WordGirl WordGirl S04 E004 Chuck with a Sidekick of Brent – Yarn-4-Gold

  • il y a 5 mois


00:00 *Musique*
00:02 *Musique*
00:04 ♪ Word up, it's Word Girl ♪
00:07 ♪ Word up, it's Word Girl ♪
00:10 ♪ Flying at the speed of sound ♪
00:12 ♪ Vocabulary that astounds ♪
00:13 ♪ From the blind lexicon ♪
00:14 ♪ Watch her villains, here she comes ♪
00:16 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:19 ♪ Faced with a catastrophe ♪
00:20 ♪ Who'd need the living dictionary ♪
00:22 ♪ Her superior intellect ♪
00:23 ♪ Keeps the crime world in check ♪
00:26 ♪ Go, girl ♪
00:28 ♪ Huggy faces by her side ♪
00:30 ♪ Vocabulary, a mile wide ♪
00:32 ♪ Make sure that crime won't pay ♪
00:34 ♪ Then throw some mighty words your way ♪
00:38 ♪ Word up, it's Word Girl ♪
00:41 ♪ Word up, from the blind lexicon ♪
00:44 ♪ Watch her villains, here she comes ♪
00:48 ♪ Word Girl ♪
00:55 - Today's featured words are "accomplish" and "schedule."
00:59 - Ah, just another beautiful day in the city.
01:02 The sun is out, there's a slight breeze.
01:04 - Help! The arcade's being robbed!
01:06 - And the arcade is being robbed.
01:08 Hey, the arcade's being robbed.
01:10 (sirens blaring)
01:13 - Ah, Chuck, the evil sandwich-making guy does it again.
01:19 My tokens, they're gone!
01:21 Why do these things always happen to me?
01:24 I'm a victim.
01:25 - Grant.
01:29 - Hey, brother.
01:30 - What are you doing here?
01:31 - Chuck, I know things didn't work out so well
01:33 the last time I tried to be your sidekick.
01:35 - Yeah, you were unbelievably terrible at it.
01:38 - I know, I know, that's what's been bugging me,
01:40 so I want to make it up to you.
01:42 Chuck, will you give me a second chance?
01:44 - I don't know.
01:47 Okay, do you promise to do every evil,
01:51 despicable thing I ask you to do?
01:54 - I do.
01:55 (bubbling)
01:58 - You can start by picking up my dry cleaning.
02:03 Oh, I've got some ironing I need done, too.
02:06 - Chuck, wait.
02:07 - Afraid you don't have what it takes?
02:09 - No, to make sure I get everything done,
02:10 I'm gonna make a schedule.
02:12 - What's a schedule?
02:14 - Meanwhile, at the Botsford's house,
02:16 Becky is earning a Fair City Scout badge
02:18 by baking a cake.
02:19 - Oh, uh, do you mind if I--
02:22 Mom, if I want to earn the baking badge,
02:24 I have to bake the cake all by myself.
02:26 - Okay, while you're busy here,
02:29 I'll be in the other room, less than five footsteps away.
02:32 - Chef TJ is here to assist you, right on schedule.
02:36 - Thanks, but I don't need help.
02:38 - You have to let me help, Becky,
02:39 if I'm wearing a chef's hat.
02:41 - Uh, a hat does not a chef make.
02:43 - Yes, it does make.
02:44 - Please leave, I can't accomplish anything
02:46 when you're around.
02:47 - I can't accomplish anything when you're around.
02:49 - Do you even know what accomplish means?
02:51 - Yeah, I do, but you better say it out loud
02:53 in case Bob doesn't know.
02:54 - Okay, accomplish means to complete a task or goal.
02:58 And since you came into the kitchen,
02:59 I haven't been able to accomplish my goal
03:01 with just a baking cake.
03:02 - Well, my goal is to help you accomplish your goal.
03:04 - Okay, Bob, the first thing we need to do
03:06 is measure the flour.
03:07 Let go.
03:09 - You let go.
03:10 - I don't want your help.
03:13 - Yes, you do.
03:15 - What's going on?
03:16 (screaming)
03:16 - No!
