The Midday Bilingual News of Febraury 17, 2024

  • il y a 7 mois
Le JT Bilingue de Midi du 17 février 2024
00:00 Je vous présente Yoti.
00:03 Je vous présente Yoti.
00:06 Bonjour.
00:09 Mesdames et messieurs, bonjour et
00:18 bienvenue au journal télévisé de
00:20 douze heures sur la CRTV. Bonjour
00:22 Yoti. Good afternoon Ariel. Good
00:24 afternoon and welcome. In the
00:26 headlines. The African Union
00:28 Executive Council endorses
00:30 Cameroon's Philemon Yang for the
00:32 role of president at the seventy-
00:34 year-old African Assembly. This as
00:36 the AU Summit on for at this
00:38 Ethiopia with discussions
00:41 revolving around education and
00:43 insecurity. The ninth
00:45 international exhibition for
00:47 enterprises, SMAs and
00:49 partnerships dubbed promotes kicks
00:51 off today at the Yaoundé
00:52 Conference Center. About one
00:54 thousand exhibitors are
00:56 participating in the nine-day fair
00:58 with hopes of meeting new
01:00 investors. Plus, he came, he saw
01:03 the impact in lives for the
01:05 greater part of his over seven
01:07 decades on earth. Joseph Owona
01:09 was his name. The university
01:11 lecturer and member of the
01:13 Constitutional Council is bid
01:15 farewell today as he returns to
01:17 dust in his hometown Akombikwe
01:19 in Venge, Ocean Division of the
01:21 South Region. Those are our lead
01:24 stories. Ariel, we begin our
01:26 newscast with the appointment or
01:28 with the endorsement of Philemon
01:30 Yang. Effectivement, Yoti,
01:32 the newspaper by the election
01:34 this day of a new president at
01:36 the head of the African Union.
01:38 It is during the sessions of the
01:40 thirty-seventh summit of heads of
01:42 state gathered in Disabeba in
01:44 Ethiopia. A meeting that
01:46 allowed to raise Philemon Yang
01:48 to the presidency of the
01:50 seventy-ninth General Assembly
01:52 of the United Nations. William
01:54 Badier. The candidacy of the
01:57 Cameroonian Philemon Yang, the
01:59 current Grand Chancellor of the
02:00 United Nations and former Prime
02:02 Minister, head of the government,
02:04 was therefore held unanimously by
02:06 the Executive Council of the
02:08 African Union, whose work was
02:10 completed very early this February
02:12 16, 2024, at the headquarters of the
02:14 African Union in Disabeba. A
02:16 diplomatic victory of the highest
02:18 Cameroonian authorities to put
02:20 in the office of President Paul
02:22 Billa, the head of Cameroonian
02:24 diplomacy. The United Nations
02:26 organization, which is useful to
02:28 remind the reasons for the creation,
02:30 seems to me to be able to play a
02:32 fundamental role in this regard.
02:34 Despite the multiple attempts to
02:36 weaken it, despite the
02:38 ups and downs that it
02:40 undergoes, despite the
02:42 smoothness that little by little
02:44 wins the process of its necessary
02:46 reform, it is a
02:48 great opportunity to
02:50 strengthen the
02:52 relationship between the
02:54 African Union and the
02:56 Cameroonian people.
02:58 It is the meaning of the
03:00 candidacy of Cameroon to
03:02 the presidency of the
03:04 79th session of the
03:06 General Assembly of the United
03:08 Nations, a candidacy
03:10 for which
03:12 I ask
03:14 your support to all.
03:16 A decision that
03:18 comes after the resignation of
03:20 South Africa, which decided to
03:22 withdraw its candidacy in favor
03:24 of Cameroon following diplomatic
03:26 exchanges and meetings
03:28 between the South African
03:30 and Cameroonian parties.
03:32 South Africa therefore withdrew
03:34 its candidacy in favor of Cameroon
03:36 for objective reasons. First,
03:38 the diplomacy of temperance, of corridors
03:40 and discretions led by the Cameroonian
03:42 authorities under the enlightened
03:44 leadership of President Paul Billa.
