Automotive, ass. Guidesi: “A Commissione chiederemo neutralità tecnologica e confronto”

  • 8 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Alla prossima Commissione europea chiederemo realismo, libertà d’azione per i territori, neutralità tecnologica e confronto continuo. Siamo profondamente convinti che la libertà d’azione ci consentirà di raggiungere gli obiettivi ambientali in anticipo rispetto alle scadenze indicate dall’Europa”. Queste le parole di Guido Guidesi, assessore allo Sviluppo economico di Regione Lombardia, parlando ai microfoni dell'Adnkronos delle richieste che la Lombardia avanzerà quando, a partire dal 1° gennaio 2025, sarà a guida dell’Alleanza europea delle regioni dell’Automotive.


00:00 Today we have become the leader of the Alliance of the Chemical Regions.
00:11 From 1 January 2025, as you said, we will assume the leadership of the Alliance of the Regions on automotive.
00:18 We will ask the new European Commission for realism, technological neutrality,
00:24 for which freedom of action on the part of the territories and a continuous comparison.
00:29 If the Commission will help and compare the most manufacturing territories,
00:36 it will win the challenge of European competitiveness for the future.
00:40 Because European competitiveness in the future will depend on who produces,
00:44 and therefore on the manufacturing territories that must be supported and helped.
00:49 We are among these and we are extremely convinced that freedom of action will allow us
00:56 to reach environmental goals as quickly as possible and before the deadlines set by Europe.
01:04 On the automotive sector we have zero-impact mobility with a plurality of traction,
01:10 not only electric, but also hydrogen, synthetic fuels and biofuels
01:15 that will allow us to produce endothermic engines.
01:19 We hope to face a more realistic and closer to the economy Commission.
01:29 This means technological neutrality, economic growth,
01:35 progress and quality of life in achieving environmental goals.
01:40 We hope so and we are a team with the Alliance of the Regions on Manufacturing Territories
01:46 that will try to contribute to the best through proposals and ideas for the work of the next Commission.
