• last year
00:00:00 [Music]
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00:01:19 Now look, I've checked everywhere.
00:01:22 Something must have come up, Pamela. There's nothing to worry about.
00:01:25 Maybe he's with the DA.
00:01:27 Well, it's about time. Your wife's on the phone.
00:01:31 Tell her to forget it.
00:01:33 What's the matter with you? Where have you been?
00:01:36 Yes, Pam, I'm listening.
00:01:38 Why does he do this to me every time Mother and Father are here?
00:01:41 I've phoned everywhere.
00:01:43 Even that nasty place across the street.
00:01:45 What is it, Al's Bar?
00:01:46 Now, you know, if Cleve doesn't drink, he wouldn't be hanging around there.
00:01:49 He works too hard, that's all.
00:01:53 Probably forgot it.
00:01:54 She has a dear father, the judge there.
00:01:57 What's she want me for?
00:01:58 Did someone come in?
00:02:00 Is there someone there, Miles?
00:02:01 Now look, Pam, I don't like to butt in.
00:02:04 Did it ever occur to you that Cleve might like to celebrate an anniversary with just you yourself sometime?
00:02:10 I know how he feels.
00:02:13 Especially about Father, but it's only once a year.
00:02:17 Yeah, Christmas and birthdays and Fourth of July and Thanksgiving, April Fool's Day and every other day in the year.
00:02:22 Now look, Pam, there's really nothing I can do.
00:02:25 Well, if he is drunk, you can just tell him not to bother coming home at all.
00:02:28 Not till Father's gone anyway.
00:02:31 The children are here.
00:02:32 The cake was brought in.
00:02:33 They sang happy anniversary to you.
00:02:35 I'm sorry, Miles.
00:02:38 Unforgivable. Unforgivable.
00:02:41 Why you let him get away with it?
00:02:42 Father, please.
00:02:43 I'll be in in a minute.
00:02:44 You're a dog, that's all.
00:02:48 I'm fed up.
00:02:50 Ever heard that phrase?
00:02:52 No, you wouldn't if you're not married.
00:02:55 If you ever did fall a smart cookie like you, you'd pick an orphan.
00:02:59 This is a little awkward, please.
00:03:01 You know how I like Pam.
00:03:02 You know how I like Pam.
00:03:04 Well, then.
00:03:06 Can't talk while I have another drink.
00:03:09 Okay.
00:03:11 But you ought to work up to this.
00:03:14 I have.
00:03:15 Five years.
00:03:16 Five years drunk and I didn't know it.
00:03:19 What happened today?
00:03:21 Where you been for the last few hours?
00:03:23 Down in the pike.
00:03:24 Yeah?
00:03:25 Well, not that part of the pike.
00:03:28 There are some respectable sections.
00:03:30 I went down to an antique shop.
00:03:33 Yeah?
00:03:34 Other part of the pike I wouldn't know what to do.
00:03:37 Go on, don't bare your soul.
00:03:39 For Pam's anniversary present.
00:03:41 She told me where it was.
00:03:43 A what not she's been wanting.
00:03:45 What's a what not?
00:03:46 Well, it's a thing you stick in a corner, put junk and what not on it.
00:03:51 Ah, you're taking this too seriously. You're too sensitive.
00:03:54 I like doing things for myself.
00:03:58 It's my wife, my kids, my house.
00:04:02 For one thing I can tell them not to be there so often.
00:04:05 I can tell them to take this big car out of my driveway and this big fat windbag out of my living room.
00:04:11 Now what's this got to do with the what not?
00:04:13 Well, it does sound sort of picky-oon.
00:04:18 It's the basis of it, really.
00:04:20 I drove down and went in.
00:04:23 No what not.
00:04:25 The Honorable Calvin H. Blackwell, retired, less his retired soul,
00:04:30 has just been in this morning and bought it for his daughter for her anniversary present.
00:04:34 So she happened to mention to him that she wanted it too.
00:04:37 Does it all the time.
00:04:39 If I can't get something for her, Father will.
00:04:43 Hey, you going some place?
00:04:46 I've got to make a train of ten. That witness that's coming in.
00:04:49 Want to come with me?
00:04:50 No.
00:04:52 Well, then I've got an idea for you. If you're not going home.
00:04:55 I'm not going home.
00:04:57 Go out and get yourself really drunk.
00:04:59 And if there's a dame handy, tell her how your wife doesn't understand you.
00:05:03 It's not bad. They say it helps sometimes.
00:05:05 How my father-in-law doesn't understand me.
00:05:08 I think I'll do it.
00:05:11 Look, Cleve, everything will be all right in the morning.
00:05:13 You've got too much to lose to let go now.
00:05:15 That denim trial going to the jury tomorrow.
00:05:18 The DA's counting on you.
00:05:19 And I'm assured.
