• 6 months ago


00:00:00 As we approach the halfway point of the experiment...
00:00:04 Good morning. How are you?
00:00:06 Good. Good for me. Absolutely. Thank you.
00:00:09 Our couples are getting ready for the third dinner party.
00:00:13 What's in your beer?
00:00:15 What? What's right there?
00:00:17 What is that? Red wine? Yeah, I think so.
00:00:19 Oh! Don't scare me like that.
00:00:22 I'm gonna head to showers. Let's get ready. Thank you.
00:00:24 Clear off.
00:00:26 May I have your attention, please? Oh!
00:00:30 D.A. Fire Services will be conducting a sound test on the emergency evacuation system.
00:00:35 Evacuate now!
00:00:37 For up-and-down couple Melinda and Leighton, spirits are high.
00:00:43 I look cute. You look cute.
00:00:45 This is the longest we've gone without... With what?
00:00:48 ...hugging. I don't know. We haven't had a fight in, like, a few days.
00:00:52 It's good. It's good for us. Run or roll.
00:00:54 I think Leighton are doing really good at the moment.
00:00:56 Um, I feel that we've really, like, turned a corner.
00:01:01 Happy? How are you feeling?
00:01:03 I'm feeling, like, good.
00:01:06 I personally think four people should really be talking tonight,
00:01:09 and that should be Claire, Jessie, Adam and Janelle.
00:01:13 Tonight's dinner party is gonna be explosive.
00:01:16 You've got Adam and Claire that's hooked up.
00:01:18 You've got Janelle and Jessie as the victims of the hook-up.
00:01:21 There's two people that need closure.
00:01:23 Janelle and Jessie, they haven't really been speaking to their partners,
00:01:26 so the partners now need to, you know, speak, have some remorse,
00:01:29 have some regret, like, can this be, like, mended,
00:01:32 or is this just, like, you know, a dead end completely?
00:01:36 The fallout surrounding Claire and Adam's infidelity
00:01:39 has spread throughout the apartments.
00:01:42 The question of how to treat a friend who has clearly done the wrong thing
00:01:46 is causing tension between Alyssa and Duncan,
00:01:49 who until this point have been rock solid.
00:01:52 To me, it's really easy.
00:01:54 It's just two people have both done a really terrible thing,
00:01:57 so they've both got to wear it tonight, both Adam and Claire.
00:02:02 I'll tell you right now, I'm not greeting Claire and I'm not greeting Adam.
00:02:06 Absolutely not.
00:02:08 I would be cheating myself if I was fake to them and said hello to them.
00:02:14 Alyssa is upset with my approach towards Adam,
00:02:21 but I feel like my line in the sand is really easy to understand.
00:02:25 I'm friends with the guy, he's done something stupid, he has to own it,
00:02:29 I'm not going to support him, I don't agree with it,
00:02:31 that doesn't mean I'm never going to talk to him ever again.
00:02:34 Although I've explained that to her,
00:02:36 it doesn't seem like that's enough for Alyssa.
00:02:40 Because I'm friendly to everyone,
00:02:43 that somehow means that, like, I would then go and support
00:02:47 somebody's behaviour that doesn't align to my morals,
00:02:49 and that's just not the case.
00:02:51 One of the qualities that I love about Duncan
00:02:53 is he is friends with everyone.
00:02:55 But at the same time, if that person is a cheater,
00:03:00 I'm happy to, very happy to leave that person out.
00:03:04 Adam and Claire lying for weeks about it.
00:03:07 I just, I have a lot to say to both of them,
00:03:11 and yeah, I'm not, 100% not going to hold back.
00:03:14 I have no filter all the time,
00:03:16 and this is definitely not going to be a time
00:03:18 where I'm going to have a filter.
00:03:20 I wouldn't expect anything less.
00:03:22 And Alyssa isn't the only one with a lot to say this evening.
00:03:27 I want to call Adam's behaviour out for what he did to Jessie.
00:03:31 You know, the gaslighting of Jessie was just so reprehensible.
00:03:35 You're paranoid, mate, you've got your own issues
00:03:37 that you have to work on.
00:03:39 What you did on Saturday night was not on.
00:03:44 I don't think Adam's capable of taking accountability.
00:03:48 The guy's just, to me, he's just a snake.
00:03:51 So I want to make sure that he is held accountable tonight.
00:03:55 Wow, you look incredible.
00:03:57 Tonight will be lit.
00:03:59 Yeah, I think that's going to be wild.
00:04:02 Returning from their honeymoons,
00:04:04 our two new couples are blissfully unaware
00:04:06 of the tension-filled evening that lies ahead
00:04:09 in their first dinner party with the group.
00:04:11 I think we should be ourselves,
00:04:14 not be ashamed of our journey.
00:04:17 We had a bumpy start. Own it.
00:04:19 How are you feeling?
00:04:21 Yeah, a little bit nervous. I haven't done my poop yet.
00:04:24 Rupert and I had a bad first impression.
00:04:29 Our wedding was...
00:04:31 I think we both agreed that it was not the best.
00:04:34 It looks so natural. It looks like eggs.
00:04:37 Rupert looked petrified.
00:04:40 Is this where we talk?
00:04:43 Yeah.
00:04:45 Do your hands look like...?
00:04:48 (LAUGHS)
00:04:55 (SCREAMS)
00:04:57 Throughout the honeymoon,
00:04:59 we were starting to get to know each other a bit more.
00:05:02 I hope that we continue to calm his nerves a little bit.
00:05:06 Heading into the dinner party,
00:05:08 hopefully it'll be light-hearted and a lovely evening.
00:05:12 Let's get out of here. We got this.
00:05:15 In stark contrast to Evelyn and Rupert,
00:05:20 fellow newcomers, Taylor and Hugo, are struggling to connect.
00:05:25 Taylor joined the experiment to help her overcome her controlling ways.
00:05:30 I cannot negotiate on the littlest of things.
00:05:34 Why do you think it no longer works for you in relationships?
00:05:39 Well, I think because it gets to the point where I have broken someone
00:05:43 and they lose their power.
00:05:47 And the moment she met Hugo...
00:05:50 I have always had a problem with authority.
00:05:53 And I don't like being told what to do.
00:05:56 ..she proved old habits die hard.
00:05:59 Hey, here you can sleep.
00:06:01 You want me to sleep next to a freezing window? Yes.
00:06:04 Despite their shaky start,
00:06:06 they hope to put on a united front
00:06:08 for their first dinner party of the experiment.
00:06:11 I think if we just kind of go in there together,
00:06:13 have each other's backs, we will be fine.
00:06:15 That's a good way to do it. Yeah. Strong and united.
00:06:18 What's your plan of attack tonight?
00:06:20 I want to see her happy
00:06:22 and I want to use this as a bit of a turning point.
00:06:28 At the centre of tonight's cheating drama,
00:06:31 Claire is one of four people heading to tonight's dinner party alone.
00:06:36 And despite her mistakes,
00:06:38 she remains determined to salvage her relationship.
00:06:42 I want to show Jesse that I'm committed to rectifying
00:06:46 the mistakes that I've made.
00:06:48 And I care about you, I care about your feelings.
00:06:52 I do like Jesse. I really like Jesse.
00:06:55 So I wrote Jesse a letter which probably better explains
00:06:58 just how truly sorry I am.
00:07:01 The letter is important because it's a way of me expressing
00:07:07 how I want to move forward and why it's important for me
00:07:11 to show him that I'm committed to making our relationship my priority
00:07:16 and finding a way to...to reconnect.
