Noah's Island Noah’s Island S01 E011 Woomera Runs Away

  • il y a 5 mois


00:00 [musique]
00:02 [musique]
00:04 [musique]
00:06 [musique]
00:08 [musique]
00:10 [musique]
00:12 [musique]
00:14 [musique]
00:16 What have I found? What have I found? It's a tire, Reg! That's what, a tire!
00:23 Yeah! A tire! A tire! Isn't it lovely?
00:33 When I was in my zoo for years before my mate Hetty came, my tire was my only friend. I swang on it all day.
00:42 Yeah, when I was in my zoo, I swang on my tire all day, waving to my human friends who kept saying how nearly human I was.
00:51 Oh, Reg, we are going to have such fun! If there was one thing this island lacked, it was a tire.
00:58 Now we got one!
01:00 (laughs)
01:12 Uh, Knuckle, for our new tire, we'll need a rope.
01:17 Oh, that's a point. Well spotted, Reg.
01:20 I knows! Down in Shipwreck Cove, there's loads of stuff and what have you down there half buried in the sand. Betcha there's a rope!
01:29 Yeah, alright.
01:31 If it's bad memories for you about your mate what was drowned in the shipwreck, Knuckle, I'll go and look by myself.
01:39 Oh no, Reg! Let's go!
01:42 Here, problem war us. Don't let no one touch our tire.
01:48 (music)
02:01 Here, what's wrong with them dolphins? Away and get Woomera, quickly now.
02:06 But what about the rope for our tire?
02:09 Never mind that for now, Reg. Just get Woomera like Rocko tells ya.
02:13 I'm not feeling too well, Rocko.
02:16 Get the kangaroo pronto!
02:19 (music)
02:31 They just keep clicking. What's up with them, Woo?
02:34 I've seen this kind of thing before. Dolphins go peculiar, a funny kind of crook altogether.
02:40 They don't know up from out. They just swim onto a beach and die.
02:44 There's no knowing what causes it and they're too sick to tell you anything about it themselves.
02:49 There now, sport. We'll help you.
02:52 I'm Noah and this is my island. We will do all we can for you, your incapable hands.
02:58 Oh, dearie me, what can we do for them?
03:01 Get them into the sea again. If they start swimming, they've a chance.
03:05 The sea will wash their heads clean of sickness.
03:07 (yawn)
03:09 Come on then, let's get to it.
03:12 (music)
03:17 That's right, we're in the sea again.
03:20 The big, blue, beautiful sea where you swim along, jumping out of the water like Billy-O.
03:25 I'll hold its fin and point it in the right direction.
03:29 (music)
03:35 Well done, Noah. We've done it.
03:37 Here, ours is flipping its wings.
03:40 Let it go, you big ape.
03:42 (music)
03:47 It's run past me.
03:49 Come on then, you lazy lummoxes. There's another dolphin waiting for our help.
03:53 (music)
03:57 More mites. They'll be all right, I'm sure they will. Eh, Noah?
04:02 I do hope so. Magical things, dolphins.
04:06 If I wasn't a polar bear, you know, I think I'd like to be a dolphin.
04:10 (music)
04:21 Ah, Stroth!
04:23 Here, what you done to Reg? Reg, you all right, pal?
04:26 I told you a million times, there's not a thing wrong with Reg.
04:30 Well, there is now. He's got the meese.
04:34 The meese? Cool, so he has.
04:39 Has Reg swallowed a jellyfish?
04:42 The meese? He said he wasn't feeling good.
04:46 Derry bee, poor Reg. He's in for an itchy time of it.
04:51 (laughs)
04:53 And you, Rocco, you're sure to catch it.
04:56 The bears don't get the meese, do they, Wormerer?
04:59 Nah, never been the case of it ever. Not one.
05:03 (music)
05:10 Who'd have thought it, see? Bears with the meese.
05:13 I never once heard of a case. Did you, Chung?
05:17 Nope. Never once.
05:20 (music)
05:25 Stop scratching!
05:28 Well, what a busy day I'm having.
05:32 Busier than if I'd sheared ten thousand sheep.
05:35 First I saved three dolphins, and now I've got an infirmary full of bears and monkeys in quarantine with the meese.
05:43 Stop scratching!
05:47 There now, that's better.
05:50 Well, there's only one thing about all this palaver, and that's that Rocco hasn't come down with it.
05:56 Rocco, what you got that leaf over your head for?
05:59 I'm Rocco. If I want to go about with a leaf on my head, no blinking kangaroo is going to stop me.