00:05:20 And I'm as fair-haired boy.
00:05:22 You didn't remind me of that.
00:05:24 And who got me my job as a district attorney?
00:05:27 Who put me here?
00:05:29 Well, close up when you go, will you?
00:05:32 Yeah, sure.
00:05:34 [footsteps]
00:05:36 [footsteps]
00:05:39 [footsteps]
00:05:41 [footsteps]
00:05:53 [footsteps]
00:05:59 [footsteps]
00:06:06 [door opens]
00:06:08 Excuse me.
00:06:10 I beg your pardon.
00:06:14 [knocking]
00:06:20 Mr. Scott, it was nice of you to wait for me.
00:06:24 I phoned earlier in the hope that you would.
00:06:26 Oh, I didn't wait for you.
00:06:28 Do you always work so late?
00:06:33 But then crime doesn't stop on the docks, so I suppose you can't either.
00:06:37 Aren't you going to ask me to sit down?
00:06:40 Won't you?
00:06:50 In fact, I wish...
00:06:53 I wish so much of crime didn't take place after dark.
00:06:56 It's most unnerving.
00:06:58 It's about my Aunt Miss Vera Edwards.
00:06:59 I imagine you know what most everyone does.
00:07:01 She's a character around here.
00:07:03 Am I disturbing you with something?
00:07:07 Obviously, I am.
00:07:10 But don't do that on my account.
00:07:15 After a long, hard day, if a man can't have a drink...
00:07:18 or several drinks...
00:07:21 Oh, I'm drunk.
00:07:24 Extremely, thank you.
00:07:26 Wouldn't you feel better? It's awfully stuffy in here.
00:07:29 I'll manage.
00:07:30 Would you rather I'd come back?
00:07:32 Only this has happened before.
00:07:34 I don't seem to be able to get any satisfaction out of the police.
00:07:36 I phoned you two weeks ago, that first care we had.
00:07:39 This is not the police department.
00:07:41 Yes, I know. What I meant to say was...
00:07:43 there are reasons why I have to stay away from them and come to you.
00:07:46 My aunt is eccentric and uniforms upset her.
00:07:50 Mr. Scott, is that what you want to do?
00:07:54 Or is it that you just don't want to listen to me?
00:07:57 What's your name?
00:07:59 Thelma Jordan, Miss Edwards' niece.
00:08:01 Well, Miss Edwards' niece, I am not Mr. Scott.
00:08:05 So you can save your breath.
00:08:07 Oh.
00:08:09 However...
00:08:12 if I can be of any help...
00:08:14 a lady in distress.
00:08:17 A pretty lady.
00:08:18 Distress is my specialty tonight.
00:08:21 You help me and I'll help you.
00:08:24 Do I make myself clear?
00:08:26 No, not quite.
00:08:28 And now if you'll excuse me.
00:08:30 Wait.
00:08:31 Another time I'll hope to find Mr. Scott here and tell him my troubles.
00:08:34 I'm sorry if I disturbed you.
00:08:35 Oh, you didn't disturb me.
00:08:37 I was just about to go out and find myself a dame.
00:08:40 If you'll pardon the expression.
00:08:43 Good luck.
00:08:44 Thank you.
00:08:45 Miss Jordan.
00:08:49 Is that right?
00:08:51 I used to know you around.
00:08:53 She caught me stealing oranges in her orange grove once.
00:08:56 Did you ever get switched with an orange branch?
00:09:00 I still got the scars.
00:09:02 Ruined my legs permanently.
00:09:04 I noticed that you have not had the same experience.
00:09:08 I've only been here a few months.
00:09:11 I've passed the orange stealing age and I...
00:09:14 haven't yet reached the flattering one.
00:09:17 Good night.
00:09:18 Good night.
00:09:20 I was just trying to make a joke.
00:09:23 Wait a minute.
00:09:24 I'm a public servant.
00:09:29 I'm supposed to hear your troubles.
00:09:31 You listen to my troubles and I'll listen to yours.
00:09:37 And wait a minute.
00:09:40 At least let me apologize.
00:09:45 Good night.
00:09:46 Anything I can do?
00:09:52 This isn't typical.
00:09:54 I come all the way down here to report an attempted burglary and I get a ticket.
00:09:57 Not only do I find a drunk sitting in a chief investigator's office, but I...
00:10:01 The other cars don't have one.
00:10:03 That one's mine.
00:10:04 Well, will you move it, please, so I can get out of here?
00:10:07 Miss Jordan.
00:10:08 I'm really a very respectable citizen.
00:10:12 But you see, I've got my troubles too tonight.
00:10:15 My name is Cleve Marshall.
00:10:17 I am 35 years old and assistant district attorney.
00:10:21 So?
00:10:24 Well, I'm not just an ordinary drunk.
