Mattel Masters Of The Universe Turtles of Grayskull Beast Man Figure

  • 6 months ago
Mattel Masters Of The Universe Turtles of Grayskull Beast Man Figure
00:00 well if he had a choice he'd rather be a monster than a mutation. here's a look at
00:05 the brand-new Mattel Massive Universe turtles a greyskull Beastman undercover
00:09 henchmen.
00:11 Beastman did not trust the alien outsiders the moment the foot set foot
00:27 inside Snake Mountain. rather than become Krang's next mutated experiment
00:31 Beastman escaped to strike a bargain with He-Man. what he found instead left
00:36 him shell-shocked. sometimes you can find an ally in the most unlikely list of
00:40 areas. before of course we get a closer look at the turtles a greyskull Beastman
00:44 undercover henchmen. let's grab a tape measure and see how tall the figure
00:47 stands. I never thought I'd ever see myself saying this but Beastman is the
00:51 closest to resembling an original Masters Universe figure. he's literally
00:55 just the Master Universe origins Beastman with a whole bunch of samurai
00:58 armor over top of him. because of that he's gonna be the exact same size as
01:02 the original Beastman. he's about five and a half inches in height or the
01:06 figures about 14 and a half centimeters tall. I got a couple of Beastman figures
01:10 I can bring in for comparisons. first here's the new Beastman compared along
01:13 with the original Master Universe origins Beastman. exact same figure. they
01:17 have tweaked a little bit of the paint. you can see that they've kind of given
01:20 them a little more of like a samurai face paint there on the top. other than
01:24 that though they're using the exact same body. funny though what's interesting
01:28 between the two Beastmans is that Beastman has always been known for
01:31 having like the monster hand on the one side. this Beastman is one of the most
01:35 unique Beastmen because it's I think the only time we've ever gotten this
01:39 character at least of a Master Universe origins design that's actually had two
01:43 gripping hands. because we've also had a Lords of Power Beastman. same idea he had
01:48 the monster hand. we did technically get as well the cartoon version of Beastman
01:52 which he did have gripping hands. but yeah if a Master Universe origins figure
01:56 that you're looking at you could also really use this hand sculpt if you did
02:00 want to have say the original Beastman. I might even just consider doing that. the
02:03 original Beastman with two gripping hands. just pop the one that's currently
02:07 on the the one that from the turtles of greyskull. you can easily use it that way.
02:11 really interesting that they decided the first time around to give him a two
02:14 gripping hand system instead of just the one. on this side we can bring in some of
02:18 the other figures we've already had a look at from wave 2. here's what the
02:20 figure looks like for example next to shredder. and here's also what he looks
02:23 like with loose ankles and all next to Ram Man. samurai stuff for Beastman. we'll
02:28 just have to wait for a second as we look at the unnecessary insert paper. the
02:32 paper is there just to tell us once again that you can't swap out all the
02:35 parts. funny though that in the image here of Beastman they chose not to just
02:38 show the image of Beastman's head sculpt. rather they put the helmet over top of
02:42 his head. but judging by the fact there's not one but two beat points shows you
02:46 that not only can you remove the helmet you can also remove the head that's
02:49 underneath the helmet as well. you can pop off all the things that are gray so
02:53 his side arms, his lower torso, his boots also can be all swapped out. I was a bit
02:58 of a mad scientist in the early review of Ram Man as I mixed and matched some of
03:01 the parts with poor Skeletor. give it time. that's probably gonna happen with
03:05 Skeletor. we're just gonna vacate this. this is gonna get immediately dropped
03:09 into the recycling bin. I have smartly decided to have the recycling bin so
03:13 close to me so I didn't have to try to throw the paper across the room. failed
03:17 at the attempt of that and then have to go pick it up later. I just just dropped
03:21 it right into the bin. dropping bins doesn't necessarily sound like that.
03:24 the figure also comes in clear with the mini comic the belly of the Beastman.
