• il y a 6 mois


00:00 *Musique*
00:02 *Musique*
00:04 Le vent en appui invite en doucement
00:12 Suivez mon voix où au moins, il ment
00:19 Des montagnes, des vallées,
00:22 Des pensées profondes
00:27 Au sulfide de la pluie
00:32 Le vent en appui
00:37 Le vent en appui
00:42 Le vent en appui
00:47 C'était un jour parfait.
00:49 Un soleil chaud bat la paysage
00:52 et les plus gentilles brises se faisaient partout, fraises et vivantes.
00:55 Les reflections des feuilles dansaient sur les ripples des rivières.
00:58 Les ombres des feuilles jouaient sur les pathways du bois.
01:02 Et dans les champs des agriculteurs, lait, oeufs et beurre
01:06 se transformaient en une croqueuse jolie
01:08 de poissons polis sur des bâtiments vernis.
01:11 Badger, en se déroulant sur un de ses camps préférés,
01:15 sentait la chaleur du soleil,
01:17 en courant les douleurs et les douleurs des jours froids de ses lèvres.
01:20 En chantant une chanson silencieuse, en pensant des pensées silencieuses,
01:23 il se sent content.
01:25 [Badger chante]
01:28 Oh, what's that? Huh?
01:30 Where did that come from?
01:32 Oh, here's my ball.
01:38 Oh, sorry, sorry, Mr. Badger, sir.
01:40 Oh, I should hope so.
01:42 Looking for your ball, are you, sonny?
01:44 Yes, sir.
01:45 Just there.
01:46 Oh, thank you, Mr. Badger.
01:47 Just a moment.
01:48 Why aren't you at school?
01:49 Please, Mr. Badger.
01:50 Can't have you hopping the wag, you know?
01:52 Oh, um, yes, sir.
01:54 I don't know what that means.
01:55 You know exactly what I mean. Hop in the wag.
01:58 Play in hooky, as you youngsters will have it.
02:01 Staying off school won't do, Billy.
02:03 Oh, no, please, sir. I'm not, sir.
02:04 And telling fibs won't help.
02:06 I'm not, sir.
02:07 Only get you in deeper.
02:08 Oh, what a tangled web we weave
02:10 when first we practice to deceive.
02:12 Huh? Huh?
02:13 Pardon, Mr. Badger.
02:15 Yes, well, never mind.
02:17 What I'm saying is, tell the truth and go to school.
02:20 But I can't, sir.
02:22 Well, I can tell the truth, sir, but I can't go to school, sir.
02:25 'Cause school is closed.
02:27 Closed? School's closed?
02:29 Please, sir, yes, sir.
02:30 Oh, my scribble.
02:31 Um, Mrs. Gribble, sir, has had to go away.
02:35 Mrs. Gribble gone away?
02:36 Oh, yes, sir.
02:37 It's her mother, sir, in the next village, sir.
02:40 She's not at all well,
02:41 and Mrs. Gribble's had to go and look after her, sir.
02:43 And the school's closed in...
02:45 in-finite-tedly, sir.
02:47 In-fi...
02:48 In-definitely.
02:50 Yes, sir, that's right, indifferently.
02:53 I see, I see.
02:54 That won't do.
02:56 Can't have you young creatures doing without school.
02:58 Please, sir, it's all right, sir.
03:00 No, it is not all right.
03:03 Oh, I shall consult my friends about this,
03:05 and we'll see what we can do.
03:08 Oh, yes, sir. Thank you, sir.
03:10 Ah, take your ball. Off you go.
03:12 Yes, sir.
03:13 Bye, Mr. Badger, sir.
03:15 No school. No school.
03:19 Just won't do at all.
03:22 I quite agree, Badger. It won't do.
03:24 But what can we do about it?
03:26 Well, in the absence of Mrs. Gribble,
03:29 there is only one thing we can do.
03:31 Teach 'em ourselves.
03:33 Teach them ourselves?
03:34 Good heavens, Badger.
03:35 I don't think you need us, Badger.
03:37 You can do it all yourself.
03:38 Nonsense, Mole, nonsense.
03:40 You're too modest by half.
03:41 Besides, I don't want my little place
03:43 jam-packed with noisy youngsters.
03:45 Ah.
03:46 So, three or four here,
03:48 three or four with you,
03:49 and three or four with Rat.
03:50 It'll work much better.
03:52 Hello!
03:53 Hello.
03:54 That sounds like...
03:55 Anybody home, Badger?
03:57 Ha-ha!
03:58 No, Toad.
03:59 I say, I didn't know you were all here.
04:02 I expect you're having a bit of refreshment at sea, Badger.
04:07 No, Toad, we're...
04:08 Very good.
04:09 Awfully thirsty work motoring, you know,
04:11 dust in the throat.
04:12 You see what I mean?
04:14 Am I to take it
04:16 you'd like a cup of tea, Toad?
04:18 I say, what a spiffing idea.