00:10:27 See how fair this hair is?
00:10:31 Promise of a most brilliant future.
00:10:35 What is it you want of me?
00:10:37 Buy a drink someplace.
00:10:39 I'm harmless.
00:10:41 And I'm lonesome.
00:10:42 Well, you're very appealing, but...
00:10:45 Thank you just the same.
00:10:47 Aren't you interested in men with futures?
00:10:59 I have my own to look after.
00:11:01 Miss Jordan, at least let me fix that ticket for you.
00:11:05 Oh, would you?
00:11:07 That's very kind.
00:11:10 See how handy it is to know a man of influence?
00:11:13 Just for that, I suppose, I ought to have one drink with you.
00:11:16 Good. Back it up, will you?
00:11:17 In here, on the condition that I drive.
00:11:19 If you insist.
00:11:21 You're the boss.
00:11:27 I'm glad you said that, because I'm no...
00:11:30 I'm no dame, remember?
00:11:33 Remember?
00:11:34 So suddenly, I just don't understand it.
00:11:46 He didn't have anything but coffee.
00:11:48 That's what you think, every time you got up to play the jukebox.
00:11:51 That's what happened.
00:11:53 Come on, mister, it's closing up time.
00:11:58 I'll be back.
00:11:59 Beats you to it, doesn't it?
00:12:05 Oh, there she is!
00:12:09 One more dance.
00:12:12 Not now, Cleve, it's late.
00:12:14 Isn't she wonderful?
00:12:16 Is that her anniversary?
00:12:18 How long has it been?
00:12:20 Three hours.
00:12:21 I'm going to buy you an anniversary present.
00:12:24 I got the money, right?
00:12:25 The check has been paid, let's go.
00:12:27 Would you get the car, please?
00:12:28 It's not until the music is finished.
00:12:30 Can't let the music go to waste.
00:12:32 Can't let anything beautiful go to waste, can we, Thelma?
00:12:36 The minute you walked into that office...
00:12:38 I know, I know, but...
00:12:40 No buts, ands, ifs, whereas, isn't here to force.
00:12:43 Party in the first part?
00:12:45 I love you, Thelma.
00:12:47 Have I ever said that before?
00:12:49 You have.
00:12:50 The music has stopped.
00:12:51 Well, why don't we get out of this cheap joint?
00:12:55 Thank you.
00:12:56 You're welcome.
00:12:57 I'd hate to have his head in the morning.
00:12:59 You can try it on now, the size if you like.
00:13:02 Cleve, Cleve.
00:13:11 Thelma, pretty Thelma.
00:13:14 Thelma was a light brown...
00:13:17 Oh, let's not start that again.
00:13:19 I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
00:13:21 She was a light brown...
00:13:22 Oh, let's not start that again.
00:13:24 Not even that I'm in love with you?
00:13:26 Not even that. Get out, Cleve.
00:13:28 I haven't told you my troubles yet.
00:13:30 They'll have to wait.
00:13:31 Please, Mr. Marshall.
00:13:33 You called me Cleve before.
00:13:35 One minute I feel like Cleve, the next Mr. Marshall.
00:13:39 Which way do you feel now?
00:13:48 Mr. Marshall or Cleve?
00:13:51 I don't know.
00:13:52 Except I'm sorry.
00:13:54 No, you're not.
00:13:55 Neither am I.
00:13:57 Maybe I am just a dame and didn't know it.
00:14:08 Maybe I like being picked up by a guy on a binge.
00:14:12 Can't you believe that things happen when you're in love?
00:14:15 What's time? Day? Year?
00:14:18 Oh, I'm sorry. I can't say it that conveniently.
00:14:21 That's just what it is, a binge.
00:14:22 No relationship between yesterday and tomorrow.
00:14:24 That's all there is. There isn't anymore.
00:14:26 Get out, Cleve.
00:14:27 You know, that kind of sobered me up.
00:14:37 You'll be all right then.
00:14:38 You'll drive home to whoever is waiting for you.
00:14:41 Good night, Cleve.
00:14:42 If I told you there's no one waiting for me...
00:14:46 I wouldn't believe you. Drive carefully.
00:14:49 I will.
00:14:56 (HORN HONKING)
00:15:21 Shh!
00:15:22 (YAWNS)
00:15:29 (THUDS)
00:15:34 (THUDS)
00:15:39 (FOOTSTEPS)
00:15:49 (HORN HONKING)
00:15:50 (FOOTSTEPS)
00:15:54 (HORN HONKING)
00:16:01 (DOOR OPENS)
00:16:08 (FOOTSTEPS)
00:16:14 (FOOTSTEPS)
00:16:15 (DOOR CLOSES)
00:16:23 (FOOTSTEPS)
00:16:31 (DOOR OPENS)
00:16:42 (DOOR CLOSES)
00:16:43 (DOOR OPENS)
00:16:46 (HORN HONKING)
00:17:11 (FOOTSTEPS)
00:17:12 Cleve.
