百格街访 | 肉骨茶课题成大马国会闹事 国人会否感羞耻?

  • 6 months ago


00:00 You guys are talking about big things
00:05 but we are talking about food that we Chinese eat
00:07 Chinese people, Chinese Malaysians are still Malaysians
00:10 We should be focusing on how we can reduce our deficit
00:16 and grow and bring GDP to the country
00:19 I think this is more important to be discussed inside the parliament
00:24 instead of this food
00:25 To me, you ask funny questions, I think it's a bit funny
00:28 Traditional food in Malaysia, Roti Kacang
00:31 is now a popular food in the food industry
00:34 It's gaining popularity
00:36 Riz is now in the National Legislative Council
00:39 From last year's discussion on whether to list Chinese food as national heritage
00:43 to today's list of 2024 Heritage List
00:46 The Roti Kacang issue continues to burn
00:49 causing many people to speak out against it
00:51 This is very sensitive to the sensitivity of Muslims
00:55 People still think that Roti Kacang is made from pork bones
01:00 but the government is giving a clear explanation
01:03 that Roti Kacang is halal and halal is haram
01:06 "Bak" in Hokkien means "meat"
01:10 "Tu Bak" in Hokkien means "meat"
01:15 "Gu Bak" means "meat"
01:19 You see, YB people are not even interested in the word "Roti Kacang"
01:24 They just know how attractive it is
01:26 But for Roti Kacang being listed as a national heritage
01:28 What do the people think?
01:30 As far as I know, Bak So or Bak Kutai
01:35 is a recipe of pork
01:38 Lamb is not called Bak Kutai
01:41 Chicken is not called Bak Kutai
01:43 But if they want to recognize Bak Kutai as a heritage
01:49 That's not a problem
01:51 It's a heritage for the people who want to eat pork
01:55 They can accept it
01:56 It's a heritage but it's not halal
01:59 It has to be specified
02:00 As a community of Malaysians
02:04 We can recognize it
02:07 So maybe in terms of sensitivity
02:11 We can discuss it again
02:13 To me, as long as the traditional food is unique to only in Malaysia
02:19 Why not?
02:20 It's a heritage
02:22 I think they are making a big deal out of it
02:26 Because they are just talking about a topic
02:29 Because Bak Kutai has been around for many years
02:33 Why didn't they talk about it before?
02:35 Why not ban this food?
02:36 Now they are talking about it as a topic
02:39 So I think it's a bit absurd
02:41 Eco Charas has a shop called Jiguteh
02:44 And it's run by Malaysians
02:46 If you eat pork regularly
02:49 You can't say that it's not good
02:51 When I was younger
02:53 I always thought that Bak Kutai was just pork
02:57 Using lard or whatever
03:00 In my opinion, if they want to make it as one of Malaysia's food
03:04 I don't see a problem
03:05 Because Chinese Malaysians are still Malaysians
03:08 You should keep it there, it's fine
03:10 If people feel that they are a bit uneasy about it
03:14 Then educate yourself
03:15 It's a government's role also
03:18 To make people more aware of that
03:20 And to avoid any clashes in terms of our differences
03:25 As we all know, the Malaysian parliament used to be called the zoo
03:34 Even Snowy Sudan bought a painting
03:36 To mock the parliament's full of people
03:39 So this Bak Kutai topic
03:41 Was brought to the parliament and made a big deal out of it
03:43 How will the public comment on YB's performance?
03:47 They should discuss more about improving our economy right now
03:51 This is our number one priority
03:54 Because of inflation
03:57 Ringgit weakening
03:59 This is our number one priority right now
04:03 Everyone is suffering right now
04:06 Malaysians, Indians, and Chinese are all suffering
04:09 Our economy, our ringgit is getting smaller and smaller
04:13 So if you want to talk about Bak Kutai
04:15 You don't have to recognise it as a heritage food
04:19 Who cares?
04:20 It's rational
04:22 Because India has a heritage
04:25 China has a heritage
04:26 Malaysians have a heritage
04:28 Just a heritage is not a problem
04:30 It doesn't have to be something that is halal
04:33 I think there are many other issues that are more important to discuss in the parliament
04:38 If you ask me about this Bak Kutai issue
04:40 I think this issue you can put aside
04:43 It's not as important as how to help people
04:48 The people who are in need
04:50 Like for example, the KWSP
04:54 I think this is more important to be discussed in the parliament
04:58 Instead of this food
05:00 I feel like to some people it may be an important issue
05:04 Because they brought up how Islam is the religion of the people
05:08 But I feel like on a bigger scale
05:10 There are definitely other things that should be worried about
05:13 This one you can discuss
05:15 But I don't know if we should be putting this much gusto into the conversation
05:20 When we still have other problems in Malaysia
05:23 I think this is a non-issue
05:25 More important, we Malaysians now need to find out
05:28 How we can help the economy grow
05:31 We should be focusing on how we can reduce our deficit
05:37 And grow and bring GDP to the country
05:40 And bring new FDI
05:42 All Malaysians, whether Malay, Chinese, Indian have to work together
05:46 To talk about this to reduce and grow our economy
05:49 Now our US to Malaysian Ringgit is all time low
05:53 So we need to figure out how to help the Malaysians
05:56 The B40, the M40
05:59 There are a lot of poor people, no food, no money
06:01 We should focus on those people not to talk about this
06:04 And if we don't grow, we are going to be back into third world country
06:09 We need to focus and grow the country as one
06:14 Forget about all these things
06:16 Also, given that Southeast Asian countries are a big mix of cultures and races
06:22 There have been incidents of countries competing for the same food source
06:28 A lot of Malaysians agree that we need to defend the status of local food
06:32 Countries not just Bak Kut Teh but people are still fighting over other national foods
06:37 This one is mine, this one is mine
06:39 So I think in terms of our richness of culture
06:44 I think it is worth at least fighting for something
06:47 Because at this point all our neighbouring countries are stealing our food
06:50 So we should at least stand our ground on something
06:55 This is definitely a possibility
06:57 After all, there are a lot of overseas Chinese in every country
07:03 They have a certain understanding of our food
07:07 If they take the first step to take over their national food market
07:12 Then we will have a chance to lower our economy
07:22 This is also important because some of our food is originally from Malaysia
07:27 If you don't have any heritage, people will claim that it is theirs
07:31 But in history, it has been around for a long time
07:35 For example, this Bak Kut Teh
07:37 So if you let people take it away, I don't think it is a good thing
07:42 I think it is funny, this is not a problem
07:49 Because Bak is just meat
07:52 It is not pork or anything, no one will ask you to eat it
07:56 We have pork and chicken here
07:59 Some Indians don't eat pork
08:01 They say we have chicken Bak Kut Teh
08:08 Which one is more popular?
08:10 Bak Kut Teh is more popular
08:12 We have Japanese, Korean, Westerners, etc.
08:21 They come here to eat Bak Kut Teh