03:17 - Becky, clean this up, I'm going outside.
03:19 (groaning)
03:21 - Be more patient with TJ, he looks up to you.
03:25 - I'll try.
03:26 Mom, can I have money so I can go to the store
03:28 and buy more flour?
03:29 - I'll get my purse.
03:31 (doorbell)
03:32 - There, oh, this is a perfect place
03:34 for our robbing schedule, don't you think, Chuck?
03:37 Chuck?
03:38 - Yeah, great.
03:39 - As you can see on the schedule,
03:41 the first thing we're gonna do is rob the jewelry store.
03:44 Right?
03:45 The jewelry, Chuck?
03:47 Are you getting any of this, Chuck?
03:49 - Ooh, that's a funny noise.
03:50 What's it mean?
03:51 - It means the game is over and I was only
03:54 10 points away from the record.
03:56 (groaning)
03:56 Get out of here.
03:57 - Oh, well now that I have your attention,
04:00 I think we'll accomplish a lot more
04:02 if we look at a schedule.
04:03 - I don't feel like looking at a schedule.
04:06 Did you make sure all the condiment rays are full?
04:08 - Yeah, Chuck, see?
04:09 9.30, I did that.
04:11 And I filled the mustard ray
04:12 with my own special mustard recipe.
04:14 - Why?
04:15 What's wrong with my mustard recipe?
04:17 - Nothing.
04:18 I just wanted to be helpful.
04:19 - I think you're changing the way I do things too much.
04:22 I'm hungry.
04:23 I could go for a sandwich.
04:24 - Bologna?
04:25 Peanut butter.
04:26 - What?
04:27 No ham?
04:28 - I have one.
04:29 It's in my pocket here.
04:29 Ham.
04:30 (bell ringing)
04:32 - Later at the jewelry store.
04:34 - Ladies and gentlemen, your attention please.
04:37 I would like to introduce Chuck,
04:39 the evil sandwich making guy.
04:41 He'll be robbing you today.
04:43 - You heard my sidekick.
04:45 There's no point in resisting.
04:46 You're up against the greatest--
04:47 - Did you notice that the schedule also lists
04:49 everything that we'll be stealing?
04:50 So just put it in a big pile over here.
04:52 - Don't interrupt me.
04:54 - Right away, Brent.
04:55 - All right, I guess I'm gonna tie him up now.
04:57 - No, not yet.
04:59 Read the schedule.
05:00 The schedule.
05:00 - The schedule.
05:01 Okay, let me see.
05:02 - Tying up Reginald is number six on the schedule.
05:06 - Here you are.
05:07 You know, I have to say, Brent,
05:08 this has been one of the most organized
05:10 and efficient robberies I've ever experienced.
05:12 It's really been a pleasure.
05:14 - The pleasure was all ours.
05:16 - In fact, you have been so cooperative,
05:18 we're not even gonna tie you up.
05:19 - Why, how very nice of you, Brent.
05:22 Although you still could if you wanted.
05:24 - What?
05:25 That tie him up?
05:26 - We're a little behind,
05:27 so we can tie up the next store clerk.
05:30 - Later, in Chuck's basement lair.
05:32 - So let's get a jump on tomorrow.
05:35 It looks like we're scheduled to rob the grocery store.
05:38 Here's the plan.
05:39 What's wrong?
05:42 We don't have time for moping on the schedule.
05:43 - First, I don't get to tie up the jewelry store clerk,
05:45 now I don't get to come up with an evil plan.
05:48 - I'm just doing my sidekick duties is all.
05:50 - Does that include ruining all my video games?
05:52 - Ruining?
05:53 I just organize them.
05:54 - They were already organized my way organized.
05:57 Brent, I've had enough of your schedules
05:59 and your organizing.
06:00 I don't want you to be my sidekick anymore.
06:02 You're fired.
06:04 - But Chuck, you're doing so well with me as your sidekick.
06:06 I keep you organized and scheduled.
06:08 You need me.
06:10 - Says you.
06:11 I'm gonna take the city down with my biggest crime ever,
06:13 and I'm gonna do it alone,
06:14 without schedules and without charts and graphs.