00:07:21 I hope that he can see, like, that I am really sorry
00:07:25 and that this comes from the heart.
00:07:28 For Jesse, this evening is the culmination
00:07:40 of a dramatic few weeks in the experiment,
00:07:43 where his suspicions have finally been confirmed, however painfully.
00:07:49 I hate being the centre of attention.
00:07:51 I just don't really want to go to the dinner party tonight.
00:07:56 I just...yeah.
00:07:58 I do not want to experience everyone watching every word I say.
00:08:04 I'd rather sit by myself, to be honest.
00:08:07 What Claire and Adam have done have definitely activated in me
00:08:12 the past her.
00:08:13 I have been cheated on before.
00:08:17 So for this to have happened between Claire and Adam,
00:08:20 it's just like...it's almost like life laughing in my face.
00:08:25 Like, this is what you get every time.
00:08:28 So that plays a part in, you know, in this pain.
00:08:32 No, I haven't spoken to Adam since we had that big blow-up.
00:08:36 I don't want him to come up and try and shake my hand
00:08:39 and try and smooth things over.
00:08:41 Like...just don't...please, man, don't do that.
00:08:45 Don't go there with me.
00:08:47 Like, I don't want to talk to you and I don't want to talk about it.
00:08:51 Jesse's plan to avoid a confrontation
00:08:56 may not be as straightforward as he hopes,
00:08:59 with Adam preparing to unleash his own truth
00:09:02 at the dinner table tonight, regardless of the ramifications.
00:09:07 I'm sure there's a lot of people at the table
00:09:09 that have something to say about, yeah,
00:09:11 my actions and Claire's actions that night.
00:09:13 So, yeah, I'm expecting it.
00:09:15 But I have something that I need to get off my chest
00:09:18 in terms of me and Janelle
00:09:19 that might shed a little bit of light on how that kiss even came about.
00:09:23 I just want to tell the full truth.
00:09:25 So I really need to let people know
00:09:28 where Janelle and I were at at the time that this kiss happened.
00:09:32 What's done is done. It was three weeks ago.
00:09:35 So, like, get over it, move on.
00:09:38 Don't be bitter about it.
00:09:41 (DOOR CLOSES)
00:09:42 Down the hall, Janelle is a woman on a mission
00:09:47 as she prepares to face Adam and Claire
00:09:50 at this evening's dinner party.
00:09:52 I have been such a loyal partner to Adam this entire experiment.
00:09:58 I have put everything into that relationship.
00:10:02 Looking back when all the allegations were flying around
00:10:06 about Adam and his disloyalty,
00:10:08 I had his back the entire time.
00:10:11 But it was all for nothing.
00:10:14 Janelle, was there any doubt in your mind
00:10:17 that what Jessie was saying was true?
00:10:20 I trust Adam.
00:10:23 As soon as he got back from that night,
00:10:27 he told me everything that happened.
00:10:29 When I found out about Adam and Claire, I was really shocked.
00:10:35 Me and Claire had a little kiss downstairs.
00:10:37 Off the back of...
00:10:38 ..this big fight that we had,
00:10:41 and that was to sound like a bit of an excuse.
00:10:43 Weren't we in a good place during then, though?
00:10:45 Well, I'm just telling you right now that I'm telling you,
00:10:49 like, that's where I felt.
00:10:51 OK. Yeah, like...
00:10:53 So, I was just thinking, "How could he do this to me?"
00:11:04 Because we were really good.
00:11:07 Our relationship was growing.
00:11:09 And then I was sad.
00:11:12 And then I was angry.
00:11:14 Really, really angry.
00:11:18 Like, I could not believe that this is the experience
00:11:20 that I'm going through right now.
00:11:22 What they did wasn't just wrong to me, it was wrong to Jessie,
00:11:27 and it was a mockery of the experiment.
00:11:29 Going into the dinner party, I'm going in fully loaded.
00:11:33 I'm going to make sure they all understand what Adam is like,
00:11:36 and I'm going to make sure that everyone
00:11:39 is going to hold Adam accountable.
00:11:41 Tonight, I am going in in the biggest, baddest bitch mood ever.
00:11:47 So, here we are, you guys, third dinner party.
00:12:00 And, of course, this week, we have our two new couples
00:12:03 entering tonight.
00:12:04 So excited to see what's happened.
00:12:06 Yes, I mean, we know that with Evelyn, particularly, and Rupert,
00:12:09 they're a very glamorous, attractive couple,
00:12:11 but is there going to be a chemistry there?
00:12:14 First dinner party...
00:12:16 I think we've come a long way since the wedding.
00:12:18 ..we have come so far.
00:12:20 I honestly didn't think it was possible.
00:12:22 And then we also have tonight, Taylor and Hugo.
00:12:25 Hugo is very quirky.
00:12:27 Taylor, on the other hand, she can be quite demanding.
00:12:31 What I like about this match is that for Taylor,
00:12:39 this is outside of her type.
00:12:41 So this is her opportunity to be with someone different,
00:12:44 which will hopefully bring out something different in her.
00:12:47 I think all of the girls have pretty feisty personalities.
00:12:51 If we butt heads, then it's going to be game on.
00:12:55 Why would they be getting their backs up?
00:12:58 You might say something, and I have to obviously get involved, so...
00:13:02 OK. ..yeah, just play it cool.
00:13:04 Tonight, we will see how the group copes with two new couples.
00:13:11 It can be something that goes relatively smoothly.
00:13:14 Excited to see Taylor and Hugo again.
00:13:17 I want to see how they're doing.
00:13:19 But we've seen in the past that it can really throw them
00:13:22 and unsettle them,
00:13:23 particularly if they're not getting along in their own relationship.
00:13:26 A lot of people are going to hold Adam and Claire accountable.
00:13:30 Sometimes you walk away and don't talk to them again.
00:13:33 Other times...
00:13:34 It's beyond that, Duncan.
00:13:36 It is beyond just them kissing and lying about it.
00:13:41 I think you need to pull...
00:13:43 You can't be friends with everyone, Duncan.
00:13:45 You can't... You cannot be friends with everybody. Yeah.
00:13:48 I think you need to pull people up on their behaviour.
00:13:51 And that's... Just cut it out.
00:13:53 You keep repeating to yourself that,
00:13:55 "Oh, I don't condone his behaviour, I'm going to pull him up on it."
00:13:58 Because you're condoning his behaviour
00:14:00 by even associating with that kind of person.
00:14:03 This is quite a drama-filled group, so for our new couples coming in,
00:14:08 it could be really quite confronting for them tonight.
00:14:11 And of course, all of the original couples
00:14:13 went along as guests to the wedding,
00:14:15 so I cannot wait to see how that has all unfolded too.
00:14:20 Ooh!
00:14:21 We're first!
00:14:23 First! Cam off the rank.
00:14:25 Tani and Oli.
00:14:26 Look at that fun, relaxed entrance.
00:14:29 Yes!
00:14:30 Mate, you've got... What have I got?
00:14:32 It's on your ear. Get it off.
00:14:34 Can I lick it? Mm.
00:14:36 One finger? Yeah, you can lick it.
00:14:38 Eugh! Dude!
00:14:40 Don't! It's still there, bro.
00:14:42 It's like a wet willy, dude.
00:14:45 We were the first ones there. We haven't done that before.
00:14:48 But, you know, it was a calm before the storm, wasn't it?
00:14:51 Oh, my God.
