• 3 months ago
Les gens de la NASA ont dévoilé de nouvelles photos de la Planète Rouge, et devinez quoi ? Ils ont repéré quelque chose qui ressemble étrangement à une cuillère. Oui, vous avez bien entendu : une cuillère sur Mars ! Toutefois, avant que vous ne commenciez à planifier votre pique-nique martien, il ne s'agit probablement pas d'une véritable cuillère. Mais quand même, cela fait jaser les gens sur ce qui pourrait se cacher là-bas. Qui sait quelles autres surprises Mars pourrait nous réserver, n'est-ce pas ? Alors, attrapez votre équipement spatial et continuons à explorer ! Animation créée par Sympa.
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00:00 There are tons of strange things on Mars. Spoons,
00:04 nozzles, doors and even faces. Are they really just
00:09 rocks? And besides, it's not the only planet in our solar system
00:13 that is filled with mysterious things. Let's discover them together.
00:17 Recently, we discovered a strange thing on Mars that looks like a smooth object,
00:24 similar to a spoon. It has attracted a lot of attention after being spotted
00:28 by the NASA's Curiosity rover. The rock, with its round handle and head,
00:34 seems to float on the picture. The internet users remain perplexed
00:38 about what it could be. Some joke that it could be a
00:43 Martian bowling ball, or even a footstool left by an alien civilization.
00:49 But Andrew Good, NASA's spokesperson, says it's nothing that exciting.
00:55 It seems to be just a rock shaped by the wind over a long period of time.
01:00 This type of rock with strange shapes is common on Mars.
01:04 They are called ventifacts. A ventifact is a rock that can be
01:10 engraved, dug or smoothed by the tiny particles carried by the wind.
01:15 These types of rocks are usually found in dry areas where there are not many trees
01:20 or vegetation to stop the air currents and where a lot of sand is carried.
01:25 Sometimes, the wind can give these ventifacts really amazing shapes,
01:30 like these mushroom-shaped rocks that can be seen in the Egyptian white desert's
01:34 natural park. These rocks look like the house of the Shtrouf,
01:38 because the wind erodes the lower part faster than the top,
01:42 giving them this elongated shape.
01:48 Ventifacts are not the only Martian rocks worth of interest.
01:52 Look at these series of points, with the unreal aspect that emerges from the red surface.
01:57 The rover Curiosity discovered them during the exploration of the Gale crater on Mars.
02:02 They quickly captured everyone's attention. These twisted structures,
02:06 similar to points, looked like a door to another world.
02:10 Even the SETI Institute, an organization dedicated to the research of extraterrestrial life,
02:15 was forced to admit how stylish these rocks were.
02:19 But in reality, they are just chimneys of fairies.
02:22 These high and slender points appear when a hard rock is above a softer layer.
02:28 It is likely that these Martian peaks are nothing more than the remnant of old fractures
02:32 in the sedimentary rock, and whose softer materials have eroded over time.
02:38 There are also many chimneys of fairies on Earth.
02:41 They are also called pyramids, or "hairy ladies".
02:45 They can be found in regions such as Bryce Canyon, in Utah, or even in the High Alps.
02:51 NASA is interested in these strange structures,
02:54 because they could help us learn more about the history of the Gale crater.
02:59 We also noticed a rock that looked like a "jellyfish".
03:07 It was named "Pinnacle Island" after being spotted by NASA cameras.
03:12 However, only four days before, it was unreachable.
03:16 So how did it magically appear?
03:19 Well, without any surprise, it was simply deposited by one of the wheels of the Rover Opportunity
03:25 while it was crossing the field.
03:27 But the mystery continues to hover around this famous "jellyfish".
03:30 Analysis has revealed that Pinnacle Island contained surprisingly high levels of sulfur and manganese.
03:36 These two elements are soluble in water.
03:38 In other words, Martian water could have introduced these elements into the rock.
03:44 Thus, this little thing suddenly caused a certain scandal,
03:49 as well as a trial against NASA.
03:51 A man argued that the agency had neglected the possibility that it was the "jaw" of a real Martian mushroom.
03:58 But all our findings are not natural.
04:03 Another disconcerting discovery was this thing spotted by Perseverance.
04:07 It looks like spaghetti or tangled string.
04:10 Unlike the "jellyfish" mentioned earlier,
04:12 this mysterious object appeared in an image taken by the rover's camera,
04:17 then disappeared into the sandy ground in just a few days.
04:21 It seems that it can handle the debris of the Martian rover's landing system.
04:26 Perseverance landed in crater G0 in February 2021.