06:17 But first, I'm gonna play some video games.
06:21 - Brent, have you seen the joystick?
06:24 - Oh, I can't talk to you.
06:25 I'm fired.
06:27 - You're hired for finding the joystick.
06:28 - It's on the table.
06:29 - Alright, thanks.
06:30 You're fired.
06:31 - Oh.
06:32 - Later, Becky and Bob walk home from the grocery store
06:34 with a new bag of flour for their cake.
06:36 - That's weird.
06:37 Was that mustard?
06:38 I smell trouble.
06:40 Evil sandwich making trouble.
06:41 (yells)
06:44 (splat)
06:46 - Chuck.
06:48 - What?
06:49 - I knew you were responsible for this mess.
06:51 - It was the mustard, wasn't it?
06:53 - Yeah, it's kind of a dead giveaway.
06:54 But it doesn't matter, because I'm going to--
06:56 (explosion)
06:58 How did I not see that coming?
07:00 - That's right, word girl.
07:01 Now you can stay there and watch my biggest crime ever.
07:04 - What are you planning to do?
07:06 - I'm gonna turn this city into a giant sandwich.
07:08 (laughs)
07:09 I'm gonna do it alone, without my brother.
07:11 - Oh, so that's what this is about.
07:14 You know, eventually I'm going to stop you, Chuck.
07:16 So why don't you just give up now?
07:19 - You're not gonna stop me this time, word girl.
07:22 - These mustard cocoons seem different than normal.
07:24 (squeaks)
07:26 You're right, it's delicious.
07:28 - Really, you like it?
07:29 It's my own special recipe.
07:31 - Brent, do you know anything about what your brother
07:33 plans to do to the city?
07:34 - No, I'm on my way to the bus stop
07:36 because I'm not his sidekick anymore.
07:38 He fired me.
07:39 - Oh, what's this?
07:41 - Oh, it figures, as soon as I fired you,
07:43 you'd go crying to word girl.
07:45 - Chuck, things didn't work out and I'm sorry,
07:47 but I think I understand why you don't want a sidekick.
07:51 - You do?
07:52 - Yeah, the great criminals always work alone.
07:54 And you're a great criminal.
07:55 - I am?
07:57 Yeah, yeah, that's right, I am the best.
07:59 What was I saying?
08:00 How else would I be able to turn this town
08:01 into a giant sandwich?
08:03 - Chuck, hold the mustard on that sandwich
08:05 'cause it's over, Chuck.
08:07 - Oh yeah?
08:08 We'll see about that.
08:10 (sirène)
08:12 (sirène)
08:15 (sirène)
08:17 (sirène)
08:20 (sirène)
08:22 (sirène)
08:24 (sirène)
08:26 (sirène)
08:29 - I wanted to be your sidekick, Chuck,
08:31 not because I like being a villain,
08:33 but because you're my brother
08:35 and I like spending time with you.
08:37 - Really?
08:38 - Yeah, do you think we could find something
08:40 that we could do together?
08:42 - Like what?
08:42 - Like go shopping at the mall or something?
08:45 - You could ride bikes or climb a tree together.
08:47 - We could ride a bike up a tree.
08:50 - I like doing things with you too, Brent.
08:52 Okay, listen to this.
08:53 Let me just finish turning the city into a giant sandwich.
08:56 Then we could go for a bike ride, okay?
08:58 - Ha!
08:59 What's wrong? It won't stop.
09:02 - Ha ha ha, it can't be stopped.
09:04 I made that remote so there's no stop button on it.
09:07 (explosion)
09:09 (whimpering)
09:11 - Now do you wish that you had followed my schedule?
09:23 - Yeah, a little bit, I have to admit.
09:25 - Well, the next thing on my schedule
09:27 is to take you to jail.
09:29 - See Chuck, she uses a schedule
09:31 and it seems to be working out well.
09:33 She's very organized.
09:35 - Oh, a schedule is a kind of list or a plan
09:38 that tells you what you need to do
09:39 and when you need to do it.