03:46 Then, the solidity of the candidacy of
03:48 the former Prime Minister-Chief of the
03:50 Government, Philemon Yan, after the
03:52 resignation of the South African
03:54 government. Finally, South Africa
03:56 withdrew its candidacy in favor of
03:58 Cameroon in the name of African
04:00 solidarity as well as the depth
04:02 of the bonds of friendship and
04:04 cooperation that bind the two
04:06 countries. Philemon Yan is therefore
04:08 the choice made by Africa as a whole
04:10 to elect the president of the
04:12 79th General Assembly of the United
04:14 Nations, scheduled for June 4,
04:16 2024, in New York.
04:18 The ninth edition of the
04:20 PME and Yaoundé Partnership
04:22 Promote is opening this Saturday
04:24 at the Yaoundé Congress Palace,
04:26 a business meeting that will
04:28 last from February 17
04:30 until February 27
04:32 to allow
04:34 businesses to
04:36 meet face to face
04:38 in order to improve
04:40 the position of society.
04:42 Innovation this year is
04:44 the participation of
04:46 the Central African
04:48 Economic Council of Europe
04:50 and Asia. The theme
04:52 of the 2024 edition
04:54 is private sector,
04:56 evolution and structural transformation
04:58 of African economies.
05:00 Some stands are already
05:02 ready to welcome visitors.
05:04 We will come back to this.
05:06 The
05:08 Balmayo Institute of
05:10 Wood Technology
05:12 has now been
05:14 commissioned by Balmayo.
05:16 The ceremony of the
05:18 re-session of this site was
05:20 chaired by the Duhengamba,
05:22 the prefect of the Department of
05:24 the ISO Union, the account
05:26 made by Manfred Ebeney.
05:28 It is in this atmosphere
05:30 that the populations of the
05:32 locality of the Kombitie by Balmayo
05:34 have expressed their consent
05:36 by giving a share of their land
05:38 for the construction of
05:40 the Institute of Wood Technology
05:42 of the Yaoundé University in Balmayo.
05:44 The atmosphere is punctuated
05:46 by the return of food,
05:48 hence the satisfaction of the traditional authorities.
05:50 We are proud
05:52 of this
05:54 and we know that
05:56 children will have jobs,
05:58 children will have training.
06:00 Ceremony chaired by
06:02 the prefect of the Department of the ISO Union
06:04 who, in his speech
06:06 on behalf of the government, thanked
06:08 the populations of the Kombitie for this
06:10 symbolic gesture.
06:12 I am in charge of
06:14 thanking you
06:16 for this gesture
06:18 which will now
06:20 allow us
06:22 to carry out a project
06:24 that is dear to him,
06:26 namely the construction
06:28 of the Institute of
06:30 Wood Technology
06:32 of the Yaoundé University.
06:34 For Professor Benoît Nzana,
06:36 Director of the Wood University
06:38 in Balmayo,
06:40 and for the representative of the Yaoundé University,
06:42 the construction
06:44 of this institution will begin
06:46 in the next few days.
06:48 (Applause)
06:50 (Applause)
06:52 (Applause)
06:54 As announced at the
06:56 start of the news, the 9th
06:58 edition of the International
07:00 Exhibition for Enterprises
07:02 and Partnerships
07:04 has opened at the Yaoundé Conference
07:06 Center. Close to
07:08 1,000 exhibitors
07:10 are already showcasing their know-how
07:12 to visitors and prospective
07:14 investors. The main innovation
07:16 in this year's edition is an
07:18 economic forum, a moment of
07:20 exchange between participants. In the meantime,
07:22 last-minute preparations
07:24 are ongoing. The fair to run
07:26 for '90s is an opportunity
07:28 for brisk business.
07:30 On to something
07:32 else now. Former Prime Minister
07:34 of Cameroon, who is currently
07:36 Grand Chancellor of National Orders
07:38 Philemon Young, has received
07:40 endorsement from the African Union
07:42 to assume the role of President
07:44 of the 79th United Nations
07:46 General Assembly. During the
07:48 presentation of New Year wishes
07:50 at the Unity Palace on January
07:52 this year, President Paul
07:54 Bia, while addressing members of
07:56 the diplomatic corps, underlined that
07:58 it is Africa's turn to mount
08:00 the podium. Chelsea Bouné reports.
