• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Lavorare per ridurre gli ostacoli che si frappongono oggi sia per raggiungere una completa uguaglianza sia in termini di opportunità per le donne è un tema di evoluzione culturale”. Così Valentino Confalone, amministratore delegato e Country President di Novartis Italia e ospite d’onore della seconda edizione dei ‘Winning Women Institute Awards’, l’iniziativa che premia le aziende che hanno ottenuto la Certificazione di Parità di Genere. Le aziende premiate quest’anno sono tredici.


00:00 What are the challenges facing the women in the EU?
00:04 First of all, a cultural evolution issue, frankly.
00:08 To work to remove the obstacles that arise today,
00:12 both to achieve a complete salary equality,
00:17 and on the other hand, to offer opportunities to women
00:20 who were not hindered by their daily reality.
00:23 In particular, in our case, I wanted to say,
00:25 to eliminate any distinctions through parental leave,
00:30 between the impact of having a son,
00:32 which is an important moment in the life of a family,
00:35 that has no impact on the man and the woman in their career development.
00:39 The responsibility of those who work in a fortunate sector,
00:41 such as the pharmaceutical sector, in companies like multinationals,
00:44 who have the possibility of having important global benchmarks.
00:50 This gives us the responsibility to do a little business,
00:53 and to set an example on how to achieve a complete equality from all points of view.
00:58 It was a year of great success from many points of view.
01:01 It was a year of success, first of all, in research.
01:04 We published at least 10 important clinical studies results
01:09 on innovative drugs with a potential impact in the oncological area,
01:13 in the cardiovascular area, in the immunology area.
01:16 And it was also a year of great financial satisfaction,
01:18 both for Novartis Italy and for the company at a global level.
01:22 The prospects related to these publications,
01:25 which I referred to, are those of arriving with new drugs
01:29 that will obtain a refund this year.
01:32 Drugs in the area of the mammary tumor, for example,
01:35 as well as in the area of the prostate tumor.
01:38 So in the oncological area, an important year,
01:40 but also in the other four areas in which we are active,
01:44 cardiovascular, immunology and neuroscience.