00:14:52 I'm a bit nervous, to be honest.
00:14:54 What's making you nervous?
00:14:55 Just the group dynamic.
00:14:57 I feel like there's a lot of awkwardness.
00:14:59 What?
00:15:01 What's happened there?
00:15:03 There's just so many facets, right? No.
00:15:05 There's so many facets.
00:15:07 It's like crazy times ahead.
00:15:09 Yeah. Ooh!
00:15:10 Hello! Hi!
00:15:12 Mum, how are you doing?
00:15:14 How are we?
00:15:15 Ooh, sparkly!
00:15:16 Leighton and Melinda. Such good energy.
00:15:18 Very happy entrance.
00:15:20 How are you feeling about tonight? I'm a bit nervous.
00:15:22 Are you? Yeah, I think it's the calm before the storm.
00:15:24 I'm feeling... Well, we were just saying that.
00:15:26 Like, the group dynamic,
00:15:27 cos I feel like there's such a divide now... Yeah.
00:15:30 ..that we weren't super aware of.
00:15:32 I feel like we want to hear, like, Adam and Claire
00:15:36 explain the situation,
00:15:37 cos obviously we feel some type of way about it,
00:15:39 but we still want to, like, hear what they have to say.
00:15:42 Yeah, cos we've had, like, kind of whispers happen.
00:15:44 Exactly. And so has Janelle a bit.
00:15:46 Yeah. Yeah. How do you mean?
00:15:48 Well, I mean, it's kind of like, you know, hearing from...
00:15:50 She's heard from Jessie. ..Jessie and Claire.
00:15:52 Yeah. Yeah.
00:15:53 So it is about Adam and Claire, apparently.
00:15:56 I thought this was all sorted. Clearly not.
00:15:58 That we had this out at the commitment ceremony.
00:16:00 Is that what you're talking about?
00:16:02 I don't know if it's the same or something new.
00:16:04 Or is it something new?
00:16:05 But that's the other thing.
00:16:06 Why at the other wedding did it get brought out?
00:16:08 Janelle, she went to Claire, I think it was the last dinner party,
00:16:11 and said, "Is there anything I need to be worried about?"
00:16:13 That's right. That's what Mel was saying.
00:16:15 That is a perfect opportunity to say, "Actually, I kissed your man."
00:16:19 Oh!
00:16:21 Oh.
00:16:22 So not appropriate. Yep.
00:16:24 So I think we can safely assume... Oh, really?
00:16:26 ..that there was a kiss between Claire and Adam.
00:16:28 How difficult for Jessie.
00:16:30 And Janelle.
00:16:31 For both of them. For... Yes, of course.
00:16:33 Yeah.
00:16:34 Dang.
00:16:35 I'm shocked at this, because, you know,
00:16:37 when we confronted them at that commitment ceremony,
00:16:39 Adam and Claire flatly denied anything.
00:16:43 Honestly, I have to say, they lied so well.
00:16:47 Yeah. They lied so well. Seriously?
00:16:49 Yeah.
00:16:50 (CHEERING)
00:16:52 Alyssa and Duncan.
00:16:54 Oh, Alyssa and Duncan.
00:16:55 Well, they were amazing on the couch last week, weren't they?
00:16:58 Yes.
00:16:59 Just in sync, very happy, working as a team.
00:17:02 How are you, bro?
00:17:03 Good. Yeah? Yeah, yeah.
00:17:05 Everyone in this experiment thinks that me and Alyssa are going like that.
00:17:08 I do feel like that, but it's also natural to have disagreements.
00:17:13 And when you've got a friend who's done something wrong,
00:17:16 how do you as a couple weave through that piece?
00:17:19 That's... That's hard.
00:17:21 I'm seeing red.
00:17:24 I can't wait to murder Claire and also murder Adam.
00:17:29 Ooh.
00:17:30 We've seen in this experiment, when betrayal comes out,
00:17:33 it can be really unsettling for our couples... Yes.
00:17:35 ..because they see it up close and personal,
00:17:37 and they, in a sense, can see that it may happen to them
00:17:41 if they're not strong with their partner.
00:17:43 That's right.
00:17:44 Everyone thinks I'm supporting Adam. I'm not.
00:17:46 He's got to own his shit behaviour, right? Simple as that.
00:17:49 Tonight, I feel nervous,
00:18:00 but I also feel really determined to do what I have to do
00:18:05 to make sure Adam and Claire are held accountable.
00:18:08 I think Adam is a bad person.
00:18:11 I don't think he just did a bad thing
00:18:13 because there was no remorse in his actions.
00:18:17 Tonight, I'm on a mission.
00:18:20 I need the closure.
00:18:22 So, for the first time in this experiment,
00:18:25 I'm standing up for myself.
00:18:27 Yes! Yes!
00:18:31 Yes! Yes!
00:18:33 Oh, he's Janelle Alain.
00:18:35 Claire Reader's proof to the rumours.
00:18:37 If you came in with Adam, we wouldn't be having you.
00:18:40 This is what we need for her.
00:18:42 All the support in the room.
00:18:44 Hi. Hello.
00:18:45 It's a really strong entrance.
00:18:47 Powerful, by herself.
00:18:49 She's in all of her power.
00:18:51 She is. She is.
00:18:52 Kill Bill vibes on.
00:18:53 I have samurai vibes right now.
00:18:55 I'm feeling Kill Bill. Ready for the kill.
00:18:57 LAUGHTER
00:18:58 Two chopsticks. They were there for Adam.
00:19:02 The way I found out has just been...on its own.
00:19:05 Yes. No-one telling me.
00:19:07 The first thought that came to my mind was Adam sitting at that couch
00:19:11 making Jesse look like a crazy person.
00:19:13 He gaslit Jesse. Yes.
00:19:15 He completely gaslit Jesse and all of us into thinking that he was crazy.
00:19:19 Yes! Yes!
00:19:20 Also, when they come through the door, I'm not getting up.
00:19:23 I'm not getting up. I'm not saying, "No, why would I greet them?"
00:19:27 Alyssa was, like, on a whole 'nother level.
00:19:29 She is, like, seeing red.
00:19:32 It is a lot of drama for the new couples to walk in too.
00:19:35 Yeah. And, of course, not really knowing the people involved.
00:19:38 They're going to have to take sides as well, these new couples.
00:19:41 Where do they stand on betrayal?
00:19:43 Mate, can you imagine them walking in tonight with all the shit that's going to happen?
00:19:46 They won't have any idea what's going on. They'll just be sitting there going, "What the..."
00:19:49 Imagine you coming in the first time and you've got all these people talking about shit you don't know.
00:19:56 Oh, hey, guys.
00:19:58 Oh, the new couple.
00:19:59 Taylor and Hugo. Taylor and Hugo.
00:20:02 Hi. How are we?
00:20:04 Very separate.
00:20:05 Wow. For a brand-new couple, they just split immediately.
00:20:09 Hi, Tony. Nice to meet you.
00:20:11 Hey, mate. Leighton. Hugo. Nice to meet you.
00:20:12 Hugo, nice to meet you, mate. Nice to meet you, brother.
00:20:14 How's everything going? Yeah, all right.
00:20:16 Clearly, they're not meshing well. No.
00:20:19 That's disappointing.
00:20:21 How's it been?
00:20:22 You know, we're just, like, taking it really slow at the moment and seeing where we go with it all.
00:20:27 Do you like him?
00:20:29 Oh, hesitation there.
00:20:31 You know what? It's a slow burn right now.