08:02 (Pause)
08:04 Yaoundé Cameroon,
08:06 this January 5, 2024,
08:08 at the Unity Palace,
08:10 President Paul Bia receives New
08:12 Year wishes from the diplomatic
08:14 corps, with a toast calling for the support
08:16 of the candidacy of Cameroon to
08:18 the post of the next President
08:20 of the United Nations General Assembly.
08:22 (Pause)
08:24 (Pause)
08:26 (Pause)
08:28 The United Nations
08:30 Organization. I find
08:32 it important
08:34 to record the reasons
08:36 for its creation.
08:38 And, according to me,
08:40 still plays an important role
08:42 in our world today,
08:44 despite efforts
08:46 to weaken it,
08:48 despite its ups
08:50 and downs, despite
08:52 some digression
08:54 on its reforms agenda
08:56 that we all know.
08:58 This is the essence
09:00 of the candidacy of Cameroon
09:02 to the post of the President
09:04 of the 79th General
09:06 Assembly of the United Nations,
09:08 which I request
09:10 all your support.
09:12 (Pause)
09:14 (Pause)
09:16 The first positive
09:18 response from that call for
09:20 support comes from the African
09:22 group as South Africa, the only
09:24 other competition country,
09:26 withdraws from the race within
09:28 the framework of African
09:30 solidarity. We have
09:32 a mandate from our
09:34 government that
09:36 a better Africa is the
09:38 foreign policy platform of
09:40 South Africa. And to achieve that,
09:42 there must be very vibrant
09:44 interface between ourselves
09:46 and other African countries. So I'm here
09:48 in Cameroon to strengthen
09:50 our bilateral relationship,
09:52 to identify concrete
09:54 areas of cooperation
09:56 between South Africa and
09:58 Cameroon. The endorsement
10:00 of the candidate of Cameroon, Philemon
10:02 Young, by the African Union
10:04 Executive Council will be
10:06 validated by the Summit of Heads
10:08 of State and Government of the African
10:10 Union this weekend.
10:12 The outcome for Cameroon as the unique
10:14 candidate for Africa follows
10:16 must-start bilateral and
10:18 multilateral talks between
10:20 South African and Cameroonian officials.
10:22 According to the United Nations calendar,
10:24 it is time for Africa to
10:26 chair the United Nations General Assembly
10:28 this year, and the final
10:30 vote for the presiding officer holds
10:32 June 4, this year, at the
10:34 organization's headquarters in New York.
10:36 As you just heard in that report, the vote
10:40 is unanimous on the continent.
10:42 Cameroon's Philemon Young is Africa's
10:44 candidate for the president
10:46 of the 79th UN General
10:48 Assembly. Mr. Young's backing
10:50 by the AU Executive Council
10:52 indicates Cameroon's
10:54 diplomatic clout in Africa.
10:56 Assun Yenti has more.
11:00 This day was January 5,
11:02 2024. The event
11:04 was a New Year's wishes ceremony
11:06 to President Paul Bia
11:08 from the diplomatic corps in Yaoundé.
11:10 In an unusual manner,
11:12 Paul Bia came public in this
11:14 garden of diplomats that Cameroon
11:16 was vying for the presidency of the
11:18 79th session of the
11:20 United Nations General Assembly.
11:22 The president made no mistake.
11:24 For whom else could he be conversing
11:26 for support if not these plenipotentiaries
11:28 whose governments were to
11:30 take the final decision,
11:32 the outcome has proven the president right.
11:34 The public call for support
11:36 did not disclose the name
11:38 of Cameroon's candidate, but it
11:40 was an open circuit that his
11:42 name is Philemon Young, the Grand Chancellor
11:44 of National Orders.
11:46 With Paul Bia's public disclosure,
11:48 this diplomatic masterstroke
11:50 was already near the end
11:52 of a tunnel, the bulk of the
11:54 maneuvers and the intense
11:56 diplomatic work was done behind
11:58 the scenes, typical of Cameroon's
12:00 diplomatic posture,
12:02 being discreet, subtle,
12:04 but efficient.
