Winnie the Pooh S02E06 No Rabbit's a Fortress + The Monster Frankenpooh

  • il y a 5 mois


00:00Gnab it! Shouldn't be hitting bedrock yet! Hold everything! That's it! I missed my turn off! No time to lollygag! Got places to be and tunnels to dig!
00:27Hmm, I knew I should have brought along the big pick!
00:46There! This should keep everyone from trampling my garden every day! If it isn't one thing, it's another!
00:54Hmm, Rabbit, I came to return the honey jars I borrowed for breakfast!
00:59How could you? You're in my garden!
01:03We are?
01:05The signs say, keep out, among other things. Can't you read them?
01:11Oh, I can read them, Rabbit. I just can't see them.
01:18Piglet, look what you've done!
01:25A young, vibrant carrot mushed before its prime! And all because you and Pooh have no regard for my garden!
01:37Tigger! No, no, no!
01:43My garden's ruined!
01:45Nah, I just gave it that bounced-in look!
01:55Oh, what now? I'll teach you to dig up my vegetables!
02:03Oh my! Who turned out the lights? Where's my garden?
02:08Hmm, so that's why there are all those roots in my way.
02:14Well, it's gonna have to go. You don't mind if I clear away some of the deadwood, do you, Rabbit?
02:22Do what you want, Gopher, just stay out of my garden!
02:25Coming through! Everybody, stand clear!
02:29Stand clear of what, Gopher?
02:32The big ker-pow-ee, that's what.
02:35Ker-pow-ee? Oh my, I don't like the sound of that.
02:39Maybe you'd better hold your ears, Piglet, like this.
02:43Here we go, just push this new hickey down and...
02:53Did somebody say something?
02:56Keep out!
02:58Well, that takes care of that. Back to my digging.
03:03My garden! It's gone! Gone!
03:07Cheer up, floppy ears! It's not gone, it's just been, uh, uh, tossed.
03:14Got any Tarzan island dressing?
03:16This is your fault! All of yours!
03:19First Pooh and Piglet, then Tigger, now this!
03:23Why do you always ruin my garden?
03:26It never did anything to any of you.
03:28From now on, I'm a rabbit unto myself.
03:34Is it just me, or does something seem to be bothering Friend Rabbit?
03:39You know, I haven't given Fuzzbottom a good bouncing in days.
03:44I feel a empty spot in my life.
03:47I know what you mean, Tigger.
03:49I usually feel that same empty spot just before dinner.
03:56I can't quite put my finger on it,
03:59but I believe Rabbit's garden is somehow... different.
04:04Hmm, this calls for some serious investigating.
04:08Perhaps we should come back later when the garden is done.
04:12Perhaps we should come back later when the garden is... friendlier?
04:17No, just follow me. I'll lead you around them booby traps.
04:21Tigger's an expert on trapping boobies, you know.
04:24Oh, don't worry. You can ride on my shoulders, Piglet.
04:28You'll be safe up here.
04:30Hmm, I better get this out of the way before somebody trips over it.
04:36Uh, Tigger?
04:43Well, that takes care of that.
04:46Excuse me, Tigger, but...
04:48Not now, Pooh Bear. We've got traps to un-boobify.
04:56I don't think you guys had better step on this thing.
04:59It might be dangerous.
05:02Quiet, fellas. It's Long Ears.
05:06I'm coming for you, buddy boy.
05:09Wait a minute. This isn't Rabbit. I've been boobied.
05:18Surprised you, didn't I?
05:21So, how do you like it?
05:24How do I like it?
05:26Well, it's the most wonderfulest one I've ever seen.
05:30What is it?
05:32It's certainly big.
05:35It's my fortress.
05:37From now on, no one will be able to bother me or my garden again.
05:45The whole point of this fortress is to keep you out.
05:49From now on, no matter what you think, no matter what you hear,
05:53no matter what happens,
05:55you and you, and especially you,
05:59are to stay away forever.
06:02But who will come and borrow honey from you?
06:04No one. And that means you.
06:08Oh, my tummy would be awfully sorry to hear that.
06:12Come on, guys. Something tells me we're not wanted.
06:18Come along, Piglet.
06:23You took the words right out of my mouth, Piglet, old pal.
06:29Now, for a little peace and quiet and gardening.
06:33Hmm, where did I leave my shovel?
06:36Oh, yes, it's right outside the door!
06:42A door! I forgot to make a door!
06:45I can't get out! I'm trapped! Doomed!
06:48Do you hear? Wait!
06:51Pooh! Tigger!
06:54Please come back!
06:56Oh, no, you don't. You told us not to come back.
06:59You can booby at Tigger once, but you can't make him drink.
07:05Yeah, you tell him, kiddo.
07:08I think Robert is testing us to see how good of friends we are.
07:13We should go before we hurt his feelings.
07:16Oh, no! They're leaving!
07:20I'll starve!
07:23Oh, Pooh!
07:25How about a little smackle of honey?
