• last year
Pittie who was terrified of kittens now lets 30 of them snuggle all over him


00:00 A bunch of stray cats are going to come and live with us. Do you want to live with some cats?
00:03 Don't freak out.
00:06 Oh Marley. He didn't really understand why they were trying to crawl on him
00:13 and why they wanted his body heat and why I wanted to give him cuddles.
00:18 Marley's okay. She doesn't want to hurt you. She just wants your body heat. That's all.
00:29 You like cuddles? It's just a cuddle. Good boy Marley.
00:33 Hey, you're doing so good. See not everyone's going to hurt you, especially the little ones.
00:43 They don't want to hurt you. When I started my small sanctuary in Greece I began taking care
00:48 of a lot of cats. Marley really doesn't know what to make of kittens. He's not spent much time
00:54 around them. Come to mummy. Marley, mummy's here. I'll take him. I'll take him. Come to mummy.
01:09 Oh did you do a nose touch? You're such a sweetheart.
01:16 It was quite cute though. After a while when he started actually realising, oh these guys are
01:22 quite fun actually. You know they're quite squishy and cuddly and they like to keep me warm and lay
01:27 on me like little blankets. See they're not so bad are they? Did you like the kitties really?
01:32 Good uncle Marley aren't you? Thanks Marley. You look after her while I pop out okay?
01:38 I'm so proud of you Marley. I'm so proud of you. It's breakfast time at the art
01:45 animal sanctuary. Marley's guarding. Are you the kitty guard? Playing with your little baby.
01:53 He doesn't want to play with you Marley. Marley's like take the ball. Come on kid take it.
02:02 Marley's now raised nearly 30 kittens. Now all the cats have grown up and you know a lot of them that
02:12 didn't get adopted out have stayed with us. Marley is a cat magnet.
02:20 He's always so still and he's a really big squishy bear.
02:29 It's like they stick to him like glue. It's so cute. I don't know what I would have done if Marley
02:33 didn't like the cats because he's literally my babysitter. He's the comfort blanket, the hot
02:40 water bottle, the pillow, the duvet, the comforter to all of my kitties you know. He's uncle Marley.
02:45 She loves you Marley. Your girls loved you when they were tiny. They were the first baby cats
02:52 you ever met in the whole world weren't they? Oh my love. Hi guys. Hi Marley. You my baby.
03:00 Are you the cat man? No no no no no. Go play with your cats. Go play with Gizmo. Go get Gizmo. Go get him.
03:06 [Music]
