Ekonomi RI Stabil, Kepercayaan Investor Masih Kuat

  • 5 months ago
Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian (Menko Perekonomian) Airlangga Hartarto menilai, hingga saat ini perekonomian dalam negeri masih dalam level stabil, dan kuat di tengah perekonomian global yang tidak stabil. Bahkan di kawasan negara emerging Asia, perekonomian Indonesia bisa tetap tumbuh di atas 5%.


00:00 The Minister of Finance, Erlang Gahartarto,
00:02 has assessed that the country's economy is still stable and strong
00:07 amidst an unstable global economy.
00:10 Even in the emerging Asian countries,
00:12 Indonesia's economy can still grow above 5%.
00:16 Representing President Joko Widodo,
00:23 the Minister of Finance, Erlang Gahartarto,
00:26 gave a keynote speech at the Asia Business Council's 2024 Spring Forum.
00:33 In this forum, Erlang Gahartarto emphasized that
00:35 amidst an unstable global economy,
00:39 Indonesia's economy can grow above 5%
00:42 over the last eight quarters in a row.
00:45 Meanwhile, the conflict in the Middle East is currently
00:51 expected to affect the supply chain of several export and import communities worldwide.
00:56 Of course, this will also have an impact on growth in the emerging Asia region,
01:02 which is expected to drop from around 5.6% in 2023
01:06 to 5.2% in 2024.
01:10 On the other hand, so far,
01:11 investors' confidence is still strong in Indonesia's economic defense.
01:16 This can be seen from the decisions of various international institutions
01:20 to continue to defend Indonesia at the level of investment credit.
01:24 In addition, the defense of the external sector is also still maintained
01:27 with a position of high reserve deficit,
01:31 which is US$140.4 billion at the end of March 2024.
01:37 The Indonesian trade king also continued to record surplus in the last 46 months,
01:42 where in February 2024,
01:45 US$0.87 billion was recorded.
01:49 Jakarta, IDX Channel coverage team.
01:53 Indonesia's economy is in a critical period of recession.
01:57 The country's economy is in a critical period of recession.
02:00 Indonesia's economy is in a critical period of recession.
