The Cure: Full Episode 6 (with English subs)

  • 7 months ago
'The Cure' tells the story of a family who was affected by a strange disease, for which THE CURE is still unknown. Greg (Tom Rodriguez), Charity (Jennylyn Mercado), and Hope's (Leanne Bautista) peaceful lives take a drastic turn when Greg's mother is diagnosed with late-stage cancer.


00:14 I have a business proposal for you.
00:26 I will.
00:36 Ok. I will go to the hospital now.
00:38 We're facing a huge problem.
00:40 The doctor's said that she lost her sight and she's in a coma.
00:44 What happened there?
00:45 There was a patient who fainted there, so I rushed her to the hospital.
00:49 We're not done yet, Mr. Chairman.
00:50 But I gave you the medication. Can I still have it?
00:53 I don't have any more. It's been distributed.
00:55 She's my wife. I have a lot of relatives here and I need to know the truth.
00:59 The virus mutated quickly in her body.
01:02 What do you mean?
01:03 If the virus was transmitted to the cancer cells, now it's spreading to your mother's brain.
01:09 She's my patient in the ER.
01:11 What did the doctor say?
01:13 It's highly contagious, so they transferred her here.
01:15 I mean, you could reverse it.
01:16 I'm sorry, Red.
01:17 Mom! Mom!
01:20 Mom!
01:23 Let's go.
01:26 What's wrong?
01:29 There's an emergency in the ICU room on the fifth floor.
01:32 Hey, where are you going? April!
01:34 You're not allowed here!
01:43 Please, you're not allowed here!
01:45 It's my mother's cell! Mom!
01:47 Wait, you're hurting her!
01:48 You're not allowed here! The patient is agitated!
01:51 Please, leave the room! Please!
01:54 Please, leave the room! Please!
01:56 What's the cause of this?
02:07 The patient is pitiful.
02:09 She doesn't know her family.
02:13 She's even biting them.
02:15 It's scary.
02:22 Hey, what's happening to you?
02:24 Hey, April! Where are you going?
02:27 Still nothing?
02:35 It's not good.
02:43 She might be busy.
02:45 I'm not allowed to go to my mother's room.
02:48 I don't want to use that position in the pharma.
02:51 It's not an abuse.
02:53 Pharma is doing their job to provide free medicine from time to time.
02:57 Medicine for cancer, babe.
02:59 They won't do that.
03:01 Just try it.
03:02 It will help a lot of patients in the hospital.
03:05 By the way,
03:07 for example,
03:09 you're not interested in cancer medicine,
03:11 but you have other plans.
03:13 You just don't want to share the profit.
03:16 We don't plan to earn the medicine.
03:19 I have a patient, 15 years old.
03:21 She has leukemia.
03:22 I will give her the medicine.
03:24 Give?
03:26 Free?
03:28 They don't have any payment.
03:30 Josh helped them.
03:32 Can you help yourself before you help others?
03:37 If you give them free, we'll be in trouble.
03:41 When I agreed to be your husband,
03:44 I thought
03:46 our life will be in danger.
03:48 We'll live in Manila.
03:50 We'll live in a mansion.
03:52 But until now, we're still here.
03:55 Because your husband doesn't have any other plan but to work.
03:59 Josh is doing everything he can.
04:01 He doesn't have to take care of our whole family.
04:04 So what?
04:06 So you're just going to leave me?
04:08 It's not like that.
04:09 Ana,
04:11 we're the only two friends here, right?
04:13 Just like you, I'm telling you.
04:16 You're just like me.
04:17 You're just using your brother for money.
04:21 What kind of brother are you?
04:22 Josh, don't.
04:23 I took care of him when we were kids.
04:28 I raised him and taught him.
04:31 You just arrived here, right?
04:34 That's why you have no right to judge.
04:36 Brother, stop it.
04:38 I'm sorry.
04:40 Come with me.
04:42 [music]
04:47 You're too much, Doc.
04:49 Don't treat my mother like a beast.
04:52 Come on, Greg.
04:53 Don't overreact.
04:55 We're treating your mother well here.
04:57 We're restraining her because we don't want her to hurt herself.
