President Lula da Silva presents plan for racial equality

  • 6 months ago
Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva presented a plan with racial equality policies in the administrative district of Ceilandia to improve the living conditions of the black population in the country. teleSUR

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00:00 Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva presented on Thursday the "Live Black Youth"
00:05 plan, which seeks to support the country's black youth and address the social injustices
00:10 faced by this sector. From Sao Paulo, Ignacio Lemos with more.
00:14 Greetings. Today President Lula da Silva launched in Brazil the "Live Black Youth" plan,
00:24 an initiative of the Ministry of Racial Equality, headed by Aniel Franco, who is the sister of the
00:31 councilwoman moderate in Rio de Janeiro, Mariel Franco, and who has carried out the task of
00:37 listening to about 6,000 young blacks to find out what are the proposals, the concerns,
00:44 the suffering of this sector of the population.
00:49 An important fact is that the majority of the Brazilian population is black, and the number
00:56 of homicides against black youth is four times higher than the number of homicides against white
01:02 youth. In this sense, President Lula da Silva, during his presentation in Brasilia, assured that
01:10 he seeks to confront the social injustice experienced by this sector of the Brazilian
01:15 population. He went through all the aspects in which this extermination of the black population
01:22 is manifested, both in terms of social vulnerability as well as the actions of the
01:28 military police in several states that target first the black population and also the stray bullets,
01:34 those bullets from police conflicts that usually end up in the bodies of black youths in Brazil.
01:43 Also the prison issue, where most of the prisoners are black and many times innocent,
01:48 but are taken to jail only because of their skin color.
01:51 In this sense, this plan is being developed, which foresees the use of $120 million in
01:59 initiatives to address social vulnerability and also to provide more rights to equalize
02:05 an unjust and unfair situation that has existed for centuries here in Brazil.
02:10 It is also foreseen that there will be an inter-ministerial action. It is requested
02:17 that all Brazilian ministries focus on this program, which is a state policy for the
02:22 government of Lula da Silva, taking into account the historical inequality that the young black
02:27 population lives in Brazil.
