Mattel Masters Of The Universe Turtles of Grayskull Leonardo Figure

  • 6 months ago
Mattel Masters Of The Universe Turtles of Grayskull Leonardo Figure
00:00 greyskulls gifting power swords to heroes other than He-Man. here's a look
00:04 at the brand-new Mattel Turtles of Greyskull Leonardo heroic ninja turtle
00:08 leader.
00:25 an explosion from the Technodrome sends the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles across
00:30 dimensions to Eternia. now augmented with tech from Man-at-Arms Armory, Leonardo
00:34 leads his brothers into battle for the power of greyskull. while He-Man gets a
00:38 little help from the heroes in the half shell. grabbing the tape measure to see
00:42 how tall the brand-new Turtles of Greyskull Leonardo stands. and then of
00:45 course we'll bring in a couple figures as well for comparison's sake.
00:48 Leo stands at about five and a half inches in height or the figure is gonna
00:53 be about 14 centimeters tall. to show you how he stands with other He-Man
00:57 figures did want to bring in a Master Universe Origins He-Man because if
01:00 anybody's collecting the newer line would at least have a He-Man in their
01:02 collection. yeah their scale pretty good. I thought if anything the new Teenage
01:06 Mutant Ninja Turtles Turtles of Greyskull would be a more in line with maybe the cartoon
01:10 collection that we're also getting from Mattel. speaking of the cartoon
01:13 collection seeing as he's pulling it from his armory and all here's what the
01:16 figure looks like with the cartoon collection Man-at-Arms. and if you did
01:20 want to know what he looked like with another Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle
01:22 figure I didn't want to bring in one from NECA toys. I was actually surprised
01:26 to see how much smaller the stuff we got from NECA was. but obviously you're
01:30 probably not gonna be displaying the Turtles along with the stuff we're
01:33 getting from NECA but at least it gives you some size ideas. though it is a
01:36 subcategory the Turtles of Greyskull still managed to pack with them things
01:40 that you would expect to get with more Master Universe figures. like for example
01:44 the ever useless piece of paper that only just is there to remind us that
01:47 first of all they're cutting down trees to produce things like this. but it's
01:51 also to show you as well that even though it is a turtle figure you can't
01:55 still remove the arms you can't still remove the lower torso and the boots and
01:57 of course you can take off Leo's head taking it off the ball joint. this will
02:02 be quickly discarded into my recycling bin never to be spoken of again. one
02:06 thing I do like about this is that they also come in clue with their own
02:09 specific Turtles of Greyskull comic book. this one just happens to be listed as by
02:13 the power of pizza. I do like the look and the artwork of inside the actual
02:18 comic itself. the thing I'm surprisingly not liking about it is while all I think
02:23 the artwork is really good and it's very different of a kind of artwork than what
02:26 we're used to getting here with the mini comics of Masters. the thing I don't like
02:30 honestly about it is the way they draw the turtles. look at the way they draw
02:33 the turtles. overly sized heads. they kind of look a little out of I don't know
02:37 there's something not quite right by the way they drew the turtles. Tila looks
02:41 really awesome down here as well as Trap Jaw which is a combination of Trap
02:44 Jaw and a Mouser. but then when we also flip it to the next page what is going
02:48 on with the turtles? they actually kind of look like they're peeping Toms. look
02:52 at the way that Michelangelo is sort of twiddling his fingers. again like I do
02:58 like the way they've actually designed all the other characters around it but
03:01 there's just something unsettling about the way they've actually illustrated the
03:04 turtles. one thing I do want to see though as we get a future figures
03:08 hopefully from these is this version of Krang. look at the cool way they designed
03:12 Krang here and they also of course give you an idea of what a He-Man looks like
03:16 once he gets exposed to mutagen. we will be of course looking at this He-Man in
03:20 an upcoming video. yes though I did tear a little bit of the corner trying to remove
03:24 this from its plastic prison but I'm sure we probably are all gonna be
03:27 getting more of these mini comics that I don't have to worry as much about it.
03:29 advertised though on the back speaking of other figures there's a Leonardo
03:32 there's He-Man Donatello and Man-at-Arms. I'm not gonna be discarding this don't
03:37 worry I'll put just off to the side. now Leo Art also does come in clue with of
03:41 course his armory. now most of it is already actually already attached on to
03:44 the figures body mimicking very much the kind of thing we would get with Man-at-
03:47 Arms. the figure though granted also does come in clue with two halves of a sword.