04:30 It had a difficult landing and accidentally scattered debris all around it.
04:36 Some of these debris have been appearing in the rover's images for some time now.
04:41 The object, which looks like a thread, is probably just a piece of torn dacron,
04:46 which is a type of fiber used in thermal covers.
04:49 These covers help regulate the temperature of the equipment
04:53 during the incandescent process of entering the Martian atmosphere.
04:57 It probably suffered a tear and significant damage
05:01 due to the forces at work during the landing.
05:04 Thermal covers were damaged by a lot of things at the time,
05:10 like this piece of shiny leaf spotted in June, for example.
05:14 The astromobile found it on a rock.
05:16 What is remarkable is the distance that some of these debris have traveled.
05:20 The rover landed about 2 km from the place it is currently exploring,
05:25 and it is probably because the crash projected the debris into the air,
05:29 and that the Martian winds carried them over such a distance.
05:33 Mars is known for its violent winds, which can move the lightest objects.
05:37 However, if it is fun to discover them on the screen,
05:41 concerns persist about debris and other waste abandoned on Mars.
05:46 We haven't even solved this problem on Earth,
05:48 and we're already reproducing it on Mars.
05:51 The debris we left on the Red Planet is already accumulating in an area called Ogwallow Flats.
05:59 In addition, these debris can accidentally contaminate the sampling tubes
06:03 used to collect Martian rocks.
06:06 So far, NASA doesn't seem too worried about this,
06:09 but they keep an eye on it to prevent any problems with their machines.
06:17 Now, what would you say about examining not things, but animals?
06:22 The Curiosity rover caused the greatest amazement
06:25 when it photographed something that looked like a Martian rat.
06:28 Some have begun to speculate that it could be an extraterrestrial life trace,
06:33 or even that this rodent was brought by Curiosity.
06:37 But the "Mars rat", once again, turned out to be just a strange rock.
06:43 It only looked like it had natural processes, like wind erosion and mechanical abrasion.
06:50 We have also discovered several things that remind us of rodents.
06:54 Curiosity took this picture of a formation that looks like worms
06:58 that are twirling around the Martian landscape.
07:01 Despite its small size, this formation is distinguished by its unique shape and rough texture.
07:07 It is probably made of a durable material, resistant to the constant erosion of the planet.
07:13 And finally, our most mysterious discovery is the face of Mars.
07:17 Sidonia Mensei is a region of Mars that has captured both the scientific interest and the public's.
07:24 It is located in the northern hemisphere of Mars,
07:26 and is located between constellated regions of craters in the south and relatively smooth plains in the north.
07:32 There is a theory that the northern plains could have been once marine backgrounds.
07:37 Perhaps Sidonia was once a coastal area?
07:40 This place is full of characteristics as interesting as magnificent,
07:44 and that teach us a lot about the history of the Red Planet.
07:48 But its most interesting feature remains the Martian face.
07:53 This thing has aroused the greatest attention since it was spotted by the Viking 1 orbiter in 1976.
08:00 Some believed that it was the trace of a long-lost Martian civilization.
08:05 At first, NASA rejected it as being just a game of shadows and light.
08:09 But after a few analyses, it turned out to be, well, yes, another rock.
08:15 We also saw a bear face, captured by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment camera.
08:21 In this image, we can observe a fault following a circular pattern,
08:26 which looks like the head of a bear, with two small craters forming the eyes,
08:31 and a V-shaped asperity that makes up the trunk.
08:34 This "head" probably formed because something of the bear was found on an old hole in the ground.
08:40 This one was either filled with lava or mud.
08:43 The relief resembling a nose is, in its turn, supposed to come from an eruption.
08:51 But why do we still see these strange things on Mars?
08:56 Sometimes our brain can deceive us and let us see things like faces or objects in rocks and nature.
09:03 But all this is just an illusion, called pareidolia.
09:08 Pareidolia is a psychological phenomenon that lets us see patterns or familiar shapes, especially faces, where none exist.
09:17 This happens because when the brain is confronted with something it doesn't recognize or understand immediately,
09:23 it tries to remember the things that look the most like it.
09:27 It thus perceives patterns, textures, or strange sounds as something significant and recognizable.
09:34 That's why a chair with clothes on it can look like a terrifying figure at night.
09:39 It also makes you see faces or shapes in the clouds, or hear recognizable sounds, or even words, in a loud noise.
09:48 It's a fascinating proof of the complexity of our perception.
09:52 But we should also be careful about it, and not let our imagination run too much.
