The Wind in the Willows (TV Series) S03 E002 - Mercury of the Motorbicycle

  • il y a 3 mois
00:30The Green Leaves
00:47Il ne y avait aucun doute que c'était l'hiver.
00:50Même dans le bois, les lumières grenailles
00:52se disparaissaient vers l'émergence sous les arbres,
00:55et la chanson des oiseaux s'échoait autour des grands pilons des arbres de sable.
00:59The river, too, looked livelier, crisp and sparkling in place of the swollen, sullen grey of winter.
01:06For Rat, it meant the time to put the finishing touches to his newly varnished boat,
01:11while in the kitchen of Rat's riverbank home, Mole prepared for a downstream picnic.
01:16For Badger, it was an opportunity to feel the young sun's warmth on her slightly rheumatic back,
01:22and to try to catch the colours of spring on canvas.
01:26But on the open road, a young toad's fancy turned to thoughts of motoring.
01:50And it's no use saying stupid car all the time, toad, you were driving it!
01:55Oh, I say!
01:56Exactly so, Ratty, exactly so!
01:58All right, all right!
02:00It doesn't matter whose fault it was, I finished with motor cars!
02:04Oh, toad, you don't mean it!
02:06Yes, I do, great big silly boxes on wheels!
02:09Well, I must say, toad, that I'm relieved to hear you say that.
02:13Yes, yes, I've been lying on my bed of agony, my couch of sorrow,
02:18quietly enduring the pain of broken limbs.
02:22Well, not really quietly, toad.
02:24And a bruised big toe isn't quite a broken limb.
02:27The pain of broken limbs?
02:30And suddenly I saw it all so clearly.
02:33Motor car is not for me.
02:35Well said.
02:36Not for me, the mobile armchair.
02:39Not for me, the clumsy mammoth.
02:40Well toady.
02:41Not for me, the claustrophobic chariot.
02:45Oh, but when I get my motor bicycle,
02:48won't I just fly, won't I just fly?
02:51What? What was that?
02:53Did you say motor bicycle?
02:55Yes! Motor bicycle!
02:58The powered velocipede!
03:00The two-wheeled arrow of the runes!
03:02Now look here, toad.
03:04I saw it in this catalogue while I was...
03:07Listen, it's got all the latest improvements.
03:10Oh, yes, a genuine magneto gearbox.
03:14Inflatable tappets and high-tension handlebars.
03:17Oh, it's got...
03:19I say, just a minute!
03:20Where are you going?
03:21I haven't told you half of it.
03:23I haven't told you about the sidecar.
03:25The sidecar...
03:26Oh, toad.
03:28Well, really.
03:52Now for a tea.
03:54Now to stir things up in this dusty old place.
03:58All right.
04:01All right.
04:02Retract counter-cylinder.
04:04Counter-cylinder retracted.
04:06Prepare for ignition.
04:08Ignition prepare for.
04:14Oh, no, I've got my gloves.
04:15Back in a minute, my fiery charger.
04:18Back in a minute.
04:49Are you feeling better now, Billy?
04:51Yes, thank you, Mr. Moe.
04:52It's a jolly good job for you that Mr. Ratt and I were near the canal.
04:55If you're going to make a habit of falling in, you'd better learn to swim.
04:58Yes, Mr. Moe, I'm going to...
04:59Well, you were quite right, Billy.
05:01I said so, didn't I?
05:02You did indeed.
05:03I'm sorry if we doubted you.
05:05There has been a motorcycle along the towpath,
05:07a motorcycle with a sidecar,
05:09tracks all over the place.
05:11It came right at me, sir, and I had to jump, sir, and I did,
05:13and I landed in the canal, sir.
05:15On a narrow path like that?
05:17A motorcycle?
05:19Oh, no, not...
05:20Toad is the only one who has a motorcycle with a sidecar.
05:24Oh, dear.
05:25Well, what are we going to do?
05:27Oh, for now, we're just going to get young Billy back to his mum and dad.
05:30Oh, thanks, Mr. Ratt.
05:31But tomorrow, I think we'd better talk this over with Badger.
