The Cure: Full Episode 2 (with English subs)

  • 7 months ago
'The Cure' tells the story of a family who was affected by a strange disease, for which THE CURE is still unknown. Greg (Tom Rodriguez), Charity (Jennylyn Mercado), and Hope's (Leanne Bautista) peaceful lives take a drastic turn when Greg's mother is diagnosed with late-stage cancer.


00:03 It took years to develop.
00:13 But finally, Breakthrough Pharmaceuticals
00:15 is confident to introduce this anti-cancer virus drug
00:18 that attacks cancer cells.
00:20 We will soon live in a cancer-free world.
00:23 I ordered this gun and endoscopic ultrasound for her.
00:30 Anti-cancer.
00:39 100% of the non-human primates we tested
00:43 have been cured of cancer.
00:47 And we can soon begin the human clinical trial.
00:56 My mom has cancer.
00:56 And based on Tasha's results, [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH]
00:59 Let me talk to the bird.
01:00 May I remind you that you put at risk all we
01:03 have been working so hard for.
01:29 Good evening, Ida.
01:32 Welcome, Gregory Salvador.
01:33 Ida, I need to do a systems maintenance here in the lab.
01:40 Can I ask you to shut down, and I'll reboot you manually?
01:43 It's an unlikely request, Mr. Gregory Salvador.
01:48 Yeah, it's actually Dr. Lazarus' request.
01:51 You can check with her tomorrow.
01:53 I will comply, Gregory Salvador.
01:57 Thank you, Ida.
01:58 Ida, shutting down.
02:26 Greg!
02:31 Hope!
02:33 Open up!
03:33 Greg?
03:40 I was finishing up some tests.
03:42 I'll head out.
03:48 What do you have there?
03:49 May I permit, Ben?
04:01 Greg, are you out of your mind?
04:04 That's a robbery!
04:06 And what?
04:07 You're fine with being in jail for that?
04:10 Just a dose.
04:12 That's all I need.
04:13 Yeah, but that's a pharmaceutical property.
04:17 Yes, we tested it on lab rats, on primates.
04:20 But may I remind you, that's just the experimental stage.
04:24 We haven't tested it on humans.
04:26 And you're willing to give it to Aunt Ayan?
04:28 Yes.
04:29 You said it yourself.
04:32 All of our animal testing was successful.
04:34 Animals?
04:35 Yes, and that's not the only thing I'm considering.
04:37 I'm also considering the track record of pharma.
04:40 Come on, admit it.
04:41 For the past six years, all of the drugs we've developed
04:44 have been approved.
04:45 They're always tied up because of that protocol.
04:49 Greg, this is not right.
04:52 Katrina, I know I'm asking too much of you,
04:55 but please don't stop me.
05:01 And...
05:09 Kat, I'm ready to take your test.
05:18 Greg.
05:19 You can't leave if I don't help you.
05:41 I'm sorry, I have to go.
05:42 There are guards.
05:56 Thank you.
06:09 Ida, activate.
06:10 Ida is awake.
06:11 Who deactivated you?
06:12 Deactivated by Salvador Gregor,
06:13 head virologist, cancer research lab.
06:14 Time check, 11.30pm.
06:15 My car is there, use that.
06:16 No, how, Kat?
06:17 Come on.
06:18 Come on, Kat.
06:19 Stop it, you're going to get me in trouble.
06:20 I'm not going to get in trouble.
06:21 I'm not going to get in trouble.
06:22 I'm not going to get in trouble.
06:23 I'm not going to get in trouble.
06:24 I'm not going to get in trouble.
06:25 I'm not going to get in trouble.
06:26 I'm not going to get in trouble.
06:27 I'm not going to get in trouble.
06:28 I'm not going to get in trouble.
06:29 I'm not going to get in trouble.
06:30 I'm not going to get in trouble.
06:31 I'm not going to get in trouble.
06:38 I'm not going to get in trouble.
06:39 I'm not going to get in trouble.
06:40 I'm not going to get in trouble.
06:41 I'm not going to get in trouble.
06:42 I'm not going to get in trouble.
06:43 I'm not going to get in trouble.
06:44 I'm not going to get in trouble.
06:45 I'm not going to get in trouble.
06:46 I'm not going to get in trouble.
06:47 I'm not going to get in trouble.
06:48 I'm not going to get in trouble.
