Imprese, Bernini (Maire): “Vogliamo essere polo attrattivo per nostro personale”

  • 7 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Vogliamo continuare ad essere un polo attrattivo per il personale qualificato della nostra industria. Ritenerci ‘Employers of Choice’ non è uno slogan, ma è un dato di fatto, in quanto stiamo trovando sempre piena disponibilità in chi vuole far parte della nostra azienda”. Lo ha detto l’amministratore delegato del Gruppo Maire Tecnimont Alessandro Bernini, in occasione dell’evento ‘Out of the Unbox’, in cui la società Maire ha incontrato la business community nazionale e internazionale. L’incontro è stato l’occasione per presentare i principali risultati ottenuti nel corso del 2023 e il piano strategico 2024-2033.


00:00 [Music]
00:04 We look at the future with great serenity,
00:07 first of all, and in a way, I must say, with great satisfaction,
00:12 since we recently communicated what the targets are
00:17 that we are aiming for 2024,
00:20 so a very significant growth,
00:23 in the order of 40% more than what we have already delivered to the market in 2023,
00:31 with an extremely healthy commercial pipeline,
00:36 and therefore this gives us the opportunity to also be able to target
00:41 a further phase of growth also for the following years,
00:44 therefore maintenance of a portfolio of projects
00:48 able to express a return even higher than in previous years,
00:53 volume in growth, the ability to attract people,
00:58 which is the key element to be able to support growth,
01:02 let's say positive results also from this point of view
01:06 that we have achieved in 2023, but that we are continuing in 2024.
01:13 Believe me, this is one of the key elements,
01:16 the fact of continuing to be an attractive pole for qualified staff of our industry.
01:25 When we say that we are the "employer of choice",
01:29 it is not a slogan, but a fact.
01:32 We are continuously finding in the various geographies that interest us,
01:36 from Southeast Asia, India in particular,
01:40 also arriving in Europe,
01:42 continuously availability of people who want to come with us
01:46 because they know that they find development and growth skills from us
01:50 that are difficult and that they can find with others.
01:53 This gives us the solid foundations to be able to look at a path of growth with great serenity.
01:59 We updated the industrial plan of last year, the ten-year plan,
02:03 but the update was made imperative
02:06 because with the results of 2023 and with those we plan to do in 2024,
02:13 since we have already reached, we will reach in 2024,
02:17 those that with the old plan we had imagined to achieve in 2028,
02:22 by definition we need to make an extremely important update,
02:28 since the growth rates that we have expressed and that we will express this year,
02:33 obviously, they imprint a path of growth that last year,
02:37 even though we thought it was ambitious,
02:40 but as we said, it was not ambitious enough,
02:43 since what we have done has already exceeded expectations.
