Dr. R.A. Vernon -- Drinks On The House

  • il y a 6 mois
00:00:00 It's the first Sunday in March, I don't care what you say my theology needs some Christology
00:00:05 I'm preaching about Jesus today. He said in John 7 if anyone is thirsty
00:00:10 Let him come unto me and drink today. I'm preaching
00:00:14 drinks
00:00:16 On the house don't miss this word
00:00:18 Now lift your hands right quick I
00:00:25 Thought we was doing one thing, but the Lord wants to do something else
00:00:29 I came up here to do one thing, but the Lord just told me this lift your hand. I
00:00:33 need
00:00:36 Everybody everybody
00:00:39 I need to hear you
00:00:43 Learn this song every hour
00:00:52 I need
00:00:57 Oh bless me now
00:01:04 I
00:01:06 I
00:01:08 Lord to be
00:01:28 Now if you tried everybody else this time sing it with me lift your hands I need
00:01:34 Oh
00:01:36 Let me teach you this
00:01:42 Every hour every hour
00:01:47 This is old school
00:01:59 Oh
00:02:01 Oh
00:02:03 Oh
00:02:05 Oh
00:02:08 Me
00:02:10 I
00:02:12 Say
00:02:15 Oh
00:02:17 Okay
00:02:27 Won't you come with me this morning
00:02:33 Lord to be
00:02:45 All that's going to have church somebody say
00:02:47 Yeah
00:02:59 Yeah
00:03:09 Yeah
00:03:13 Shh
00:03:14 Even if you were a teenager
00:03:16 If it's been a rough few months in your life
00:03:18 And you don't even know how you stand here this morning as much stuff jumping off in your family your marriage your singleness
00:03:26 Would you please hug somebody real tight and tell him he made a way?
00:03:30 He made a way
00:03:42 He made a way
00:03:44 One more time I'm calling on a boy preaching right now. Can you say yeah?
00:04:09 Mean it
00:04:11 Yeah
00:04:22 Oh, I thought I was finished, but I just heard one more first
00:04:30 He brought me
00:04:32 Oh
00:04:34, oh
00:05:02 Shucks I changed my mind
00:05:04 You
00:05:06 Oh
00:05:34 On the last day of the great feast Jesus stood up and said watch this if anyone thirst
00:05:40 Let him come after me
00:05:43 Or come to me and drink do me a favor if you're not too mean
00:05:48 Pointed seven people in your section and tell them drinks on the house. Go ahead. Tell them drink. I
00:05:53 Said seven people you told five till seven people drinks
00:06:01 On the house a man take your seats in the Lord's house never clap for me. I've done some trifling stuff
00:06:08 I've made a lot of mistakes some
00:06:10 Since I've been saved some since I've been a pastor one thing I've been blessed not to do in my life
00:06:16 I have never been drunk or high
00:06:19 So I really don't know or have never heard in person when someone is
00:06:25 At the club or at the bar or the owner of the establishment is feeling so good about the atmosphere and his personal
00:06:32 Resources that someone makes a declaration out loud drinks on the house
00:06:37 Which means don't nobody else here tonight have to buy anything
00:06:41 Drink as much as you want and it's covered
00:06:45 You allow me to move that from the secular to the sacred in a very real sense
00:06:51 That's what Christ is saying to someone this morning that all you want of me is available
00:06:57 That all you need is in me and you can have watch this as much of me as you want
00:07:05 Unlimited me drinks are on the house. You never get too much of me
00:07:12 You never get to a place where you don't need me this
00:07:16 Particular Johan in Texas something because God has had me in the book of John it is in the book of John chapter 1
00:07:23 Chapter 7 verse 1 opens by saying later. Jesus was going about his business and
00:07:28 Galilee he didn't want to travel in Judea because the Jews there were looking for a chance to kill him
00:07:35 I was thinking about in my office between services this controversial Christ this revolutionary Jesus
00:07:41 can I tell you the question on the floor the
00:07:45 Substantial question that everyone in this room and those watching me across the world has to grapple with watch
00:07:50 This is what you're gonna do with Jesus
00:07:52 Yeah, how you gonna handle Jesus because you're gonna have to face this precious
00:07:56 Palestinian Jew, how do you see Jesus different denominations and religions see him in different ways watch this for me
00:08:04 He's everything
00:08:06 For me, he is my source
00:08:09 The Bible says in verses 3 through 5 John 7 those watching across the world
00:08:13 I'll preach the Bible not my opinion and Jesus brother said to him leave here and go to Judea
00:08:19 Where your followers can see your miracles you can't become famous if you hide like this if you can do such wonderful things
00:08:27 Show yourself to the world peep this but even his brothers didn't believe him
00:08:32 Even his brothers didn't believe him. By the way, these are not his brothers in God. No, these are his biological brothers
00:08:39 You do know that Joseph didn't make love to Mary until she had Jesus because she could not be
00:08:46 Contaminated by any man because he had to be born sinless, which means God the father had to be his father
00:08:51 Not daddy Joseph, but you do know when Jesus was born
00:08:54 Joseph like any straight-up bra start making love to his wife
00:08:59 He had to wait till Jesus was born
00:09:00 But once Jesus was born you do know he had some half brothers or maybe half sisters
00:09:05 The text doesn't tell us he has some brothers Joseph got his wife Mary pregnant
00:09:10 These are technically Jesus brothers
00:09:13 Some of you would say half brothers whatever but they his brothers your Bible says that his brother said to him
00:09:19 Hey supposed to be God
00:09:21 If you the truth then let's go to the big festival
00:09:26 Because if you all that then show your miracles to the crowd
00:09:31 Maybe they think let's get paid off this if you so boss
00:09:35 Let's do it
00:09:36 And then the Bible gives us this little nuance that most people don't pay attention to the Bible says in that last sentence
00:09:42 His own brothers didn't believe in him
00:09:45 Isn't it something that sometimes it's the people who can to meet that don't feel me
00:09:50 So sometimes there's people who are connected to me by blood that become my worst critics
00:09:56 The Bible says his own brothers how you live with God and don't know him
00:10:02 They grew up with him and the Bible says they didn't believe him. I tell every pastor
00:10:06 I tell every parent that he's be careful what you say to your children
00:10:10 Don't you be their biggest critics you speak life over them and not only your children watch this your brother and your sister
00:10:17 Your nephews and nieces I come against family division and family mess
00:10:23 Where the people can to me is the most jealous of me. I'll break that in the name of
00:10:30 Jesus I just
00:10:32 Gathered my children and nieces and nephews and had him in a circle and told them I didn't seen some family mess in my life
00:10:38 In the name of Jesus that curse breaks now
00:10:41 I said if any of you fall out with each other fix it fast
00:10:45 Ain't no two years you ain't talked to your sister in three years
00:10:50 You ain't seen your brother over something that happened on July 4th in
00:10:54 1987 the devil is alive
00:10:57 But do be careful because just because they came to you don't mean they like you
00:11:01 And sometimes mr. People just came to you that talk about you the worst matter of fact got to be careful who you share your vision
00:11:08 with
00:11:09 Because some people because they aren't going anywhere all they know to do is to talk about where you can't go
00:11:14 But the devil is alive. No, you can't tell me what I can't have you ever heard the term. I think you have blood
00:11:22 It's thicker
00:11:24 than water
00:11:26 Wow blood is thicker than water. I wonder what that means some people suggest and
00:11:31 Christian circles that you do know you must be born of the water and born of the blood born of the water
00:11:37 Signifies what born in your mother's stomach?