03:28 speaking of Beastman, there he is on the top left corner. now he is a little
03:32 oversized versus the actual character that we get. I would have liked if we
03:36 could have gotten ourselves a bigger Beastman. considering though he isn't
03:39 mutated yet it would make the most sense obviously that they're gonna be using the
03:43 exact same body as the regular Beastman because obviously he'd have to be the
03:46 same size. I like the look of him though at the top corner and on either side
03:50 booked end are evil shredder on one side evil Skeletor on the other. I like the
03:55 look of that Skeletor. I can't wait for him to come out. I think he's part of
03:57 wave three. if I quickly flip through the comic I'm not gonna spend a whole lot of
04:01 time. although had I spent more time on this I'd actually know why the read up
04:05 for why Beastman actually has the read up that he has in the back of the
04:08 packaging because he eventually changes sides because he's not happy with the
04:12 idea that Skeletor is mixing with DNA and mutating all of his own men. on the
04:16 side though speaking of some of the mutations you can see that Merman isn't
04:20 quite looking like normal Merman and also Trap Jaw has been also combined
04:24 with a Mouser. very excited to get that figure at some point. the comic also does
04:29 come into again some delving into the backstory of why Beastman does change
04:34 size. he eventually does get captured by the Turtles and eventually he does align
04:38 himself with the rest of the Turtles. now again some of the little teases that we
04:42 do get for characters here we have ourselves an interesting looking Merman
04:45 that has a serpent tail that looks to be Webster and I think at the top right
04:49 corner that might be Slash. looking forward to seeing what they're gonna
04:53 have in store for us when it comes to future waves. on the back though speaking
04:57 of this current wave we've already had a look at Ram Man and Shredder. we have
05:00 still yet to look at Raphael. he'll be coming up in an upcoming review. let's
05:05 just move the mini comic off to the side for right now. now Beastman does come
05:08 included with also additional things that can hide his identity. I don't
05:12 really know how he's hiding much of his identity when really still his arms and
05:16 his legs basically show off exactly who the character is. though if you did want
05:20 to the figure comes included with a pretty interesting looking shield. what I
05:23 thought was smart on Mattel's part is if you look at the back of the shield on
05:27 the back there's two pegs. oh do you wonder? don't wonder any further. you can
05:31 actually take any one of the Turtles and Duncan on the back for example. remember
05:35 they had little holes on the back of their torso that you can take them and
05:39 they're universally acceptable. so like you can just take these plug them onto
05:43 the back and now any one of the figures can actually wield their own shields. so
05:47 if you wanted to have this displayed with man-at-arms you could do that. if
05:49 you want to have this displayed for example with Leonardo or Donatello again
05:53 they just attach the exact same way. I'm glad to see that they actually use
05:56 universally sized placed pegs. this can also fit into his hand because this is
06:01 one of the only few times that I can say this Beastman can actually have the
06:05 shield held in either one of his hands. so let's just grab this hand which is
06:09 normally relegated just basically the monster hand and this just grips into
06:13 the provided handle on the inside. clips on the one side and then the figure also
06:17 comes included with this whip. the whip is really neat. it's pretty soft and
06:22 plastic. I wasn't expecting it to be as soft as it was but I really like the
06:25 metallic blue that they used here. now it does have a point on the end of it so
06:29 obviously that's not the section that's gonna be attached onto his hand but
06:31 we're gonna go ahead just clip this into his other hand. boy it's so strange to
06:35 see Beastman. I know it's not a big deal really but the fact that Beastman
06:38 actually does have two gripping hands is pretty a neat touch. pretty nice. so
06:41 tempted to actually kind of pop off one of these hands. I might just do that. pop
06:45 this hand off a little bit later and give it to my other Beastman. I know it's
06:49 not really the classic way of having Beastman designed or displayed. kind of
06:53 like the idea though the figure can actually have two gripping hands instead
06:55 of one. to finish out and round out the rest of his look the figure has this
06:58 really interesting looking samurai helmet. I don't really know where he got
07:02 the design from necessarily. he might have had some inspirational cues from
07:06 the Turtles. it's a soft plastic helmet but it's got some really interesting
07:10 details and it's really well painted too. you've got the gold there on the front
07:13 of the face, gold on the side, a little side I guess it would be like that
07:18 little neck guard that it has for the part of the helmet and some nice little
07:21 gold on the top there as well. really nice. it's a little on the softer side
07:25 but at least it fits easily over top the figure's head. it fits also in a
07:29 way as well that you can still see his eyes so it would make obviously little to