05:00 And so that she won't hurt other people.
05:03 Maybe we can just adjust the restraints, Doc.
05:07 So she won't get mad.
05:09 Because maybe that's the reason she's hurting.
05:11 No, no, no.
05:12 This is all wrong.
05:13 I don't want this anymore, Doc.
05:15 I'll take my mother home.
05:16 Come on, Greg.
05:17 Don't be so dramatic.
05:18 Remember, your mother is contagious.
05:20 Didn't you two attack each other a while ago?
05:23 What do we want to do here?
05:24 Just let her do what she wants.
05:26 Yes.
05:28 Because it's for the best.
05:29 Remember, you have a contract with Pharma.
05:33 Your mother has the right to decide on Pharma's medical care.
05:37 But Doc, we're still her family.
05:40 The contract stands.
05:42 You can't bring your mother here.
05:45 Sorry.
05:46 Friend, are you contagious?
06:10 You don't have a boyfriend.
06:12 Did you already answer your medtech?
06:15 I'm not contagious.
06:16 I know that a baby is a blessing.
06:20 But what about going to the UK?
06:23 You've been applying there for a long time.
06:26 I'm so jealous of you that you got accepted.
06:30 I told you that I'll follow you.
06:32 What about your family, friend?
06:35 Your siblings?
06:37 I'm not contagious, okay?
06:39 I just have a bad feeling about this.
06:41 You're so stubborn.
06:42 Do you need Wildagad?
06:45 You're leveling up with the patients in the ICU.
06:48 I'm worried about the patient, Doc.
06:56 She hasn't been eating for days because of her condition.
06:59 And we can't do NGT because she's fighting.
07:03 She's deteriorating faster.
07:05 I wish I knew.
07:06 We're doing everything we can for the farm.
07:10 We can't find a solution as of now.
07:14 What's happening to her?
07:26 She looks like she's deteriorating.
07:28 She looks like she's...
07:30 What are you doing here, Eduardo?
07:32 I'm here as a representative of the board.
07:35 We want to see the extent of the situation here
07:39 without having to listen to your reports.
07:41 Are you saying that I'm not telling the truth?
07:43 I don't know.
07:45 But you're so stubborn.
07:47 And I suggest you correct it immediately.
07:49 I am fixing it.
07:51 Get out!
08:01 Fix this!
08:02 I'm sorry for what I did to your brother.
08:12 I'm sorry for what I said to him.
08:17 I can stand whatever he said to me.
08:20 But if you're the one involved,
08:22 if you're the one who's being tied up,
08:24 I can't help but speak up.
08:29 Thank you, but...
08:30 even if that's how I understand him,
08:34 he's right.
08:36 It's because he taught you
08:39 to be the owner of your brother.
08:42 And, babe,
08:44 your brother is doing emotional blackmail to you.
08:49 He's not doing it on purpose.
08:51 He's just having a lot of bad intentions.
08:54 I told you that our parents died early.
08:58 That's why your parents left.
09:00 He was just a kid.
09:04 That's why we lived with our uncle.
09:07 He's hurting especially when he's eating.
09:10 I'm sorry.
09:13 I'm sorry.
09:15 I didn't raise my hand
09:17 because he's the one who's always angry.
09:20 My brother is kind to me.
09:22 But to other people,
09:26 he's hot-headed.
09:27 He gets angry easily.
09:29 He got what our uncle wanted.
09:31 But he didn't want that.
09:33 That's why, Josh,
09:36 I'm sorry.
09:39 I know it's hard to be with my brother,
09:42 but I'm not here without him.
09:46 I understand.
09:49 I want you to tell your brother that
09:52 I can take care of you.
09:55 I can protect you.
09:56 I believe that
10:00 it's one of the ways
10:02 to get your brother's respect.
10:04 I'm your brother.
10:05 Stop praying.
10:33 Huh?
10:34 What's the effect?
10:36 Mom's not getting better.
10:38 How can you stop being like this?
10:41 If your mom can hear you,
10:43 she can hear us.
10:44 She can't hear us anymore.
10:45 She doesn't know us anymore.
10:48 What's happening?
10:52 Greg, you know Mom.