00:11:41 What happens when a woman getting ready to have her baby her what breaks her water breaks?
00:11:45 Where is the baby inside of a water sack and some people suggest watch this that blood is thicker than water
00:11:52 because water
00:11:55 represents your family relationships, but blood
00:11:59 represents your selected relationships and
00:12:01 Other suggests it means your your Christian relationships because we not can watch this by water
00:12:09 But we can buy the blood and I want to say something to you as we relaunch this church
00:12:14 I'm dead serious about leading this place and everybody loving each other and young and middle-aged and senior
00:12:21 Saints hooking up together why because I don't care what you say for some of you
00:12:26 You get more love at this church than you do at the house
00:12:29 Not all of you those of you that got these balanced loving families that support you
00:12:35 there's nothing better in the world than people who can to you and love you and
00:12:41 Support you and pray for you, but I got a word
00:12:43 God said for some of you the reason he sent you here was to give you a new family
00:12:50 And if you start counting the top ten people in your life some of them may go here
00:12:56 Yeah, I wonder where lady Vernon and I would fit on that list of your life. How many people gonna really cry when you die?
00:13:03 and so I say to you that I value the
00:13:07 Relationships that I have in this place and that's why when you walk in you should be grateful and say I come there
00:13:14 I can get a hug. I can get love. There's Christian camaraderie
00:13:18 It's not a perfect place, but people treat me decent. I feel the Spirit of God. I feel wholeness
00:13:23 Can somebody clap your hands for your church? The Bible says even his family
00:13:28 Was not believing in
00:13:32 Him this gonna bless your life. I want to hurry up because verse 8 says you go on now
00:13:37 I'm not going to this festival because my time has not yet come the Jews tried to arrest him
00:13:43 But couldn't because his time had not yet come the Bible says Jesus said you guys head to the festival
00:13:50 Or to the feast I'm a hang because my time has not yet come if I had time to teach
00:13:56 I spent some time watch this on God's timing
00:13:59 God do me a favor show me your timing
00:14:03 Sometimes you can do the right thing at the wrong time
00:14:06 And can I tell you what Holy Spirit does for you? He not only makes you shout and cry and pray in tongues
00:14:12 He gives you discernment on the winds of your life. Yeah, wh e n when should I move in?
00:14:18 When should I date sometime somebody walk up to you and your spirit say it's not my time
00:14:24 Sometime you sense I want to leave Cleveland, but God says not this year
00:14:28 I want to speak over your life receive this by lifting your hand God give them your divine timing
00:14:33 When should I say this to my husband? I need to say it, but it's now the right time
00:14:40 It got to be said but Lord show me your timing whatever else God does for you
00:14:46 He gives you his timing his discernment when to move so watch this
00:14:51 He says you guys go. Oh, let's get this party started to the festival
00:14:57 Three I'm not gonna take as long as I did it not I don't want to get to it
00:15:01 It's a different crowd. Please catch this three major festivals in Jewish history
00:15:07 Historicity three major festivals you look them up when you get time do a Google search on Jewish
00:15:13 Festivals or Jewish feasts the first one was Passover say Passover
00:15:19 Yeah, the festival of unleavened bread or pass so we find that in Exodus 12 verse 12 Exodus 12 verse 12 says
00:15:27 I'm coming by with the death angel. Let me burn it nice. I gotta hurry up. I'm coming by with the death angel
00:15:31 I'm killing every Egyptian male
00:15:34 And every Egyptian animal but the next verse says but those who have blood on your doorpost you learned this in Sunday school
00:15:41 I'm gonna pass over
00:15:43 Here's the thing guys the Egyptians didn't know about the blood doorpost thing only God's people knew so the evil people
00:15:50 That were keeping them hostage God says I'm coming by with the death angel
00:15:55 But if you got blood on your doorposts, I'm gonna pass over your house and go to the next house
00:16:02 How are any y'all not shouting on Communion Sunday? That's all I come to tell you
00:16:06 Can I tell you God says when I come by I'm not saying college degree no degree
00:16:11 I'm not saying pay her ties don't pay her ties
00:16:13 I'm not saying she joined the group didn't join the group when I come by with the death angel
00:16:17 We're looking for one thing blood or no blood y'all just missed that and when Jesus comes back. Let's have church
00:16:23 He's not looking for who's the most perfect who's been the best who has the most money
00:16:29 Is he the blood or no blood y'all just missed that if you don't praise God for nothing else this morning
00:16:35 Praise him that you've been washed in the blood of the lamb. Do me a favor hit three people say I got blood on
00:16:43 Now y'all miss that I feel like having church on this Sunday morning
00:16:51 I need you to praise God watch this the Bible says if the blood was on the doorpost the death angel
00:16:58 passed
00:17:00 Over the death angel passed over. Let me try one more time the death angel
00:17:05 passed
00:17:07 Over that house and went to the next house
00:17:10 Y'all wonder why I hug y'all so much y'all wonder why I give you the best that I got
00:17:15 Y'all wonder why I'm trying to live, right?
00:17:17 Y'all wonder why I'm trying to love my wife and love my children and love my members and stay away from sin and live as
00:17:22 Holy as I can and be the best man
00:17:24 I can be because I keep thinking back over my life
00:17:26 Some of my friends are dead, but when the death angel got to me he
00:17:30 Can I get 50 people
00:17:34 That 35 people that graduated which you are dead or look older than you and you made some of the same
00:17:41 Mistakes they made you was in the same club
00:17:44 They was in you got as big a body count as they got but yet you're sitting here today
00:17:49 Not because you all of that but because of the blood of Jesus hit seven people and say I got passed over
00:17:56 That's
00:17:58 The wrong person can I get some straight-up Saints in here that was saying God
00:18:02 That's the only reason why you here on this Sunday morning in March is because God passed over you and allowed you to live
00:18:10 Another day and that's why the song says for the rest of my life. I will serve him
00:18:15 Can I get 35 people to thank God for the past?
