Conte: "Regione Liguria ha bisogno di buona politica" - Video

  • 5 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Giuseppe Conte, leader M5S, ritiene che il governatore ligure Giovanni Toti, arrestato per corruzione, debba dimettersi e lo ribadisce nel giorno della sua presenza a Genova. “L'inchiesta si sta allargando e al di là della responsabilità penale che verrà accertata con tutte le garanzie di un giusto processo - noi siamo i massimi garantisti e non ci permetteremmo mai in questo momento di trarre valutazioni di colpevolezza - emerge un sistema politico nel suo complesso che esprime un perverso intreccio tra politica e affari, un malcostume diffuso”. Il presidente della Regione “è gli arresti domiciliari e la Regione ha bisogno di essere governata da una buona politica”, conclude Conte.


00:00We have already said it, the inquiry is expanding,
00:04moreover, beyond the criminal responsibility that will be assessed with all the guarantees
00:11of a fair trial, because we are the maximum guarantors,
00:16we will never allow ourselves at this moment to draw conclusions of guilt,
00:22only that a political system emerges in its complex that expresses a perverse interweaving
00:30between politics and business, a widespread malcustom, a regional president,
00:37official arrests, the region needs to be governed, governed by a good politics.
00:44But how much could it be a new law for...
00:47Look, imagine if I put myself here to make names that would not make any sense.
00:52For us, of course, we will see how the facts will evolve
00:56and if there will be a prospect, as we wish, to turn the page,
01:02we will start talking first about projects, about programs for Liguria
01:07and then, at the end, only at the end, we will try to converge with the forces that are there,
01:14that share these goals, which is the best candidate.
01:18The goal is to ally with the center-left, then?
01:21Look, if we had to go to an electoral prospect here as elsewhere,
01:27we never start to act alone and to claim a proud isolation.
01:34It is clear that we need to dialogue with the healthy civic forces,
01:38with the progressive political forces that, obviously,
01:41are willing to turn the page compared to the bad politics
01:46and on that, obviously, we build the possibility of convergence of goals and programs.
