Selvatici e Buoni: arriva il Manuale per la gestione sostenibile delle carni selvatiche

  • 5 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Uno strumento nato da un lavoro multidisciplinare per promuovere la corretta gestione della filiera delle carni selvatiche. Si tratta del Manuale operativo del progetto “Selvatici e buoni”, frutto della collaborazione tra Fondazione UNA, Università di Scienze Gastronomiche di Pollenzo e Società Italiana di Medicina Veterinaria Preventiva (SIMeVeP), presentato alla Camera dei Deputati. Il manuale si propone di essere una guida chiara e concreta per enti locali, istituzioni e decisori dei territori interessati a generare economia e occupazione, soprattutto nelle aree periferiche e nei piccoli borghi. Lo scopo del progetto non è solo creare un circolo virtuoso tra i soggetti coinvolti, ma anche instaurare un processo che porti alla creazione di una filiera controllata e legale, sicura dal punto di vista igienico-sanitario. Questo potrebbe generare uno sviluppo sostenibile e offrire benefici economici e occupazionali.


00:00 A tool born from a multidisciplinary work to promote the correct management of the
00:09 wild meat industry.
00:11 It is the Operational Manual of the "Wild and Good" Project, the result of the collaboration
00:17 between the UNA Foundation, the University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo and the
00:21 Italian Society of Veterinary Medicine Preventiva, presented to the House of Representatives.
00:26 The Manual proposes to be a clear and concrete guide for local authorities, institutions
00:31 and all stakeholders interested in generating economy and employment, especially in
00:36 the peripheral areas and small towns.
00:38 The purpose of the project is not only to create a virtuous circle among the subjects involved,
00:43 but also to establish a process that leads to the creation of a controlled and legal
00:48 industry, safe from the hygienic-sanitary point of view.
00:51 This could generate sustainable development and offer economic and occupational benefits.
00:58 "We have been working for three years to show that a problem, the management of the
01:05 wild meat in the territories, can become, and it has already become, where we apply it,
01:11 an opportunity to create work, economy and bring the new generations to rediscover what
01:20 is natural, the relationship with nature, with the animal, with the breeding, with agriculture,
01:25 to rediscover it, because it is the generator, this manual applied to work.
01:32 Of course, we are talking about a line of wild meat that is safe, transparent, traceable
01:41 and therefore gives the security that your health is guaranteed by a line that is totally transparent. "
01:49 Wild meat is a particularly biological food par excellence, with a
01:55 low fat content and a high protein content.
01:58 For this reason, among the objectives of the project, there is the promotion of training
02:03 and multidisciplinary paths aimed at increasing skills throughout the entire line of wild meat.
02:09 "We, as the University of Gastronomic Sciences, have approached the problem because we believe
02:14 that this line is a line that today suffers from the issue of poaching, suffers from the
02:20 issue of transparency and therefore facing this problem means first of all creating
02:28 a training model mechanism for hunters, for butchers, for restaurateurs, to make
02:34 the line transparent.
02:36 Second, to have a concept of quality of wild meat that is understandable to consumers.
02:45 Wild meat is good meat if managed well, it is nutritious meat if the carcass is managed
02:52 well, so it is necessary that all the actors of the line are aware of the role they have. "
02:59 The operating manual, with a lot of cards for the restaurateurs that indicate the organoleptic
03:04 and nutritional properties, represents a useful tool to implement future best practices.