00:18:25 All right, so that's one that's one feast now verse 14
00:18:28 I want you to look at it and I want to put it up on the screen because it's that important because
00:18:32 Notice what he says notice what he says and I want you to catch this. He says in verse 14
00:18:36 But the blood on your doorpost
00:18:38 Exodus 12 verse 14 says this day will be one for you to remember. This is critical. Look at me
00:18:46 Don't you go to sleep good house. I love this. This is a permanent law for
00:18:52 Generations to come you will celebrate this day as a pilgrimage
00:18:57 Festival in the Lord's honor come here
00:19:02 You will celebrate this day Moses tells them you will celebrate this day. What day the day God?
00:19:10 Passed you over
00:19:12 So every year forever you will have a feast
00:19:18 Festival come here a day or week you remember what I did I got a pause
00:19:24 parenthetically
00:19:26 Because I think every person in this room particularly husbands who lead your house and mothers and whoever you may be
00:19:33 Ought to set some time aside and say no matter how flat is house get
00:19:38 Everybody put Instagram down for a minute
00:19:41 Everybody make your way to the kitchen today. We're not gonna eat and watch TV today
00:19:47 We're gonna stop for a minute because it's my job to help you remember
00:19:52 That even though you were born with a couple dollars because I worked my butt off
00:19:57 If the Lord had not made a way for me, I wish I had ten people
00:20:02 Y'all not talking
00:20:04 even
00:20:06 communion
00:20:07 Today got to teach God told me if you don't teach I said Lord I hear you I work for you and no one else
00:20:12 He says you better teach because even
00:20:14 Communion all these new people and people who just see some juice and a cracker and a little cup that we give you
00:20:20 Jesus said this you do
00:20:22 in
00:20:25 remembrance of me
00:20:26 So I look up you got in your hand in your purse in the front of you'll see that's more than crackers and juice
00:20:31 That's a stopping on the first Sunday if we did it every Sunday and some faith
00:20:39 Traditions do they serve communion every Sunday. He said as much as you do this
00:20:43 He didn't say do it on the first Sunday
00:20:46 He said as much as you do this you remember what I did for you
00:20:50 And can I tell all of you something and don't you ever forget it? Let's not ever forget
00:20:54 Let's have church where the Lord brought us from
00:20:57 Can I tell y'all something else the second Passover was the Feast of Pentecost?
00:21:04 Or y'all love this or the Feast of Weeks say weeks if you stick with me
00:21:10 You're gonna be so glad you did I want you to learn this say Feast of Weeks
00:21:14 It represented
00:21:17 seven weeks of weeks
00:21:19 How much is that?
00:21:23 It's not a trick question answer the darn question
00:21:26 Seven weeks of weeks is what?
00:21:30 Y'all gonna love this seven weeks of weeks is 49 and on the 50th day
00:21:35 50 means what?
00:21:39 Pentecost I don't want to lose the whole crowd
00:21:41 I got people listening who just joined church never went to study in school don't know nothing
00:21:46 So God give them the patience to stick with this teacher today because you gave me an assignment to make sure they know something
00:21:51 Watch this seven weeks of weeks. So the next festival happened 50 days after the first one
00:21:59 It was the Feast of Weeks on the 50th day. That was called
00:22:05 Pentecost because 50 Penta Penta got it means 50 Penta 50
00:22:11 Pentecost. Okay. Y'all come here. Y'all gonna love this acts 2 verse 1 and 2 come on Bible readers and on the day of
00:22:20 Pentecost if you don't like to think I'll see you next week
00:22:27 On
00:22:29 the day of Pentecost
00:22:31 Many people act like Pentecost started in the book of Acts
00:22:35 It had already been in place for over a thousand years
00:22:39 It just so happened
00:22:42 that God said
00:22:45 Since this the day that everybody comes from the whole country to be in one place
00:22:52 I'm a use
00:22:54 Pentecost to start the church
00:22:57 Okay, stay with me now
00:22:59 So on the day how many of you thought don't you lie to me the Pentecost started in the book of Acts?
00:23:04 We call it the day of Pentecost. No Pentecost had been in place for over a thousand years
00:23:09 It just so happened because God's timing is so cold-blooded
00:23:12 That God said why everybody's in Jerusalem why everybody's in one place at one time?
00:23:18 I'm gonna send the Holy Spirit and on the day of
00:23:23 Pentecost can I tell you what else they celebrated during Pentecost?
00:23:26 They celebrated first fruits or the giving back to God. They would give it's our first fruit season learn this
00:23:33 Why because God had given them so much I got a pause again because you may not have everything you want
00:23:39 But if God watch this has met all your needs this morning
00:23:43 You don't have to be rich to praise them right here. If there is food on your table
00:23:49 I think the whole church needs to go with me the next time I go to Ghana Africa
00:23:56 So you can see people running up to me just trying to get 50 cent to buy some food
00:24:01 But if the Lord has put food on your table watch this if you've never been hungry
00:24:06 For real a day in your life if God has paid your light bill and your gas bill
00:24:12 I'm sorry, Chuck
00:24:13 You never say and I got cable to go ahead if God helped you with cable and a fire stick and Amazon and Uber Eats
00:24:19 Girl, you are blessed
00:24:21 You may not be rich yet
00:24:22 But can I get some people that would thank God for your Pentecost moment and say not only did God fill up my refrigerator
00:24:29 But he filled me with his Holy Spirit now do me a favor
00:24:32 I gotta go if you are glad that God made a way out of no way and he's keeping you right now
00:24:38 I need 35 people to praise him watch this not just for Passover, but secondly for provision
00:24:46 Okay, let's have church and my God watch this shall supply all
00:24:54 My knees according to his riches and glory. I told you last week. Don't you let another person in your family?
00:25:01 Don't you let your pastor?
00:25:02 Don't you let no church people tell you what you need or how much you need whatever God has caused you to do
00:25:08 He will meet every needs you got I need some people that would get upset and arrogant and say God will supply all my needs
00:25:15 According to his riches and glory. You don't have to sleep with me. You don't have to date me
00:25:20 You don't have to stay with me. If you divorce me God will pay my bills
00:25:24 Can I get 50 people that knows Christ the hope of glory? He is
00:25:29 Jehovah Jireh
00:25:32 He's the one that provides
00:25:35 Well, I'm doing I'm doing good on time. I can't believe this. Are y'all tired?
00:25:40 Can I teach for 10 minutes?