07:33 no sense if you're gonna be putting a helmet over top of Beastman's existing
07:36 face and then the character can't even see where he's going but it gives just
07:40 enough open space where the character's eyes can still see straight through. it
07:44 does give him a weird look too because it's not something that you're used to
07:47 seeing. at least I'm not used to seeing Beastman walking around in samurai
07:50 armor but it's interesting. it's definitely an interesting way to take a
07:53 character first of all have him become a good guy for a temporary time period
07:58 but also as well given something a little bit different to look like
08:01 instead of just a regular conventional Beastman body. speaking of the Beastman
08:05 body though if we just take the shield away for right now we're gonna remove
08:09 the whip. we'll take the helmet off also as well. any one of these pieces by the
08:13 way can be removable so if you if you want to see kind of what he looked like
08:16 without the armor the armor basically is just straightened out his arm slides
08:20 right off very easily slides off although it stays a lot better in place
08:24 than the original Beastman. this slides right off as well and then you can just
08:27 take the the two halves of his body and separate them away from one
08:32 another and basically you're just gonna take the two halves put them back
08:35 together like this and then if we just bring back in the original Beastman I
08:39 wanted to show you guys there really isn't that much different really between
08:42 the two characters. lower half of his body is exactly the same. the coloring
08:45 even for his loincloth is the exact same blue with the same matching golds for
08:50 the for his belt. the only thing that's really obviously different is between
08:53 the two is the fact that this one the original one had the shoulder armor this
08:57 one this new one doesn't have it. the torso armor is exactly the same other
09:00 than this one just has more gold now in the front of it. this one would have had
09:03 the original blue and head sculpts are gonna be exactly the same as well. I did
09:08 say though that he has a slight change you can see that he's got these little
09:11 points right at the top. the original Beastman not would have had that he
09:15 would have just had basically just a round section of paint. other than that, the
09:18 head sculpts are gonna be exactly the same to one another. because he only has
09:22 the little points on the top it's enough for me to you know obviously I'm gonna
09:25 be still sticking with the original Beastman as my go-to Beastman for my
09:28 origins but yeah the fact that he actually has swappable hands I mean I
09:32 mean you don't even have to really swap the hands if you want to you can really
09:35 just swap the heads around as well. exactly the same bodies though. now let's
09:40 go ahead and just get the armor back in place. the armor isn't it's not hard to
09:45 put back on. I mean it when you're looking at it I thought for a second
09:49 well why wouldn't they have actually made a little bit of strap to it but
09:52 honestly even though there's not a lot of quarters to fit this through his arm
09:56 it fits actually fine over top of his bicep. you just have to like literally
09:59 slide this up. I just want to make sure I've got this facing the right way here
10:02 because I know when I first took this off yeah I got it facing the right way
10:05 and then we'll go ahead and take the other one here and we'll just slide it
10:09 up his forearm slide away all the way up his bicep. I said the original Beastman
10:14 had armor that was giving me problems I mean that really isn't the case
10:17 because the original Beastman his armor was actually fine. just get
10:22 that all the way up his bicep here. there we go and then the only other thing left
10:28 to really do is then of course if you want to take yourself the samurai helmet
10:31 you just put that over top of his head but I guess even though the helmet
10:34 is the thing that really does complete the look, still a nice-looking head
10:37 sculpt for a regular Beastman underneath other than again just the only thing
10:40 that's really different is that little bit of spike that he has on the top for
10:43 the paint. it's the exact same body. now because it's obviously using the
10:48 exact same body it's strange to see a Beastman like this because again like
10:52 other than just the additional of the the additional armor that they've added
10:55 over top of his body I mean I mean it's the first time of this Turtles of Grey
10:59 sculpt line that we've been looking at where you actually have an original
11:03 origins body being used. the closest thing we did get to that is Duncan but I
11:07 mean like Duncan would have had a brand new head sculpt would have had a
11:10 different color obviously body and he would have had armor that was completely
11:14 different over the original origins body or original origins armor. Beastman
11:18 literally is just a Beastman body with all extra things over top of it. the gold
11:23 for what it is is nice you can see again like there's the influence of the
11:26 turtles there so it looks a little like a turtle shell. got some nice coloring of
11:29 the gold, you got some nice metallic blues there on the sides. they haven't
11:33 quite matched the gold, they haven't quite matched like the blue for example.