05:34Yes, good idea.
05:35It's your turn.
05:36It's your turn.
05:37Good idea.
05:58Ratty, is that you?
06:00Oh, hello, Moe.
06:01Sorry I'm a little late.
06:02I had to...
06:04Heavens, Moe.
06:06What ever's happened?
06:07It's Toad and his wretched motorcycle.
06:09What a mess.
06:10Couldn't you stop him?
06:11I didn't even see him, Ratty.
06:13I was just in the middle of breakfast when I heard the thing arrive.
06:16By the time I got up here, he'd...
06:17Well, he'd all but gone.
06:19I just saw the back end of a sidecar and a number plate, TH7.
06:23TH7, yes, that's Toad.
06:25I ought to go and give the silly idiot a punch on the nose.
06:28Ratty, I don't really think...
06:29No, no, I won't, Moe, but he just makes me so cross.
06:33Well, we'd better get this lot cleaned up, I suppose,
06:36and then we'll go and talk to Badger.
06:38And we heard that half the village can't sleep at night
06:41because he's driving the wretched, noisy thing up and down the high street.
06:46No doubt the law will catch up with him in time.
06:49A policeman will apprehend him in the act and he will pay the price.
06:53In the meantime...
06:54In the meantime, I don't want to know him.
06:56Nor do I.
06:57Well then, we can't but indicate our disapproval
07:00by having as little to do with him as possible.
07:03I say, you chaps!
07:05Oh dear, it's Toad.
07:06Yes, well, pay no heed.
07:09Yes, all right.
07:13Well, everything ready then, Moe?
07:15Yes, Ratty, all loaded.
07:17Ratty, Moe!
07:19Did you hear something, Moe?
07:21No, I don't think so, Ratty.
07:23I say, Ratty, Moe!
07:25Oh, it's you, Toad.
07:27Yeah, I've been shutting my head off.
07:29Yes, well, goodbye, Toad.
07:31We're going for a picnic.
07:32Goodbye, a picnic?
07:34I say, look, I need your help.
07:36Ah, in trouble, are you?
07:38Yes, Rat, I am.
07:39It's the motorcycle, isn't it?
07:41No, it's...
07:42I say, how did you know?
07:44No, I think everyone knows by now.
07:46Well, aren't you going to do anything?
07:48No, Toad, and it's lucky for you we're not.
07:51I don't think I'd follow you.
07:52I think you follow perfectly well.
07:54Anyway, we're off.
07:56But, look, it's a serious criminal offence.
07:59I'm glad you realise that, Toad.
08:01But it's your fault, and you will have to sort it out.
08:04My fault? But I only had it half an hour.
08:06Oh, it went like lightning.
08:07So we heard.
08:08And there's a great deal we could say about it if we wanted.
08:12But we're going to leave it for you and the law to sort out.
08:18Oh, goodbye.
08:21Hm, well, whatever's got into them.
08:25I have a jolly serious problem we can think about that.
08:31Well, I suggest we have to see what Magi has to say.
08:46The impertinent fellow must have banged on my door for five or ten minutes,
08:50and in the end I had to open it to him.
08:52I gave him short shrift.
08:54Didn't he seem at all apologetic?
08:57No, alas, he did not.
09:00In fact, anyone would have thought that he was the injured party.
09:04Yes, he is, I fear, beyond reform.
09:07Well, we shall just have to see what effect the sentence of the court will have.
09:11Oh, dear.
09:13Mark my words, I said to him.
09:16The law will run its course.
09:18Well, what did he say to that?
09:19Shopping arrogance.
09:21I wish it had run faster, he said.
09:23Oh, my.
09:24That policeman, he said, couldn't catch a cold.
09:26The cheek of it.
09:27My goodness.
09:29He has a lot to learn, that foolish creature.
09:32A lot to learn.
09:36All I want to know is why is everyone so jolly cool?
09:40Oh, people help.
09:44What's the good of having friends if they don't care about one's problems?
09:50Anyone would think that...
09:52Now, that could be them.
09:54Who would come by conscience, I've no doubt, to come to beg my pardon.