09:40 For instance, at school, the schedule tells everyone
09:43 when it's time to be in class,
09:44 when it's time to eat lunch,
09:45 and when it's time to go home.
09:47 - Excuse me, do you know who made this delicious mustard?
09:50 I loved by the recipe and salad.
09:53 - Oh shucks, guilty as charged.
09:55 - Come with me, we can make millions.
09:57 - Wow, I could make millions.
09:59 - What? Wait, wait, wait, he's gonna make millions
10:02 and I'm gonna go to jail.
10:03 How's that fair?
10:05 Guys?
10:06 - Later at the Botswords.
10:08 (trumpet)
10:11 - Now that you've earned your cake baking badge,
10:13 there's no telling what you can accomplish.
10:15 - It was easy without TJ bothering me.
10:17 - Your brother doesn't want to cause trouble,
10:18 he just wants to spend time with his big sister.
10:21 - Oh, I guess I hadn't thought of it like that before.
10:24 - I finished my cake.
10:25 - How did you bake a cake
10:26 when Becky's been using the kitchen?
10:28 - I made it out of mud.
10:29 - TJ, I've been thinking, after I frost the cake,
10:31 we should play a game together.
10:33 - A game?
10:34 - Yeah.
10:35 - Hey, where's the frosting?
10:36 - Where's Bob?
10:37 - Oh, Bob?
10:38 - And so once again, Word Girl and Huggy
10:41 saved the city from Chuck's evil sandwich scheme
10:44 while baking a frosting-less cake.
10:46 Not a very delicious accomplishment.
10:49 Now this may be a busy week,
10:50 so be sure to schedule time
10:52 to see the next exhilarating adventure of Word Girl.
10:56 (chants d'une voix)
10:59 - Hello, I'm Bo Handsome, and this is...
11:02 - May I have a word?
11:04 - As usual, the player who correctly defines
11:07 today's featured word will win a fabulous prize.
11:10 Let's play!
11:11 - May I have a word?
11:14 - Yes, you may.
11:15 Today's featured word is imitate.
11:18 To give you a clue, here are some clips from Word Girl
11:21 that show the meaning of the word.
11:23 (jazz music)
11:26 (jazz music)
11:28 (jazz music)
11:30 (jazz music)
11:33 (jazz music)
11:35 (jazz music)
11:38 - Yes, Emily!
11:40 - Imitate means to mimic or impersonate,
11:42 like in that last clip where Huggy
11:44 is imitating Tiny Big's moves.
11:46 - That is correct!
11:48 Huggy, what are you doing?
11:50 Okay, well, I'm sure you have your reasons.
11:52 Anyway, congratulations, Emily!
11:54 You know, I'd really appreciate it
11:56 if you'd stop imitating me.
11:59 Emily, you are today's winner!
12:02 You know, that's really quite distracting.
12:04 Huggy, show her what she's won.
12:06 (footsteps)
12:08 - An official Bo Handsome microphone!
12:12 Emily, you're really gonna have fun with that.
12:14 - I am?
12:15 - Indeed!
12:16 That's it for today's episode.
12:18 See you next time on...
12:19 - May I have a word?
12:22 ♪ Word Girl ♪
12:23 - Hey kids, today's featured words are rubbish and swap.
12:27 One morning at the Botsford's...
12:29 ♪ Yard sale ♪
12:30 ♪ Gonna sell some stuff ♪
12:31 ♪ Gonna buy more stuff with the money I made ♪
12:33 ♪ From selling my stuff ♪
12:34 ♪ Different stuff though ♪
12:36 ♪ I won't buy the same stuff ♪
12:36 ♪ That would be boring ♪
12:38 Becky!
12:38 - Hey, Dad.
12:40 - Good news, I have a job for you!
12:42 - Yippee.
12:42 - I need your help putting price tags on all of this stuff.
12:44 I'm selling my old collection
12:46 so I can start my new collection,
12:47 antique fishing poles!
12:50 - Oh man, putting price tags on all this rubbish
12:52 will take forever.
12:54 Ah-choo!
12:56 Cough, cough.
12:58 Wow, I must be coming down with something.
