HIPMI: Daya Beli Harus Tetap Stabil

  • last month
Kalangan Pengusaha meminta pemerintah, untuk mempermudah dunia usaha di tengah perlambatan perekonomian global. Meskipun pertumbuhan ekonomi di semester I-2024 bergerak stabil di level 5,08%, kalangan Himpunan Pengusaha Muda Indonesia atau HIPMI, meminta pemerintah terus menjaga perekonomian dalam negeri.


00:00Indonesia's Young Entrepreneurs' Association
00:05Entrepreneurs ask the government to facilitate the world of business in the midst of a global economic slowdown.
00:11Although economic growth in the first semester of 2024 is stable at 5.08%,
00:18Indonesia's Young Entrepreneurs' Association, or HIPNI,
00:21asks the government to continue to maintain domestic economy,
00:25especially in the household consumption sector and the purchasing power of the people.
00:29HIPNI's Chief Executive Officer, Alvin Kennedy,
00:33assesses the need for domestic purchasing power expansion in all sectors.
00:38For that, HIPNI suggests an accommodative policy for the industrial and labor sectors.
00:44This is also to anticipate the impact of the PHK threat in the industry sector.
00:51I am quite confident that if the government is able,
00:55I think this is now to overcome how to maintain,
00:59if the lower sector, the lower segment is to maintain this consumption properly.
01:04We hope that the price of building materials, LPG, oil can be maintained by the government so as not to rise.
01:11And for the middle and upper levels, I think the government needs to maintain the confidence level.
01:18In this sector, we see a lot of players in this sector are a bit wait and see.
01:25I am also quite interested in talking with my friends in...