09:59Well, I shall be generous.
10:03No one could ever accuse me of any grudge, then.
10:07My dear chaps, of course I accept your...
10:10Oh, no, what's going on?
10:11I'm sorry, Mr. Toad.
10:13Oh, it's you.
10:15I'm sorry, Billy?
10:16I'm sorry, Mr. Toad.
10:17No, no, no, I mean...
10:18I'm sorry, what did you say?
10:19I'm sorry, Mr. Toad.
10:21What wasn't you?
10:22What wasn't me?
10:23The motorcycle, because my dad saw it and...
10:25Saw my motorcycle?
10:26Yes, and you weren't on it.
10:28On the motorcycle.
10:29No, no, no, I mean, where wasn't I?
10:30I mean, where wasn't...
10:31I mean, where was...
10:32Where was where?
10:33Sorry, Mr. Toad?
10:34Oh, don't start that again.
10:35Oh, sorry, Mr. To...
10:36I mean, no, Mr. Toad.
10:37Start at the beginning and go slowly.
10:39Yes, Mr. Toad.
10:42Please, Mr. Toad, I was walking along the canal bank
10:45and I was knocked into the water by a motorbicycle.
10:48I say!
10:50And my dad said,
10:51I'll give that idiot from Toad Hall what for.
10:53Oh, did he?
10:54And then he saw the motorbicycle again, Mr. Toad,
10:56and it wasn't you at all, sir, riding it.
10:58No, because I...
10:59It was a weasel.
11:00Oh, weasel.
11:01Yes, sir, it was a weasel on the motorcycle.
11:04So that's where it is.
11:06And my dad said,
11:07tell Mr. Toad it wasn't him and tell him I'm sorry.
11:10Yes, yes, yes, yes, and that's all right, Billy.
11:12Oh, thank you, Mr. Toad.
11:13My machine at the weasels.
11:16Light-fingered hooligans.
11:19They're just waiting like...
11:23Now for them.
11:37There's one of them in there.
11:39He's got my motorbicycle.
11:41The villain.
11:42How dare he?
11:50Don't say a word if you want to live.
11:53Yes, I do want to live.
11:55I do.
11:58Sorry, I forgot.
12:02Is it Mr. Toad?
12:03It is Mr. Toad.
12:05Oh, well...
12:06And a lot of others.
12:07A lot of others.
12:09Oh, yes.
12:10Rat guard the door.
12:12You, Moe, take that cutlass and your pistols
12:15and see there's no one else about.
12:17Not a word, not a sound, you understand?
12:21Now the rest of you, keep those seven sturdy rifles pointed at this fellow
12:24and your sabers in your hand
12:26and your deadly gleaming daggers in your other hand.
12:29No questions.
12:30You know the plan.
12:32What is the plan, Mr. Toad?
12:37What is the plan?
12:39Well, it's...
12:41Look, never you mind what the plan is, you...
12:43It's none of your business.
12:46Ah, yes.
12:48I know what the plan is.
12:50Close your eyes.
12:51I have closed my eyes, Mr. Toad.
12:53You keep them closed and stay on your knees
12:55and you count to a hundred very slowly.
12:58Count to a hundred, Mr. Toad?
13:01I can't.
13:03Oh, dear.
13:04What can you count to?
13:06I can count to ten, I think.
13:10All right, then count to ten.
13:12However many times ten goes into a hundred.
13:14It must be seven or eight at least. Now is that clear?
13:16Yes, Mr. Toad.
13:17Rat, you keep your double-barrel blunderbuss aimed at this fellow
13:20while I push my bicycle out of here.
13:24I told you not to speak.
13:26Now you, count and remember what I...
13:29Oh, dear.
13:31This is an unexpected pleasure.
13:36Is my associate at his prayers, then?
13:40Chief, it's you.
13:42Of course it's me. Who do you think it is?
13:44But, but, but, but, Budger and, and, and Rat and Mole.
13:47They was.
13:49You snivelling useless half-wit with only a kigment of Mr. Toad's colourful imagination.
13:55Oh, Mr. Toad.
13:57That wasn't very nice.