00:20:34 Is it a slow burn for him as well?
00:20:36 I don't think it was.
00:20:38 He kind of, you know, got a bit of a bit of savage from me, but he dealt with it really well.
00:20:45 Hi.
00:20:46 How are you guys getting along?
00:20:47 It's good.
00:20:48 It's a work of brotherhood.
00:20:51 If it makes you feel better, so Mel is my missus on the end.
00:20:54 We didn't hit it off.
00:20:56 Oh, did you not?
00:20:57 And now we're, like, pretty tight.
00:20:58 Nice.
00:20:59 Like, rock solid. So if you're feeling like that, happy with the start.
00:21:01 Yeah.
00:21:02 Mate, that's kind of normal.
00:21:03 Leighton was really supportive.
00:21:05 He shared a lot of words of wisdom, which is encouraging.
00:21:09 So I'm hoping that me and Taylor will be able to turn this around.
00:21:13 Has anybody cleared you in, like, what's actually going on?
00:21:15 No.
00:21:16 The first weekend we all arrived, there was a big night out.
00:21:19 Basically, Adam and Claire kissed.
00:21:22 So Adam is her husband.
00:21:23 Adam is my husband.
00:21:24 And Claire is another bride.
00:21:26 OK.
00:21:27 And Claire was also at your wedding.
00:21:29 Are you all right?
00:21:30 I'm feeling like a bit of a bad bitch today.
00:21:32 OK.
00:21:33 So you're prepared?
00:21:34 I'm prepared.
00:21:35 All right.
00:21:36 Yeah.
00:21:37 [cheering]
00:21:41 Sandy and Dan walking in together.
00:21:44 Big doggie, how are ya?
00:21:45 Hey, good.
00:21:46 How you doing?
00:21:47 Hello.
00:21:48 Oh, my god, look at you.
00:21:49 Oh, my gosh.
00:21:50 I've been thinking about it.
00:21:51 You all good?
00:21:52 Could be better.
00:21:53 You support?
00:21:54 Claire told me about the kiss before anyone else.
00:21:57 It's not that I'm saying I support Claire and I don't support Janelle,
00:21:59 but I think it's almost this energy or this vibe that there's a Claire side
00:22:02 and a Janelle side.
00:22:04 I don't support the decision she made and the mistakes she made,
00:22:07 but I'm supporting the fact that she's owning it.
00:22:10 She said that she was going to tell you guys.
00:22:12 As long as she's owning it, she's coming forward,
00:22:14 that's all I can do.
00:22:15 Well, she did the right thing, obviously.
00:22:17 Well, she didn't.
00:22:18 It took two weeks.
00:22:19 Well, no, no, no, hey, she's not married to you.
00:22:22 I met Taylor, didn't really care for Janelle's situation,
00:22:28 like no empathy really.
00:22:30 I'm just putting my two cents in here.
00:22:32 We don't want to, like, kind of slam this girl when she comes in.
00:22:35 We will 100% slam her.
00:22:36 I'm going to give it to you straight.
00:22:38 Reason one, she kissed somebody else's groom.
00:22:40 Reason two, she lied about it for two weeks.
00:22:42 Reason three, she lied to her face.
00:22:46 If I see something that's unjust and something that's not right,
00:22:50 I'm not going to sit back and let it play out.
00:22:53 I'm going to call a spade a spade.
00:22:55 Again, it doesn't excuse what she did.
00:22:58 I'm the most nervous about just facing everyone
00:23:06 and having to talk about it.
00:23:09 But I understand that there's no way moving forward
00:23:14 without talking about it.
00:23:16 It's just getting a bit much.
00:23:19 It's going to be intense going to the dinner party now.
00:23:24 I'm dreading it.
00:23:27 I'm really, really dreading it.
00:23:29 Oh, my God.
00:23:31 It's actually making me so sick.
00:23:38 To just everything, yeah, like...
00:23:41 [indistinct chatter]
00:23:44 [gasps]
00:23:49 That was cold.
00:23:51 Ooh, that's a frosty room, isn't it?
00:23:56 The room's gone quiet.
00:23:57 Icy, icy.
00:24:00 [indistinct chatter]
00:24:04 [indistinct chatter]
00:24:08 I'm going to say hi to my family.
00:24:10 I'm going to say hi to my family.
00:24:12 I'm going to say hi to my family.
00:24:14 I'm going to say hi to my family.
00:24:16 I'm going to say hi to my family.
00:24:18 I'm going to say hi to my family.
00:24:20 I'm going to say hi to my family.
00:24:22 I'm going to say hi to my family.
00:24:24 I'm going to say hi to my family.
00:24:26 I'm going to say hi to my family.
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00:29:50 I'm going to say hi to my family.
00:29:52 I'm going to say hi to my family.
00:29:54 I'm going to say hi to my family.
00:29:56 I'm going to say hi to my family.
00:29:58 I'm going to say hi to my family.
00:30:00 I'm going to say hi to my family.
00:30:02 I'm going to say hi to my family.
00:30:04 I'm going to say hi to my family.
00:30:06 I'm going to say hi to my family.
00:30:08 I'm going to say hi to my family.
00:30:10 I'm going to say hi to my family.
00:30:12 I just 100% she's playing the victim.
00:30:14 They are only talking about the blame on the side of the woman right now.
00:30:18 Why aren't they talking about Adam?
00:30:20 It's definitely time to speak my truth, speak my mind.
00:30:27 Own up for what I've done.
00:30:33 But also in saying that, in turn, I need to also get off my chest
00:30:38 what I've been keeping to myself for a little while now
00:30:42 that I might shed a little bit of light on mine and Janelle's relationship.
00:30:47 Going into this dinner party, I know that everyone's sharpened up their pitchforks
00:30:53 and they are literally coming for me.
00:30:55 The lynch mob is out to get me tonight.
00:30:57 They don't know the full truth.
00:30:59 So I'm going to let them speak out
00:31:01 and then hopefully when I get the chance to say my bit,
00:31:04 it might sit them back down in their seat a little bit.
00:31:08 I still can't believe that you came and gave her a hug.
00:31:10 Good on you. You're a bigger person.
00:31:12 And here's Adam.
00:31:19 He's got to feel the tension in that room, surely.
00:31:22 Oh, don't worry, girl. I got you.
00:31:24 What's going on?
00:31:26 Absolutely nobody went up to him.
00:31:33 I actually think I might need to leave the room, guys.
00:31:36 I'm not going to lie.
00:31:38 No, no, no. Girl!
00:31:40 You never...
00:31:42 I don't want to cry in front of him.
00:31:44 He's the one that looks stupid.
00:31:46 How's he going to play this, you know?
00:31:48 What's happening, mate?
00:31:50 Feeling a bit better?
00:31:52 Jessie?
00:31:54 Do you want to have a conversation, bro?
00:31:57 Now?
00:32:01 I'd love to have a chat with you before we get into the dinner table.
00:32:04 Entirely up to you, bro. Entirely up to you.
00:32:07 Maybe just say hello to who you need to and grab yourself a beer.
00:32:12 Oh, yeah, it's too easy.
00:32:14 Mate, I want to chat to you straight up off the bat.
00:32:16 But if you're not ready, that's all good, yeah?
00:32:19 Sweet. Peace, Indy.
00:32:22 He wants to make it right by Jessie.
00:32:27 What about making it right by Janelle and Adam?
00:32:29 He doesn't deserve the tears. He doesn't deserve them.
00:32:32 He doesn't deserve them.