12:06 It certainly took persistent
12:08 and patient diplomatic forth and
12:10 back to convince the Republic of
12:12 South Africa to withdraw its own
12:14 candidate at the last minute, paving
12:16 the way for the African Union to
12:18 endorse Philemon Young as Africa's
12:20 only candidate. Both the
12:22 decision of South Africa to withdraw
12:24 from the race and that of the African
12:26 Union to give a green light to
12:28 Cameroon's candidacy are testament
12:30 to the evergreen diplomatic
12:32 solidarity among African
12:34 countries. It also amplifies
12:36 and confirms the diplomatic
12:38 credibility and gravitas of
12:40 Cameroon, whose head of state
12:42 enjoys the extreme
12:44 and towers over his peers
12:46 who affectionately regard him
12:48 as the wise man of Africa.
12:50 It is the turn of Africa to produce the
12:52 president of the United Nations
12:54 General Assembly and Philemon
12:56 Young of Cameroon is Africa's
12:58 candidate, though a validation
13:00 vote is expected at the United
13:02 Nations General Assembly on June
13:04 4, 2024.
13:06 But this denouement also
13:08 has to do with the pedigree of the
13:10 candidate, perfectly bilingual
13:12 in two of the United Nations' principal
13:14 languages. Philemon
13:16 Young is a consummate diplomat.
13:18 He is a man of consensus
13:20 with a knack for compromise
13:22 without compromising and
13:24 a nubishito par excellence.
13:26 He served several years
13:28 as minister and also holds the record
13:30 as the longest-serving prime minister
13:32 under the Bien administration.
13:34 Until this development,
13:36 he is the Grand Chancellor
13:38 of National Orders.
13:40 Everything being equal,
13:42 the man to direct the discussions
13:44 in the plenary and give the
13:46 floor to the different heads of state
13:48 and delegations in this year's
13:50 UN General Assembly in New York
13:52 will be Cameroon's Philemon
13:54 Young, another red feather
13:56 in the diplomatic cup
13:58 of Cameroon.
14:00 The non-governmental organization
14:02 in Seine is calling for the
14:04 help of orphans in the
14:06 Koussiri commune in the far north.
14:08 Food and first-need products
14:10 have been distributed
14:12 to 160 children.
14:14 A wave of generosity
14:16 that gives a smile
14:18 to these children, among the
14:20 beneficiaries.
14:22 It is a ray of hope
14:24 and relief on
14:26 these faces marked by
14:28 this solidarity.
14:30 The UNG in Seine wishes
14:32 to revive the flame of generosity
14:34 in the communities.
14:36 We thank our donors
14:38 for their assistance in their education,
14:40 their encouragement.
14:42 We, the mothers of the orphans,
14:44 are very happy.
14:46 To hope to lighten the burden of
14:48 the deprivation, it is necessary to demand.
14:50 Our donation
14:52 has several thousands
14:54 of orphans.
14:56 We have 170 orphans,
14:58 but there are thousands of orphans.
15:00 We must work
15:02 to find donors
15:04 for orphans here in Koussiri.
15:06 In the city of Koussiri
15:08 and beyond, the charity organization
15:10 continues to sow the seed
15:12 of charity.
15:14 Courage and cattle are counted
15:16 among its achievements.
15:18 A heart beat carried by the
15:20 will to contribute more effectively
15:22 to the autonomy of vulnerable
15:24 communities.
15:26 In 2024, the Ministry of
15:28 Women and Family Promotion
15:30 will work to fight
15:32 violence based on gender
15:34 and education
15:36 of young girls in Cameroon.
15:38 This is the roadmap
15:40 addressed by Mrs.
15:42 Minister of Women and Family Promotion
15:44 Marie-Thérèse Abena-Andoua
15:46 during the annual conference
15:48 in her ministerial department.
15:50 Étienne Pascal Azé.