13:59Not very nice.
14:01And what are you doing in our humble abode, Toad?
14:07You've got my motorbicycle and I want it back.
14:11What's your motorbicycle, Mr. Toad?
14:14How can you say such a thing?
14:16Because that's it, there.
14:18No, no, no, no, no, no, no, Mr. Toad.
14:20No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
14:22That is a gift to me.
14:24A present.
14:25From who?
14:27From you, Mr. Toad.
14:29It is no such thing.
14:31Oh, yes, Mr. Toad, it is.
14:33No, but look.
14:35Oh, oh, Budger, Ratty, Mole.
14:39Oh, thank goodness.
14:41Oh, dear, oh, dear, oh, dear.
14:43There he goes again.
14:44Let his furtive imagination run away with him.
14:47No, I'm not.
14:48They're behind you.
14:50Behind you.
14:51Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
14:52He's pathetic, isn't he?
14:56Yeah, pathetic.
14:59Oh, no.
15:01Oh, no, no, no.
15:31My Lord, my desperate pleas for help.
15:34The way you left me to face my persecutors alone...
15:37Only until Belly told us you'd gone to the weasel's den, Toad.
15:40Don't interrupt, Mole. There's a good chap.
15:43Yes, now, where was I?
15:45Ah, oh, yes.
15:46But resentment is too mean an emotion for one as generous-spirited as I,
15:50for one to whom his friends mean more than life itself.
15:55I forgive you.
15:58Oh, good.
15:59Yes, thank you.
16:00Thank you, Toad.
16:01Most generous.
16:02That's awfully kind of you, Toad.
16:03In fact, just to show that my affection for you is quite undiminished,
16:08I shall demonstrate the superiority of my new motor bicycle.
16:12Toad, I...
16:13Look, Toad, well...
16:15No, no, I insist.
16:17Oh, dear.
16:18Ha, ha, ha.
16:19You're going to enjoy this.
16:20Toad, the mercury of the motor bicycle.
16:24Toad, the two-wheeled tornado.
16:27Be careful, Toad.
16:29You've never ridden a motor cycle.
16:31Ha, instinct.
16:33Just watch this.
17:00Thank goodness.
17:03Stupid, stupid motor bicycle.
17:06We seem to be back to normal.
17:08Oh, Toad.
17:12Oh, stupid, stupid motor bicycle.
17:29Oh, Toad.
17:30Oh, Toad.
17:31Oh, Toad.
17:32Oh, Toad.
17:33Oh, Toad.
17:34Oh, Toad.
17:35Oh, Toad.
17:36Oh, Toad.
17:37Oh, Toad.
17:38Oh, Toad.
17:39Oh, Toad.
17:40Oh, Toad.
17:41Oh, Toad.
17:42Oh, Toad.
17:43Oh, Toad.
17:44Oh, Toad.
17:45Oh, Toad.
17:46Oh, Toad.
17:47Oh, Toad.
17:48Oh, Toad.
17:49Oh, Toad.
17:50Oh, Toad.
17:51Oh, Toad.
17:52Oh, Toad.
17:53Oh, Toad.
17:54Oh, Toad.
17:55Oh, Toad.
17:56Oh, Toad.
17:57Oh, Toad.
17:58Oh, Toad.
17:59Oh, Toad.
18:00Oh, Toad.
18:01Oh, Toad.
18:02Oh, Toad.
18:03Oh, Toad.
18:04Oh, Toad.
18:05Oh, Toad.
18:06Oh, Toad.
18:07Oh, Toad.
18:08Oh, Toad.
18:09Oh, Toad.
18:10Oh, Toad.
18:11Oh, Toad.
18:12Oh, Toad.
18:13Oh, Toad.
18:14Oh, Toad.
18:15Oh, Toad.
18:16Oh, Toad.
18:17Oh, Toad.
18:18Oh, Toad.
18:19Oh, Toad.
18:20Oh, Toad.
18:21Oh, Toad.
18:22Oh, Toad.
18:23Oh, Toad.
18:24Oh, Toad.
18:25Oh, Toad.
18:26Oh, Toad.