13:01 Maybe I'm allergic to sunlight?
13:04 - Ordre de loisirs?
13:05 - Hmm.
13:06 - Orde de yard sales?
13:07 - Nice try, Becky.
13:08 Now let's do this, woo-hoo!
13:10 - Oh.
13:11 - My daughter and her monkey,
13:11 helping put price tags on all of this stuff.
13:14 Meanwhile...
13:16 Thanks for asking me to help you out today.
13:19 It's fun to work for someone
13:20 other than Dr. Two Brains every once in a while.
13:23 - Yeah, well I need someone big and strong
13:25 to carry all the heavy gold we're about to steal.
13:29 And besides, all I had to pay Dr. Two Brains
13:32 was one cheese danish.
13:33 That's all I'm worth.
13:34 - Ah, no more yapping.
13:36 Let's do this.
13:37 Hello, listen up, listen up everybody.
13:42 I need your attention right here.
13:44 Because what I'm about to tell you
13:47 is guaranteed to change your life.
13:50 - Wow, this sounds exciting and totally worth my time.
13:54 Tell me more, Granny Meg.
13:55 - Ladies and gentlemen,
13:57 allow me to tell you about an exciting new service
14:01 called Yarn for Gold.
14:02 Now if you're like me, you have lots of jewelry,
14:05 necklaces, rings, watches.
14:07 - I have this heavy necklace.
14:09 - And don't you get tired lugging
14:11 all that heavy gold around all day?
14:14 (clears throat)
14:17 - I sure do.
14:18 - Wouldn't it be great to swap
14:19 that heavy jewelry for something lighter?
14:23 Say for instance, yarn?
14:26 - Wow, the yarn necklace is so much lighter.
14:28 I'm going to swap my heavy jewelry right away.
14:31 - All right, that's amazing.
14:33 I think.
14:34 - Swap my fancy gold watch for a pile of worthless yarn?
14:37 That sounds like the swindle if I ever heard one.
14:40 - Well, hello, handsome.
14:42 What's your name?
14:44 - My name is Bampy.
14:45 And I'm not about to give you my fancy gold watch
14:48 in return for some silly macrame doodad.
14:52 - Well, now I understand why you might be skeptical.
14:56 After all, you're giving valuable gold
14:59 to someone you barely know.
15:01 - Exactly.
15:02 - So what if I told you,
15:03 you could come ask for your watch back at any time?
15:06 - But isn't the plan for us to leave with the gold?
15:09 - I said he could ask for it at any time.
15:11 - I didn't say I'd give it to him.
15:13 - Did you say any time?
15:16 - Any time, darling, any time.
15:20 - Hmm.
15:20 - How about I sweeten the deal, sweets?
15:23 Do you have a family member who likes pretty things?
15:27 - Well, my granddaughter Becky here.
15:29 What if I net her a fantastic sweater?
15:31 (gasps)
15:32 - Oh, boy, that's lovely.
15:34 - Uh-uh-uh, you only get the sweater
15:37 if you swap your watch.
15:39 You see, it's called yarn for gold.
15:42 - Hmm.
15:43 Okay, okay, we have a deal.
15:44 (bell ringing)
15:47 - Thank you, sir.
15:48 It was a pleasure doing business with you.
15:49 - I'm gonna take this to my granddaughter right away.
15:51 - (laughs) That's a sucker for an every minute.
15:56 - Rubbish for sale.
15:57 Get your useless worthless rubbish right here.
16:00 - Becky, woohoo!
16:02 Becky?
16:03 - Bampy?
16:04 - What's going on here?
16:05 - Oh, I'm stuck putting price tags
16:06 on all my dad's old junk for the yard sale.
16:09 - Oh, sounds like that job I used to have
16:11 shoveling sand at the sandbag factory,
16:13 but no fun at all.
16:14 - You've got that right.
16:15 - Maybe this will brighten your mood.
16:17 - It's a sweater, a really, really purple sweater.
16:20 Thanks, Bampy.
16:22 Hey, where'd you get it?
16:23 - A nice old lady knit them for me.