06:49 I'm not going to get in trouble.
06:50 I'm not going to get in trouble.
06:51 I'm not going to get in trouble.
06:52 I'm not going to get in trouble.
06:53 I'm not going to get in trouble.
06:54 I'm not going to get in trouble.
06:55 I'm not going to get in trouble.
06:56 I'm not going to get in trouble.
06:57 I'm not going to get in trouble.
06:58 I'm not going to get in trouble.
06:59 I'm not going to get in trouble.
07:00 I'm not going to get in trouble.
07:01 I'm not going to get in trouble.
07:02 I'm not going to get in trouble.
07:03 I'm not going to get in trouble.
07:04 I'm not going to get in trouble.
07:05 I'm not going to get in trouble.
07:06 I'm not going to get in trouble.
07:07 I'm not going to get in trouble.
07:08 I'm not going to get in trouble.
07:09 I'm not going to get in trouble.
07:10 I'm not going to get in trouble.
07:11 I'm not going to get in trouble.
07:12 I'm not going to get in trouble.
07:13 I'm not going to get in trouble.
07:14 I'm not going to get in trouble.
07:15 I'm not going to get in trouble.
07:16 I'm not going to get in trouble.
07:18 [car door slams]
07:19 You didn't schedule anything in the mail lab, did you?
07:32 You are in security, Bota H.
07:36 Yes, sir.
07:37 Sir, look at this.
07:45 [suspenseful music]
07:46 [gun cocks]
07:51 Let's go.
07:53 [tires screeching]
07:56 Hey!
08:05 What are you doing?
08:06 Why are you running away?
08:07 You're a bunch of thugs!
08:08 Catch me!
08:11 Catch me!
08:12 Aga.
08:16 Wait!
08:17 Wait!
08:19 Don't follow him!
08:22 I confess.
08:26 I'm with him.
08:28 Here, take this.
08:37 [suspenseful music]
08:38 Sorry, Kat.
08:46 I will never waste this sacrifice I made for my mother, Kat.
08:50 Shari.
08:58 -Han? -Han!
09:06 Han, where's your mother?
09:07 She's inside. She's resting.
09:09 -Come on, I'll take her. -Okay.
09:11 I promise you'll get better.
09:26 Huh?
09:29 Shari.
09:32 It's okay.
09:34 It's okay.
09:35 [gunshots]
09:36 [gunshots]
09:38 [gunshots]
09:45 [soft music]
09:59 Don't worry, Mom.
10:00 This is a new medicine from the pharmacy.
10:03 It's a new medicine for cancer.
10:05 Thank you, son.
10:08 But if I don't get better, I won't--
10:12 Mom.
10:14 Can you not say that?
10:16 I know you'll get better.
10:20 I'm so lucky to have you, son.
10:29 I'm thankful to God for giving me a son like you.
10:33 Mom, I'm the luckiest of you.
10:36 That's why I won't let you be without me, Mom.
10:40 I won't let you be without me because I love you so much.
10:45 I love you so much.
10:49 I love you so much, son.
10:51 I love you so much.
10:54 I love you so much.
10:57 [soft music]
10:58 [speaking in foreign language]
11:14 [speaking in foreign language]
11:24 Greg.
11:25 What did you do to your partner in the lab?
11:31 The lab's confidential.
11:34 Your clearance will not be reached.
11:36 If you don't want to talk,
11:39 I know where Mr. Gregory Salvatore is hiding.
11:42 Your call.
11:45 Let's go.
11:48 Watch him.
11:53 Yes, sir.
11:54 [phone ringing]
12:06 Fernan,
12:17 do you know what time it is?
12:21 You can't let that happen.
12:22 You can't say anything.
12:24 Good morning, Doc.
12:26 There's an incident in the lab.
12:28 Greg Salvatore is the suspect.
12:30 Greg Salvatore?
12:35 I think I know why he did that.
12:41 Okay.
12:43 [dramatic music]
12:44 Charlie, you stole
13:01 the medicine I gave my mother.
13:04 I know.
13:09 What?
13:12 What do you mean?
13:13 Hon, you said you'd do anything for your mother.
13:17 You'd do anything to make her better.
13:20 But there's something
13:23 that I saw in Anne, Charlie.
13:26 Huh?
13:28 Kat helped me escape.