07:31No, Pooh. He's just trying to trick us.
07:34That honey does taste tasty.
07:38Bunny Boy's counting on us.
07:41We can't go back, no matter what.
07:44Oh, my! Where's Tigger when you need a good bounce?
07:51Did he say bounce?
07:58No, no. Farther back. A little farther.
08:02That should do it.
08:04Don't worry, Bunny Boy.
08:06We'll bust you out if it's the last thing you do.
08:12Oh, dear!
08:21Oh, my!
08:24Hey, how come we do all the work and Bunny Boy gets to do all the bouncing?
08:30Go on, pull! Pull! Pull!
08:34I'm afraid there may not be any pull left in me.
08:39Maybe if we got a better grip.
08:49Sure hope he's got a round-trip ticket.
08:59Tigger, there's no possible way you can get me through that little hole.
09:04I'm just too big.
09:06Oh, Rabbit, if it's a small matter of Tigger-numatory,
09:11we'll have you vacuumed free before you can say...
09:21Oh, dear!
09:24We did it!
09:26Sure was simple.
09:28I hope Rabbit's all right.
09:30Genius. Pure genius.
09:35Rabbit, what are you doing in there when you should be in there?
09:39I told you I was too big to fit through the hole.
09:42Yeah, maybe. But what happened to your garden?
09:55I might as well face it.
09:57I'll probably spend the rest of my life in here.
10:01Yeah, but look at the bright side, Bunny Boy.
10:04Maybe you won't live that long.
10:06Is there anything we can do, Rabbit?
10:08No, except maybe try not to forget me.
10:12Of course not.
10:17Well, if that... that can't stand around here forever,
10:22I've got tunnels that need blasting.
10:27Hmm, that's an idea.
10:30Blast them out.
10:32Hmm, that's an idea. Blast them out.
10:36Hmm, that's an idea. I wonder how much longer to lunch.
10:41Yes, sirree!
10:43Don't know why I didn't think of it before.
10:45I'll blast them out.
10:48Yes, indeedy.
10:50Of course, you have to be careful with dynamite.
10:54Can't use too much.
10:56Just a little keg will do you.
10:58Only one keg.
11:00Oh, dear.
11:03Stand clear!
11:07You too, Rabbit.
11:09Do you think perhaps we should have told Gopher
11:13that we each used one keg to...
11:24No sign of Hide nor Bunny.
11:26I wonder where old Floppy Ears went.
11:28Oh, dear. I hope he's not angry with us.
11:31I believe we should look for him, in case he's lost.
11:35Good idea. Follow me.
11:41No, he's not here.
11:45Oh, my. Oh, my.
11:48Oh, dear, dear, dear. Oh, no, no, no.
11:57And did you find anything, Piglet?
12:00Well, um, no. You, Pooh?
12:04Only this very nice rock.
12:07But no rabbit.
12:09I came up zip, too.
12:11And I searched every one of my holes to boot.
12:15I... I found this.
12:18His favorite carrot.
12:20He never went nowhere without it.
12:23We're just gonna have to face it.
12:26Bunny Boy is gone.
12:28He was the dag-blasted best rabbit friend I ever had.
12:33Even if he was the only rabbit friend I ever had.
12:36Perhaps we shouldn't have blown him up.
12:39Then he wouldn't have had to leave.
12:41Help! Help!
12:43Oh, my. I can still hear him calling.
12:46I must be having hallucinations.
12:48Help! Help!
12:54I wonder if hallucinations are contagious.
12:58I hear rabbit, too.
13:00So do I.
13:02Get me down from here.
13:08Why, look.
13:10There's rabbit's hallucination now.
13:13Wait a minute.
13:15That's not rabbit's hallucination.
13:18That's rabbit in a tree.
13:23Old Floppy Ears wasn't blown to tangerines after all.
13:27Hey, watch where you're bouncing, you big galoot.
13:31Oh, my. Rabbit's so high up.
13:34How are we gonna get him down?
13:36Won't be easy.
13:38But maybe this will help.
13:41Chop me down?
13:43Might be painful, but it could hurt a lot, too.
13:46No, we can't do that.
13:48A tree might fall on an innocent plant or something.
13:52Good point.
13:54In that case, I'll just have to use dynamite again.
13:58Like my daddy always used to say,
14:01what gets blown up must get blown down.
14:04No, no, not dynamite again.
14:07You're right.
14:09Better make it nitroglycerine.
14:11Wait, how about U-235?
14:14I believe I could get him down.
14:17You? All by your lonesome?
14:20He's right, Pooh. Won't you want some help?
14:23Help? Oh, no.
14:27I don't believe so. Just watch.
14:30Hello, Rabbit.
14:32What? Oh, hi, Pooh Bear.
14:38See? I thought it might work.
14:43You were right, buddy boy.
14:46Not only did you get Rabbit out of the tree,
14:49you caught him, too.
14:52Here we are.
14:54I think it's all right for Rabbit to look at our surprise now.
