Gsk, presentato a Milano studio su ruolo equilibrante mepolizumab contro asma eosinofilico severo

  • 6 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Si è tenuta a Milano la conferenza stampa promossa da Gsk durante la quale è stato presentato lo studio condotto da un team multidisciplinare dell’ospedale Careggi di Firenze, composto da immunologi e otorini, che ha investigato il ruolo degli eosinofili infiammatori nella severità clinica dell’asma grave eosinofilico e l’efficacia dell’anticorpo monoclonale mepolizumab come equilibrante.


00:00 A multidisciplinary team at the Careggi Hospital in Florence, composed of immunologists and
00:08 doctors, investigated the role of inflammatory osinophils in the clinical severity of serious
00:13 osinophilic asthma and evaluated the effectiveness of the monoclonal antibody, mepulizumab, as
00:17 a balance in this pathology.
00:18 The results of the study, published in the scientific journal Allergy, were at the center
00:23 of the press conference organized in Milan by GSK.
00:26 The vice-professor Alessandra Voltaggio illustrates the characteristics of the osinophils.
00:30 These are cells that are expanded compared to healthy subjects, patients affected by
00:36 disease.
00:37 The more severe the disease, the greater the expansion, the greater the percentage of
00:42 these cells.
00:43 So, these are cells that represent a biomarker of disease.
00:48 These cells are modulable using a drug called mepulizumab.
00:54 On the other hand, they are cells that the greater the response rate to treatment, the
01:00 greater their reduction.
01:02 So, they are cells of a clinical and therapeutic relevance.
01:05 The actionable mechanism of mepulizumab in patients with correlated osinophilic pathology
01:10 is the immunoleurologist Andrea Matucci.
01:12 Mepulizumab, which is a monoclonal antibody, has as specific target the enteleokina 5,
01:20 which is the factor capable of inducing differentiation, maturation, migration of these cells, their
01:27 prolonged survival activation.
01:29 So, it is understood that by blocking mepulizumab, this growth factor in the osinophils, it
01:37 determines a reduction.
01:38 But, as we have seen in our study, above all a reduction of that osinophilic quota in
01:45 inflammatory, preserving what is the population of homeostatic osinophils.
01:50 Always engaged in research and development of new therapies in the field of respiratory
01:55 pathologies, GSK for a few years has begun to invest in research dedicated to the knowledge
02:00 of pathologies and pathological mechanisms of these substances.
02:04 Through this research, we have been able to develop a monoclonal antibody that is a
02:11 direct mepulizumab against enteleokina 5, which has shown its clinical effectiveness
02:18 through registrative studies in four different pathologies, which are severe esonophilic asthma,
02:25 chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis, GPA and LAS.