13:31 But you know, it's only a matter of time
13:34 before they find out who I am
13:36 and what I've done.
13:39 [sighs]
13:40 I'm sorry.
13:47 I didn't think about what could happen to my mother.
13:51 It's okay.
13:52 It's okay.
13:57 I know you did the right thing for your mother.
14:00 We all want our mother to get better.
14:04 Yeah.
14:06 [dramatic music]
14:07 Whatever happens, I'll be here.
14:11 We'll face this together.
14:13 Okay?
14:17 It's only a matter of time now.
14:19 Dr. Lazaro will know the news.
14:23 The only hope.
14:26 He'll understand why I did this.
14:29 [dramatic music]
14:32 [sighs]
14:33 [speaking in Tagalog]
14:46 Do you understand, Fernando?
14:51 Yes, Doc.
14:53 [speaking in Tagalog]
14:54 Very good.
14:58 Okay.
15:00 [dramatic music]
15:01 I hope everything will be fine.
15:07 [laughs]
15:14 Eat up.
15:16 Mom!
15:18 Hey!
15:19 How are you feeling?
15:20 Grandma is getting better.
15:24 Huh?
15:25 Because she's getting her cheeks rosy again.
15:27 Oh, really?
15:28 [laughs]
15:29 Mom!
15:30 The teacher said that the rosy cheeks are healthy.
15:33 [laughs]
15:34 I see.
15:35 You can perform the worship service again tomorrow, okay?
15:38 Okay.
15:39 Oh, my!
15:40 Mom is not going to be able to do it again.
15:42 I'm feeling better, son.
15:44 Thank you for the medicine you gave me.
15:46 Mom, you know what we're going to do for you to not lose us.
15:51 [laughs]
15:52 [dramatic music]
15:55 Doc,
15:57 you're patient.
15:58 Thank you, Nurse.
16:00 [laughs]
16:03 Mom, just a moment.
16:05 [phone ringing]
16:06 Hello, Mom.
16:08 Why don't you just join me here at Pharma?
16:11 You'll earn more.
16:13 You can invest and prepare for your future.
16:16 You're so kind.
16:18 You know, I admire what you're doing in Pharma.
16:20 But, Mom, you know that life is not for me.
16:25 I want to help people who are sick when they need me.
16:30 I might be frustrated waiting for the approval of the testing in the lab.
16:36 You're right.
16:37 But, you know, it's almost there.
16:41 The cure for cancer is almost there.
16:45 You know what, Mom?
16:47 I'm praying that your efforts will be successful.
16:50 But, Mom, just be patient.
16:54 Why?
16:55 I'm talking to you.
16:56 Are there no other doctors there?
16:58 Mom, they don't have any other doctors nearby.
17:00 I'm the only doctor here.
17:01 If you want, you can come here and help me.
17:05 What do you say?
17:07 I wish.
17:08 But, I have a lot of work here.
17:10 I really miss you, son.
17:13 I miss you too, Mom.
17:15 I'll call you tomorrow, okay?
17:19 Okay.
17:20 Call me tomorrow, okay?
17:21 Bye.
17:22 Bye.
17:24 Bye.
17:25 Mom, what's your problem?
17:28 What's your problem, Mom?
17:29 Come on, sit here. I'll take care of it.
17:56 I'll do it.
17:58 You can eat now, son.
17:59 Yes?
18:06 Wait a minute.
18:10 Do you know what we did here?
18:12 Sir.
18:13 Yes, yes.
18:24 Son, you don't have to do that anymore.
18:27 I'm old.
18:29 I accept what fate has in store for me.
18:32 Mom, we're not yet.
18:34 I can't see you having a hard time, especially if it's in a different way.
18:38 And I've got it.
18:41 But, son.
18:43 Daddy, what happened?
18:49 Son, go with Grandma to her room first.
18:52 Go ahead.
18:54 What are you going to do to my son?
19:05 You really forgot to eat again.
19:15 If you're the one who's sick, who's going to take care of you?
19:17 You know you're the only doctor here.
19:20 You're not going to leave me alone, right?
19:22 You're going to take care of me.
19:24 You know, I'm hungry.
19:26 I'm sure you cooked well.
19:28 Oh, it's cold, for sure.
19:30 No, even if it's cold, I'll finish it.
19:32 The alcohol is going around for a long time.
19:35 Finish this.