15:52 The annual meeting
15:54 between the managers
15:56 of the central services,
15:58 the specialized technical units
16:00 and the Minister of Women and Family Promotion
16:02 is an experience sharing
16:04 and action to be developed in 2024.
16:06 The collaborators
16:08 from the regions come together
16:10 for an experience sharing.
16:12 The Cameroonian family is in distress
16:14 at the moment because when we talk
16:16 about gender-based violence,
16:18 violence begins
16:20 at the level of the family.
16:22 When children are born
16:24 without birth certificate,
16:26 it means that there is an unconsciousness.
16:28 We must address all these problems
16:30 so that violence against women ceases.
16:32 A particular emphasis will be placed
16:34 on feminicides,
16:36 many of which were registered
16:38 in Cameroon in 2023.
16:40 These feminicides do not always happen
16:42 outside, there are feminicides
16:44 that happen inside.
16:46 The young girl should not be afraid
16:48 because she is afraid of being raped.
16:50 We also have our fellow citizens
16:52 from regions in crisis
16:54 who need to be safe
16:56 wherever they are.
16:58 The goal this year is also
17:00 to allow women to be autonomous
17:02 while having in orbit the achievements
17:04 of the objectives of the National Development Strategy
17:06 on the horizon 2030.
17:08 In the region of
17:10 the Damawa,
17:12 500 women are trained
17:14 on the manufacture of household
17:16 products.
17:18 It is to facilitate
17:20 their autonomy.
17:22 This is an initiative of the
17:24 Deputy Senator of the RDPC,
17:26 Dr. Ina Samomsa.
17:28 Let's see it in this report
17:30 of "Welcome and Pocket"
17:32 of CRTV Damawa.
17:34 The autonomization
17:36 of women in rural or almost areas,
17:38 Dr. Ina Samomsa,
17:40 Deputy Senator of the RDPC in Lavina,
17:42 is doing her daily battle horse.
17:44 It is a professional training
17:46 that focuses on the manufacture
17:48 of solid, liquid
17:50 and water soap.
17:52 We offer the opportunity
17:54 to be able to settle
17:56 and generate income.
17:58 This scientific but practical training
18:00 thus offers
18:02 to these more than 500 women volunteers
18:04 the possibility to enrich their palette
18:06 of economic autonomy activities.
18:08 For a woman in the village,
18:10 I find that it represents a lot.
18:12 When we see now
18:14 the prices, life is expensive,
18:16 it will allow us to save.
18:18 The municipal authority
18:20 which has followed this activity with the support
18:22 of Madame the Deputy Senator of RDPC,
18:24 does it see an advantage
18:26 in the female emancipation
18:28 of her conscription site?
18:30 It is the woman who holds the household,
18:32 it is the woman who holds the family.
18:34 By bringing this activity to the benefit of this lady,
18:36 we also improve our environment,
18:38 our life.
18:40 On this occasion, we raise awareness
18:42 to these women
18:44 to register them on the electoral
18:46 list and make them understand
18:48 the importance of voting.
18:50 The political field
18:52 linked to local development,
18:54 Dr Inassa Momsa
18:56 has thus had the merit to capitalize on them
18:58 for the well-being
19:00 of our vulnerable layers.
19:02 In the decentralization
19:04 in conjunction with the feminine,
19:06 nearly 3,000 women in the center region
19:08 have just been recruited
19:10 in the process of decentralization.
19:12 This is what comes out of the final report
19:14 of the evaluation of the women's initiative
19:16 and decentralization in the center region,
19:18 submitted to Governor
19:20 Nasseri Paul Béa by the
19:22 Federation of Networks of
19:24 Cameroonian Feminine Associations.
19:26 Josephine Priso, Déciart TV Centre.
19:28 In the process of decentralization,
19:30 women must not
19:32 remain in the lurch.
19:34 This is the ambition of the members of the
19:36 Federation of Networks of Cameroonian Feminine Associations.
19:38 For nearly three years,
19:40 these Amazon women of the AFCAM
19:42 have been in and out of the 10 centers
19:44 of the center region,
19:46 which are dedicated to nearly 3,000 women
19:48 on the notion of decentralization
19:50 and local development.