03:51 the idea with the katanas is that you can actually take the two and merge them
03:55 together similar to what a He-Man would have had when he merges of
04:00 course the other half of the power sword with the one that comes in clue with
04:02 Skeletor. if you wanted to have them just on their own I mean they more than work
04:07 really as side standalone katanas. the only thing unfortunately about it though
04:11 is if you were to say take your figure I find like the handles being that they're
04:14 only halves don't really fit as well in the figures hands. when you put them in
04:18 they sit really loose. the only really way that they actually work well is if
04:22 you twist them slightly to the side but unfortunately then by doing it you're
04:25 only then gonna see the very visible halves on the other side of the sword.
04:29 but it does fit okay in Leo's hands they just don't fit as well until you of
04:33 course combine the two halves together. again you can see how floppy mess they
04:37 actually are. just dropping the sword off into the floor here. the actual sword
04:41 though can be merged. it's just a case of actually if you look at the side one
04:44 side has holes the other side has pegs and you just line the two then together
04:48 and get yourself the sword. the sword is pretty flimsy but once you do attach
04:53 everything though and snap these in place you get a little bit more of a
04:56 solid sword. the sword itself does look good something that you'd expect He-Man
05:00 to be wielding himself but because you're also now merging two halves
05:03 together you get a much thicker hilt and a lot easier for then Leo to hold it.
05:07 again you just clip that into his hand. sometimes though clipping into his hand
05:11 does result in the two halves coming apart. you just want to be aware of that
05:15 of course when you're putting it into Leonardo's hands. the other thing that
05:18 the figure comes also included with is a guard for his forearm. it's one of the
05:22 actual things that are packed with the figure that aren't already attached on
05:26 to the figure. the shell, half shell if you will, does those slide up on the Leo's
05:31 arms. I don't think it necessarily matters which side you have it on. on the
05:34 back of the of the artwork actually they have Leo sort of facing this way and
05:38 he's fighting actually Shredder, another figure we will look at in an upcoming
05:41 review. so based then on that they've have the guard on this side of the
05:45 figure's body. not that again it really does matter. just to attach it
05:49 though it doesn't quite fit completely over Leo's hand the way it is right now
05:52 so you just want to detach Leo's hand from the forearm. just wiggle it off like
05:57 that. there goes the shell and then we're just gonna slide on the forearm guard
06:00 very again similar to what you would have had with Man at Arms. Man at Arms
06:04 also has the same problem too with all this armor always shifting around on him.
06:08 you might see me during the course of this review constantly continuing to
06:13 adjust the the armor just because again it's always continuing to slide on his
06:16 arm. let's just get Leo's hand back in there. there we go. you can see like how
06:20 loose unfortunately this is. you can ride it all the way up to the top and once
06:24 the elevators on to the top then it's not gonna go as much around all over the
06:27 place but it is always sort of a floppy mess when it comes to Leonardo. something
06:32 that you may have already seen flinging across the room. I've got it retrieved
06:35 right here. the figure also comes included with his half shell shield. the
06:38 shield attaches onto the back of the figure's body but it doesn't attach
06:42 securely. the first time you do this, the first time you remove this, you're gonna
06:46 find it's gonna be loose every other time after that. it attaches though
06:50 there's two pegs on the inside of the shield and literally again just plugs
06:53 onto the back of his bandolier armor and you're supposed to plug it in like that.
06:57 but once again you've done it the first time. every other time after that even
07:01 when you're starting to move the figure around you're gonna notice this shell
07:04 falls off way too frequently. now again it can either be attached onto the back
07:08 of the figure's body and then once it is attached onto the back of the figure's
07:11 body there we go you can actually take your sword and sheath it on the back. now
07:16 the sheath sword doesn't sheath as well when it's two halves together like this.
