Pleased we got some points back, but I am greedy and always want more - Dyche

  • 7 months ago
Everton boss Sean Dyche said he was pleased that their points deduction for Financial Fair Play breaches was reduced from 10 to 6 but that he wanted more ahead of their clash with West Ham
00:00 Your reaction to the fact that the club has got four points back after the appeal?
00:03 Yeah, I think we're pleased that we've got something back, obviously.
00:07 You always, you know, you always agree, don't you?
00:10 One more.
00:11 But no, I think it's, you know, the points that the club made forward have obviously been listened to.
00:17 And we've got the four points back.
00:18 So we'll take that.
00:20 And now, of course, it brings clarity to the situation, which I think is good for us.
00:24 It's good for the players, but I think it's good for all, actually.
00:27 You say clarity, but I suppose you don't have full clarity until the second case is heard, is that right?
00:32 Yeah, but there's nothing we can do about that at this time, sorry.
00:35 You know, the main focus is on this appeal and what came from it.
00:38 And we've certainly parked that now because it's become a fact now.
00:42 So, like I say, the line's drawn under that.
00:44 The players are clear on that.
00:45 We'll take on the rest of the season at this time and with an open mind.
00:49 Given you've got four points back, it's lifted you in the table as well.
00:52 Does it give the players a lift if indeed they need a lift?
00:55 Well, I think everything that helps to give a lift of any kind is good news.
00:58 I think performances have stayed solid.
01:02 We haven't had the wins that we'd want, obviously.
01:04 But I think the performance level's been solid.
01:07 Adding the detail is important, but I think getting four back, I think it gives, like I say, some form of...
01:13 I don't think that boost is the right word, but I think it's an adjustment to the table that was apparent.
01:21 Sorry, is now apparent and it was needed because I think everyone felt that 10 in the first place was harsh.
01:26 Some would argue, like Sam, I'm always greedy, obviously, but some would argue maybe we were expecting more back.
01:33 But I would say, well, it's done now and that was all we were looking for.
01:36 We obviously wanted points back, but the main thing was to bring clarity.
01:39 For us, starting at the start point, sorry, and most importantly, but for everyone, I found it all a bit of an interesting period, let's say.
01:49 So I think it brings that moment of clarity.