00:32:34 How's it been in Iraq, babe?
00:32:36 Oh, man, to be honest, you didn't get the worst reception.
00:32:39 Ladies and gentlemen, dinner is served.
00:32:49 Dinner is served.
00:32:51 It's going to be frigging dicey.
00:32:53 It's going to be explosive, this dinner.
00:32:59 Oh, there you are.
00:33:11 Janelle, you're over here.
00:33:13 This is the biggest portrayal you could have in the experiment.
00:33:16 Adam never wanted me to find out.
00:33:18 He was never going to tell me he was an abyssus loyal the entire experiment.
00:33:24 This dinner party, I'm ready more than ever.
00:33:27 I cannot wait to share my story
00:33:29 because I've been biting my tongue this entire cocktail party.
00:33:32 I hate being on the end. I'm a sordid action.
00:33:35 I cannot wait to share exactly what happened
00:33:38 and how Adam is trying to throw me under the bus
00:33:41 because I have a rebuttal for everything he says.
00:33:44 (BELL RINGS)
00:33:48 Straight into it.
00:33:53 (BEEP)
00:33:55 Tonight's going to be a shisho.
00:33:57 What I want to do at the dinner table is just sink into the abyss.
00:34:02 I just want to melt into the darkness.
00:34:05 I just want to take a dirt nap.
00:34:07 Hello, everyone.
00:34:10 I just wanted to firstly welcome the new beautiful couples.
00:34:13 (APPLAUSE)
00:34:15 Thank you. Thank you.
00:34:17 What a week to come, hey?
00:34:22 I just wanted to start off by saying...
00:34:25 ..it's good to see everyone.
00:34:30 I'm sure a lot of you have heard a lot has happened this week.
00:34:35 And I'm sure a lot of you want to know more.
00:34:44 So let's start off by hearing from Adam and Claire.
00:34:50 There you go. Right off the bat.
00:34:53 I'll start with this. I'll start with this.
00:34:55 And let's see if he owns it. Yes.
00:34:58 How does he speak about it?
00:35:00 Right, so all of you already know exactly what's gone on.
00:35:05 First of all, I just want to apologise massively to Janelle
00:35:10 and massively to Jessie as well.
00:35:12 Something that's been weighing on me
00:35:17 that I know all you guys know all about it now.
00:35:20 What happened? Tell us what happened.
00:35:24 OK, all right.
00:35:26 So when we were out that night, me and Claire lied about it,
00:35:29 said that nothing actually did happen,
00:35:31 even though Jessie knew that something must have happened that night.
00:35:35 He didn't know exactly what happened.
00:35:37 That's why I really want to apologise to you, Jessie,
00:35:40 for the way I made you feel at our first commitment ceremony.
00:35:44 Making you out to look like you were probably going crazy
00:35:47 or whatever it was, like...
00:35:49 We kissed. We had a kiss downstairs.
00:35:54 It wasn't planned.
00:35:57 Either way, mate, we kissed and that's all I just want to say.
00:36:00 I can tell you right now there's nobody at this table
00:36:05 that has taken this harder than myself.
00:36:13 I will want to get into a little bit of myself and Janelle's relationship
00:36:17 at the time that that happened.
00:36:20 There's a lot of stuff that happened with me and Janelle
00:36:24 at the start of our relationship that none of yous know about.
00:36:27 Janelle doesn't even know about it.
00:36:30 Things had happened on our honeymoon, things had been said.
00:36:34 I'm not sitting here saying that we're just in a bad place.
00:36:39 It wasn't a real relationship.
00:36:42 The last two weeks has been a real relationship.
00:36:45 He's just saying you and I weren't in love,
00:36:49 we weren't in a relationship, I kissed somebody else.
00:36:52 It's not cheating. It's not culpability.
00:36:54 It was fair game.
00:36:56 And I just wanted to get out of the experiment
00:36:58 because, like, I didn't want to be here forever.
00:37:00 I'm feeling like an idiot.
00:37:11 Any feeling that I had for Adam was not real on his end.
00:37:15 He was trying to throw me under the bus.
00:37:19 But his reality of what our relationship was shocked me completely.
00:37:24 - You said... - Whatever.
00:37:26 You don't want to hear it, do you?
00:37:28 Let her speak and then we'll let you speak.
00:37:30 Listen, listen, OK? I'm here just owning everything,
00:37:37 so why would I be sitting here needing to lie about this?
00:37:41 Any of you guys actually heard him own it?
00:37:43 Have you heard him own it?
00:37:45 - He's here, excuse me. - What?
00:37:47 He's coming from this belief that whatever he says is right.
00:37:52 - It's right. - And everyone else at that table is wrong.
00:37:55 That's right.
00:37:57 The fact of the matter is, is me and Janelle
00:37:59 have formed a relationship in the last two weeks.
00:38:01 I'm owning up to the kiss that happened.
00:38:03 - Yeah. - That's what I'm fully owning.
00:38:05 But you don't call it cheating, is that correct?
00:38:07 Because you were in a bad place.
00:38:09 I'm not... The thing is, it's not a matter of...
00:38:11 Sounds like you're trying to justify it, bro.
00:38:13 Just own it and then shut up.
00:38:17 I'm not going to put my hand up and say I was a frigging cheat
00:38:20 when I wasn't a cheat.
00:38:22 I genuinely don't think he cares.
00:38:24 I think he says that he cares, but then if you care,
00:38:27 you'd really care about Janelle.
00:38:29 And all he wants to do is throw her under the bus.
00:38:31 Like, it's just... It was hard to watch.
00:38:34 Yes, I kissed Claire, but I wasn't cheating at the time.
00:38:39 From intimacy week on, we've had a real connection.
00:38:42 Out of everyone that was involved in that situation,
00:38:45 I feel more for Jesse in all of this,
00:38:49 because he came in...
00:38:51 Not your wife.
00:38:53 (bleep)
00:38:57 In that moment, I was like,
00:39:02 "Just sit there, don't say anything until you need to."
00:39:07 And watch the chaos unfold.
00:39:09 I would like to speak about my experience.
00:39:14 I would appreciate if no-one interrupted.
00:39:17 I don't know what Adam's talking about,
00:39:19 because I compromised and tried so hard in this relationship.
00:39:22 Oh, I didn't.
00:39:24 Adam, please.
00:39:26 Again, no sincere apology.
00:39:30 It was just, I kissed Claire because we were not in a good place.
00:39:34 Sorry.
00:39:36 Oh, my God.
00:39:45 Do you have no empathy at all for this?
00:39:49 Because I know the truth.
00:39:51 I hate that my naivety,
00:39:54 my...my choice to see the good in him
00:39:58 has completely (bleep) me over.
00:40:03 I honestly didn't know how to feel. I was shocked.
00:40:06 I thought we were in a good place.
00:40:08 My feelings for Adam were growing every day.
00:40:11 I'm here for love, like...
00:40:15 We cuddled on the couch, we watched movies,
00:40:19 we drank red wine, we called our friends.
00:40:22 I kissed him goodbye before he left.
00:40:28 And he had sex with me that night.
00:40:32 Mm.
00:40:34 No.
00:40:36 No.
00:40:38 Oh, my God. Wow.
00:40:40 Adam.
00:40:42 I kissed him goodbye before he left.
00:40:52 And he had sex with me that night.
00:40:55 Mm.
00:40:58 Did you sleep with Janelle the night that you kissed Claire?
00:41:03 I'm...I'm...I ended up with Janelle.