11:36 would have been nice if they could have made some sort of war paint or
11:40 something there like on the front of his armor because other than that like the fur
11:43 that he has on the front is no different really than the original Beastman other
11:46 than maybe just swapping a little bit of the gold for what was originally the
11:49 blue. the lower half again in the body is exactly the same so there's not really
11:53 much to really talk about there but you know again like it's a good-looking
11:56 Beastman. I would almost even say he's my least favorite from the second wave
12:01 even though we really haven't yet looked at Raphael. Raphael obviously if you're
12:04 gonna be collecting the turtles it's important it's imperative to be getting
12:08 yourselves then Raphael and Michelangelo Michelangelo are gonna be getting in the
12:11 third wave but I kind of feel like just Beastman seems like from a story
12:14 standpoint at least they gave him something to do but I think from a
12:18 figure standpoint it feels like sort of just a thrown-in figure like he didn't
12:22 seem to have any other purpose then like let's just grab a figure that already
12:25 exists oh I forgot to actually put on his skirting back let's just grab him
12:28 put his skirting back on here yeah I feel the only thing about Beastman is
12:32 taking this back off here is that with Beastman he just feels like it's Mattel
12:37 coming up with well we have a figure let's just take one that we already have
12:41 from our inventory and let's literally just slap a armor over top of him he's
12:45 not quite well like man-at-arms at least they did something a little bit
12:48 differently with him but with Beastman only really just being things added over
12:53 top of an existing body again I just don't feel he's as interesting as the
12:56 other ones that we've already had a look at because he's also using the same
13:00 Beastman body means that he's gonna also retain the exact same articulation so
13:04 that's gonna be on a ball joint once again it does look up down back and
13:07 forth it's still the same waist swivel waist swivel is gonna be a little harder
13:10 this time around because he just has the skirting of the samurai there so you're
13:14 gonna find yourself as you're trying to twist the waist that's gonna be rubbing
13:17 up against the plastic so you know it's kind of rubbing this section here to
13:21 this section here so you can feel there's a little bit of resistance there
13:24 arms do come out luckily because the way they've placed the shoulders the armor
13:29 is far enough down that it doesn't impede the articulation here for the
13:32 shoulders and it's far enough up that it doesn't impede too much of the
13:36 articulation when it comes to his elbows the arms still rotate back forth
13:40 they're still fine and you can rotate the hands all the way around the legs do
13:43 split out because they actually cut the sides of the skirts both on the front
13:47 and on the back it means you can easily still split the legs for Beastman you
13:51 bring the legs forward you can bring them back it's a swivel at the top of
13:54 the thigh still you got the single hinge on the lower knee allows the lower leg
13:58 to rotate and about halfway up the calf there's a swivel cut normally that
14:03 swivel cut would be there to accommodate a boot but because Beastman literally is
14:06 just wearing well it's just his feet down below here the swivel is basically
14:11 is only there just to cut into his leg more than anything else here's an ankle
14:14 pivot back and forth ankle rocker that also moves back and forth as well I will
14:19 say at least like Beastman has some pretty tight joints I mean that goes
14:22 with the territory I would say normally goes with the territory with getting a
14:25 figure that's brand new out of the packaging but unfortunately that wasn't
14:27 the case when we looked at Ram Man speaking of Ram Man speaking of the
14:31 other figures that we've already had a look at from the second wave there's
14:33 what he looks like once again with Shredder here's what he looks like with
14:36 Ram Man the only figure we've still yet to look at is Raphael wearing his Ram
14:40 Man style of armor I like either one of these figures the one in the middle
14:45 though the one that we just happen to be looking in this review poor Beastman I
