00:00 [Musique de l'anime "The Nutcracker" de Mario]
00:12 [Musique de l'anime "The Nutcracker" de Mario]
00:20 It was Christmas day at the doghouse and Rhubarb looked out onto a clean white world.
00:26 "Good heavens!" muttered Rhubarb. "What a cool yule!"
00:30 "It snowed!" whatever that means.
00:33 "Now I'll have to go out and build a snow dog, and with all this preparation for the party, I'll never be ready in time!"
00:39 With that, Rhubarb went out and announced he was going to build a snow dog.
00:43 Custard peeped over the fence and wished Rhubarb "A merry Christmas" in a sniggling sort of way.
00:48 And the birds jumped up and down on the roof with such excitement that they sent a whole pile of snow crashing down right on top of Rhubarb.
00:55 [Musique de l'anime "The Nutcracker" de Mario]
00:57 The garden animals erupted into a pantomime of giggles with birds sliding down twigs and bouncing on telephone wires.
01:03 "How's that for a finishing touch?" shouted Custard.
01:07 "A merry Christmas to you!" shivered Rhubarb at the very top of his bark.
01:13 "Ha ha ha ha ha!" squeaked the birds. "A moving snow dog! How clever you are!"
01:18 "Righty-ho! Right! Right then!" grunted Rhubarb in a cold sort of way.
01:23 "If you're not careful, I won't invite any of you to my Christmas party!"
01:27 "A Christmas party?" squealed the birds. "Wow! We'll be there! We'll be good!"
01:33 Rhubarb took them at their word and said to be at the party at six o'clock.
01:38 [Musique de l'anime "The Nutcracker" de Mario]
01:44 In the kitchen, Rhubarb set to work in a very busy way, preparing the finest Christmas feast as only he knew how.
01:50 "Mmm! Rhubarb's Christmas relish!" he muttered as he poured his way through his cookery book.
01:55 "Now, take seven pounds of the wobbliest jelly and two gallons of the sparkliest lemonade and mix them together in a very still bowl.
02:07 "Add one hundred and three giant strawberries and bounce the mixture about. Then pour in the juice of thirty-seven ice creams.
02:17 "Mix one second and taste! Oh! Oh! Oh! Tasted Rhubarb! It's still... it's still... oh! Oh! Oh! How clever you are! Oh! Oh! Oh!"
02:31 [Bell ringing]
02:33 When Rhubarb had been tasting for three hours, the kitchen clock chimed six and the guests arrived.
02:38 [Knocking]
02:41 Rhubarb's knees turned to jelly when he realised he'd eaten all the feast all by himself.
02:46 "Just a mole," gurgled Rhubarb with his mouth still full of goodies.
02:51 "M-m-m-may I... may I..." said Rhubarb.
02:55 "You've eaten the feast!" squeaked the birds. "You big cheat!" and Rhubarb felt ashamed.
03:01 "Oh! So I have," he said in a surprised sort of way.
03:05 "Boooooo!" said the birds.
03:08 "Ho! Ho! Ho!" said a big deep voice and everyone looked around.
03:12 "It's Father Christmas!" everyone shouted with delight.
03:16 "Merry Christmas everyone! Merry Christmas!" said Santa and came in with a sack full of fat mince pies and orangey drinks and passed them round.
03:24 "Where's poor old Custard?" said Rhubarb in a sad sort of way. "He's missing everything."
03:30 "Here I am!" said Custard, taking off his Santa disguise. "Hooray!" shouted everyone and the party went on till midnight.
03:38 "Merry Christmas everyone! Merry Christmas!"
03:44 [Générique de fin]