07:20 it really honestly is easier if you just have the two swords detached. let's just
07:25 separate them right now. of course once I've now got the two halves together
07:30 even the power of Greyskull can't even separate these. there we go. almost got it
07:35 almost got it. there we go. okay once you have the two halves separated you can
07:41 almost fit them both in there but it really does only accommodate kind of one
07:45 sword. one half of the sword. so you could have one displayed on the back of Leo's
07:48 body and then of course take the other half of what's now just only one half of
07:52 the sword and fit it actually into his hand. the thing you can also do as well
07:55 with Leo is once you've now detached the half shell shield you can take the
08:00 shield and there's a little handle here on the back that you can clip into
08:03 Leonardo's hand. so if you wanted to then again you can have the shield in one of
08:07 his hands then just attach the power sword katana together and have him
08:11 wielding it in the other. you could still really sheath the sword on the front but
08:15 it looks a little ridiculous that he's carrying around a shield that has a
08:17 sheathed sword. I do like the idea that he has a shell that detaches like this
08:22 although again I just wish that maybe the pegs were a little bit longer or
08:25 they had devised an easier way of attaching onto the back of the figure's
08:28 body just because the shield falls off way too frequently. I'm gonna leave it
08:32 off for right now just because I know it is something that's gonna fall off. one
08:35 thing that's interesting though is the way they've sculpted the back of the
08:37 figure's body. even though the shell is now missing you can still see that
08:41 they've sculpted a shell on the back of Leo's body and I'm sure it's probably
08:44 gonna be the case with the rest of the turtles also as well. it's just weird to
08:47 see it on the back of the turtle body molded just right to his torso as
08:50 opposed to a separate piece or at the very least if it was gonna be a separate
08:53 piece why not just have had this or if it was molded to one piece why not just
08:57 have had painted this to maybe match the colors of his loincloth below. speaking
09:02 of Leo's loincloth do we want to speak speak of Leo's loincloth? I guess we'll
09:06 probably just talk about that more in a second. first I did want to show you guys
09:08 the head sculpt for Leonardo. it's really good. funny enough though it's a property
09:12 that's now being done by Mattel. Mattel of course is taking the licensing
09:16 and borrowing it at least for the time being from Playmates and I feel honestly
09:20 they're delivering us better looking turtle figures than what we would have
09:23 maybe gotten from Playmates. the head sculpt for Leo is really good. I like the
09:27 long bandana that he has on the back of the figure's body. if you overlook the fact
09:30 that maybe the colors of the blue aren't quite the colors that he also has on the
09:33 armor it's pretty close though but it's a good-looking head sculpt for Leo. I
09:36 don't really have any complaints at all with it. of course he does have the
09:39 bandolier armor there on the front. now instead of actually having the L down
09:43 below here where normally it would be placed on a ninja turtle it is instead
09:46 like He-Man placed around the middle section here of his armor. it is though a
09:50 separate piece and the armor piece actually attaches then on to the back
09:53 fur that he has there as well. nothing does seem removable. you might maybe be
09:58 able to take the top fur off by detaching it from the top of the
10:00 bandolier but it seems like it's gonna cause more problems than anything else.
10:03 of course he does have the skirting there down below very similar what we
10:07 would get with Skeletor and that's nicely done here in a metallic blue that
10:10 matches again the coloring that they got for the emblem there on the front and of
10:14 course the armor that he has on the sides. and of course no turtle would be
10:17 complete without big turtle feet and again like they look really good. they
10:20 have pegs on the undersides of their feet and they've added some additional
10:23 blue to match the coloring of his headband there on the top as well. now
10:26 for the articulation on I was gonna say He-Man but on the articulation here for
10:31 the new brand new turtles of gray skull Leonardo. of course for the head sculpt
10:35 the head is gonna rotate all the way around. it's gonna be on a ball joint. it
10:38 does look up and it does look down and all the things in between. it doesn't
10:42 really cause too much of a problem by having all this fur on the back of the
10:44 figure's body. he more than easily can rotate his head all the way around.
10:47 shoulders though hinge out. they don't really are obviously not gonna be
10:51 hindered as much with the armor. I mean you could still shift the armor up but
10:54 like just the armor alone is the one thing that just continues to bother me
10:57 about this figure. it's always shifting around. again if you've had mannered arms
11:02 you know exactly what I'm talking about. the arms move forward. the arms move back.
11:05 the figure like other masters figures only has a single hinge in the elbow that
11:09 rotates back and forth and also has rotation all the way around. there's a
11:13 swivel in the waist. the legs do split out on ball joints. once again you can
11:16 take the legs and move forward move them back. a single hinge in the knee rotates
11:20 the lower leg rotates the boot. there's actually even though it's not really a
11:23 boot the lower half of his guard here right by his calf does swivel back and
11:27 forth and like other He-Man figures you have a hinge up and down on the back and
11:30 forth on the ankle and there's also a nice little ankle rocker there as well.