06:08 Keep back, Sparky. They've all got the meese in here.
06:14 What's it saying?
06:15 It says that there's sick dolphins on the beach at Shipwreck Cove.
06:19 Oh no, they're back! Poor mites!
06:25 We must come to help.
06:27 You're in quarantine, Noah. The meese can be serious if you're not careful.
06:32 But we can't just stay in here doing nothing. The dolphins need our help.
06:36 The mammoths can help me.
06:39 Never did see the marsupials so worked up about anything.
06:43 No, Rocco, neither have I. I don't think she'll be able to stand it if those dolphins don't pull through.
06:50 [musique]
07:03 I know you're crook. I know it's not your fault. But you must try to swim out to sea.
07:08 [moans]
07:11 There, there, Spawn. There, there. Womba is here.
07:17 Don't die. It's bad to die. My grandfather died and I miss him so much. Please don't die.
07:28 [musique]
07:30 Womba, you can't save everyone, you know. Sometimes, however hard we try, we fail.
07:39 You think I don't know that?
07:42 Come on. Let's try launching them again, eh?
07:47 They seem brighter than before, don't they?
07:50 [musique]
07:52 Go back to the sea. Go back. Please go back.
07:59 [grognements]
08:05 Go back. Go back. Go back. Please go back.
08:12 [musique]
08:14 [sob]
08:16 They're dead. They're all dead. He got them out to sea.
08:23 One was gone half the night. I thought that one, at least that one.
08:28 But he came back at the crack of dawn and just died.
08:31 The others clicked goodbyes for him and they nuzzled close to him and then they just gave up and rolled over.
08:39 You must be exhausted.
08:41 Don't you dare try to cheer me up, Noah. Don't you dare say kind, reasonable things to me.
08:48 I've had enough of all this.
08:50 [musique]
08:57 [grognements]
09:26 [musique]
09:40 Excuse me, but why you are doing this?
09:43 Oisky, oisky, it seems such hard work.
09:46 The coconut seems so big and you are a small creature.
09:52 You know who am I, of course?
09:55 I am Sasha the Desmond.
09:58 A second only in importance on this island to Captain Skenoa himself.
10:03 And as the Captain Skee in the infirmary is suffering from a terrible disease,
10:09 I, oisky, oisky, I am the Captain Skee of this island.
10:14 This being so, I demand that you tell me why this you are doing.
10:19 Oishoy, oishoy, the mysteries of life.
10:23 Look, I will regret this, I know.
10:27 But maybe I can help.
10:29 I am small also, but I was already in the circus and I am deceptively strong.
10:36 [pant]
10:40 I ask only once.
10:42 Excuse me, oisky, oisky, but why this we are doing?
10:47 [music]
11:04 Sorry about the dolphins, Woomera.
11:06 It's not just the dolphins, it's everything.
11:10 When I was in Australia, I used to look after the roos that humans had shot.
11:14 They didn't always survive.
11:16 That's why I left Australia.
11:18 I had enough.
11:19 I know.
11:20 But we've left that kind of world behind.
11:23 This is Noah's island, where we all work together for a better life, free from fear.
11:28 You think it's any different here?
11:30 Dead dolphins, bears with bellyache, you and your mes!
11:34 No, Noah, I've had enough of this too.
11:38 I've decided I want to be put ashore.
11:40 I know you can do it.
11:42 Woomera, you're being silly.
11:44 You're needed here.
11:46 You can't run away this time.
11:47 I won't let you.
11:49 You can't stop me.
11:50 If I want to leave the island, you've no right to stop me.
11:53 Yes, I suppose you're right.
11:55 I thought we believed the same things, you and I, about living for others instead of ourselves.
12:01 Just let me go, will you, I spoke.
12:03 Let me go.
12:04 Be on the rocks at the far side of Walrus Beach in an hour.
12:07 I'll steer the island as close to the South American coast as I can.
12:11 You'll be able to hop from here to there, no trouble.
12:13 Thank you, Noah.
12:15 Moorah!
12:17 Nab, I'm coming in.
12:24 I'm coming in and I've got the mes, do you hear?
12:27 The mes!
12:29 Steer across to the South American coast.
12:31 Aye, aye, Captain!
12:42 Steer across to the South American coast.
12:44 Three degrees north of the hypotenuse of...
12:47 Um, uh...
12:48 Valve Rhino, nudge aft valve by factor two.
12:52 Full stream on port side valve, two minutes duration.
12:56 Aye, aye, Chief Engineer.
13:00 (bruit de moteur)
13:03 Course reçue du South South American coast, Captain, sir.