00:25:42 All right, 23 years. I've never discussed these festivals with you
00:25:46 I have been some classroom settings but not on a Sunday
00:25:49 So there is watch this there is the feast of a Passover and then there is the feast of weeks
00:25:55 But that's not the feast day yet
00:25:58 That's not the feast day yet. They have the final feast
00:26:01 They are the one that Josephus the Jewish historian read Josephus by the way read everything Josephus Bishop
00:26:08 Joey my pastor his real name is Josephus named after the Jewish historian read and Google Josephus in your spare time
00:26:16 But he'll give you Jewish history not just biblical text, but other ancient texts that tell us about Jewish history
00:26:22 So Josephus says that out of all of the festivals the third one was the boss festival
00:26:29 That that's the one that everybody got ready for that. That was the cedar point. Let me see how old you are
00:26:33 That was the Geaga Lake
00:26:35 Okay, 50 and over please raise your hand and tell them about Geaga Lake out by Aurora
00:26:42 Why they close Geaga Lake I never understood that because
00:26:46 My kids
00:26:49 All right, this is great stuff great class by the way, okay, here we go everybody here we go
00:26:57 Look at everybody sticking with me. He said that the feast of booths Wow or the feast of
00:27:03 Tabernacles why because the first feast?
00:27:08 Represented how God passed over them when he killed the Egyptians the second feast
00:27:16 Suggested God provided for them with manna from heaven and all that they need
00:27:23 But the third feast the feast of booths
00:27:27 Represents the time when they left Egypt
00:27:31 But they didn't make it to the promised land. We try one time
00:27:35 They left Egypt
00:27:38 But spent 40 years
00:27:41 What happens when I leave where I was
00:27:45 But I can't figure out where I'm going
00:27:49 Let me try this one time, but that that's where ten people are right now. You left what you used to be
00:27:55 But you're still trying to figure out what you want to be
00:27:58 You you you you you you in the wilderness you feel like there's more in you
00:28:04 No, you threw with the big three sex drugs and rock and roll. He's keeping you and you love Jesus you in ministry
00:28:11 So you not what you was?
00:28:13 What happens when you in the middle of already and not yet?
00:28:17 You
00:28:19 You in the wilderness
00:28:22 There's a small world we see in wilderness
00:28:24 wild
00:28:27 So stuff right now is just wow
00:28:29 You you trying to figure out and and so this last feature y'all gonna love this this last feast
00:28:36 Represents how God kept them in the wandering days
00:28:43 Let me try this one more time this last feast represents how for 40 years
00:28:48 Going and somebody said what took them 40 years. They could have got done in 40 days
00:28:53 But because the disobedience and doing all kind of crazy stuff and and turning gold into false gods all kind of stuff
00:29:00 They just going in circles. I don't know who I'm talking to that. You just sick of going in circles
00:29:04 You you just know there's more in you and you came today because you tired of going in circles already
00:29:10 But I need you to praise God right here that he kept you in your wild season
00:29:14 If you don't clap your hands, I'm gonna call your sins out loud and put them on the screen behind
00:29:23 Can I get 50 people that remember I feel like preaching today a wild season of your life
00:29:30 I'm sorry touch your neighbor say I can't tell you everything about me
00:29:34 Go ahead
00:29:35 If you if you knew some stuff you wouldn't even shake my hand
00:29:38 You look at me cross-eyed the rest of my life watch this
00:29:41 I know it's uh something we say in church all the time, but it's still true
00:29:45 Would you hit three people and tell them you don't look like what you've been through going?
00:29:48 That's the wrong person tell somebody you don't look like what you've been through God has been
00:29:55 It gets better y'all it gets better it gets better it gets better. Are y'all still with me sandwich the pastor?
00:30:05 It is during I wonder who can handle teaching who can handle some teaching it is during
00:30:11 the feast of booths or the festival of booths or
00:30:15 Tabernacles because what they would do is they would sleep outside for seven days
00:30:21 Even though they had houses in order to remember the days when they were in the wilderness
00:30:27 They would take trees and branches and build them a little hut and sleep outside
00:30:33 One week a year to remind them of where God brought them from
00:30:38 For me you got your own you got your own booths
00:30:45 My booths is going down the long way
00:30:48 Yeah, that's my booths. I ain't gonna ever stop. You don't know the half the time I go
00:30:52 I don't post I've never post I never post when I'm blessing people
00:30:54 I bless when the church is blessing people because I'm trying to get blessed from Jesus
00:30:58 Amen, just like you do you got to go back to where you come from?
00:31:01 and when I go down there I stop and get a bunch of five dollar bills and
00:31:05 Ten dollar bills and one dollar bills and I take somebody with a gun praise God
00:31:09 I'm saying but I still trust God. Amen. I trust God and the gun praise God. I God told me
00:31:14 use wisdom to
00:31:17 Everybody don't love me like that
00:31:21 Even though I feel safer down there than I do many places
00:31:25 That that'll hit you later praise God and I go down there
00:31:27 because I was the boy in the projects and so I would go down there and still do and just look for little brother look
00:31:33 Like me and just shoot him some so go get something to touch him talk to him
00:31:37 Why because that's my way of remembering that was me
00:31:39 And I'm begging you
00:31:42 I'm begging you to never stop helping me do outreach to come every other Saturday and help me feed people in this city
00:31:50 Just because God has blessed you and open up a few doors and your life is stable now and you're balanced and making better decisions
00:31:57 Don't forget when you was crazy
00:31:59 Don't forget what stuff was Wow
00:32:01 No join one of these groups be a part of one of our teams and say I gotta let my past mess be my new
00:32:08 ministry I
00:32:10 Gotta help because that was me. So they would sleep outside
00:32:13 Literally on purpose to say God you brought us
00:32:19 And I bid you goodbye when I tell you that's not even the best part because it is during this last feast
00:32:24 I got four minutes. Let's see if I can pull this off. It is during this last feast everybody
00:32:28 It is during this last feast everybody. It is during this last feast that they would do something else. They would go down
00:32:35 To the brook or water they thought was the holy source of Jerusalem's water
00:32:40 They would then take this golden flask. Come on everybody. They take this golden flask and fill it with water
00:32:47 That's why Isaiah 12 3 says with joy we draw water
00:32:50 From the well of salvation they get this ward. I'm teaching whoever want to be taught today
00:32:55 They would get this water and then they come marching with it with the band playing
00:32:59 They come marching with it with the band playing and they take it to the altar and this one priest who had been waiting his
00:33:05 Whole life to be the water pourer
00:33:07 They would hand it to him and then he'd go up to the altar with this water
00:33:11 During the big feast the biggest feast out of the three and he got this water and he got this flask
00:33:16 And the whole country is watching his family. This is Super Bowl. This is seventh game of the championship. This is big moment
00:33:23 He finally gets to take the flask
00:33:25 Full of water and poured on the altar and put it on his resume and say I was the water pourer
00:33:31 Let me see who's still here and who's lost
00:33:38 Because I opened up where I'm going close
00:33:41 Your Bible says Jesus on purpose
00:33:45 Came to the feast late. I set this up for 30 minutes
00:33:48 I've been setting this up for 30 minutes only smart people stay with me. Everybody else been gone
00:33:54 I've been setting you up for 30 minutes. The Bible says Jesus came to the feast late
00:33:59 He came on water pouring day
00:34:03 I'm shouting because I know what I'm gonna say
00:34:09 He came on big water day
00:34:14 Everybody's hype about the flask and the holy water and pouring it all over the altar
00:34:20 At that point your Bible says on the last day
00:34:24 Of the great feast
00:34:28 Jesus stood up
00:34:31 Hadn't said nothing all week came late on purpose was on the low when trying to start nothing waiting on the right time
00:34:40 He waited to the perfect time and right when the water is getting ready to be poured and everybody's so hype
00:34:47 He stood up and said if any man
00:34:50 If anybody at this festival
00:34:54 Want the real stuff
00:34:58 If anybody at this whole festival that think your source is that water
00:35:05 I come to make an announcement if you really want your first cure
00:35:10 Come to me
00:35:12 And drink because that water won't do it. I'm the real
00:35:19 Can I tell you let me give you three things and I'll see y'all next week
00:35:27 Let me give you three things that are necessary to quit to get your thirst quenched
00:35:32 permanently already number one a real thirst a
00:35:36 Real thirst y'all gonna catch this a real thirst. I'm not talking about just some kool-aid or some sweet tea
00:35:42 I'm talking about a real thirst Matthew 5 cannot preach like I feel it Matthew 5 verse 6 says he that hungers and thirsts
00:35:50 after righteousness
00:35:52 Shall be filled y'all missed that the Bible says you will find me when you seek for me with your whole heart
00:36:00 Can I tell y'all some of my best members?