00:41:05 Oh, my God.
00:41:07 Did you sleep with Janelle?
00:41:09 Oh, my God. This is intense.
00:41:14 OK, right, so you're hearing this from who you've heard it for.
00:41:19 Correct. That's why we're just trying to understand.
00:41:21 And you believe absolutely everything that you've heard.
00:41:23 Adam, Adam, we're just trying to understand.
00:41:25 We're just asking. We're trying to get the facts right.
00:41:27 Oh, here we go. These are good questions.
00:41:29 Did you kiss Claire and then went home
00:41:31 and had sex with Janelle the same night?
00:41:33 And you were in a bad... No, you didn't.
00:41:35 It's a yes or no question.
00:41:37 100% yes.
00:41:39 Oh, my...
00:41:42 Yeah, 100% yeah.
00:41:44 Adam.
00:41:46 Oh, it's not a good look.
00:41:48 You know, we're in a bad place, but let's have sex.
00:41:51 Yeah. You know?
00:41:52 Listen, listen, listen. I don't want to talk to Adam.
00:41:54 Listen, of course... I don't want to see him. Listen.
00:41:56 I don't want to hear his point of view, and I'm f***ed on,
00:41:58 and I miss my family, and I want to go home.
00:42:00 Of course you don't want to hear my point of view,
00:42:02 because you don't want to hear the opposite to what you've said, Janelle.
00:42:05 What Adam doesn't realise
00:42:08 is that there's a number of betrayals that have occurred
00:42:12 and acts of deception that he's done.
00:42:15 Outside of just the kiss. Yeah.
00:42:17 The lying to people that have asked him directly.
00:42:19 Oh, absolutely. But not just the lying,
00:42:21 but coming at them in an incredibly aggressive way
00:42:24 to defend himself. Yeah.
00:42:26 And he doesn't get that.
00:42:28 Can I just clarify?
00:42:30 I spoke to Claire at the wedding.
00:42:32 Harrison, nice one.
00:42:34 And Claire gave a very detailed description
00:42:36 of what happened that night,
00:42:38 from getting there, what the vibe was like, the kiss,
00:42:41 what happened afterwards, like, genuine remorse,
00:42:45 like, genuinely apologised for that.
00:42:47 When I spoke to Adam,
00:42:52 I got this.
00:42:54 Why do I need to genuinely apologise to you, Harrison?
00:42:57 Who the f*** are you in this?
00:42:59 Oh!
00:43:01 Claire's apology, that was genuine accountability and remorsefulness.
00:43:06 I've told you how I feel about this.
00:43:08 Take notes, bro.
00:43:10 OK, so, so, so, so, so...
00:43:13 I've owned it and I've apologised, to start with.
00:43:16 You haven't, mate. You haven't, mate.
00:43:18 You've said, "I cheated on Janelle, but..."
00:43:20 Yeah!
00:43:22 That is what you were saying, and there is no "but" when you cheat.
00:43:25 There is no "but".
00:43:27 Oh, Adam did not own what he did.
00:43:35 He kept talking about the kiss and about, like,
00:43:37 "Oh, you know, me and Janelle weren't in the right place, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah."
00:43:41 And I'm like, "Mate, it's past that."
00:43:43 Like, it's so much more than just the kiss.
00:43:46 It's so much more than you cheating on your wife
00:43:48 and then sleeping with her the same night.
00:43:50 It's more than that.
00:43:52 I think we're glazing over the fact that, like,
00:43:54 you guys obviously kissed, which obviously is, like, a massive issue, right?
00:43:57 Yeah.
00:43:58 But the fact that you both lied to us for so long...
00:44:02 The fact that you gaslit Jesse and made him look so f***ing crazy...
00:44:09 And the fact that Claire literally looked at the eyes of Janelle
00:44:14 when she asked you...
00:44:16 I know.
00:44:17 She asked you, "Claire, do I have anything to worry about with you and Adam?"
00:44:21 You said no.
00:44:23 I know it's my own fault. I know that.
00:44:32 And I shouldn't even be crying because there's people that I've hurt.
00:44:36 It just feels shit.
00:44:39 You literally said no, babe, and gave her a hug.
00:44:43 With the fact, like, was this ever even gonna come out?
00:44:47 The group has certainly been strong tonight, hasn't it?
00:44:50 It's come with the hard questions.
00:44:52 They've held people accountable and they've also been supportive.
00:44:55 We've kind of seen all the different sides to the group dynamic tonight.
00:44:59 Yeah.
00:45:00 I have no excuses for my behaviour.
00:45:05 I'm really, really sorry to Jesse and to Janelle for disrespecting you.
00:45:11 I'm sorry to everyone here for disrespecting this entire experiment.
00:45:18 I'm really sorry that, Janelle, I lied to your face
00:45:23 when you asked me if you had anything to worry about.
00:45:26 Bye.
00:45:28 I can hear Claire breathing, like...
00:45:34 ..really slow. She's trying to calm herself down.
00:45:37 I can see her fiddling with her hands.
00:45:39 Like, I... So, her body language alone, I can tell she's nervous.
00:45:43 I'm sorry that I didn't come forward sooner, Jesse.
00:45:47 I really am.
00:45:50 And it shouldn't have happened, and I'm genuinely really remorseful,
00:45:54 and I'm really sorry.
00:45:56 There's such a difference between Adam and his response versus Claire.
00:46:01 Yes.
00:46:02 You know, she's full of remorse and she's upset and she's saying,
00:46:05 "I'm sorry."
00:46:06 And Adam's just saying, "Listen, you know, you've got it all wrong."
00:46:09 Well, we haven't heard from Jesse.
00:46:13 I mean, I've got nothing to say.
00:46:15 All I needed to say, I said to Adam when I took him to mine,
00:46:19 and I said to Claire the next day when she came over.
00:46:22 I f***ed up, and I'm just really sorry.
00:46:26 Mad respect to Claire for the balls that she has to come in
00:46:35 and own it the way she has and to cop the flack.
00:46:39 Like, that's what owning your mistakes and giving a genuine apology will grant you,
00:46:46 you know?
00:46:47 A bit of leniency from the mob.
00:46:52 I appreciate how you're carrying yourself like a gentleman.
00:47:02 For you, yeah, I wasn't sure how you were going to see that.
00:47:07 I'm just grateful that it's you and I'm really f***ing sorry that I wasn't up front with you sooner.
00:47:13 I just want you to know that.
00:47:15 She's vulnerable, she's soft, she's taken responsibility, remorseful.
00:47:20 He's more receptive to that.
00:47:22 Yes.
00:47:23 Oh.
00:47:24 Ooh.
00:47:25 Did you see that, Claire and Jesse?
00:47:28 Fist bump.
00:47:30 Hey, how's it going?
00:47:32 Good.
00:47:33 Thank you.
00:47:35 Coming up...
00:47:37 Jesse, I loved how we travelled here.
00:47:39 Adam seeks forgiveness.
00:47:41 If you could just give me two minutes.
00:47:43 Am I supposed to hear him out?
00:47:45 But can Jesse forgive and forget?
00:47:48 Am I going to lose control of my emotions and spark up?
00:47:52 I want to go home.
00:47:54 [Dark music]
00:47:57 Honestly, I have to take my dinner into the other room to eat it
00:48:08 because the sound of my chewing will set Bronte off.
00:48:10 Yes.
00:48:11 Yeah.
00:48:12 No, if he chews gum in front of me, it's over.
00:48:15 It's like triggering fear.