10:55 She doesn't lose hope
10:57 as long as she's with God.
10:58 She can't pray for herself now.
11:01 We're the ones who should pray for her.
11:03 I can't let this happen to God.
11:05 We both know that I'm at fault
11:09 for what happened to Mom.
11:10 Greg.
11:13 It's true.
11:15 It's all true.
11:16 Who gave her the medicine?
11:19 I did.
11:21 So who's at fault
11:23 for making things difficult for you?
11:24 I am.
11:26 So even if I want to vent my anger,
11:29 I can't do it
11:30 because who should I blame?
11:31 Me.
11:34 Right?
11:36 Greg.
11:41 You did it
11:43 because you love Mom so much.
11:45 And I know she knows that.
11:49 You're selfish.
11:50 And I did it because I'm selfish.
11:52 Because I want Mom to be with us.
11:54 So now,
11:56 I'll pray for her.
11:57 I'll think about her when she wakes up.
12:00 I won't let her be a subject
12:01 to the experiments of Pharma.
12:03 We'll fight it.
12:04 We'll fight it.
12:06 We'll get a lawyer.
12:07 We'll fight Pharma.
12:08 We'll get Mom home.
12:09 Get her home?
12:11 Wait.
12:14 You don't want to?
12:16 No, it's not like that.
12:18 It's just that...
12:20 What?
12:21 Don't tell me you're on Pharma's side.
12:28 You won't help Mom?
12:29 That's it?
12:30 John,
12:39 I love you.
12:41 And I love Mom so much.
12:43 But I don't know
12:46 if it's right to leave her here.
12:49 What?
12:50 You heard Dr. Lazaro, right?
12:53 He told us that Mom is in danger.
12:55 She's violent.
12:57 How are we going to get her home?
12:59 What will happen when we get her home?
13:00 Wait, are you afraid?
13:02 She's a charity.
13:05 John,
13:07 John,
13:09 this is the right place for Mom
13:11 to be taken care of.
13:13 We can talk to them
13:15 to reduce the losses...
13:17 They're not listening to us.
13:19 We can take care of her at home.
13:26 Why don't they just go there?
13:28 What about Hope?
13:29 What if...
13:30 What if our son is okay with you?
13:32 What if he sees his grandmother
13:34 doing this to her?
13:35 That she's having a hard time?
13:36 What if...
13:38 What if our son is hurt too?
13:41 That won't happen, Charity.
13:42 Because Mom loves Hope.
13:44 What about us?
13:46 Mom loves us so much.
13:47 But what happened earlier?
13:48 We almost got caught, right?
13:50 Greg, she doesn't know us anymore.
13:53 That's what's different, Chari.
13:55 We know her.
13:57 We're family.
13:59 Why are you just letting Mom go?
14:01 Greg, it's not like that.
14:05 Greg!
14:06 Greg!
14:07 Son, I'm not going to go in there.
14:32 I'm just concerned about you.
14:36 Because I can see that you're affected.
14:38 And what kind of OCD is that?
14:41 There's a problem with the pharma.
14:44 Mrs. Salvador,
14:46 the one who gave the cancer drugs,
14:48 she's sick again.
14:51 But this time,
14:53 it's like a rabies.
14:56 She's bitten by a dog?
14:57 That's bad.
15:00 No, it's not.
15:01 The medicine that was given to her
15:03 came from the bioengineered rabies virus.
15:06 And it's programmed
15:08 that only the cancer cells should be attacked.
15:11 But in Mrs. Agnes' case,
15:14 what happened was different.
15:16 What do you mean?
15:17 She's biting?
15:19 Maybe she's fighting, Son.
15:22 I'm not sure yet.
15:24 The pharma doesn't know yet.
15:26 If that's the case,
15:27 don't go in there, Son.
15:30 What if something happens to you?
15:31 Dad, don't worry.
15:33 We'll help Dr. Lazaro
15:36 find the antivirus.
15:38 If we can do that,
15:40 we can save Mrs. Salvador.
15:43 I want to be a part of that, Dad.
15:45 Sir.
15:53 Sir, I thought we're done talking.