00:36:03 Y'all probably think my best members are the money givers or the ones with the biggest businesses or the most perfect-looking family
00:36:10 No, you'd be surprised who some of my favorite members are
00:36:12 I got some girls in this church then had babies since they met me with no husband pastor
00:36:18 Why you love him so much because every time I see her watch this she's seeking God watch this with her whole heart
00:36:24 She may not have a husband yet
00:36:26 She may not have as much money as you but she comes to here every week looking saying God I messed up again
00:36:32 But would you give me another chance? I want you more than I want anything else
00:36:36 I want you more than I want anybody else
00:36:39 I want you you will find me when you seek for me whenever any member tells me pastor
00:36:45 I just don't feel close to God. I said that's your fault
00:36:48 My Bible says draw near to God
00:36:51 And he'll draw near to you you gotta search for him more than you search the Internet
00:37:00 More than you search Tinder
00:37:02 More than you search Instagram. You gotta say God as it gets close to Easter. I want you
00:37:09 So the first thing you need is a real thirst
00:37:14 But then secondly, you'll love this you need a right source
00:37:19 Jesus is the right source
00:37:27 Let me make it more practical in this second service because I don't like to be that preacher that it's like you just need Jesus
00:37:32 You don't need nothing else. No, I need something else
00:37:34 Yeah, yeah Jesus told me to tell you no you can have something else can I tell you last night
00:37:40 I'm not embellishing probably my largest tour stop yet at First Church of Lennarton
00:37:45 Thousands of people registered even before I got there thousands and thousands of people in singles and I'm telling them last night
00:37:51 I'm saying hear me. There is nothing wrong in the world
00:37:54 By the way, Friday after Easter the one-night stand is coming home to Cleveland y'all. Come on. Come on
00:37:59 So let's jam the place everybody in Cleveland. Tell everybody the Friday after Easter
00:38:05 It's time to come home with the tour so I can't wait. I'm dropping my book that night
00:38:10 I ain't even got my physical book because I wasn't selling it to nobody in person till I gave it to y'all first
00:38:14 Amen, so so they've been pre-ordering but that book would be in your hand on that night ten rules of dating
00:38:20 But I want y'all to catch this I told thousands of singles and I'm finished. I said, uh
00:38:25 Don't think any man or woman can be your source
00:38:29 Can I tell you what I am to Lady Verna don't forget this I'm a secondary source
00:38:37 Can I tell you what my job is a secondary source be careful when you make anything your primary source
00:38:47 Because then if they leave you soar stop
00:38:50 Jesus
00:38:55 You're the center you are
00:38:58 The strength you are the source of my Christ
00:39:03 I want to talk to somebody as we get close to Easter young people hear me wherever you go in this world. Don't you forget Jesus?
00:39:10 Everything plays out except him
00:39:15 Solomon put it this way. I'm finished. He said that it is of that it is I
00:39:19 Went to this place. I go to this place in Jamaica the first time I walked in there with my girl
00:39:24 I never figured I said this is so boss. I want you Nate to come in for her honeymoon
00:39:27 I want Ray to come here in this presidential suite. It overlooked everything
00:39:31 I said, oh my god, we went like seven times to the same room and now I'm so sick of that room
00:39:36 I don't know what to do. I
00:39:38 Said I hate this room
00:39:41 How did I go from loving that room?