13:25 Very good, Chief Engineer.
13:28 Oh, what happened there?
13:30 The keel overall efficient.
13:32 I think I'll go lay down and have a banana.
13:35 Very good, Chief Engineer.
13:38 Oh, what happened there?
13:41 The keel overall efficient.
13:43 I think I'll go lay down and have a banana.
13:46 Whisky, whisky, it is accomplished.
13:54 Ah, this is the very last coconut.
13:57 Ah, what a feeling of satisfaction we get, excuse me, from hard work.
14:03 Well done.
14:05 Why, for did you do this?
14:18 Just because you are a beetle is no excuse for insanity.
14:22 Oy, all my hard work!
14:26 Again? We do it again?
14:30 Why for we do it again when we have already done it?
14:34 Oy, irritating beetle!
14:38 Whisky, whisky, what an exercise in futility!
14:45 Oh! It's no use taking a hell on risk.
14:53 It's no use taking a hell on risk.
14:55 That won't bring them dolphins back in any way.
14:58 Reg could knock you senseless if he wanted, couldn't you Reg?
15:02 I'm too much of a gentleman.
15:05 That's peculiar now.
15:07 I can see South America, isn't it?
15:09 Unless it's an illusion brought on by the meath.
15:12 That's South America all right.
15:14 It's not unlike the Australian bush.
15:16 But no kangaroos.
15:18 Not yet anyway.
15:19 Looks like a rather melancholy place to me.
15:22 Well, it'll suit me just fine.
15:25 That's it, right as rain, I'm off.
15:28 Off where?
15:29 Are you going to rescue something from South America?
15:32 Nope, you big ape.
15:33 I'm going there, hopping it for good.
15:35 Now listen, everyone takes the blue medicine every twenty minutes,
15:39 and the green medicine every fifteen minutes,
15:40 and the red medicine if the blue medicine makes anyone feel sick, got it?
15:44 And give Reg a double dose of everything.
15:48 Did you get any of that?
15:50 Not a word.
15:51 Darling?
15:52 For good?
15:54 You?
15:55 You'd never do that.
15:57 You're making a joke.
15:58 Good on you, Rocco.
16:00 Keep eating them bananas.
16:01 Good for you, bananas.
16:03 Hey, no more marsupial.
16:07 What a blessed relief.
16:09 Here, medicine, quick.
16:11 Rocco's having a meas attack.
16:13 I feel terrible.
16:20 Here, I haven't felt like this since I lost my head.
16:23 Blinking marsupial, I loves her.
16:26 You never do.
16:28 How don't you know?
16:29 Must be the meas doing it, eh, Rocco?
16:32 Oh, I always has.
16:34 I realize it now.
16:37 Poor Rocco, his mind's gone loop-a-dee-loo with the meas.
16:41 [Musique]
16:58 How could you let her?
17:00 How could you?
17:01 Worm her up.
17:02 Don't go.
17:03 Don't go.
17:05 Come back.
17:06 Come back.
17:08 [Musique]
17:13 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
17:16 This I will not allow you to do.
17:18 I have worked too hard to achieve this.
17:21 Look, we have all the coconuts at the top now.
17:26 Whisky-poisky, does not this make you happy?
17:29 [Musique]
17:45 Worm her up.
17:46 Worm her up.
17:48 Blinking marsupial, come back.
17:51 You can't go.
17:53 Come back, worm her up.
17:55 [Musique]
18:01 Rocco.
18:02 Rocco.
18:04 [Musique]
18:28 Oh, my aching bonce.
18:31 Oh, I thought I'd never see you again.
18:36 I just saved you from drowning, you big ape.
18:40 Marsupial.
18:41 Gorilla.
18:42 Kangaroo.
18:44 Ape.
18:45 And there's not a thing wrong with Reg.
18:48 Blink it is.
18:49 Yeah, blink it is.
18:52 My friend, workmate and colleague in futile enterprises here would like to apologize.
19:00 Apologize, what for?
19:02 My advice you should take.
19:04 Do not tell him.
19:06 What does the word squish mean nothing to you.
19:12 South America?
19:14 Very nice, Noah.
19:15 But fair dinkum, there's nowhere better than here with you and Rocco.
19:19 And look, I made a new friend.
19:22 A baby dolphin.
19:24 Here, what are you two doing playing about on the beach?
19:27 You're supposed to be in quarantine.
19:29 Go on, back to the infirmary.
19:33 A little higher please, Reg.
19:36 That's right.
19:38 Nothing like swinging on a tire to make you feel better after a bout of the beach.