15:57 You told me that
16:00 we're not going to meet.
16:01 Do you think I want to see your face?
16:03 I won't do this if I don't have to.
16:05 How's the investigation going with the pharma?
16:08 You know that we can't be involved in the theft.
16:12 But if you leave me,
16:16 I know you'll pull me if I get sick.
16:19 I won't go back to the hospital.
16:21 They don't have evidence that I went to the lab.
16:24 Even the CCTV footage is gone.
16:27 I used it for a program.
16:28 The CCTV footage must be shared.
16:31 It's a big problem
16:33 if someone else is the victim.
16:35 Victim?
16:37 What do you mean?
16:41 How's Greg's mother?
16:46 As you can see,
16:52 based on the latest findings,
16:55 Agnes's condition is getting worse.
16:58 She can't eat anymore.
17:00 And worse,
17:01 she's not being treated by the sedatives we give her.
17:05 Aren't we doing any treatment for her?
17:08 I tried injecting her with different permutations of 3285,
17:12 but it didn't work.
17:14 It didn't work on her.
17:17 What?
17:18 I am sorry, but we do not have the cure for cancer.
17:23 What we have is a highly mutating rabies virus.
17:28 And we don't have a cure for it.
17:31 She can't leave this room, Doctor.
17:34 We have to make sure that this virus is contained
17:37 with all of this information.
17:39 Then we have to take care of Agnes.
17:42 She's in the hospital,
17:43 exposed for everyone to see.
17:45 The nurses are probably already gossiping about her.
17:48 And it won't be long before they find out who Agnes is
17:50 and what her illness is.
17:52 They're right, Doctor.
17:54 Call our security.
17:56 We have to transfer Agnes to the pharma as soon as possible.
17:59 In other words, Doctor,
18:01 clean up your mess!
18:03 Mom,
18:13 I'm sorry.
18:15 I didn't agree with Greg's request.
18:21 I'm confused.
18:23 I don't know what to do.
18:25 You're the only one I can get close to
18:31 to ask for advice, Mom.
18:33 You're more like a mother than a real mother.
18:42 You know that I'm not a good mother.
18:49 You know how much I love you, right?
18:52 I don't want to see you like this.
19:01 Excuse me.
19:16 Is he a nurse?
19:17 He's just giving his mom a night's sleep.
19:20 I added a dose because
19:22 the patient will be transferred later.
19:25 Wait, why didn't we know?
19:27 Just take the order.
19:28 What?
19:29 Because if not,
19:31 he might disappear again.
19:33 [music]
19:35 Nurse!
19:55 Be careful!
19:57 Nurse!
19:59 Hey!
20:02 [car horn]
20:04 Do we still need those?
20:22 We're just going to do a simple transfer of the patient.
20:25 I even gave Agnes a sedative.
20:28 She won't be able to get sick.
20:30 The doctor is ready.
20:32 Thanks.
20:33 I know, I just...
20:38 I just can't believe it, Kar.
20:40 My own wife doesn't want to help me
20:43 get my mom out of here.
20:45 It would be great if there was a viral antivirus
20:47 that the pharma company is giving to my mom,
20:49 but there's none.
20:50 Greg, we're trying.
20:51 You know that the process is long.
20:53 Research is only a month long.
20:55 I came here to tell you that
21:00 they're transferring Tito to the pharma facility.
21:03 What?
21:04 Wait, no.
21:06 I won't allow that.
21:07 We'll lose control of what they're doing to my mom.
21:10 And not my mom's son-in-law
21:11 so that they can experiment.
21:13 What if we call a lawyer
21:15 so that we can stop them?
21:19 You already promised me.
21:20 Sorry, Han, if I didn't think of this.
21:24 I didn't see it right away.
21:26 This is not the right place for my mom.
21:28 And I won't allow her to go to the pharma.
21:30 Thank you, Han.
21:31 I'm sorry about earlier.
21:33 Well, I hate to burst your bubble,
21:36 but your lawyer won't make it.
21:38 The pharma people are on their way here.
21:40 What do we do?
21:41 What do we do?
21:42 Han, Han, let me think.
21:43 Let's find them first.
21:45 Wait, what are you going to do?