00:39:43 because everything
00:39:45 Loses something
00:39:48 Everything you can't make sex and women and body counts your source
00:39:54 When Christ fills you when he's your primary source
00:40:01 Your other sources don't have to work so hard
00:40:09 There's no way I'm hook it up
00:40:12 You better be at the one-night stand with any girl who hasn't made Christ her source cuz she gonna need too much
00:40:19 Yeah between her daddy issues and her God issues that's gonna be a long marriage
00:40:26 When Christ
00:40:30 Is your source? I heard one brother say and I'm talking to me right now
00:40:35 I don't like churches that don't talk straight to the bros bros want you to talk straight to him
00:40:39 I heard one bro say he said I've seen some fine women in my life
00:40:43 He said but I ain't never seen one so fine. It made me want to leave the rest alone
00:40:48 That's cold what I just said he said I didn't see some fine women
00:40:56 But I've never met one so fine that it made me want to leave the rest of them alone
00:41:02 That's because he don't have a source
00:41:04 Look at somebody I've been married five years or ten years or 20 years 23 years 25 years
00:41:12 I'm going on 27 because Christ is my source
00:41:15 And I pick right
00:41:18 She enough
00:41:20 Or y'all didn't hear what I just said
00:41:23 When I got Christ as my primary source, and then I make good decisions with my other choices
00:41:29 Oh
00:41:31 Shucks I gotta go y'all tied to me. Can I tell you what Jesus said? Let's just tear this church
00:41:41 Completely up watch this you need you you need this is important. You need a real thirst watch this
00:41:48 You need the right source catch this because this is gonna bless your life because I want you to understand something and I'm getting in my
00:41:54 Seat because the next verse is a verse that most of you don't even know fits right here when Jesus said if you thirsty
00:42:01 Come to me and drink. The next verse is the one you know, he says and out of your belly
00:42:06 You didn't hear what I just said
00:42:10 He that believeth as the scripture has said I use King James right here one version says out of your innermost being
00:42:17 But I like to go King James right here
00:42:20 Some of y'all remember I came back from Ghana Africa and I stood here on a Sunday night
00:42:24 And I told you that some old African brothers prayed for me because I said, I know I have the Holy Ghost
00:42:31 I know I'm spirit-filled, but I came all the way to Africa because I feel like I'm just empty
00:42:36 I feel like I need something else. I've been reading the Bible since I was 15
00:42:40 I've been pastoring people at that time. We were in four campuses. I'm preaching ten times a week. I'm touching people. I'm training pastors
00:42:48 I'm trying to be a daddy. I'm trying to be a husband and I ain't got nothing left
00:42:51 And I need God to fill me to the full. Let me talk to somebody. I need something more than what I got
00:42:57 I know I'm going to heaven, but I want God to do something else in me and the old African brother said do me a favor
00:43:04 Put your hand on your own stomach and he said repeat after me and out of your belly. I feel like preacher
00:43:10 shall flow rivers of
00:43:13 Living water y'all still didn't shout. I'm gonna try one more time
00:43:16 Did y'all forget that I told y'all that 45 people are about to get filled with the Holy Ghost
00:43:21 He said out of your belly all I can tell y'all y'all can call it a game
00:43:25 Y'all can call it a gimmick y'all can call it true Pentecostal is I'll put my hand on my own
00:43:30 Stomach and then they laid hands on me and out of my belly shake it out. I back or shake. I might see
00:43:38 Ronashi I wished I had ten people that will say God do me a favor put it in my belly
00:43:44 Some
00:43:46 Of y'all still sitting there
00:43:48 This is the Sunday God's about to touch elders again and touch beacons again and touch first ladies again and touch
00:43:56 Pastors again and touch praise team members again. Some of y'all still sitting there
00:44:00 Why do you come to church unless you want more of him?
00:44:04 God told me to tell you if you were asked right now drinks are on the house
00:44:10 Everything you need God wants to fill you up do me a favor
00:44:14 Let's get out of here, but walk over to six people hug him real tight and tell him drinks on the house
00:44:19 That's the wrong person would you shake somebody's hand and tell them God's getting ready to fill you
00:44:29 You've been thirsty too long
00:44:32 And that's why the song the same as the deer
00:44:37 Thanks for what so my soul first for you
00:44:43 Is there anybody here that believes
00:44:49 that God
00:44:51 Can fill you up? I'm out of here y'all but shake your neighbor's hand
00:44:57 Drinks on the house and take nobody
00:45:06 Feel you
00:45:08 Like Jesus, I'm out of here y'all but some of y'all have been drinking
00:45:15 from the wrong source
00:45:18 some of y'all
00:45:20 Have been drinking
00:45:22 from the wrong source, but I got a word for you a
00:45:26 40 ounce
00:45:29 Won't fill you up and mad dog 2020
00:45:35 Won't give you clear vision and coolers
00:45:39 Can't keep you and
00:45:42 gin and juice
00:45:45 Won't draw you to God and the Hennessy
00:45:49 Can't help you
00:45:51 but God
00:45:53 Told me to tell you what you need is not at the bar
00:45:59 What you need?
00:46:03 Is in your belly
00:46:05 Not do me a favor
00:46:08 Grab your own belly and say out of my belly
00:46:11 show for rivers
00:46:14 of living waters
00:46:17 Push your neighbor and say drink
00:46:20 from the fountain
00:46:23 drink
00:46:25 from Jesus
00:46:27 drink
00:46:28 Because he'll never
00:46:31 Leave you
00:46:33 Nor forsake you. I'm out of here y'all but then I'll preach to somebody that will shake your neighbor's hand
00:46:40 and say neighbor
00:46:42 Get ready
00:46:44 for God
00:46:45 To fill you up
00:46:47 You will participate today. I said grab your neighbor. That's the neighbor
00:46:51 You will participate today
00:46:54 said neighbor
00:46:56 out of our belly
00:46:58 show for rivers of
00:47:01 living water
00:47:02 Now grab you a flow partner and say let it flow
00:47:07 Out of my belly
00:47:10 You might have to bend over
00:47:12 out of your belly
00:47:15 Because not only do you need a real first and not only
00:47:21 Do you need a right source?
00:47:25 but thoroughly
00:47:28 you need a
00:47:30 righteous regurgitation
00:47:32 Because what goes in
00:47:34 Will come out
00:47:36 What goes in?