11:34 it's a nice-looking Leo. the thing about it though is while it's combining two
11:38 80s properties that would really on paper make sense I don't know if this is
11:42 a line that's gonna cater to everybody. after all if you're one that likes to
11:46 collect Ninja Turtles would you then be also interested in Master Universe
11:49 figures or vice versa? if you are for example a fan of Master Universe could
11:54 you see yourself then venturing off to get something like from of course Ninja
11:58 Turtles? I don't know if that's always gonna be the case. I mean there's
12:01 obviously in the past Playmates has really tackled the licensing by
12:04 incorporating other properties so that's why you've always had like sports team
12:08 Turtles you've had Star Trek Turtles and some to leveling degrees have been
12:12 successful. the thing about the Turtles though is I feel like the collectors of
12:15 Ninja Turtles are gonna be more interested in collecting this line than
12:19 again Masters fans. Masters fans are speaking for myself more so I'm a bigger
12:24 Master Universe fan than I am a Teenage Mutant Turtle fan. if anything I have
12:28 more interest in the mutated characters that we're getting from this line and
12:31 maybe not as much for the Turtles. again if you are interested to collect Ninja
12:35 Turtle then you probably be collecting anything and everything that has the
12:38 Turtle brand on it but I think if you're collecting also Master Universe
12:42 or MOTU I don't know if you're gonna be as interested to
12:46 collect the Ninja Turtles even though it is really supposed to belong of the same
12:49 universe. as we now jump over to the rotisserie and get the final looks of
12:53 the new Turtles of Greyskull Leonardo I do like the figure but I don't know how
12:57 much I love the figure. if just honestly looking at the back of the packaging and
13:00 just the first wave alone I'm actually kind of more interested in the mutated
13:04 characters than I am the half-shell heroes themselves. I mean the Turtles
13:08 look good but I don't know how well I like the idea of them just belonging in
13:11 the same universe as the Eternian heroes. I mean He-Man and the Masters have their
13:16 place the Turtles of course have theirs and to combine really the two it seems
13:20 almost like a forced crossover. I mean I like the look of the Leonardo but to
13:24 have these figures on display I'd honestly probably have them in their own
13:27 self-contained shelf than having them try to be paired along with the rest of
13:31 Master Universe Origins figures. the figure does have the same level of
13:34 articulation you come to expect now when it comes to regular He-Man
13:38 figures and he comes to some decent accessories. unfortunately though the
13:41 half-shell shield doesn't really stay properly in place on the back of his
13:44 bandolier armor so you may find yourself if you always have the figure displayed
13:48 that way the actual shield is always gonna fall off. funny again the fact that
13:53 they actually sculpted a shell on the back of Leo's body but they didn't
13:56 actually paint it. I feel like if this is gonna be his half shell on the back of
14:00 his torso then they should have just sculpted the torso without an actual
14:04 shell on the back of it. to sculpt it in there implies the fact that the figure
14:08 now has two shells. does that make now two halves make a whole? is he a whole
14:12 shell hero? no that's just absolutely ridiculous. but what do you guys though
14:16 think of the Turtles of Grayskull Leonardo? decent-looking figure or a
14:19 total pass? let me know what you think of this line down below in the comments
14:22 section. now of course we are gonna be looking at the rest of the entire first
14:25 wave. the first wave consisting of Leonardo Donatello at least of the
14:30 Turtle brothers. then we're also gonna be looking at He-Man and Man in Arms.
14:33 honestly of the first first wave of figures I'm the most honestly interested
14:37 in the He-Man and I think that might also be the same thing that's gonna
14:40 carry over to the future waves where I'm kind of gonna be a little bit more
14:43 interested in the mutated master characters than maybe maybe gonna be the
14:47 case for the actual Turtles. but we'll certainly see as we look at the rest of
14:50 this remaining line. by the way if you guys are interested and like to get this
14:54 one for yourself or any of the rest of the new Turtles of Grayskull they are
14:57 available in many online sites. I just happen to have picked this one up over
15:01 at Entertainment Earth. the beauty at least of going Entertainment Earth's
15:04 route if you guys wanted to go that direction and go to their site using the
15:08 provided link down below in the video description will actually save you a
15:11 knockoff right away 10% on your total purchase providing anything is currently
15:15 in stock. it doesn't have to necessarily be the Turtles or Masters figures
15:18 anything that's in stock over at Entertainment Earth will knock right
15:21 away 10% off. so feel free to do a little bit of shopping. also again if you guys
15:26 haven't already make sure you hit that subscribe button down below and you're
15:28 turning on the bell notification. can't even get that all out and make
15:32 sure of course you're coming back because we're all gonna be looking at
15:33 the reviews of Donatello, Man at Arms and He-Man maybe not necessarily in that
15:38 particular order. as always guys thanks for watching see you guys next time
15:44 you
15:46 you
15:48 (explosion)