19:52 A long-term work of consultation
19:54 and sensitization is transcribed in a final report
19:56 submitted to Governor Nasseri Paul Béa.
19:58 We were a bit like mentors,
20:00 but the work was much more done
20:02 by the Nîmes des Velles,
20:04 not by the Nîmes des Velles,
20:06 because the minister was at our
20:08 disposal, technicians
20:10 who explained to women
20:12 what decentralization is,
20:14 what women's contribution is,
20:16 what the government's expectations are.
20:18 These are the exchanges
20:20 that we have laid out on paper
20:22 to submit to the Governor.
20:24 Document validated and approved by
20:26 the number one in the center region,
20:28 which has pushed other women to follow this example.
20:30 The initiative of this association
20:32 should also be followed
20:34 by other associations,
20:36 because it is the women who accompany
20:38 the head of state in everything
20:40 that does good for this country,
20:42 the establishment of decentralization.
20:44 Everything they do is for the good of our populations.
20:46 The opportunity to make the Laron,
20:48 is to change the present that these women
20:50 of the FIRAFKAM, created in the year 2000,
20:52 have presented the New Year's wishes
20:54 to the governor of the center.
20:56 The 2024 edition of the Festival
21:00 of the Arts and Culture of the Grand BAM
21:02 begins in a few days.
21:04 This year, 11 families from this part
21:06 of the center region are focusing
21:08 their activities on the theme
21:10 decentralization and economic,
21:12 cultural and touristic development.
21:14 Speaking of which, I suggest
21:16 this interview with Gisèle Onguéné,
21:18 the founder of this festival,
21:20 His Majesty Mouté Abidias.
21:22 The Festival of the Arts and Culture
21:26 of the Grand BAM,
21:28 the 2024 edition,
21:30 is announced with major innovations
21:32 and exciting articulations.
21:34 With at the end of the day,
21:36 the implementation of projects
21:38 favorable to the realization
21:40 of acquis, traditions,
21:42 but also for the development
21:44 and even the socio-economic
21:46 development of the populations
21:48 of the whole of Cameroon.
21:50 As a guest today,
21:52 I receive the president of the executive committee
21:54 and founder of BAMART,
21:56 His Majesty Mouté Abidias.
21:58 Welcome to CRTV News.
22:00 - Thank you.
22:02 - At the beginning of the year,
22:04 there are many festivals in Cameroon,
22:06 many traditional big meetings.
22:08 What is BAMART?
22:10 What is specific in the big meetings
22:12 and cultural festivals in Cameroon?
22:14 - Yes, that's a very good question.
22:16 BAMART is a cultural festival.
22:18 That is to say, we have
22:20 11 families
22:22 and the 11 families
22:24 each family
22:26 is more or less cosmogony.
22:28 So you see,
22:30 the task is not easy.
22:32 They do not eat the same thing,
22:34 they do not dance the same dance
22:36 and sometimes certain rites
22:38 and customs
22:40 are not totally the same.
22:42 That is to say,
22:44 for example, funerary rites,
22:46 when there is a mourning
22:48 at the ticars
22:50 or a mourning at the yambasas,
22:52 it is not necessarily
22:54 the same thing
22:56 at the bafias or at the osanangas.
22:58 You see,
23:00 this set of things makes it
23:02 seem a little difficult,
23:04 but it is like
23:06 Cameroonian culture.
23:08 It is also diversified
23:10 according to the regions.
23:12 So BAMART is a bit
23:14 like Cameroon in miniature.
23:16 We wanted these cultures
23:18 to be first known
23:20 to the people
23:22 because it is BAMART
23:24 to know what we are,
23:26 what we were,
23:28 with what our parents hunted,
23:30 with what our parents
23:32 fished,
23:34 how our parents
23:36 did this or that rite,
23:38 this ceremony,
23:40 how it was organized,
23:42 how a woman was asked
23:44 to marry, the whole process
23:46 and all the rest that looks
23:48 like the material and the immaterial.
23:50 In these 11 families,
23:52 you want them to continue
23:54 to live in harmony
23:56 as before with their diversity?