00:47:38 Will be regurgitated
00:47:40 You need a righteous
00:47:43 Regurgitation if you drink Jesus then Jesus is coming out of you
00:47:50 Now open your mouth
00:47:52 and say out of my belly
00:47:54 Have your way
00:47:59 With the Holy Ghost now open your mouth as loud as you can
00:48:04 and say out of my belly
00:48:06 out of my belly
00:48:08 out of my belly
00:48:10 Drink drink drink drink
00:48:21 Drink you tried everything
00:48:26 But try Jesus
00:48:28 drink
00:48:30 Because there's enough of him
00:48:32 drink
00:48:34 Because he's filling you with the Holy Spirit
00:48:37 drink
00:48:39 drink
00:48:56 Drink drink
00:48:58 Grab somebody by both hands right now in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus
00:49:15 In the name of Jesus
00:49:17 In the name of Jesus
00:49:19 In the name of Jesus
00:49:21 I shake you now
00:49:23 Fill us
00:49:25 Fill us
00:49:27 Come on close your eyes and touch the grief
00:49:29 Fill us
00:49:31 With the Holy Spirit
00:49:33 It's been rough in our life
00:49:35 We've had some challenges
00:49:37 But Lord come on pray together
00:49:39 We drink of you
00:49:41 Fill us
00:49:43 Fill us
00:49:45 Fill us
00:49:47 Fill us
00:49:49 Fill us
00:49:51 Fill us
00:49:53 Fill us
00:49:55 Fill us
00:49:57 Fill us
00:49:59 Fill us
00:50:01 Fill us
00:50:03 Fill us
00:50:05 Out of your belly
00:50:07 Somebody scream
00:50:09 You're tired driving you crazy
00:50:11 This not your Sunday to be cute
00:50:13 I'm not letting you walk out of here
00:50:15 Out of your belly
00:50:17 Out of your belly
00:50:19 No no no no no
00:50:29 Somebody worship till you feel it
00:50:31 Somebody pray till you feel something
00:50:33 Somebody ought to bend over like you having
00:50:35 Like you regurgitating something
00:50:37 Spit up all that negativity
00:50:39 Spit up all them soul ties
00:50:41 Spit up all that depression
00:50:43 Spit up them suicidal thoughts
00:50:45 Spit up that laziness
00:50:47 Spit up that passiveness
00:50:49 He's restoring your marriage
00:50:51 He's making your singleness whole
00:50:53 But you gotta ask him right now
00:50:55 Somebody watching me online
00:51:07 Stand up in your house
00:51:09 Stand up in your house
00:51:11 Come on right here
00:51:13 Right here right here upstairs
00:51:15 Scream
00:51:27 Scream
00:51:29 Scream
00:51:31 Until you feel the Holy Ghost
00:51:33 Scream
00:51:35 Scream
00:51:37 Until you walk out of here feeling better
00:51:39 Scream
00:51:41 Until you make hell nervous
00:51:43 Scream
00:51:45 Till your daughter gets delivered
00:51:47 Scream
00:51:49 Let it out your belly
00:51:57 Let it out your belly
00:51:59 Let it out your belly
00:52:01 Out of your belly
00:52:03 Out of your belly
00:52:05 Out of your belly
00:52:07 Out of your belly
00:52:09 Out of your belly
00:52:11 Out of your belly
00:52:13 Out of your belly
00:52:15 Out of your belly
00:52:17 Out of your belly
00:52:19 Out of your belly
00:52:21 Out of your belly
00:52:23 Out of your belly
00:52:25 Oh, what's happening right now
00:52:35 I need 10 teenagers
00:52:37 I need 10 teenagers
00:52:39 I need 10 teenagers
00:52:41 I need 10 teenagers
00:52:43 I need 10 teenagers
00:52:45 That wanna be spirit filled to bum rush
00:52:47 Don't make nobody come
00:52:49 Youth workers don't make nobody come
00:52:51 Youth workers
00:52:53 Don't make nobody come
00:52:55 Get out the way
00:52:57 This one choice they gotta make for themselves
00:52:59 Everybody, right now
00:53:01 If you wanna be spirit filled
00:53:03 Fill with the Holy Ghost
00:53:05 If you wanna be filled with the Holy Ghost
00:53:07 Fill me
00:53:09 Fill me
00:53:11 Fill me
00:53:13 Fill me
00:53:15 [Guitar Solo]
00:53:17 [Guitar Solo]
00:53:45 Lift your hands
00:53:47 Lift your hands
00:53:49 Lift your hands
00:53:55 Lift your hands
00:53:57 Lift your hands
00:53:59 Lift your hands
00:54:03 Lift your hands
00:54:05 I need you to lift your hands young people
00:54:07 I need you to lift your hands
00:54:09 Lift your hands and begin to cry out to God
00:54:11 Fill me with your Holy Spirit
00:54:13 This not magic, this between you and God
00:54:15 Say Lord more of you, come on
00:54:17 Come on, come on, out of your belly
00:54:19 In the name of Jesus
00:54:21 Ooh, he filling young people
00:54:23 [Praying in Tongues]
00:54:25 [Praying in Tongues]
00:54:27 [Praying in Tongues]
00:54:29 In the name of Jesus, it's in your belly
00:54:31 It's in your belly
00:54:33 It's in your belly, Grace
00:54:35 It's in your belly
00:54:37 It's in your belly
00:54:39 Everybody sing it
00:54:41 Fill me up, fill me up, fill me up
00:54:43 Sing it
00:54:45 Everybody sing it
00:54:47 Sing it
00:54:49 It's in your belly
00:54:51 [Praying in Tongues]
00:54:53 [Praying in Tongues]
00:54:55 [Praying in Tongues]
00:54:57 [Praying in Tongues]
00:54:59 [Praying in Tongues]
00:55:01 [Praying in Tongues]
00:55:03 [Praying in Tongues]
00:55:05 It's in your belly
00:55:07 In the name of Jesus
00:55:09 [Praying in Tongues]
00:55:11 [Praying in Tongues]
00:55:13 [Praying in Tongues]
00:55:15 [Praying in Tongues]
00:55:17 [Praying in Tongues]
00:55:19 [Praying in Tongues]
00:55:21 [Praying in Tongues]
00:55:23 [Praying in Tongues]
00:55:25 [Praying in Tongues]
00:55:27 [Praying in Tongues]
00:55:29 [Praying in Tongues]
00:55:31 [Praying in Tongues]
00:55:33 [Praying in Tongues]
00:55:35 [Praying in Tongues]
00:55:37 [Praying in Tongues]
00:55:39 [Praying in Tongues]
00:55:41 [Praying in Tongues]
00:55:43 [Praying in Tongues]
00:55:45 [Praying in Tongues]
00:55:47 [Praying in Tongues]
00:55:49 [Praying in Tongues]
00:55:51 [Praying in Tongues]
00:55:53 [Praying in Tongues]
00:55:55 [Praying in Tongues]
00:55:57 [Praying in Tongues]
00:55:59 [Praying in Tongues]
00:56:01 [Praying in Tongues]
00:56:03 [Praying in Tongues]
00:56:05 [Praying in Tongues]
00:56:07 [Praying in Tongues]
00:56:09 [Praying in Tongues]
00:56:11 [Praying in Tongues]
00:56:13 [Praying in Tongues]
00:56:15 [Praying in Tongues]
00:56:17 [Praying in Tongues]
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00:56:23 [Praying in Tongues]
00:56:25 [Praying in Tongues]
00:56:27 [Praying in Tongues]
00:56:29 [Praying in Tongues]
00:56:31 [Praying in Tongues]
00:56:33 [Praying in Tongues]
00:56:35 [Praying in Tongues]
00:56:37 [Praying in Tongues]
00:56:39 [Praying in Tongues]
00:56:41 [Praying in Tongues]
00:56:43 [Praying in Tongues]
00:56:45 [Praying in Tongues]
00:56:47 [Praying in Tongues]
00:56:49 [Praying in Tongues]
00:56:51 [Praying in Tongues]
00:56:53 [Praying in Tongues]
00:56:55 [Praying in Tongues]
00:56:57 [Praying in Tongues]
00:56:59 [Praying in Tongues]
00:57:01 [Praying in Tongues]
00:57:03 [Praying in Tongues]
00:57:05 [Praying in Tongues]
00:57:07 [Praying in Tongues]
00:57:09 [Praying in Tongues]
00:57:11 [Praying in Tongues]
00:57:13 One of my members just told Lady Vernon and I
00:57:15 that her son killed herself.
00:57:17 [Praying in Tongues]
00:57:19 Just a lot going on in his head.