21:47 Let's scare Tita away
21:55 while we still have time.
21:56 Let's go.
21:57 I'll distract the nurse
22:11 and then I'll scare Tita away.
22:13 Thank you, Han.
22:15 I have a lot of work to do.
22:16 Nurse,
22:20 can I ask you a question?
22:23 Can I ask you a question?
22:24 What's the reason you put her in the patient?
22:26 Mom's not here.
22:29 Nurse,
22:40 where's the patient?
22:41 She's being transferred, sir.
22:43 We're already there.
22:44 Yeah.
22:45 I just left them for a while.
22:47 That means they just left.
22:49 Let's go and meet them.
22:51 Let's go.
22:52 Maybe Tita's already at the basement parking lot.
23:05 Don't worry.
23:08 We'll get mom back.
23:10 I don't know what's happening.
23:12 Han,
23:13 we'll get mom back.
23:15 When mom comes back,
23:16 we'll take care of her.
23:18 We won't hurt her.
23:19 We won't tie her up.
23:20 We'll take care of her.
23:22 Okay.
23:23 Han, don't worry.
23:24 Shouldn't we wait for Greg?
23:28 Agnes is still his mother.
23:30 He needs to know.
23:31 The board members are in a hurry.
23:33 Let's leave this.
23:34 Hernan, I just don't feel comfortable about this.
23:38 Thank you, Han.
23:44 I know this is not easy for you.
23:50 But Han, I can't take this anymore.
23:52 Get out of here.
23:53 I thought you were going to let me sleep.
24:08 Agnes,
24:09 Agnes, this is Dr. Lazaro.
24:11 We're just going to move you.
24:13 But I'll take good care of you.
24:15 I'm here.
24:17 I'm here with you.
24:19 Agnes.
24:20 I'm a basement.
24:30 Miss, did you see me in the hall?
24:40 No, sir.
24:41 Come on.
24:44 Bring that.
24:47 Greg, come here.
24:49 Mom!
24:52 Doctor, bring my mom back.
24:59 You shouldn't have moved her.
25:00 You didn't even say goodbye.
25:01 Sorry, but I can't let your mom be in that condition.
25:05 What happened?
25:10 Mom!
25:15 What is it?
25:16 That's Kiran!
25:21 I'll shoot her!
25:22 Wait, I'll shoot my own mom!
25:24 What's wrong with you? Let her go!
25:26 Greg!
25:27 Stop it!
25:29 Mom!
25:39 Agnes is over there!
25:42 Where?
25:43 Over there!
25:44 No one is infected.
25:55 Spread out!
25:57 Hush!
26:01 She's gone!
26:03 She's gone!
26:04 Let's look for her!
26:05 Over there!
26:11 Secure Doctor Lasso.
26:12 Wait, wait.
26:28 We can find my mom more easily if we split up.
26:31 Isn't that more dangerous?
26:33 Maybe we'll be in danger if we're not careful.
26:35 Because we're talking about my mom.
26:37 Greg, Katrina is right.
26:39 We can't find my mom.
26:41 Do you remember when we were in the hospital?
26:43 She almost bit me.
26:44 Okay, if no one will come near your mom,
26:47 if anyone can find her,
26:48 call her on the cell phone.
26:50 Okay, we have a number.
26:52 Let's use it to find her.
26:54 Take care of yourselves.
26:56 Alright, let's go, let's go, let's go.
26:58 Yep, let's go.
27:00 Let's go.
27:01 Hey!
27:15 [♪♪♪]
27:18 [♪♪♪]
27:45 [GROANING]
27:50 [♪♪♪]
27:53 [♪♪♪]
27:56 [♪♪♪]
27:58 [♪♪♪]
28:24 [♪♪♪]
28:26 Kat, Kat, did you see my mom?
28:33 No.
28:34 She's not here either.
28:44 What's that?
28:51 Let's go back.
28:54 [GRUNTING]
28:55 [GROANING]
29:38 [♪♪♪]
29:41 [♪♪♪]
30:09 What exactly are we dealing with here?
30:39 [♪♪♪]
30:41 (explosions)
30:43 (explosion)