23:58 Harmony between them
24:00 and harmony of the whole,
24:02 of the 11 families
24:04 that form today
24:06 the BAMOISE culture.
24:08 So to know these traditions
24:10 and to make them known.
24:12 Because the big challenge
24:14 today is ourselves.
24:16 We are a family
24:18 full of living people
24:20 who do not know.
24:22 They cannot name you
24:24 according to their genealogy
24:26 3, 4 or 5 of their great-grandparents.
24:28 They do not know.
24:30 Others do not even know the graves.
24:32 Necrology.
24:34 Professor Joseph Ounas
24:36 reported on earth this Saturday.
24:38 Yesterday the procession
24:40 went to Kob Bikoué
24:42 in the Océan,
24:44 the head of state
24:46 is represented by the Minister of State,
24:48 Minister of Higher Education,
24:50 Professor Jacques Fahm Nungou.
24:52 The Basu land
24:54 by Bangante
24:56 in the western region
24:58 also closes
25:00 this February 17
25:02 on the disposal of the arrest
25:04 of Benga Tankoua,
25:06 previously in service to the division
25:08 of the new media of the CRTV.
25:10 Very well known
25:12 as the first cardinal.
25:14 He made himself noticed
25:16 at the CRTV
25:18 on "Orthographe"
25:20 and "Chroniqueur".
25:22 He was also a "Chroniqueur"
25:24 of the "Lavda Walk" show.
25:26 We will come back to it.
25:28 Now the rest of the news,
25:32 do you have Yoti?
25:34 And we continue with...
25:36 On a sad note, the mortal remains
25:38 of Professor Joseph Owona
25:40 have been conveyed to his final resting place
25:42 in Akombikoué
25:44 in Venge Ocean Division
25:46 of the South Region.
25:48 His academic family, members of the Constitutional Council,
25:50 friends and well-wishers
25:52 joined the Owona family
25:54 to bid farewell to a man
25:56 who has left an indelible mark,
25:58 both as a state man
26:00 and varsity don.
26:02 Professor Joseph Owona
26:04 passed on at the age of 78
26:06 due to an illness.
26:08 The funeral program is unfolding
26:10 in the presence of the Minister of State,
26:12 Minister of Higher Education,
26:14 Professor Jacques Famendongo
26:16 who is representing President Paul Bia
26:18 at the funeral service.
26:20 In the same vein,
26:22 the funeral service of Aristide Bedenga-Yankoua,
26:24 alias Cardinal Aristide Premier,
26:26 is about to begin
26:28 in his hometown in Basel,
26:30 on the west coast of Cameroon.
26:32 The late artist who worked at
26:34 CRTV's Division of New Media
26:36 died last January 14
26:38 due to an illness.
26:40 His family, friends and colleagues
26:42 have gathered in Basel
26:44 to pay their last respects.
26:46 Cardinal will be remembered
26:48 for his entertainment skits
26:50 including "Le Journal Dublien"
26:52 and "Autograph".
26:54 On to something else,
26:56 the Chantal Bia Foundation's
26:58 Mother and Child Care Centre
27:00 has been rising to the challenge
27:02 of health care and treatment
27:04 to kids with cancer-related issues.
27:06 About 150 new cases
27:08 from the sub-region are recorded yearly
27:10 at the centre.
27:12 As Aïm Bilé reports,
27:14 the International Childhood Cancer Awareness Day
27:16 is to sensitize the population
27:18 of their role.
27:20 We are in one of the wards
27:22 of the Hemat oncology unit
27:24 of the Mother and Child Centre
27:26 here at the Chantal Bia Foundation,
27:28 one which receives about 300 patients
27:30 with pediatric cancers
27:32 aged 0 to 20 every year
27:34 and among them is
27:36 Mohamed from Chad.
27:38 The diagnosis you see,
27:40 he was operated for the nephroblastoma,
27:42 is the first cancer of the kidney.
27:44 Next to Mohamed
27:46 is an even younger patient.
27:48 He has nerve cancer,
27:50 one which had caused a massive growth
27:52 around his mouth.
