• last year
(Adnkronos) - Un’iniziativa che premia le aziende che si distinguono per parità di genere: è il ‘Winning Women Institute Awards’, giunto alla seconda edizione e svoltosi nello spazio eventi di Foro Buonaparte 22 a Milano. L’evento ha visto la premiazione di tredici aziende. Undici sono state insignite del riconoscimento per aver conseguito la Certificazione Nazionale (UNI/PdR 125:2022) con la consulenza di Winning Women Institute e si tratta di Banca Ifis, Bip Group, Birra Peroni, Havas, illycaffè SpA, Michelin Italiana, Mondelez Italia, Grenke locazione, Lundbeck Italia SpA, Société Générale Securities Services in Italia e Zucchetti. Sono due invece le realtà che hanno ottenuto la Gender Equality Certification di Winning Women Institute: Europ Assistance e Roche.


00:00 13 companies awarded the Winnie Women's Institute Award
00:05 13 companies awarded the Winnie Women's Institute Award
00:09 13 companies awarded the Winnie Women's Institute Award
00:13 13 companies awarded the Winnie Women's Institute Award
00:17 13 companies awarded the Winnie Women's Institute Award
00:21 13 companies awarded the Winnie Women's Institute Award
00:25 13 companies awarded the Winnie Women's Institute Award
00:29 13 companies awarded the Winnie Women's Institute Award
00:33 13 companies awarded the Winnie Women's Institute Award
00:37 13 companies awarded the Winnie Women's Institute Award
00:41 13 companies awarded the Winnie Women's Institute Award
00:45 13 companies awarded the Winnie Women's Institute Award
00:49 13 companies awarded the Winnie Women's Institute Award
00:53 13 companies awarded the Winnie Women's Institute Award
00:57 13 companies awarded the Winnie Women's Institute Award
01:01 13 companies awarded the Winnie Women's Institute Award
01:05 13 companies awarded the Winnie Women's Institute Award
01:09 13 companies awarded the Winnie Women's Institute Award
01:13 13 companies awarded the Winnie Women's Institute Award
01:17 13 companies awarded the Winnie Women's Institute Award
01:21 13 companies awarded the Winnie Women's Institute Award
01:25 13 companies awarded the Winnie Women's Institute Award
01:29 13 companies awarded the Winnie Women's Institute Award
01:33 13 companies awarded the Winnie Women's Institute Award
01:37 13 companies awarded the Winnie Women's Institute Award
01:41 "It is a document that we deliver today to companies,
01:45 to individuals, associations, trade unions, institutions
01:49 convinced that in order to improve gender equality
01:53 and the opportunities of female employment and growth
01:57 we have to have a collective work, which gives many results
02:01 in terms of productivity, in terms of company competitiveness
02:05 and not least of birth. The data in Danone confirm it."
02:09 The voice of regional institutions was brought by the
02:13 Instructor of Education to the Training and Employment
02:17 of Region Lombardy, Simona Tironi.
02:20 "The Instructor of Education is a member of the
02:24 Region Lombardy, which embraces the whole world of work
02:28 and not only. We are committed to this, also investing
02:32 important resources, equal to 10 million euros,
02:36 precisely to accompany all our companies in adhering
02:40 to the certification of gender equality and therefore
02:44 following it also with consultants, professionals,