16:25 All I had to do was loan her my fancy gold wristwatch,
16:28 and in return, she'd give me a sweater
16:30 and this yarn watch thingy.
16:33 - Wait a sec.
16:34 You swapped a gold wristwatch for some yarn?
16:37 Do you happen to remember this nice old lady's name?
16:40 - Hmm, it was Sunny Day, or Fanny J, or--
16:45 - Granny May?
16:46 - Granny May, that's it.
16:47 - Oh, Bampy, I hate to say this,
16:49 but I think Granny May might have ripped you off.
16:51 - Oh, I had a hunch it was some sort of scam,
16:54 but then she offered to throw in that sweater.
16:57 I know how you like gifts.
16:59 - That's so thoughtful,
17:00 but I think it's time for Word Girl to investigate.
17:02 - Good idea.
17:04 Wait, you're Word Girl, right?
17:06 - Always have been and always will be,
17:08 and you're the only other person
17:09 who knows my secret identity.
17:10 - Yeah, but don't worry.
17:12 I'm not telling anyone your secret.
17:14 Let's go.
17:15 - Yeah, let's--
17:16 Oh man, I can't go.
17:18 I've got more junk to tag,
17:19 and my dad's not falling for any of my excuses.
17:22 - You leave this to me.
17:24 - Hey, Dad, wanna buy a lampshade
17:25 shaped like an upside down carrot?
17:26 - Oh, not today, son.
17:28 Becky and I have some important business to tend to.
17:31 - But Dad, Becky's still helping me out with the yarn sale.
17:33 - Okay then, we'll be home soon.
17:35 - Ta-da, well, Dad, works every time.
17:38 - Good one.
17:39 (people chattering)
17:42 You try and get your watch back,
17:45 and if Granny May says no, give us the signal.
17:47 - The signal, you got it.
17:49 I wanna return this yarn and get my gold watch back.
17:52 - Oh, well, I am afraid that is not gonna be possible.
17:56 - But you said I could ask for it back any time.
17:59 (laughing)
18:00 - I said you could ask for it at any time.
18:03 I didn't say I'd actually give it back.
18:06 Now scram!
18:06 - Word, girl, woo-hoo, signal.
18:11 Word, girl, woo-hoo.
18:12 - Yeah, I think that's the signal.
18:14 (loud crash)
18:15 - Hold it right there, Granny May.
18:17 Your days of swapping people's expensive gold jewelry
18:20 for a bunch of rubbish are over.
18:21 - Rubbish?
18:22 My knitting isn't a bunch of worthless trash,
18:24 it is not junk.
18:26 Why, that is a quality yarn watch.
18:29 It even tells the correct time twice a day.
18:31 - A nice older gentleman who I just met,
18:34 did she go back on her word
18:35 and refuse to return your fancy gold wristwatch?
18:39 - Indeed she did, Word Girl.
18:40 - That sounds like a crime to me.
18:42 Game's up, Granny May.
18:44 (loud crash)
18:45 - Whoa.
18:45 (loud crash)
18:46 - You think you can surprise me
18:47 with your same old yarn tricks, Granny May?
18:50 - Maybe not.
18:51 But I bet you'd be surprised
18:52 when you get tied up by my sidekick.
18:54 - You don't have a sidekick.
18:55 (loud crash)
18:56 - Ah, flavor.
18:58 (loud crash)
18:58 - Woof.
18:59 (loud crash)
19:00 - Not so fast, Granny May.
19:01 I'll catch ya.
19:03 Ooh, I'll catch ya.
19:05 - Wait a second, don't you work for Dr. Two Brains?
19:08 - Usually, but Granny May baked him a cheese danish,
19:10 so the boss loaned me out to her for the day.
19:13 - Hm, sounds like a fair swap.
19:14 - I guess so.
19:15 Maybe this'll be my new hobby, helping other villains.
19:18 I used to be into collecting things.
19:19 Bicycles, antique fishing poles.
19:22 - Antique fishing poles?
19:23 Do you have any you wanna get rid of?
19:24 - Hey, it just so happens
19:26 I got a whole truck full of old fishing poles.
19:28 But I'd only part with them if I could swap them
19:30 for something really good, like rubbish.
