马航要证明赚钱非侥幸 放眼摆脱“懒散”负面印象

  • 5 months ago
▌热点短视频 ▌马航不是“败家仔”,不再是“扶不起的阿斗”?


主持 | @celes 美伶

#马航 #转亏为盈 #花红 #航空业
#发射热点 #84hotspot #热点短视频


00:00 Ma Hang, who has been suffering losses and has been supported by the government,
00:03 has finally re-established his business and made a successful fortune last year.
00:06 Ma Hang won the loss of 3.44 billion yuan in 2022.
00:11 In 2023, he earned a net profit of 7.66 billion yuan and handed over a beautiful performance list.
00:17 This is also the first time Ma Hang has made a profit after being fully controlled by the government 10 years ago.
00:22 It's really a pity.
00:23 Ma Hang's parent company, Ma Hang Group, is also preparing to send a large number of employees to make a fortune and retain talents.
00:28 At the same time, it is also determined to reverse the negative impression of the Ma Hang's "loser son".
00:34 Ma Hang Mask and Baoteng Proton used to be the national brand that the Malays are proud of.
00:42 Under the comprehensive protection of the government, Ma Hang and Baoteng used to be in the spotlight.
00:47 But after many years, these two national enterprises cannot keep their footing in the competitive market.
00:52 The government's burden has been caused by the continuous losses.
00:55 However, the way Ma Hang and Baoteng turn over is completely different.
00:59 Baoteng was acquired by China Intellectual Property Car in 2017 for a brand renaissance.
01:03 In recent years, the market share has gradually been replenished, and the car sales have increased year after year.
01:08 As for Ma Hang, it has been suffering losses since 2011.
01:12 During this time, it was once reported that the government would close or sell Ma Hang.
01:16 But the government did not let go and continued to protect Ma Hang.
01:19 Finally, in the last year, it won a victory and earned more than RMB 700 million in profits and sent a large amount of red flowers to employees.
01:26 According to The Financial Weekly, the CEO of Ma Hang, Yizhen Yizhimai, said
01:30 that the company plans to send employees red flowers for two to five months, and plans to raise employees' salaries this year.
01:37 He believes that by the mechanism of performance distribution of red flowers,
01:40 not only can it improve the competitiveness of employees, but also retain top talents.
01:44 Yizhen Yizhimai said that the salary provided by Ma Hang is still lower than the competitors in the aviation industry.
01:50 But the increase can reduce the gap between Ma Hang and the market.
01:53 In order to make up for the fluctuation in the exchange rate of overseas crew members,
01:57 Ma Hang will also increase the flight cost to compensate employees,
02:00 to avoid other airlines from taking away Ma Hang's talent.
02:04 Yizhen Yizhimai recently said during an interview with Bloomberg that
02:08 Ma Hang will continue to make profits in the next few years,
02:11 and will try to get rid of the shadow of the past, and make Ma Hang an excellent and sustainable airline.
02:18 They want to prove that the company's long-standing profits are not due to the luck of the return of the ticket price and tourism industry after the outbreak.
02:25 He said that Ma Hang has always been regarded as a company with a cold voice,
02:29 but after the change, the new Ma Hang will write a new chapter,
02:32 and may be transformed into a well-operated airline in ten years.
02:36 Have you recently taken a flight on Ma Hang?
02:38 Have you felt that Ma Hang, which has re-established its name, can look up to Baoteng and become a brand that the Malaysian people are proud of?
02:44 Welcome to leave a message below.
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02:49 Remember to follow RETIRED SPOT to follow more domestic and foreign news.
02:52 (electronic music)
02:55 you
