• il y a 6 mois


00:00 "C'est un petit royaume d'elfes et de fées."
00:04 "Tout le monde qui vit ici est très, très petit."
00:09 "Je suis Ben l'elfe."
00:11 "Et je suis la princesse Holly."
00:14 "Viens, on joue."
00:17 "Attends-moi."
00:19 "Ben et Holly's Little Kingdom"
00:28 "Today's adventure starts at the lake."
00:33 "The Mermaid"
00:36 "Ah, Lucy, I do love fishing."
00:39 "Me too, Dad."
00:41 "It's so peaceful. Just what I need to get my nerves back in order."
00:45 "I wonder if we'll see any elves or fairies."
00:48 "Do we have to talk about weird magical stuff? You know it upsets me."
00:53 "But you've seen the elves and fairies too, Dad."
00:56 "I've been thinking about it and I've decided I imagined it all."
01:00 "There are no such things as fairies or elves."
01:04 "Hello, Lucy's dad. Ah, an elf in a submarine."
01:08 "Hello, Lucy."
01:10 "Hello, Ben and Holly. We're fishing."
01:12 "Yes, we were just having a quiet morning's fishing."
01:16 "Dad, did you see that big fish?"
01:21 "It's Big Bad Barry."
01:24 "Barry? The fish is called Barry?"
01:27 "Yes, the biggest baddest fish in the lake."
01:31 "Whoa, what a whopper!"
01:36 "Dad, you have to throw him back in the water. He can't breathe."
01:41 "Of course I will, but just take a photo so I can show my friends."
01:45 "There you go, Barry. Bye-bye."
01:52 "Ah-ha! We've caught another fish!"
01:55 "Oh, this isn't a fish."
01:58 "It's a mirror. Can we keep it, Dad?"
02:01 "Yes, it's from the bottom of the lake so it can't belong to anyone."
02:04 "Cool!"
02:05 "Okay, well, it's been nice chatting to you, um, little folk."
02:09 "But I think it's time to go home. Bye-bye!"
02:12 "Bye!"
02:14 "Do you think the mirror is magic, Dad?"
02:17 "I hope not. I've seen enough magic for one day."
02:22 "Listen, somebody's crying."
02:25 "It's a girl!"
02:27 "Hello! What are you doing in the lake?"
02:31 "I live here."
02:32 "You live in the lake?"
02:33 "Yes, I'm a mermaid."
02:35 "My name is Oceana."
02:39 "Why were you crying?"
02:41 "I've lost my mirror."
02:42 "That must be the mirror Lucy found."
02:45 "And where is this Lucy?"
02:46 "She's a big girl."
02:48 "So, she'll probably be on her way to school."
02:51 "Bye, Lucy. Pick you up later."
02:56 "Bye, Dad!"
02:58 "Oh, no! A mermaid's mirror must never be seen by big people."
03:02 "Don't worry. I'm sure Lucy won't show it to anyone."
03:06 "Look, everybody! I found a mirror!"
03:08 "Ooh!"
03:09 "Lovely! That's perfect for our show-and-tell."
03:12 "Come up to the front, Lucy, and show the mirror to the whole class."
03:16 "Ah!"
03:18 "My poor mirror! I'll never get it back because I can't walk on land."
03:22 "Don't worry. We'll get your mirror back."
03:25 "Oh, thank you!"
03:27 "Home time, children!"
03:31 "Hi, Dad!"
03:34 "Hi, Lucy. Good day!"
03:36 "Lucy!"
03:37 "Psst! Lucy!"
03:38 "Ben! Holly! What are you doing here?"
03:40 "We've come for the mirror. It belongs to a mermaid."
03:44 "A mermaid? Wow!"
03:46 "Yes! And she needs her mirror back."
03:48 "Oh! OK!"
03:50 "Please tell me this is just a game. Elves and fairies are one thing, but mermaids?"
03:55 "Haven't you read about mermaids in books?"
03:57 "Yes, but I've also read about dragons and witches, and they're not real either."
04:02 "Yes, they are!"
04:03 "We can show you witches and dragons!"
04:06 "And loads more, if you like."
04:08 "No, no, thanks. I'll take your word for it."
04:12 "So, where is this mermaid?"
04:15 "After you left, she got called back home to the bottom of the lake."
04:19 "She'll be having her dinner. Fish, probably."
04:22 "We have to find Oceana and give her mirror back."
04:25 "Right then. Into the submarine!"
04:28 "Lucy, would you like to come too?"
04:32 "Yes, please!"
04:33 "We'd love to join you, but I think we are just a tad too big to fit in your little submarine, and..."
04:39 "Aaah! What's happening to me?"
04:41 "Just shrinking you down."
04:43 "My turn!"
04:44 "And will we stay little forever?"
04:48 "Oh no! The spell will wear off in a bit, and you'll grow big again!"
