Palestine, where they proceeded to set up thousands of tents.
00:43 It is a refugee camp that evacuates approximately 70,000 Palestinians.
00:49 Today, Israeli troops proceeded not only to surround and invade the refugee camp, but also
00:54 proceeded to bomb it directly. According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, two missiles from
01:01 tanks of the occupation army fell on a building which was evacuating approximately 800 Gazans,
01:09 in addition to the fact that the planes and drones of the occupation army also proceeded to drop
01:15 bombs on tents sheltering Gazans. Therefore, this bombing has caused the death of at least 14 Gazans
01:23 and the injury of hundreds of others. But according to the UNRWA director, he assured that he has
01:30 tried to contact ambulances, the International Red Crescent, and even the Red Cross to evacuate
01:37 the wounded and to evacuate the martyrs. Still, it has been assured that the Israeli troops are
01:43 preventing any ambulance car or any firefighting team from reaching that place by cutting the roads
01:50 and even proceeding to open fire and shelling any ambulance car or any firefighting car that
01:57 proceeded to approach that area. Therefore, UNRWA has been forced to bury the 14 Gazans who have
02:05 been victims of these Israeli bombings by opening a mass grave in that refugee camp and bury them
02:13 collectively after several attempts in ambulance cars. Several ambulance cars have been able to
02:19 reach the site of the incident and so far have transferred 73 victims to various hospitals
02:26 in the governorate of Rafah, because as we know the hospitals in the governorate of Kanunes
02:32 are completely overrun and surrounded by the Israeli occupation army, such as Nasr hospital,
02:40 Al-Mal hospital, and Al-Harid hospital, and therefore all the wounded have been transferred
02:47 to Abu Yusuf Al Nahar hospital and Al-Kuwait hospital here in this governorate. Now, the fear
02:55 is that new bombings will be carried out in this refugee camp because as we mentioned at the
03:01 beginning, more than 70,000 Gazans are being evacuated. Among them are children, women,
03:09 and elderly, and now the fear is for their lives. Therefore, UNRWA has asked the Red Cross,
03:16 the International Red Crescent, and this human rights organization to evacuate all the Gazans
03:22 who are inside this refugee camp because their lives are in grave danger.
