Menkeu: Hilirisasi Jalan Menuju Indonesia Maju

  • 4 months ago
Pemerintah memastikan, kebijakan hilirisasi mineral yang ditempuh merupakan jalan untuk mendorong peluang menjadi negara maju dalam beberapa dekade mendatang. Meski disebut sebagai salah satu penyebab gangguan perdagangan dunia, Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani Indrawati memastikan, langkah hilirisasi merupakan pilihan seperti halnya negara besar didunia.


00:00 The government has ensured that the policy of mineral hilirization
00:03 is a way to push for opportunities to become a developed country in the coming decades.
00:08 Although it is one of the causes of global trade disruption,
00:12 the Minister of Finance and Finance has ensured that the step of hilirization is an option,
00:16 like any other major country in the world.
00:19 Although it also contributes to the disruption of global trade,
00:27 the government ensures that the policy of hilirization that promotes the value of trade increases will not be left behind.
00:33 Minister of Finance Indra Utti explains that the policy of hilirization is a duty
00:37 to ensure that Indonesia is not left behind compared to other countries.
00:41 The policy refers to the efforts of major countries in other Asia,
00:44 such as Japan, Korea, and China, several decades ago.
00:48 It encourages investors to invest in their country through government policies.
00:53 According to Indra Utti, the policy of hilirization is one of the policies
00:56 that is expected to promote industrialization in Indonesia.
00:59 So even though it is suspected to disrupt the chain of global trade,
01:03 it must be done for the opportunity to become a developed country
01:06 which will eventually contribute to the world economy.
01:09 For example, if you look from Japan, even South Korea, or even China,
01:14 you can see this is not pure just market mechanism to become an industrial.
01:18 You always have a certain policy.
01:20 So yes, from the point of view that it will affect the supply chains in the other destination.
01:29 But for a big country like Indonesia to be able to have more value added,
01:34 becoming more industrial, becoming middle, higher, or even higher income country,
01:40 I think this is going to be good for the global economy.
01:43 The Minister of Finance added that the policy of global trade must be based on equality.
01:49 So what is the Indonesian government doing now?
01:52 It is a push for foreign investors to want to invest
01:56 and push the chain of its troops to Indonesia.
01:58 From Jakarta, Harjopad, MOAI, DX Juno.
02:01 (dramatic music)
02:03 (swoosh)