00:48:17 [Laughter]
00:48:18 [Glass clinking]
00:48:21 Sorry.
00:48:22 Guys, I feel like we've been talking a lot about something
00:48:24 that really needed to be talked about,
00:48:26 which is obviously what's happened with Adam and Claire.
00:48:29 But we actually have two couples that we probably haven't talked about.
00:48:35 Probably want to find out how you guys have been going
00:48:37 for your honeymoons.
00:48:38 So who wants to take the stand first?
00:48:41 We'll let you guys kick it off.
00:48:46 [Laughter]
00:48:47 That's a deflection.
00:48:49 Obviously, the wedding was not...
00:48:51 It was diabolical.
00:48:53 [Laughter]
00:48:55 It was not love at first sight, I can say that.
00:48:58 I think we both...
00:49:00 Really?
00:49:01 [Laughter]
00:49:03 But during the honeymoon, we actually connected
00:49:08 and we realised that we actually get along.
00:49:11 Yeah.
00:49:12 And we've just been hanging out
00:49:15 and I guess we're just super comfortable with each other right now.
00:49:18 Every day there's improvement.
00:49:20 Nice.
00:49:21 And yeah, we're chilling.
00:49:23 Wow, don't hear that often at a dinner party.
00:49:26 Evelyn and Rupert seem to have made a comeback.
00:49:30 He had a lot of nerves and things on the wedding
00:49:32 and that he's come out of his shell
00:49:34 and she's digging it a bit more.
00:49:36 Yeah, I have hope for them.
00:49:38 So how about you guys? How did you guys go?
00:49:40 You know, it's been pretty full on so far,
00:49:44 just being in the shared space with Hugo.
00:49:49 I guess, like, slowly,
00:49:51 I'm definitely starting to enjoy your company a little bit more.
00:49:54 I'm seeing a reluctant grin on her face.
00:49:58 But it was still a grin.
00:50:00 It was still a grin.
00:50:01 You've got to work with what you get.
00:50:02 So anyway.
00:50:03 We snapped at each other a few times, but...
00:50:08 Once or twice.
00:50:09 Yeah, once or twice.
00:50:13 I feel a lot better now.
00:50:16 I love hearing that. Honestly, I love hearing that.
00:50:19 That makes me deep.
00:50:22 Yeah, no, I mean, Hugo is the sweetest little puppy dog ever.
00:50:30 No!
00:50:33 Don't call him a puppy!
00:50:36 You'll never have sex with him.
00:50:39 And I've really struggled with that.
00:50:42 Oh, no, dude.
00:50:43 Not the puppy dog, dude.
00:50:45 If Bronte called me a little dog to the group,
00:50:48 I'd be like, "What? What did you say?"
00:50:51 Can we have some big dog energy, please?
00:50:55 Wait, what is this?
00:50:57 What is this?
00:51:01 That is not BDE.
00:51:03 She was turned away, addressing the group,
00:51:07 talking about Hugo with her back to him.
00:51:10 I really struggled.
00:51:12 He was, like, complimenting me every five minutes.
00:51:15 Puppy, would you? Yeah.
00:51:16 And I was like, "Whoa!"
00:51:18 I don't... Oh.
00:51:21 Taylor and Hugo...
00:51:25 No, no.
00:51:27 I can't see it happening.
00:51:28 So anyway.
00:51:29 Yeah. Yeah.
00:51:31 I'm so grateful for Hugo for a number of reasons.
00:51:35 You know, I thought he was overboard with his talking
00:51:39 and he just wouldn't be quiet.
00:51:41 You know, he isn't as talkative as what I thought he was
00:51:44 and I'm really grateful he doesn't speak as much
00:51:46 as some of the other boys.
00:51:48 Thank you for saying that.
00:51:53 I'm a city slicker, hey.
00:51:54 So what do you... Yeah, see, I'm the complete opposite, mate.
00:51:56 First time he's been in the big smoke.
00:51:58 Yeah.
00:51:59 Are you a country man?
00:52:00 I'm interested now.
00:52:02 Taylor, she's been very lovely.
00:52:04 What's your star sign?
00:52:05 Virgo.
00:52:06 Oh, Virgo!
00:52:07 Yeah.
00:52:08 What type of music do you listen to?
00:52:09 I love everything.
00:52:11 Do you like Luke Combs?
00:52:12 Yeah, yes.
00:52:13 She's a bit of a country girl.
00:52:15 I'm like, "You like country music?"
00:52:16 She's like, "Love it."
00:52:17 Yeah, Shania Twain.
00:52:19 I love Shania Twain.
00:52:21 He was, yeah, a really nice, chatty, genuine kind of country boy,
00:52:25 easy to talk to, and I think, yeah,
00:52:27 we'll both get along really, really well.
00:52:29 Yeah, nice.
00:52:30 I just wanted to say to your face, man,
00:52:36 I'm really, really, really genuinely sorry that I made a conclusion
00:52:41 based on what I saw at that first commitment ceremony.
00:52:43 I didn't have your back.
00:52:46 I kind of wanted to believe,
00:52:47 because Adam and I had a stronger friendship at the time,
00:52:49 and I wanted to believe him.
00:52:51 I'm sorry, man.
00:52:55 It's all right. It's all right.
00:52:56 Yeah. All gene.
00:52:58 So what's next with you guys?
00:53:01 Do you reckon you can save it?
00:53:03 Oh, man, I don't know.
00:53:05 Yeah.
00:53:07 You guys now have an opportunity to really forgive and forget.
00:53:12 You said things that Claire didn't like,
00:53:16 and then Claire's made a huge mistake and apologised,
00:53:20 and I feel like you've got an opportunity now
00:53:22 where it's not perfect,
00:53:23 and I don't think it's a good place to start from,
00:53:26 but essentially, in each other's eyes,
00:53:29 you've both done things that you don't agree with.
00:53:32 Yeah.
00:53:33 I think, speaking from experience,
00:53:35 Bronte and I have been in that exact position,
00:53:38 and I'm grateful that our relationship
00:53:41 actually ended in a sense, because we started a new one.
00:53:46 Objectively, I see Harrison's trying to do the right thing.
00:53:49 He's trying to be supportive, trying to be a great friend.
00:53:52 There's something in my gut that's just like,
00:53:55 take him with a grain of salt.
00:53:57 I just feel like it would be a waste
00:54:00 to throw this experience away.
00:54:02 That's all I'm saying, and I would miss you.
00:54:05 I'm not Jesse's favourite person right now, 100%,
00:54:09 and I understand that, but I've got no time for Harrison.
00:54:12 He's got no relevance in the situation
00:54:14 that happened with me and Jesse.
00:54:16 He can literally just go do one.
00:54:18 I'm more interested in getting back on side with Jesse,
00:54:21 having a chat to him,
00:54:22 and really letting him know how I truly, truly feel.
00:54:26 Jesse, do you want to have a chat, mate?
00:54:29 Oh, man.
00:54:30 Give me just 2 minutes of your time, bro, honestly.
00:54:33 I'd love to have a chat with you.
00:54:35 Yeah, we're the same here.
00:54:37 Jesse.
00:54:38 He's exhausted, but this is so difficult for Jesse.
00:54:42 Yes, it is.
00:54:43 I get that you regret it.
00:54:46 That's all I need.
00:54:48 I'm like borderline panicking over this, man.
00:54:52 Here I am, thrust into the centre of this fricking drama.
00:54:56 I would love to have a conversation with you, bro, honestly, man.