27:54 The mouth was invaded by the tumour,
27:56 a huge, huge tumour
27:58 and we are going to do
28:00 70 days because
28:02 we are giving one kind of treatment
28:04 every 10 days.
28:06 In effect, the treatment of the patients
28:08 usually begins with chemotherapy
28:10 in this specialised unit where the number
28:12 of cancer cases is on the rise.
28:14 Another cancer is coming
28:16 second, which were
28:18 10 years ago
28:20 zero cases or one to two.
28:22 It is acute leukemia.
28:24 He had blood cancer. The number is growing.
28:26 While the late detection of the disease
28:28 remains a challenge for
28:30 Professor Angel Pondy,
28:32 as parents bringing their children late
28:34 treatment on the other hand is producing
28:36 positive results.
28:38 Thank you.
28:40 We did almost
28:42 chemotherapy
28:44 until we got the result.
28:46 We've gone through chemotherapy and then a first operation.
28:48 All is going on well.
28:50 All the way from Chad,
28:52 we have been well taken care of.
28:54 We say thank you to the First Lady of your country
28:56 for setting up such a structure.
28:58 A structure with a peaceful environment
29:00 for the little ones
29:02 struggling to survive.
29:04 Away from health,
29:06 youth entrepreneurship
29:08 are words used to define
29:10 Cameroonian youngsters today
29:12 and one of them has caught the vision.
29:14 Perez Nkenako
29:16 makes a living in the East Region
29:18 via his food business.
29:20 A daily hustle that earns him
29:22 at least 100,000 CFA francs
29:24 every day.
29:26 The secret is in a bundle
29:28 that is coquille beans,
29:30 a popular street food in Cameroon.
29:32 The coquille is a pudding made
29:34 using black-eyed peas.
29:36 Belsa takes us to meet the young man.
29:38 Unlike some youths of his age
29:42 who are idle in the city of Betwa,
29:44 the 25-year-old Nkenako
29:46 Banglopa Perez's nights
29:48 are perturbed by his business
29:50 that entails cooking
29:52 at least 200 bundles of coquille
29:54 with complements like plantain
29:56 and cassava on a daily.
29:58 In my teenage days,
30:00 I used to watch my mom cook coquille.
30:02 One day I cooked it
30:04 and it tasted good.
30:06 When I noticed the idea
30:08 of starting a culinary business,
30:10 I decided to sell coquille
30:12 at the price of 500 francs
30:14 for an average Cameroonian.
30:16 The stressful, demanding
30:18 and time-consuming dish
30:20 has caused the young Perez
30:22 to employ seven other youths
30:24 who share the labor of cooking
30:26 and selling on the streets of Betwa.
30:28 I buy his coquille almost every day.
30:30 He prepares it well.
30:32 His five-year-old culinary business,
30:34 which he plans on expanding,
30:36 has been able to cater for himself,
30:38 siblings and mom.
30:42 Je suis très content de commencer
30:44 mais sur mon premier jour de cuisine
30:46 et de vendre, mes clients étaient
30:48 tellement impressionnés
30:50 et ont fait beaucoup de remarques positifs.
30:52 Leurs mots m'ont motivé
30:54 et m'ont encouragé.
30:56 C'est ce qui me m'envoie.
30:58 Le jeune entrepreneur
31:00 est aussi prêt à entraîner
31:02 de nombreux autres jeunes de la région
31:04 pour qu'ils se libèrent de la pauvreté
31:06 et d'un emploi.
31:09 C'est la fin de cette édition du 12 Heures.
31:11 Vous trouvez Bénéboumena en Ghana
31:13 à 19h30.
31:15 Au revoir, Yoti.
31:17 À demain, Ariel.
31:19 Pour rappeler que le Conseil exécutif
31:21 de l'Union africaine a évoqué
31:23 Philemon Young comme candidat
31:25 au président du 79ème
31:27 Assemblée générale des Nations unies.
31:29 L'élection est en ce mois de mars
31:31 et en juin de ce mois-ci
31:33 à New York.
31:35 Merci beaucoup de nous avoir regardés
31:37 et on vous souhaite un bon week-end.
31:39 [Générique]