04:20 Oh, and I expect you'll insist on me
04:23 having some of your fruitcake and a biscuit or two, eh, Badger?
04:27 You're so overwhelmingly generous.
04:29 Mm-hmm.
04:31 Mm.
04:32 Well, I'll see what...
04:34 No, no, Badger, you stay there.
04:36 I'll get it.
04:37 Ha!
04:38 You're too kind, Mole.
04:39 Yes, he is.
04:40 I'd get it, only the journey's been a bit of a strain.
04:43 Really?
04:44 Mm-hmm, yes.
04:46 Youngsters all over the place playing about on the paths.
04:48 If my reactions weren't like lightning,
04:50 if I wasn't a natural driver,
04:52 whoo, don't know what's got into them.
04:55 It's Mrs. Gribble.
04:56 Mm?
04:57 No, it was rabbits, mostly.
04:59 Badger means they're playing about and making a nuisance of themselves
05:02 because Mrs. Gribble...
05:04 Mrs. Gribble?
05:05 The schoolteacher.
05:06 Oh, that Mrs. Gribble.
05:08 Mrs. Gribble has gone off to look after her sick mother
05:11 and the school's closed.
05:12 By Jove, I bet that's why those young fellas are all over the place.
05:16 Precisely.
05:17 Here we are.
05:18 Oh, jolly good.
05:19 Yes, Badger's been suggesting that we run a school for them
05:22 so they don't get silly and empty-headed and bored.
05:25 Oh, why, what's he going to do?
05:27 Oh...
05:28 We are going to give them lessons, Badger and Mole and I.
05:32 I say, what a jolly good idea.
05:34 You mean run a sort of school for them?
05:36 Yes.
05:37 My word, yes.
05:39 Oh, a school, whoo!
05:42 There's all sorts of things I could teach them.
05:44 Hey, I could turn Toad Hall into a school.
05:48 Now look, Toad.
05:49 No, not a school, no.
05:51 An academy.
05:52 Yes, Toad Hall, academy for the children of gentle persons.
05:57 Uh, Toad, I...
05:58 Headmaster.
05:59 Oh, no, no.
06:00 The Highmaster.
06:01 Yes, that's a much better ring to it.
06:02 Highmaster Mr. Toad M.A.
06:04 M.A.?
06:06 Muddled animal.
06:07 Sorry?
06:08 We are merely Toad going to take three or four youngsters each
06:11 and pass on what little learning we have.
06:14 Whoo, rubbish, no, no.
06:16 Toad Hall Academy.
06:18 The finest school in England.
06:21 Yes, and it opens tomorrow.
06:24 Oh, Toad.
06:25 Oh, Toad.
06:26 So there was the Baron's army inside the walls of the great city
06:32 with the huge gates locked and barred.
06:35 Locked and barred?
06:37 And outside was the other army who just couldn't get in.
06:41 So what did they do?
06:43 They, uh, they climbed over the walls, Mr. Mole.
06:46 Their enemies pushed their ladders over.
06:48 They, they bashed the gates in.
06:50 Couldn't get near enough for the arrows.
06:53 Please, sir, I don't know, sir.
06:55 They called for the tunnellers, the moles.
06:58 Oh, tunnellers?
07:00 And they dug right underneath the walls and blew them up with gunpowder.
07:05 Wow!
07:07 Oh, bang!
07:09 And that's how my ancestors helped to beat the wicked Baron Bled.
07:13 Hurray! Hurray! Hurray!
07:15 Right, now then.
07:16 Excuse me, Mr. Mole.
07:18 Hello, Willie.
07:19 What are you doing here?
07:20 Please, Mr. Mole, can I come to your lesson?
07:24 But I thought you were with Mr. Toad.
07:26 Yes, sir, but can I be with you?
07:29 Well, I suppose so.
07:33 Sit yourself down.
07:35 I'll tell you a bit more about knights and barons and battle.
07:39 Oh, yeah!
07:41 And then, after he'd won the Battle of Trafalgar, Columbus discovered America.
07:47 Please, Mr. Toad, it was Nelson.
07:49 Look, Georgina, I know who discovered America.
07:52 No, sir, I mean Nelson won the Battle of Trafalgar.
07:57 That's what the silly old history books may say.
08:01 But I know Columbus beat him easily.
08:05 Because of the elephant.
08:07 Sir?
08:08 Will you stop interrupting, young lady?
08:10 You'll never learn anything if you don't listen.
08:13 No, sir, I won't.
08:15 Yes.
08:17 Now, there is an easy way to remember when Columbus discovered America.
08:23 A little rhyme.
08:25 Ice goes in 1617, Columbus sailed the ocean green.
08:31 Sir!
08:32 What is it now?
08:33 It's ocean blue.
08:35 Ocean blue? Ocean blue?
08:38 Don't be ridiculous, that doesn't rhyme with 17.
08:42 No, sir, it rhymes with 1492.
08:46 Well, I know that.
08:49 And it rhymes with there was an old woman who lived in a shoe as well.
