• last year
My sweet rescue cat has turned into WFH police
00:00 I used to work as a plant manager for a processing facility.
00:03 My crew would take lunch outside.
00:05 I heard a loud crying and having rescued cats before I immediately recognized it as a kitten.
00:10 My name is Joyce and this is Naimira's story for GOB.
00:14 She had hidden herself among a bunch of pallets.
00:16 I pick her up and I keep looking for any other signs of any other cat.
00:19 And then I find two more kittens.
00:21 No sign of a mother in any fashion.
00:23 The rest of her litter was a little bit further away from her,
00:27 meaning that she had walked away from them or she had been separated from them at some point.
00:31 I left a couple traps out to see if I could get the mother or any other cat.
00:37 I was going to try to get them neutered, but no sign of any of that.
00:40 I have no idea where she came from, but it happened a lot at that little warehouse
00:44 where people would just drop off cats they don't want, which is very unfortunate.
00:47 We raised her and her sibling until they were about eight to ten weeks.
00:50 My best friend took her sister and my best friend's mother took her brother.
00:55 So all the whole litter went to an extended family.
00:58 Boy's got such a big mouth.
01:01 It's very nice because we got to see them grow up and how they are and everything.
01:05 She immediately bonded to us.
01:06 We already had two cats of our own that we had rescued previously.
01:12 She is very loving.
01:14 If she wants cuddles, she's going to come at you for cuddles.
01:18 I know work from home, which is really nice.
01:20 She often shows up on my video calls.
01:25 She'll peek her face up and say, "Hi, how are you?
01:27 What are we talking about?"
01:28 I thought when I transitioned to work from home, she would get a little tired of me,
01:31 but she spends all day with me now.
01:33 Hello.
01:36 She tells me when I'm supposed to be in the office.
01:38 So if I'm running a little late to go into my office, she's sitting in the office
01:41 and she meows at me like she's yelling at me.
01:42 It's office time.
01:43 What are we doing?
01:44 Let's go.
01:44 Am I late?
01:45 Working from home after you've worked with people your entire life can feel very lonely
01:50 at first.
01:51 The fact that she's always with me really helps with that because I don't feel
01:53 lonely.
01:54 If I need to talk to someone, I just talk to her.
01:56 If she's not talking back, she meows back.
01:58 I'm like, "Okay, I understand you."
02:01 My husband and I like to argue who's her favorite person.
02:03 But the fact that she follows me around and not him tells me that I'm her favorite
02:06 person.
02:07 But also, she goes to him every morning to get her eyes cleaned and he massages her
02:11 face, which is just hilarious.
02:14 But if we're having a little bit of a tiff, me and my husband, she'll always side with
02:18 me and she'll start meowing at him really loudly as if like, "She's right, you're
02:21 wrong."
02:22 I need to go to 7 times.
02:24 I wouldn't be surprised if in another life we are friends.
02:28 Being able to have a being that cares for you regardless of how you feel or how you
02:37 look or what's going on in your day or how your life is going and they're always there
02:41 for you and they really don't care about any of these outside sources.
02:44 It's so nice.
02:46 Meow.
02:47 Meow.
02:48 Meow.
02:52 Meow.
02:54 Meow.
02:56 Meow.
02:58 Meow.
02:59 (upbeat music)
03:02 you