19:37 It's so hot here.
19:43 Brother, I left that for George. He's not eating yet.
19:49 He's not eating?
19:50 Doc,
19:53 Doc, I'm sorry. We're hungry.
19:56 No, it's okay. Just eat, Brother. I'm okay.
19:59 Are you embarrassing me in front of my people?
20:01 Brother, that's just me.
20:03 If you have money to drink, I hope you give some to spend at home.
20:06 Why don't you give it here?
20:08 Isn't this rich?
20:09 There's a mansion in Manila.
20:11 It's better.
20:12 You two, live there.
20:14 Then, send me money here.
20:16 You can help me.
20:18 You're so arrogant. Let's go.
20:20 Hey, it's okay. Come here.
20:31 It's okay.
20:32 Sorry.
20:33 I'm still hungry.
20:36 There.
20:42 Hi, my dear subscribers.
20:43 We're here in front of the house of a Greg Salvatore,
20:47 an employee of Greg2 Pharmaceutical.
20:49 Miss,
20:51 you can't have media here.
20:53 Why?
20:55 Maybe you're hiding something.
20:57 Excuse me, I have in good authority that someone stole drugs in that house.
21:01 What? Don't touch me.
21:03 Wait, wait, wait.
21:08 Wait, wait, wait.
21:10 Daddy.
21:11 Wait, Sir. I'm coming with you.
21:12 Mom, do you want to come with us?
21:16 You only need me, right?
21:17 Greg.
21:21 Charlie, you're in charge here.
21:22 Please.
21:24 I love you.
21:30 Listen to mommy.
21:31 Daddy.
21:32 [dramatic music]
21:34 My dear subscribers, we're here with Mrs. Salvador.
22:01 Hello.
22:02 What drugs did Mr. Nipo steal?
22:04 I don't have an answer for you, so please leave.
22:07 Just one comment, please.
22:08 Mrs. Salvador, please leave.
22:10 I'm so sorry, my dear subscribers.
22:22 But don't worry.
22:24 I'll find out everything about the drugs he stole.
22:27 And don't forget that you've seen the news.
22:30 Here in The Uncensored Truth, by Susep Temeza.
22:33 Bye for now, guys.
22:34 It will just be a matter of hours before the news comes out.
22:40 No.
22:42 I'm sure that they will leak it to the media.
22:44 Really? How?
22:45 Some of our guards know what happened.
22:48 And they can easily tell others, right?
22:51 That's not even the worst of it.
22:53 What if it's in the hands of another drug company?
22:56 Oh, stop overreacting.
22:59 I told you already.
23:00 I know who got the drugs.
23:02 It was just done because of his mother.
23:05 But you cannot trust a thief, Doctor.
23:07 I have spies in other drug companies.
23:10 I know that they are also developing their own anti-cancer drugs.
23:15 Maybe they will be able to steal this.
23:18 But come on.
23:19 They're trying to get a formula.
23:20 Eduardo is right, Doctor.
23:22 It's a waste of the millions of dollars we spent
23:26 just to research this drug.
23:30 Doctor, let's put it this way.
23:32 No one can be the first to distribute this drug.
23:35 Do you understand me?
23:38 Calm down, Eduardo.
23:39 I told you I know the man who took the medicine.
23:41 And he's already in our hands.
23:43 We just need to know what he did with this.
23:47 Let's wait, okay?
23:54 Hey, hey, hey.
23:55 I'm not fighting.
23:57 I'm sorry.
24:02 No, no.
24:03 I did it because I wanted to.
24:05 Because I'm your friend.
24:07 I'm still sorry because you're right.
24:12 It's okay.
24:14 I'm my heroine.
24:16 And what about me?
24:18 You won't apologize to me?
24:21 I'm sorry.
24:23 I trusted you.
24:24 Now I don't know what's the truth.
24:27 Does your mother really have a disease?
24:29 Or did you sell it to the enemy of the anti-cancer drug?
24:32 Doctor, I didn't sell anything.
24:33 Terry!
24:34 You have to believe me.
24:35 I didn't sell anything.
24:36 I didn't even think about getting the medicine.
24:39 Don't lie to me.
24:41 I'm not lying to you.
24:42 Here are the facts.
24:44 The pure empirical facts.
24:46 My mother has stage 4 pancreatic cancer.
