哥罗面、安班饭、布拉沙…… 你还懂多少?今年入选国家美食遗产都很有“故事”

  • 6 months ago
▌热点短视频 ▌10种被列为国家美食遗产的食物,你知多少?


主持 | @celes 美伶

#美食遗产 #哥罗面 #布拉沙 #安班饭
#九层糕 #Uthappam #KuihParas
#发射热点 #84hotspot #热点短视频

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00:00 Bak Kut Teh, a dish that is listed as a national heritage,
00:03 has been in the hot topic recently.
00:05 In fact, there are 10 national delicacies
00:06 listed as national heritage
00:08 in the "Soup Battle" of political figures.
00:10 Besides all the delicacies of Bak Kut Teh,
00:13 do you know what other top-notch Malaysian delicacies are?
00:16 The delicacy that made the famous director Liang Zhiqiang
00:22 praise it is
00:23 the famous delicacy of Sarawak,
00:25 the "Geluk Mian".
00:26 It's not the same as the ordinary dry noodles.
00:28 The noodles of Geluk Mian are more like a roll.
00:30 The ingredients are pork slices and minced meat,
00:33 and green onion.
00:35 The common Geluk Mian is divided into two types, red and white.
00:37 The milky white one is the original flavor,
00:38 and the red one is with char siu oil.
00:41 As for why Geluk Mian is called Geluk Mian,
00:43 we will reveal it in the next video of our Dong Lai Zhong.
00:47 This time, there are 10 delicacies
00:48 listed as national heritage.
00:51 And there are five food categories.
00:53 And Bak Kut Teh is the only representative
00:55 of the soup category.
00:57 The other main category is
00:59 staple food.
01:00 The Geluk Mian that made the director
01:01 laugh just now
01:03 is one of them.
01:04 The other two are
01:05 Pulasa Buraksak
01:06 and Anpan Fan Nasi Ambin.
01:08 As a special delicacy of the festival of Ropor Bencen,
01:11 Buraksak is strictly speaking
01:13 a traditional food of the five-levels.
01:15 It is the main festive food of the community during the festival.
01:18 It is a flat rice or glutinous rice-made dish.
01:21 The cooked Buraksak can be eaten with
01:23 shredded pork, rendang, ukeb, asam, etc.
01:26 It makes the taste richer.
01:28 As for Anpan Fan,
01:29 it can be said to be a product that
01:31 influences each other in the food culture of the two countries.
01:33 Anpan Fan is a famous Indonesian rice dish.
01:35 After being introduced to Malaysia,
01:36 it is very common in the rice community of
01:40 Shenanigans and Ropor Bencen.
01:41 The fragrant rice dish is paired with
01:42 curry chicken or sauce chicken.
01:44 You will see this delicacy every festival.
01:47 It sounds a bit like a local food.
01:50 Okay, we have seen the staple food category.
01:52 Next is the appetizer category.
01:54 There is the famous pickled vegetable Zorok Duhal from Katah.
01:58 The so-called Duhal is a plant similar to wild ginger.
02:00 Katah people will use its stem to
02:02 peel off the skin and cut it into cubes.
02:05 Then pour white vinegar or sour juice,
02:07 salt and chili to marinate.
02:09 The drink category is also very special.
02:13 It is said that it only appears once a year.
02:15 You can only find its trace on the market of Zangjianyue.
02:17 This appearance looks like a light green drink.
02:20 There are seven ingredients in it.
02:21 It tastes like a rice drink.
02:23 The last category has four kinds of cakes.
02:26 In addition to the traditional Niangrie Nine-Layer Cake
02:28 and Coconut Sugar Cake,
02:29 the traditional Malaysian rice cake,
02:30 Kueh Keras,
02:31 looks like a fan-shaped rice cake.
02:34 But it is actually a traditional cake made with rice flour.
02:38 The texture is as fine as rice flour.
02:40 After being fried, it has a crispy texture.
02:42 Although its origin is in Kedah,
02:44 it is also a traditional food for ordinary people in Sarawak.
02:47 It is a must-have cake on big days.
02:48 And the Indian pancake Udabam is also known as Indian Pizza.
02:52 Although it is relatively less famous than Roti Canai,
02:55 this crispy pancake
02:56 with tomatoes and onions
02:58 is also a different flavor.
03:00 I hope that today's video
03:01 will give you a better understanding of national food heritage.
03:04 Have you ever eaten these foods?
03:06 Which one is your favorite?
03:07 If you like this video,
03:08 remember to share it to let more people know.
03:10 Remember to follow Reddit and Spotify
03:12 to follow more domestic and foreign news.
03:13 (electronic music)
03:16 you