00:57:21 [Praying in Tongues]
00:57:23 Demons are real.
00:57:25 And you gotta ask
00:57:27 the Holy Spirit to cover your child
00:57:29 and cover your mind
00:57:31 and cover your husband
00:57:33 and cover your wife.
00:57:35 Easter Sunday, this church
00:57:37 goes to a new level.
00:57:39 But we can't do it
00:57:41 without spirit-filled people.
00:57:43 I know you just joined, but get over it.
00:57:45 You gotta help me lead in a minute.
00:57:47 'Cause they're coming from the east, west,
00:57:49 north, and south.
00:57:51 And we gotta have spirit-filled people.
00:57:53 Lift your hands all over the building.
00:57:55 When I pray this prayer,
00:57:57 I don't care who you are in this house,
00:57:59 I need you to receive. Father, in the name of Jesus,
00:58:01 repeat after me,
00:58:03 fill me,
00:58:05 refill me,
00:58:07 fill me again.
00:58:09 And out of my belly,
00:58:11 come on, say what the Bible says,
00:58:13 out of my belly shall flow
00:58:15 rivers of living water.
00:58:17 Now, when I
00:58:19 say this next thing, I need you
00:58:21 loud as you can to pray in English
00:58:23 or pray in tongues, however you pray.
00:58:25 But give me two minutes of
00:58:27 warfare or just shout, scream
00:58:29 over your child. When I say
00:58:31 these next three words, I want
00:58:33 what's ever in you to come out of you.
00:58:35 One, two, three, let it flow!
00:58:37 [music]
00:58:39 [music]
00:58:41 (dramatic music)
00:58:44 (upbeat music)
00:58:46 (upbeat music)
00:58:49 (upbeat music)
00:58:51 (upbeat music)
00:58:54 (upbeat music)
00:59:23 - These young people, shh, that are on the floor,
00:59:26 leave them on the floor.
00:59:28 But grab your communion right quick.
00:59:31 Shaking it up, oh, shit.
00:59:33 Nobody's walking, please, if it's not an emergency.
00:59:39 If you're at home and you're one of my members,
00:59:42 virtual members, I need you to run into the kitchen,
00:59:44 grabbing some water and a cracker.
00:59:47 I promise, crackers and juice,
00:59:49 it just represents something bigger
00:59:52 than what's in your hand.
00:59:53 And then I want you to start thinking about this.
00:59:57 God gave us his son, and on this first Sunday in March,
01:00:01 I want our members to give God a tremendous offering.
01:00:03 It is Passover, just as they celebrated Passover,
01:00:08 which means they thank God for the Passover,
01:00:11 and we're coming up on Pentecost,
01:00:13 and remember, that is when they thank God
01:00:15 for giving them everything
01:00:18 so they will bring their first fruits.
01:00:20 That's where we get that from.
01:00:22 At the first of the year,
01:00:23 they will bring their first fruits to say,
01:00:25 "God, thank you for what you've done for me."
01:00:28 All over this room, if you have your communion in your hand,
01:00:33 we're just remembering Jesus, that's all.
01:00:35 Thank you, Jesus, for what you did for me.
01:00:39 That night in the upper room,
01:00:41 Jesus took bread and he broke it.
01:00:43 Do what I do.
01:00:44 This is the body of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
01:00:48 Let us eat together.
01:00:50 (gentle music)
01:00:53 Jesus said, "This is my blood."
01:01:04 Watch this, don't do it yet.
01:01:06 He said, "Drink ye all of it."
01:01:10 That's what he said, "Drink ye all of it."
01:01:11 He said, "Take me all the way in."
01:01:15 Communion's always good, but how apropos today,
01:01:18 when I just preached on, "If any man thirsts,
01:01:22 "let us come after me."
01:01:23 You're drinking the blood of the new covenant.
01:01:26 You're saying, "Thank you, Jesus, for what you did."
01:01:29 When people get married, they ask me to do communion.
01:01:32 I say, "Don't pour too much in that cup
01:01:34 "because between the bride and the groom,
01:01:36 "whatever you pour in that cup, you gotta drink it.
01:01:38 "Sometimes the bride don't drink a lot.
01:01:39 "I make the groom drink the rest of it."
01:01:42 I say, "Drink everything y'all put in that cup,"
01:01:44 because he said, "Drink all of it,
01:01:46 "and you're gonna need all of it to sustain your marriage."
01:01:49 So I tell couples, I tell the wedding coordinator,
01:01:51 "Don't pour too much juice in that cup
01:01:53 "because whatever's in that cup,
01:01:55 "between both of them, they're gonna drink it all."
01:01:57 He said, "Drink all of it."
01:02:00 It's metaphoric, it means take me into you.
01:02:03 I ain't just talking to people who came for the first time,
01:02:05 I'm talking to elders and deacons and ministers
01:02:07 and me and my wife and my family.
01:02:09 I don't care how long you've been at church,
01:02:10 sometimes we need a refresher.
01:02:12 And so today is a refresher before Easter gets here.
01:02:15 Jesus, we thank you.
01:02:17 Easter is more than eggs and bunnies and a new hookup.
01:02:21 Thank you for your son, Jesus.
01:02:24 Let us drink together.
01:02:25 Sing this.
01:02:30 ♪ It's so easy to love you ♪
01:02:35 ♪ Because you're one ♪
01:02:37 Everybody sing it.
01:02:38 ♪ It's so easy to love you ♪
01:02:45 ♪ So easy to love ♪
01:02:49 ♪ So easy to love ♪
01:02:53 Watch me.
01:02:54 ♪ Because you're one ♪
01:02:59 ♪ So easy to love ♪
01:03:02 Everybody sing it.
01:03:03 ♪ So easy to love you ♪
01:03:06 Nobody's walking, nobody's walking.
01:03:08 ♪ So easy to love you ♪
01:03:13 ♪ Because you're one ♪
01:03:16 Oh my goodness, a 40 ounce won't fix you, Hennessy.
01:03:25 Can't help you.
01:03:26 Jesus said, "Drink of me and out of your belly."
01:03:29 I don't know who this word was for,
01:03:32 but you've been thirsting after the wrong stuff.
01:03:34 No man can quench your thirst.
01:03:36 No woman can quench your thirst.
01:03:38 No amount of money can fully quench the thirst
01:03:41 that God put in you.
01:03:43 I need you to share this with somebody.
01:03:44 I need you to tell somebody.
01:03:46 They gotta watch this word.
01:03:47 They've been thirsty after the wrong stuff.
01:03:50 Jesus told me to tell you, "Come unto me and drink."
01:03:54 And drinks are on the house.
01:03:57 (upbeat music)
01:03:59 you
