Parità di genere, D’Onghia: “Nella Pa scarsa presenza donne in posizioni apicali”

  • 7 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Ho cercato di illustrare le politiche all'interno delle pubbliche amministrazioni in termini di parità di genere, cercando di spiegare come se da un punto di vista della strumentazione giuridica sono state rimosse tutte le disparità, persisto, però, delle disparità di fatto, che si sostanziano in particolare nella scarsa presenza delle donne nelle posizioni apicali e in una difficoltà di conciliare la carriera e quindi il lavoro con le esigenze di cura di vita privata”. E’ il commento di Madia D’Onghia, componente dell’Osservatorio sulla Parità presso il Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali, a margine dell’evento ‘Parità di genere, un nuovo paradigma nel Dna dell’organizzazione e un valore della PA per promuovere eccellenza e professionalità’, organizzato dal Comitato Unico di Garanzia (Cug) dell’Inps.


00:00 What are the differences between the two parties?
00:04 I tried to illustrate the policies of public administrations in terms of gender equality,
00:14 trying to explain how, if from a legal point of view, all disparities have been removed,
00:23 that is, the disparities in rights have been overcome, and in some way the data testifies to this,
00:30 because the women who access public administration now represent the majority,
00:36 but disparities persist, disparities that are substantiated in particular in the scarce presence of women in the apical positions
00:47 and in a difficulty in reconciling career and work with the needs of care and private life.
00:57 All this requires, I tried to explain it in my speech,
01:03 an attention from all the components of public administration.
01:09 The magic word that has been evoked by others this afternoon is "alliance".
01:16 It is necessary that everyone, through a cultural process,
01:21 becomes aware of the need that all genders are given the same opportunities,
01:28 in a logic of sharing and in the awareness that realizing gender equality does not mean nullifying the differences,
01:35 it means giving value to the differences and creating a more serene workplace,
01:42 that is, the organizational well-being that is talked about so much,
01:46 and making public administration more efficient, more effective and more productive,
01:52 also in terms of better services for those who turn to public administration.
01:57 In terms of auspices, I wish it much earlier, I would like to live this experience too,
02:02 rather than leave it to grandchildren or children.
02:06 I think that there is a movement, an attention, in recent years, different from the past,
02:13 but it is necessary that this attention is, the attention should always remain very high,
02:19 the guard must not be lowered, absolutely, and we must talk about it all,
02:24 because if it is only women who talk about it, we make a hole in the water.
02:27 l'acqua.