14:58Oh, my. Oh, my.
15:00It's wonderful.
15:02And for me?
15:04After everything I've said to you?
15:06Well, you are our friend, Rabbit,
15:08whether you like it or not.
15:10How can I ever thank you all for fixing it?
15:14Let me see.
15:16I know.
15:18Tigger, stop that.
15:20Hey, you know anything about the rest of my dynamite?
15:24It's gone.
15:27Yes, I hid it in a nice, safe place
15:30where it can't blow up any innocent gardens
15:33or rabbits.
15:35Rabbit, I found this pogo stick in the woods
15:38and I thought it might make a nice garden-warming gift
15:41since you have a new garden which needs warming.
15:46Why, thank you, Pooh. How thoughtful.
15:49Here, can I try it, please, please, please?
15:52No, it's my pogo stick.
15:54I get to pogo on it first.
15:57Maybe I can bounce on you for once.
16:06Oh, my.
16:08Why does it always happen to me?
16:12Hey, I bet I know where you hid my dynamite.
16:20Come on, Piglet, old pal.
16:22Tell us a scary ghostly story.
16:24Something full of spookables and horrible creatures
16:29and things that go shopping in the night.
16:32Well, actually, I thought I might tell a not-so-scary story.
16:36A story about a scientist.
16:38A mad scientist, Piglet.
16:41Oh, no, not mad.
16:43I'm a scientist.
16:45A mad scientist, Piglet.
16:47Oh, no, not mad at all.
16:50Quite happy and cheerful, really.
16:55Once upon a time...
16:57Say, it's the middle of broad daylight.
17:01Even a not-so-scary, scary story has to happen at night, you know.
17:06Oh, but this one happens in the daytime.
17:15Oh, dear.
17:17That's better.
17:19Although a nice thunderstorm at night.
17:22Yes, well, as I was saying,
17:25there was a very pleasant and cheerful scientist.
17:31Peanut butter and jelly, my favorite.
17:34And it's so very good for you, too.
17:38What is it? What is it?
17:40Why, this story is so un-scary, it's scary.
17:43I got better things to do than listen to this.
17:46I think I'll go trim my toenails.
17:48Or better yet, I'll go trim Pooh's toenails.
17:51Oh, Tigger, where are your manners?
17:54I don't know, but I bet they're having more fun than I am.
17:57Tigger, behave!
17:59Well, if you're going to have a story about a scientist,
18:02he ought to at least be doing something terrible,
18:05like creating a boogity-boogity monster.
18:10A monster?
18:12Yes, the monster Franken-tooth.
18:16Oh, d-d-d-dear.
18:19Absolutely perfect.
18:22Only, he ought to be a little bit bigger than that.
18:27No, even bigger.
18:32Oh, bother.
18:34Now that's what I call a monster.
18:37Oh, help! S-s-save me!
18:40Help me! Oh, save me!
18:42Oh, dear, this is so very terrifying.
18:46I want...
19:00I'm a... I'm a...
19:02I'm a...
19:05I'm a... I'm a...
19:07I'm a monster!
19:31Oh, with no stopping, the gigantically monstrous monstrophity.
19:41Oh, d-d-d-dear.
19:43Tigger, I'm afraid this has become a
19:46not at all so, not so very scary story.
19:49Perhaps I'd better tell it.
19:51Because I really think the monster shouldn't be quite that serious.
19:56Oh, you're right, Piglet.
19:58Mon dieu, Piglet ! Il devait peut-être être quadruplement aussi grand !
20:05Hum, Tigger, j'ai l'impression d'avoir atteint le sommet de la photo.
20:09Ah oui ? Peut-être que j'ai dépassé par quelques centimètres.
20:14Merci, Tigger.
20:17Et donc, le monstre est de retour dans sa recherche sans fin pour...
20:22L'AMANE !
20:24Il n'y avait pas d'arrêt à la fête de l'animal.
20:27Tout le monde était sur les coudes et les bras,
20:30parce qu'ils savaient qui était responsable du monstre terrible qui les terrorisait.
20:37C'est ce fou docteur Von Piglet !
20:40C'est lui qui a fait le monstre !
20:44Bois de l'huile de tomate !
20:48Non ! Arrêtez cette histoire !
20:52S'il vous plaît ! C'était un accident ! Je n'ai pas voulu faire ça !
20:57Honnêtement ! Je voulais juste que ce ne soit pas une histoire si effrayante.
21:02Mais Piglet, il n'y a rien à s'en moquer !
21:06C'était juste une histoire folle.
21:09Bien sûr, Piglet ! Il n'y avait pas de monstre !
21:12Personne ne s'est fâché de vous !
21:15Non ?
21:18Vous devriez vraiment apprendre la différence entre ce qui est réel et ce qui n'est pas réel.
21:23N'est-ce pas, Pooh ?
21:25Oui, Piglet. Vraiment.
21:27Et moi aussi.
21:30Pas de soucis.
21:47Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'
