Laba Bersih ITMG Anjlok 66,28% di Kuartal I-2024

  • 4 months ago
PT Indo Tambangraya Megah Tbk (ITMG) mengalami penurunan kinerja selama 3 bulan pertama tahun ini. Top line dan bottom line perseroan kompak menyusut, tergerus akibat harga rata-rata batu bara yang lebih rendah.


00:00From the topic of choice, we turn to the information of the selection committee
00:03still from the coal mining committee
00:05which today has a deep enough correction, there is ITMG
00:08This is related to the release of their energy in the first quarter of 2023
00:12which experienced a deep enough correction
00:15Among them, PT Indutambang Raya Megatbk or ITMG
00:18experienced a decrease in work for the first three months of this year
00:21Top line and bottom line of the supply chain is shrinking
00:24due to the low average price of coal
00:30Quoted from the open information of the Indonesian fake stock exchange
00:36PT Indutambang Raya Megatbk or ITMG
00:40recorded a clean sheet of 61.6 million US dollars in the first quarter of 2024
00:46This celebration is 66.8% higher than the achievement in the first quarter of 2023
00:52which reached 182.71 million US dollars
00:56in line with the clean sheet of the recorded income of 489.23 million US dollars
01:02or 28.64% higher than the income of the people in the first quarter of 2023
01:08which reached 685.58 million US dollars
01:16The income of ITMG is lower due to the impact of the average selling price decrease
01:19or Average Selling Price or ASP
01:22as high as 36% of US $ 151 per ton in the first quarter of 2023
01:28to US $ 97 in the first quarter of 2024
01:31in line with the global coal price decline trend
01:35The income of ITMG in the first quarter of 2024 almost entirely
01:38comes from coal sales to the third party
01:41worth 454.40 million US dollars or down 29.76% year-on-year
01:48The income of ITMG in the first quarter of 2023
01:51is 33.92 million US dollars or down 9.86% year-on-year
01:57Sales to the third party segment of US $ 909,000 or down 1.15% year-on-year
02:04in line with the decrease in income, the main burden of income follows a decline of 11.65% year-on-year
02:09to US $ 369.87 million as IDX Journal sources
02:18ITMG in the first quarter of 2024
02:20In the middle of a fundamental development for ITMG,
02:23where their performance was poor in the first quarter of 2024
02:27ITMG shares throughout the day
02:29also experienced quite a deep correction
02:32although the weakness is more limited
02:34especially at 30 minutes after the end of the second session today
02:38Let's go straight to the first graph
02:39we will try to see how the movement of ITMG shares throughout the day
02:46The first session was opened this morning at IDR 24,600 per share
02:51where the position of ITMG is experiencing a weakness
02:54because in the last weekend trading
02:57the long weekend break
02:59ITMG shares were closed flat at IDR 25,350 per share
03:039 minutes after 5 minutes experienced quite a great pressure
03:06to touch the lowest level
03:08throughout today's trading at IDR 24,025
03:12At IDR 10.15, the weakness has begun to be limited to IDR 24,550
03:16Even at IDR 11.25, the weakness of ITMG shares is getting more limited to IDR 24,875
03:24However, at the opening of the second session, the weakness continued to IDR 24,750
03:29while the current position is getting better
03:33because the weakness is only at 2.17%
03:36because in the intraday, ITMG had a weakness of more than 4%
03:39and the current position is weak at IDR 24,800
03:44and has left IDR 24,700
03:48Let's move on to the next graph
03:49We will try to see how the movement of ITMG shares in the last 6 months
03:55Let's go to the next graph
03:56You can watch it on your TV screen, viewers
04:00for the movement of ITMG shares in the last 6 months
04:03where it was traded in December
04:05It was still traded at IDR 24,000
04:08IDR 24,700 in December 7 experienced a deep correction at IDR 23,725
04:14the lowest intraday level in the last 6 months
04:17In January and February, ITMG tried to rise to IDR 26,375
04:22up to IDR 26,800
04:24March was back to its peak at IDR 26,250
04:29while on March 27, it rose to its highest level in the last 6 months
04:34at IDR 28,425
04:37while on April 1, the increase was more limited
04:41and was more likely to be pushed back to IDR 26,000
04:44Even in today's trading, it was pushed to IDR 24,000
04:48What about the valuation?
04:50When on average, in the case of coal mining
04:53the valuation and some indicators are still quite interesting
04:57and the average is still below 10 times
05:00In the next graph, we will try to see the indicator of the price-to-earning ratio
05:06still around 3.63 times
05:08the PSR is 0.76 times
05:10the PPV is 1.01 times
05:12while the VCFR is around 8.21 times
05:16The combination is fundamentally technical and also from the valuation side
05:20and hopefully it can be one of your references