00:54:59 Am I supposed to go on off and walk with him and hear him out?
00:55:04 Like, how do I call him out on his terrible behaviour
00:55:08 whilst maintaining my own dignity?
00:55:11 If you just give me 2 minutes, bro, that's all I'm asking.
00:55:15 Ah.
00:55:17 Am I going to lose control of my emotions and spark up?
00:55:22 [growls]
00:55:24 It might be very hard,
00:55:26 cos I think I'm going to get pretty angry.
00:55:29 Can you take us to the edge, Jesse?
00:55:53 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:55:55 [bleep] man, like, honestly, mate, like, coming into this,
00:56:01 like, I know no-one at that table believes a word
00:56:04 that I'm bloody having to say.
00:56:06 I have to wear how I know I made you feel?
00:56:09 Then I can't deal with it.
00:56:10 Now, everyone's like, "Well, what about Janelle?"
00:56:12 I could sit here and talk about that.
00:56:14 No-one knows about me and Janelle.
00:56:15 No-one wants to believe what I have to say about me and Janelle.
00:56:18 Coming into here tonight, I knew Janelle was going to lie about everything.
00:56:22 I knew she was going to play that whole card and do her thing.
00:56:26 He's just presenting his case again.
00:56:28 Janelle's a liar.
00:56:29 Yes.
00:56:30 I knew she was going to lie.
00:56:31 And again, he's doing that talking at Jesse, not drawing a breath.
00:56:35 Janelle's never going to hear me anyway.
00:56:37 She would never hear my sincere apology to her,
00:56:40 and she's never going to own up to
00:56:42 how [bleep] it starts, the relationship.
00:56:45 Adam said a lot,
00:56:49 and all I really took from it is he's trying to explain things away
00:56:55 and defend things and deflect.
00:56:58 What else did I take from that?
00:57:02 What a headache.
00:57:05 Mate, you've come in here trying to find love.
00:57:07 Look at where you've ended up like this, man.
00:57:09 I've been part of that, you know?
00:57:11 Just need to make sure you're doing all right, though, you know?
00:57:14 Yeah.
00:57:15 Yeah.
00:57:16 Like, I got Harrison in there playing devil's advocate saying,
00:57:20 "Do you think you can forgive Claire for this?
00:57:23 Do you think you can [bleep] Harrison?"
00:57:25 Listen, he is honestly a piece of work, that guy, right?
00:57:30 I feel that Adam is an absolute dog of dogs,
00:57:36 but I hate to say it,
00:57:38 there is a part of me that doesn't fully trust Harrison.
00:57:42 I'm so sorry.
00:57:44 I appreciate it.
00:57:46 I'd be pissed off too,
00:57:47 cos now this opportunity that you came in here for is gone.
00:57:51 Adam's apology was so...
00:57:56 It's like he couldn't fake sincerity for even five minutes.
00:58:00 Like, it just couldn't have come across any less insincere.
00:58:06 There was no sincere apology there at all.
00:58:09 Not at all. It always ended with a but.
00:58:11 Mm. Yeah, I've seen that.
00:58:13 Yeah.
00:58:14 It was so bloody bizarre to even hear Harrison at the table,
00:58:21 like, being this, like, voice of reason,
00:58:24 or, like, you know, the justice police.
00:58:26 I mean, Harrison...
00:58:29 Yeah.
00:58:30 ..you've done a full swing,
00:58:34 because I'm kind of not shocked,
00:58:37 but a little, like, hearing a lot from you tonight,
00:58:40 because, like, what he's doing, you were at one stage doing
00:58:43 on the couch not so long ago.
00:58:45 Correct. Right?
00:58:46 And, like, you had the number and the girls were like this.
00:58:49 So have you just done...
00:58:50 Have, like, woken up and had this full...
00:58:52 Like, what happened?
00:58:54 I came here to learn more about myself...
00:59:02 ..and try and be a better person, and that's what I'm doing.
00:59:09 That's all there is to it, really.
00:59:11 And I appreciate you noticing the change. Thank you.
00:59:15 Far out.
00:59:20 Like, if Harrison's changed, I'm dreaming.
00:59:24 But I call bullshit.
00:59:38 Watching Adam and Jessie...
00:59:40 ..I'm just ready to intervene.
00:59:44 It seems as though Adam was saying something to Jessie
00:59:49 and Jessie was just not him.
00:59:51 Oh, I mean, hopefully he was apologising.
00:59:55 I wanted my moment with Jessie too, to give him the letter.
00:59:59 My pure focus was on fixing this.
01:00:02 I'm just going to try and make it right with Jessie.
01:00:07 You OK? Yeah. Yeah? Yeah.
01:00:10 Hey. Hello.
01:00:14 Go on, you're clear for coming.
01:00:20 Like, that's an honourable thing to do.
01:00:22 But don't talk to me about staying.
01:00:24 Like...
01:00:25 ..I want to go back. I want to go home.
01:00:30 I'm just going to try and make it right with Jessie.
01:00:33 I'm just going to try and make it right.
01:00:36 Are you OK? Yeah. Yeah? Yeah.
01:00:51 Hey. How are you?
01:00:56 I just wanted to come and see you.
01:00:58 I'm just going to put my hands down.
01:01:00 It's a bit of an apology.
01:01:02 You can just read this whenever you want, tomorrow, tonight, whenever.
01:01:05 I hope you can know that I am, like, genuinely really...
01:01:11 ..sorry for...for hurting you.
01:01:13 And...you know...
01:01:16 ..some things I spoke about in my vows
01:01:18 that I didn't follow through on.
01:01:20 For that, I'm sorry as well.
01:01:22 Um, but I definitely... I came here out of a flawed person.
01:01:27 We all did. To learn.
01:01:29 And you've taught me a lot about myself as well.
01:01:32 And I want to thank you for that.
01:01:34 I have a lot of respect for you.
01:01:36 Yeah. I have a lot of respect for you.
01:01:40 That's actually probably the best apology I've actually ever received.
01:01:45 We all...we all came here flawed.
01:01:49 I'm not perfect either. No-one in there is perfect.
01:01:53 If a romantic partner does the wrong thing by you...
01:01:56 Hmm.
01:01:57 Oh, I just wish my ex-girlfriends did that.
01:02:07 Yeah.
01:02:14 Yeah, it puts a few things into perspective, that's for sure.
01:02:24 And I've learnt... My God, I've learnt so much, man.
01:02:28 We're essentially seeing here
01:02:31 an example of how to and not to deliver an apology.
01:02:36 And...and Claire being vulnerable like this
01:02:39 has, in a way, softened Jesse,
01:02:41 and he's lowered his walls and he's come closer to her.
01:02:45 You know, I might even try to sneak out of here.
01:02:52 I really don't want to go back in there.
01:02:54 I'd just like to say, Taylor and Hugo and Evelyn and Rupert,
01:03:01 I'd just like to say welcome to the crazy ride ahead.
01:03:05 Cheers.
01:03:06 Should we just leave?
01:03:12 Yeah, let's go. Let's go.
01:03:15 I don't reckon they'll miss us.
01:03:21 I feel so much better.
01:03:23 Like, massive, massive relief to finally just have one moment
01:03:27 with Jesse where we're both calm
01:03:30 and I can just tell him that I'm sorry and give him the letter.
01:03:34 I feel so much better. I really, really do.
01:03:37 OK?
01:03:38 Can I give you a hug? Yeah.
01:03:48 (LAUGHTER)
01:03:50 [BLANK_AUDIO]