24:50 The oncologist we approached, all the doctors are saying that she won't recover.
24:54 But you and I both know that's not the truth, right?
24:58 Because the rest of your credit is here.
25:00 It's in your lab.
25:02 Doc, I know you're doing everything to bring my case closer to the board.
25:09 But when they didn't approve it, I had to do something.
25:12 I had to move to the...
25:14 I know it's wrong, but I would 100% do it all over again, Doc.
25:19 If that's the only way to make my mother recover, I would do it all in a heartbeat.
25:23 All of it.
25:25 Are you saying that you gave your mother the medicine?
25:31 Yeah.
25:34 You know very well that this hasn't been tested on humans.
25:40 No.
25:42 I had no choice.
25:46 Now we have to observe her.
25:48 We need to know her reaction to the medicine.
25:51 Of course, I planned on...
25:53 Of course.
25:55 Could you do such a stupid thing?
25:57 Sorry, Doc.
26:04 Sorry, Doc.
26:05 Mommy, where's Daddy?
26:22 I still can't find your Daddy, my child.
26:26 Sorry, Charlie.
26:30 This is all because of me. Because of my illness.
26:33 It's better if you let me die of cancer so that this won't happen again.
26:39 I don't want to, Grandma. I don't want you to die.
26:43 Mom, Greg sacrificed himself because he wanted you to live long.
26:49 Let's not waste it.
26:52 Greg bought me something. Bring it to the province.
26:56 You'll get better there.
26:58 Let's just leave it.
27:00 We won't leave it.
27:01 When I bring it to you, I'll come back here to follow Greg.
27:05 It's important that I get you out of people's sight.
27:10 [sighs]
27:11 Greg, relax.
27:31 You know, the good news is, we're not yet under the influence of Dr. Lazaro's case.
27:37 Meaning, we won't be in jail.
27:39 I'm thinking about that, Kat.
27:41 My family,
27:44 Charlie, Luke,
27:47 and Mom.
27:49 I don't know what will happen to them.
27:52 You know,
27:54 I'm proud of you.
27:56 You love your family.
28:00 They're lucky to have you.
28:02 I'm lucky too.
28:06 I have friends like you.
28:08 That's all. So, thank you.
28:12 Of course, I won't leave you.
28:15 We're just college buddies, right?
28:18 You probably know how much I love you.
28:24 You're so annoying.
28:27 As a friend.
28:30 Of course.
28:35 And no matter what happens,
28:37 we'll be together, no matter what the consequences.
28:40 Hey,
28:41 I appreciate the sentiment,
28:43 but you don't have to go that far.
28:45 You'll talk to the doctor, and I'll take full responsibility for what happened.
28:50 You won't have to worry about a thing.
29:03 I need you to get Mr. Salvador's mother ASAP.
29:07 You need to bring her in.
29:09 This is very important.
29:11 I've already ordered it, Doctor.
29:13 I've already deployed the resources of the Pharma to get the subject.
29:16 Good.
29:19 Okay.
29:23 [music]
29:25 How long are we going to be here?
29:38 Are you going to keep an eye on us?
29:42 Are you going to watch us take a bath?
29:44 No, I just want to see my family.
29:49 I'm the only one who's going to do it.
29:51 If you don't have anything to do with us, just let us go.
29:54 Okay, it's either you charge us or you let us go.
29:56 So what is it going to be?
29:58 Because this, what you guys are doing, this is illegal.
30:02 Yeah, this is illegal.
30:04 This is unlawful.
30:06 You can't just, you can't stop us if you want to leave right now.
30:09 Cut.
30:10 Come on.
30:11 Excuse us.
30:12 Hey, what are you doing? Let him go!
30:15 Just sit down.
30:16 [music]
30:18 We're also supposed to have human clinical trials without the approval of the FDA?
30:24 This can't leak because whatever happens to that woman will determine the fate of our cancer drug.
30:30 Charlie.
30:32 Charlie, are you okay?
30:33 What will happen to me?
30:38 100% success on the human tests.
30:41 I hope this will also defeat the cancer cells in your body.
30:45 And if not, what will happen?
30:47 The truth, we don't know.
30:49 [music]
30:52 [tires screeching]
30:54 [music]
30:57 [tires screeching]
30:59 [music]
31:02 [tires screeching]
31:03 [music]
31:05 (explosion)
