• last year
Cow tastes freedom after 17 years
00:00 You got it girl. Margaret had many children and when she was no longer able to continue getting pregnant and producing milk after
00:07 17 years there's no use for her at the dairy farm anymore
00:11 So we rescued margaret because we were looking for a special companion for another cow named
00:16 Helen who we have here at the sanctuary who is 19 years old and blind. Come here. I'm right here. There you go
00:22 There you go. It's okay when margaret first got here
00:25 She stepped off the trailer and she was like, where am I? She was a little bit standoffish
00:29 She was like, where am I? She was a little bit standoffish
00:31 Careful
00:34 Margaret
00:39 You want to meet Helen? When we introduced Helen and Margaret to each other
00:43 It was an instant connection. Margaret walked right up to Helen and started licking her
00:48 So
00:50 From that moment they became attached to the hip and they are they are literally never apart
01:15 It's almost like they've known each other their entire lives I will look out the window and margaret is just licking Helen
01:20 That is what they do all day. Their daily life is heaven
01:24 We have wind chimes all around that they can listen to in the wind
01:30 I definitely think that margaret helps Helen get around her head is always touching the backside of margaret
01:39 And so she's definitely using margaret to feel safe to get around
01:42 Margaret is so loving and affectionate. She'll stare at us for a long time where she's like peering into our souls
01:48 Who is that? Margaret definitely has a really nice bond with my partner scooter the co-founder of the sanctuary
01:55 He's always kissing her and giving her love and rubbing under her neck
01:59 She will stand there for hours and tell us not to stop
02:03 Every other night they get their arthritis medication
02:05 And so we make a really nice mixture that they go crazy over and it's a little bit of their favorite pellets
02:12 Their arthritis medication because they both have osteoarthritis and some loose minerals and they eat the same
02:18 things that they eat in the morning
02:20 So they're not really that different. They're not that different. They're not that different
02:25 their favorite pellets their arthritis medication because they both have osteoarthritis and some loose minerals and they eat that up so fast
02:33 We need to make sure that they eat all of their arthritis medication
02:36 Oh, no, no, no margaret margaret is always trying to steal helen's bucket
02:41 Even if margaret isn't finished hers, she will go and she'll be like helen. What do you have in your bucket?
02:45 Imagine like year after year being impregnated having a child having that child taken from you being hooked up to milking machines every day
02:54 And just doing that for 17 years every single day every single year of your life baby after baby and then to come to sanctuary
03:01 Where no one expects anything from you. It is a complete 180
03:06 She opened up her heart and accepted us and that just really shows me how brave resilient forgiving and
03:19 Loving she is and it just tells me so much about her as a person
03:23 um
03:25 It literally is just like two old ladies living their best life in their elderly years
03:31 I mean, you know, what more could you ask for?