04:52 "All aboard!"
04:54 "Prepare to dive!"
05:02 "Dive, dive, dive!"
05:09 "It's beautiful! Look, Dad!"
05:12 "Yes, it's all very pretty. In fact, I'm beginning to quite enjoy this magical adventure."
05:18 "You see, Dad, the world of Alice and Fairies is fun!"
05:22 "Yes, I don't know why I was so worried about being magically shrunk down."
05:26 "It's amazing to be as small as these sweet little fishes."
05:29 "Not all the fish in the lake are sweet and little. Don't forget the fish you met this morning."
05:34 "Big Bad Barry?"
05:36 "As I remember, Barry is about this big."
05:39 "Er, that was before we were shrunk down, Dad. Now he will be about..."
05:43 "That big!"
05:44 "Oh look! It's Barry!"
05:46 "Aaah! What does he want with us?"
05:49 "He wants to eat the submarine! Any boat with me in it, Barry wants to eat!"
05:54 "Yum, yum!"
05:55 "Hold tight, everyone! I'm going to reverse!"
05:58 "Big, reversing! Big, reversing! Big, reversing!"
06:04 "Now we go forwards!"
06:06 "It's no good! Barry's too fast! He's going to eat us!"
06:12 "Don't worry, Edgy! We've been in Barry's tummy before, and it was fine!"
06:17 "That's good to know! Well, hello, Barry!"
06:20 "I don't understand! He should have eaten us by now!"
06:24 "Maybe he remembers how my dad was nice to him this morning!"
06:28 "That's right! You let Barry go!"
06:30 "And fish never forget! Or is that elephants?"
06:34 "Hmm, hmm!"
06:35 "Aww, that's nice!"
06:37 "Barry's saying that as you so kindly let him go this morning, he is your best friend forever!"
06:43 "In fact, he now thinks of you as his brother!"
06:46 "Lovely!"
06:47 "Er, one tiny problem! In all the excitement of being chased by Barry, we've got lost!"
06:53 "Barry's saying that he knows where the mermaids live and he'll take us there!"
07:00 "That's what his brother wants!"
07:02 "His brother?"
07:03 "That's you, Dad!"
07:04 "Oh yes! Ahem! Barry, old brother, please lead us to the land of the mermaids!"
07:10 "Follow that fish!"
07:13 "Right-o!"
07:14 "Look! Barry's found the mermaids!"
07:19 "Mermaids love to swim along, mermaids sing their mermaid song, mermaids come, they're lovely!"
07:27 "They sing so beautifully!"
07:29 "Wow! A mermaid palace! This must be where Oceana lives!"
07:34 "Diving suits on, everybody!"
07:36 "Nice, Barry! Ah, we're friends of your brother! Yes, they're with me!"
07:45 "Hello!"
07:52 "Hello, mermaids! We're looking for Oceana!"
07:55 "She's over there, being sad!"
07:58 "Oceana! We brought your mirror back!"
08:03 "Oh, thank you so much!"
08:05 "But why is it so tiny?"
08:07 "We had to shrink it down to fit in the submarine! Don't worry, the spar will wear off soon and it'll grow big again!"
08:13 "There you go!"
08:15 "My mirror! Thank you all so much!"
08:18 "You're very welcome!"
08:20 "Well, it's been, er, very interesting meeting you, erm, mermaids, but we must be getting back now!"
08:26 "Bye, Oceana! Bye, everyone!"
08:29 "Bye, Barry!"
08:31 "Erm, you know how the mirror suddenly got big again? Well, that happened to me and my dad!"
08:41 "Yep! And the fun bit is, you don't know when!"
08:44 "Which means we should get a move on! We don't want them to grow big in the submarine!"
08:49 "Whoa! I'm throwing!"
08:51 "So am I! We must get to land! Full speed ahead!"
08:56 "Almost there! Almost there! Try not to roll too much!"
09:00 "You see? There was no need to panic! We had plenty of time!"
09:10 "What an adventure!"
09:12 "Yes, it was quite amazing!"
09:15 "Remember, Lucy's dad, the Little Kingdom is meant to be secret. You must not tell any of your friends what you saw today!"
09:22 "Tell my friends what I saw today?"
09:24 "Let me think about that!"
09:26 "And then the magical fairies shrank me down to the size of my thumb!"
09:30 "I saw singing mermaids! And did I tell you that I now have a fish for a brother?"
09:35 "No, I will not be telling anyone what I saw today!"
09:40 ♪ Mermaids love to swim along
09:43 ♪ Mermaids sing their mermaid song
09:46 ♪ Mermaids come in the lovely air
09:49 ♪ Mermaids, mermaids everywhere
09:53 ♪ Mermaids, mermaids everywhere
09:59 ♪ Mermaids love to swim along
10:02 Merci à tous !
10:04 [SILENCE]