14:48 just feel like he is a bit of an afterthought but at least they took the
14:53 time to flesh out some of the characters backstory or some of the characters
14:56 motives inside the mini comic if it wasn't for the mini comic I feel like
15:00 the character would just be looked at I certainly would be just looking at him
15:03 and like well why is Beastman wearing samurai armor it's a strange choice for
15:08 a character like him but at least they fleshed out in the mini comic I don't
15:12 think I would say it's a character I would recommend picking up if you're
15:16 kind of on the fence and you really only want to be hand selecting some of the
15:19 characters from these new turtles a greyskull I would honestly only pick up
15:23 the ones on either side Beastman I don't think is one that you necessarily need
15:26 to pick up as you can see he's taken a fall Wow so wait so Beastman gives up
15:33 his longtime loyalty to Skeletor to go join forces with the Masters and the
15:37 Ninja Turtles to go and stop him I think we can kind of know the direction that
15:42 this story is going to be taking in fact if you look to the back end the last
15:45 couple of pages of this mini comic that comes in clear with Beastman we already
15:49 sort of know where his alliances sit and while maybe alliances are pretty short
15:53 with the Turtles the longevity of the figure at least is gonna be a little bit
15:56 longer now granted this is just a Beastman underneath this samurai armor I
16:01 mean the fact that you could take off all the armor anyways and you're getting
16:04 basically just the same Beastman body that we got already got before means that
16:08 I just feel like the figure is a fill-in for what could have been potentially
16:11 something better advertised actually in fact on the back of the packaging we
16:15 have samurai armor Beastman fighting what seems to be a mutated Mossman Mossman
16:20 I think would have been a little bit more interesting but if you wanted to
16:23 align everything with the mini comic I guess Beastman is a worthy inclusion he
16:27 just isn't as worthy of an inclusion when it comes to the actual figure at
16:31 least in the story he's got backstory at least in the story he's got some
16:34 relevance to him but I feel like having this guy on the shelf it just gonna it's
16:38 gonna seem a little out of place like where am I supposed to put this guy am I
16:42 putting him with the rest of the Masters for right now at least or am I just
16:45 gonna put him with the rest of the Skeletor figures what am I what am I
16:48 gonna do with Beastman here at least Rayman had a mutation to him and Shredder
16:52 was just awesome Beastman sort of just seems to me like let's just give a
16:56 figure that we already have armor and then we'll give him a reason to wear
17:01 that armor in a mini comic that comes included with him the armor for what it
17:05 is is nicely painted some really nice rich golds and blues get incorporated to
17:09 the samurai armor that he has he has a nice interesting whip and is a pretty
17:13 cool looking shield that doesn't even have to necessarily belong to him being
17:17 that they also use the same universally placed pegs on the back of the shield
17:20 means that you can also use it with any one of the other figures that we've
17:24 looked at and it can also attach onto the back of Duncan's torso can Leonardo's
17:29 and also Donatello's I don't know yet if it's gonna attach on to the back of
17:33 Raphael but it seems like Raphael also comes in clue with a shell shield so my
17:37 guess is you probably could use the the shell that the shield that also comes
17:40 included with Beastman as well what do you guys think the figure let me know
17:43 down below in the comment section short of how he appears in the mini comic do
17:47 you think that Beastman should have been included in this line certainly like to
17:50 hear what you guys think down below in the comment section in the meantime
17:53 though if you guys did enjoy this video I want to throw it a like if you guys
17:56 are loving the content you guys are seeing and you're still on board to see
17:59 the review of Raphael if you haven't already done so make sure you hit that
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18:05 course as always guys thanks for watching see you guys next time
18:11 you
18:14 you
18:16 (crashing)
