Roobarb Roobarb E004 When the Tree Fell to Pieces

  • il y a 5 mois


00:00 [Musique de la vidéo]
00:13 [Bruit de vent]
00:19 "Good gracious me!"
00:20 pensait Rhubarb sur un jour très froid.
00:22 "Good gracious me! What a funny day it is!
00:25 It's almost too thick to walk through.
00:27 I've never known such a thick day."
00:29 Rhubarb ran into the wind
00:31 and was then thrown back up to the house.
00:33 "What a rubbery day!"
00:35 [Bruit de vent]
00:42 There wasn't a soul in the garden,
00:43 not a squeak nor a peep from anyone.
00:45 Just Rhubarb,
00:47 screaming back and forth
00:48 and the wind howling.
00:50 As Rhubarb was springing back up to the house,
00:52 he reached out and caught hold of this tree
00:54 and held on with all his might.
00:55 "Oh, dear!"
00:57 panted Rhubarb in a deathless sort of way.
00:59 "The day is slipping all one way.
01:01 I'm breaking the leaves off the tree.
01:02 If only I could stop the day from slipping,
01:04 I could save the leaves.
01:05 But when a day starts to slip,
01:08 there's nothing anyone can do."
01:10 When the sun went down and the wind went,
01:14 Rhubarb stood wobbling on the lawn
01:16 with his fur stretched as long as string.
01:18 "Now what sort of a day would do a thing like that?"
01:22 grumbled Rhubarb,
01:23 falling into his bed, dog-tired
01:25 and feeling very ropey.
01:27 Next morning,
01:29 Rhubarb woke up and carefully opened the door.
01:33 Went out into the garden
01:35 to find that the new day wasn't at all thick
01:39 or even slipping.
01:41 "Well, blow me down!"
01:44 "No, no, no, no, no, that's not what I mean!"
01:47 screamed Rhubarb.
01:49 "Dearie me is what I really mean!"
01:51 "Who?" he said as he looked about
01:54 and saw that there was only one leaf on the tree.
01:57 "Even the leaves have slipped off the tree.
02:00 "Even the leaves have slipped off the tree," said Rhubarb.
02:03 And with that, he clipped out his claws
02:06 and bounced about the garden, collecting up leaves
02:08 and piling them by the tree.
02:10 "I'm going to mend the tree!"
02:12 shouted Rhubarb.
02:13 And all the birds screeched with laughter,
02:15 casted and leapt up onto the fence,
02:17 and grinned at Rhubarb's tree-mending feet,
02:19 all clogged up with leaves.
02:21 [music]
02:37 As soon as Rhubarb had finished piling up all the leaves,
02:40 he bounded off up to the shed to get some glue and a ladder,
02:43 when a gust of very wiggly wind blew into the garden
02:46 and scattered Rhubarb's leaves all about.
02:49 [laughter]
02:55 The birds spun round and round in the sky,
02:57 and Custard somersaulted and autumnsaulted all along the fence,
03:00 and Rhubarb shouted at the top of his bark,
03:02 but nobody could hear him,
03:04 as the wind blew all the leaves and Rhubarb's voice
03:06 far away up into the sky.
03:08 [wind]
03:11 As Rhubarb stormed back up to the house,
03:13 speechless and in a very bad mood,
03:16 Custard was caught up in a whirl of wind,
03:19 and went spinning up and down the top of the fence,
03:21 screeching and screaming.
03:23 "This is one catastrophe I wouldn't miss for all the bones in a dinosaur!"
03:26 squealed Rhubarb as he found his voice,
03:28 and shouted above the howls of Custard and the wind.
03:31 "It's an air wind that blows no good,
03:33 and Custards are good for nothing!"
03:36 [music]
