Roobarb Roobarb E010 When There Wasn’t Treasure

  • il y a 5 mois


00:00🎵 🎵
00:12🎵 🎵 🎵
00:18🎵 On a day that was meant for nothing but hanging about in trees and catnapping and watching crickets cricketing. 🎵
00:24🎵 🎵
00:27🎵 All the birds were snoozling and custard was harmonicuring 🎵
00:32🎵 When suddenly, without warning, one-legged trouble burst out of the shed with an idea to make everyone rich. 🎵
00:40🎵 Ha ha! growled Rhubarb as he hobbled down through the heatwave, dressed as an old sea dog with a plastic parrot called Polystyrene glued to his shoulder. 🎵
00:50🎵 Chimlads! he went on, as treasure in a froze came enough to sail with me! 🎵
00:56🎵 Oh, please go away! squeaked everyone. 🎵
01:00🎵 We're not interested today, it's far too hot. 🎵
01:03🎵 Arrr! So then, be it upon your own heads, me hearties! Be it upon your own heads! snivelled Rhubarb. 🎵
01:10🎵 I'll sail alone, bar old Polly there! Arrr! We'll sail on the noon-tased tide! 🎵
01:18🎵 It's just about right now! grinned Custard without opening his eyes. 🎵
01:23🎵 So be it! howled Rhubarb and pegged his way through the gap in the hedge. 🎵
01:28🎵 Boarded his raft and hoisted the scull and crossbows. 🎵
01:32🎵 Oh, thank goodness he's gone! sighed everyone and slipped back into their daydreams as the afternoon wore on. 🎵
01:43🎵 When Rhubarb arrived at Treasure Island, he stepped onto the beach and his pegged legs sank into the sand right up to his knee. 🎵
01:50🎵 Arrr! he muttered. 🎵
01:52🎵 And then another Arrr! as he spotted an old boot floating in a rock pool. 🎵
01:59🎵 Great actors like Robert Newton and Long John Silver never had this trouble, he muttered, and booted off up the beach. 🎵
02:08🎵 39 steps up the beach, said the map. 🎵
02:12🎵 Then steps to the left, 1, 2, 3. Now steps to the right, 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. It went on. 🎵
02:18🎵 That's a dance map! grizzled Rhubarb as he turned the map over and read the other side. 🎵
02:23🎵 The treasure is by the old tree marked with an X. Arrr! 🎵
02:28🎵 Rhubarb started to dig with huffs and puffs and lots of Arrr!s and Polystyrene never said a word. 🎵
02:43🎵 Treasure! beamed Rhubarb as he uncovered a treasure chest as big as a kennel. 🎵
02:53🎵 When Rhubarb arrived home, he ranted and raved and woke everyone up once again. 🎵
02:58🎵 Arrr! See? The treasure's all mine! Now ain't you sorry? Aye? 🎵
03:03🎵 said he as he showered gold coins all over the garden. 🎵
03:06🎵 All mine! Haha! Ain't you sorry? 🎵
03:10🎵 Custard picked up a coin, peeled off the gold foil and bit it just like they do in films. 🎵
03:15🎵 Arrr! Plain chocolate money! he groaned. 🎵
03:19🎵 Haven't you any milk chocolate ones or ones with raspberry centres? 🎵
03:26🎵 What?! screamed Rhubarb and bit on a coin. 🎵
03:29🎵 Chocolate money? Arrr! Oh! Oh! 🎵
03:33🎵 All that glitters is not gold! sang the birds in chorus as Custard tested the other coins. 🎵
03:38🎵 And Rhubarb was hopping mad! 🎵