08:52 But we're doing history, not English literature. That's tomorrow.
08:55 Yes, sir.
08:57 Now, where was I?
08:59 So, saying farewell to Charles II, Columbus and his faithful Vikings set sail in the Golden Hein.
09:08 And weeks later, landed on the coast of America, not far from Sydney.
09:14 "Eureka!" he cried out as he saw the natives paddling up the coast of their coroners.
09:21 And long before them, even the Romans lived hereabouts.
09:25 Oh, the Romans!
09:27 Yes.
09:29 And they gave us many, many things.
09:32 They gave us laws to live by, and they gave us words.
09:36 Words, Mr. Badger?
09:38 Yes, words. Indeed, they did.
09:41 But, sir, we don't speak Roman, sir.
09:44 Well, we speak Latin, as they did. Or bits of it.
09:48 What bits, Mr. Badger?
09:50 What bits? Lots of bits.
09:52 For instance, why are your lessons like the river?
09:58 Don't know, Mr. Badger.
09:59 Well, the list of your lessons, all the ones you have to do in a year, is called the curriculum.
10:06 And I bet you don't know what that means in Latin.
10:09 Well, lessons, sir.
10:11 No.
10:12 Um, teacher, sir.
10:14 No.
10:15 Classes?
10:16 It means a race, or sometimes a racing chariot.
10:21 A racing chariot?
10:23 Because, you see, a racing chariot runs a race course.
10:27 And your lessons, a course of lessons, run for a year.
10:32 [children laughing]
10:35 But the word that that word starts from is "curere", to run.
10:41 Curere, to run.
10:45 Oh, who can tell me another word that comes from "curere"?
10:49 Something else that runs. Something you find in a river.
10:54 Oh, Mr. Badger, sir. Oh, no.
10:57 Yes, young Otter, I should have guessed.
11:00 Well, what runs in a river and comes from the Latin "curere"?
11:05 Sir, the current.
11:07 Quite right. Well done. The current.
11:10 I got it. I got it right.
11:12 So, you see, your lessons, curriculum, and the current in the river, both come from "curere".
11:18 And that's why your lessons are like the river.
11:21 Oh, yeah.
11:22 [children cheering]
11:24 The Romans stayed in this country for hundreds and hundreds of years.
11:29 But they couldn't stay forever because things back at home, in Italy, weren't going too well.
11:36 [children talking]
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15:00 Oh, les marquages !
15:02 Quand on combine cette...
15:05 ...poudre blanche...
15:07 ...avec...
15:09 ...ce...hyperchondriac médium...
15:11 ...le béton dans un verre...
15:13 ...clé.
15:14 Maintenant...
15:15 ...où est-il que j'ai mis ma pilouette ?
15:16 L'objet de méjure...
15:18 Ah ! Là-bas !
15:22 Maintenant, une cuillère de ça...
15:25 ...et une moitié de ça.
15:27 Là...
15:29 Ah !
15:30 C'est pas mal, ces boules !
15:32 Hey, Steve !
15:35 C'est pas grave, c'est du bon truc !
15:37 Maintenant...
15:39 Maintenant, mon jeune homme...
15:40 Faites attention à ce qui se passe...
15:43 ...quand on chauffe...
15:44 ...quand on chauffe ce...
15:46 ...bûcher !
15:47 C'est...
15:49 C'est...
15:49 Où est-il ?
15:50 Ah, j'ai le...
15:51 ...bûcher !
15:53 Marchez...
15:54 ...faitement...
15:55 ...quand je...
15:57 ...je...
15:58 ...je...
15:59 Oh !
16:01 Mr Toad !
16:02 Il va bien, n'est-ce pas ?
16:05 Je pense que oui, mon amour...
16:07 J'espère que oui...
16:08 Ah !
16:10 Fou, fouille de créature...
16:11 Un petit peu de connaissance est dangereux...
16:14 Je pense qu'il va bien...
16:19 Toad ?
16:20 Toad, tu vas bien ?
16:21 Tout va bien !
16:23 Tout va bien !
16:25 Oh non...
16:26 ...je...
16:27 ...je dis que tout va bien !
16:29 Hein ?
16:29 Qu'est-ce que c'est ?
16:30 Toad, qu'est-ce que tu dis ?
16:35 Tu ne penses pas qu'il est délirant, Batchard ?
16:43 Il a certainement peur de la pire...
16:53 Oh non, il n'est pas...
16:54 ...pire !
16:56 Quoi ?
16:57 Des feuilles de feu ?
16:58 La plus belle...
17:01 Toad, je ne sais pas...
17:02 Non, non, je suis un génie naturel...
17:04 ...de la pyrotechnique spectaculaire !
17:06 Je devrais être la plus grande fabriquante du monde...
17:10 ...de Mr Toad's Fantastique Feuilles de Feu !
17:11 Oh ! Fizzing, and whooshing, and boom !
17:14 C'est la seule chose !
17:17 Oh !
17:18 Toad !
17:23 [Musique]
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