19:33 I love old junk.
19:35 - Huh, hold it right there.
19:36 You'll never catch me.
19:38 (laughing)
19:40 There's my gold watch.
19:41 (upbeat music)
19:44 (loud crash)
19:45 (beeping)
19:48 (beeping)
19:50 - Well, looks like it's just you and me, Gramps.
19:58 - That's right.
19:59 - But I've got my knitting needles,
20:01 and you ain't got nothing.
20:03 - Oh, I got plenty.
20:05 - Huh?
20:06 - 78 school feet.
20:08 Here you go.
20:09 Now if you'll excuse me, I have a battle to finish.
20:14 (loud crash)
20:16 (grunting)
20:18 - Bambi, look out!
20:19 - Don't worry.
20:20 (loud crash)
20:21 I got a plan.
20:22 (loud crash)
20:25 See that giant X on the ground over there?
20:27 - Yeah, I see it.
20:28 - Well, let's try to get Granny May
20:29 to stand right on top of it.
20:31 Trust me.
20:32 (loud crash)
20:34 Almost time.
20:38 (dramatic music)
20:40 (loud crash)
20:43 (dramatic music)
20:46 - I knew it!
20:50 - What?
20:50 (dramatic music)
20:53 (loud crash)
20:56 - Looks like we gotcha, Granny May.
21:02 - How did you know there'd be sandbags?
21:06 - I used to work at this factory
21:08 back when I was a young whippersnapper.
21:10 Every day at noon, we'd dump all the new sandbags
21:13 right here on this giant X.
21:15 - Ah, fiddlesticks.
21:17 (laughing)
21:19 (alarm buzzing)
21:22 - Hey, son.
21:28 How's the art sale going?
21:29 - Oh, not one customer all day.
21:31 There's no way I'll make enough money
21:32 to start that fishing pole collection.
21:34 - I wouldn't be so sure of that.
21:36 (dramatic music)
21:39 - Wow, this is amazing rubbish.
21:42 Wanna swap it for my truckload of antique fishing poles?
21:45 - Hey, Becky.
21:46 What does swap mean again?
21:47 - To swap means to exchange
21:48 or trade one thing for another.
21:50 He wants to trade or swap his fishing poles
21:52 for all this rubbish.
21:53 - My friend, you've got yourself a deal.
21:56 - You know, we're not so bad at fighting crime together.
21:58 - Oh, you know, maybe next time
22:01 I'll become a superhero myself.
22:04 Maybe get one of those fancy outfits
22:06 and what do you think of the name,
22:08 Old Man Fantastico?
22:10 - And so with the rubbish about to be swapped
22:14 for a truck full of fishing poles
22:16 and a hint of a future team up between Wood Girl and Bambi,
22:18 all is well in the city.
22:20 Join us next time for another episode of Wood Girl.
22:24 - Wood Girl!
22:25 - Hello, I'm Bo Handsome
22:29 and this is the bonus round of...
22:31 - May I have a word?
22:34 - Our returning champion will have a chance
22:36 to play for even greater prizes on the bonus round.
22:40 Emily, you correctly defined the word imitate.
22:43 Ready to play the bonus round?
22:45 - You bet.
22:46 - Great, take a look at these three pictures
22:48 and tell me which one shows the definition for imitate.
22:52 (upbeat music)
22:55 Give it a shot, Emily.
23:02 - It's gotta be number two.
23:03 Wood Girl is imitating Toby
23:05 and I don't think Toby likes it.
23:07 - That's correct, which means you're our bonus round winner.
23:11 Show her what she's won, Huggy.
23:13 An official Bo Handsome microphone storage box.
23:18 See you next time on...
23:19 - May I have a word?
23:22 (upbeat music)
23:22 - Want more Wood Girl?
23:24 Watch your favorite episodes and test your word power
23:26 on pbskidsgo.org.
23:28 Want Wood Girl's word power?
23:31 Fly over to your local library.
23:33 Cake not required.
23:34 Word up!
23:35 (upbeat music)
23:38 (upbeat music)
23:41 *Musique*