00:17:14 Where were you on the night of May 25th?
00:17:17 Oh, Cleve, it's inexcusable.
00:17:28 I'm glad I didn't buy her that whatnot.
00:17:33 It's horrible.
00:17:35 You're just trying to change the subject.
00:17:37 Where were you?
00:17:40 Cleve.
00:17:41 (SOBS)
00:17:53 (SOBS)
00:17:58 (FOOTSTEPS)
00:18:00 (DOOR OPENS)
00:18:07 (FOOTSTEPS)
00:18:08 (HORN HONKING)
00:18:13 (HORN HONKING)
00:18:19 (HORN HONKING)
00:18:22 Hello.
00:18:32 Hello.
00:18:33 No ticket this time, not wedged in.
00:18:35 I just waited.
00:18:37 I see you brought protection.
00:18:40 Don't you come down to see Scott?
00:18:44 And you, worrying about you, if you got home all right.
00:18:47 Sure, you know, drunks and fools.
00:18:49 What did he say about your prowlers?
00:18:53 He's sending out a plainclothesman. He promised not to alarm Aunt Vera.
00:18:56 Since it's her jewels that are in danger, don't you think she should know?
00:18:59 Why, explain that to him.
00:19:01 I guess you've forgotten a lot about last night.
00:19:05 Well, you don't like me in the daytime.
00:19:08 I didn't say that.
00:19:10 My crystal ball was right. You are married.
00:19:12 Don't go away mad.
00:19:14 I'm not.
00:19:15 Only I'm embarrassing you.
00:19:17 This is a small town, I understand.
00:19:20 I guess I got a little out of hand last night.
00:19:23 I apologize.
00:19:25 Accept it.
00:19:26 So long, Cleve. Be seeing you.
00:19:29 Bye.
00:19:30 Bye.
00:19:31 If you'll let me have the car.
00:19:50 Oh, around eight, I thought.
00:19:52 I'd like to get an early start. It'd be easier on the children.
00:19:55 Father, here's Cleve now. I'll call you back. Goodbye.
00:19:59 Is something bothering you?
00:20:01 Nice homey reception. You often threaten to do it, but I never thought you would.
00:20:04 Leave you, Cleve. Is that what you think?
00:20:06 After I fight this morning, I come in and find you packing. What else might I think?
00:20:09 Only that I love you very much.
00:20:13 Oh, Cleve, darling.
00:20:14 Don't ever do that. It may scare you.
00:20:16 Where are you off to?
00:20:19 Us, not me. June 1st to September 1st, every year.
00:20:23 The beach? It's not June 1st yet.
00:20:25 No, but Mrs. Perkins said we could have a good time.
00:20:27 I'm not going to do it.
00:20:28 I'm going to have a good time.
00:20:29 I'm going to have a good time.
00:20:30 I'm going to have a good time.
00:20:31 I'm going to have a good time.
00:20:32 I'm going to have a good time.
00:20:33 I'm going to have a good time.
00:20:34 I'm going to have a good time.
00:20:35 I'm going to have a good time.
00:20:36 I'm going to have a good time.
00:20:37 I'm going to have a good time.
00:20:38 I'm going to have a good time.
00:20:39 I'm going to have a good time.
00:20:40 It's not June 1st yet.
00:20:41 No, but Mrs. Perkins said we could have the house early.
00:20:43 Gives us an extra weekend.
00:20:44 Wasn't it nice, ever?
00:20:46 Why don't you change, darling?
00:20:48 I'll tell Esther we can eat in the patio.
00:20:50 We can barbecue if you like.
00:20:52 Pam.
00:20:55 Let's not go to the beach this year.
00:20:58 Not go?
00:20:59 Well, it's a nuisance, really.
00:21:00 Sunburns, worrying about the kids and the water all the time.
00:21:03 Long drive for me, back and forth weekends.
00:21:06 You sound as though there's some blonde after you and you're bright.
00:21:09 Why don't you come down every night?
00:21:11 60 miles and too much night work.
00:21:13 Sorry, I don't like this house when you're not in it.
00:21:21 Come here.
00:21:23 That's the sweetest thing you could say.
00:21:26 But of course we're going.
00:21:29 Children love it so.
00:21:30 You have to think of them too.
00:21:32 We can't be selfish.
00:21:37 Anybody else you want me to call before I go?
00:21:39 About what?
00:21:40 About dinner.
00:21:42 You look like a lost penguin.
00:21:44 Some of the boys from the paper are taking us out.
00:21:47 You'd better join.
00:21:48 It'll be safe.
00:21:51 Well, don't forget those two dudes for Mrs. Marshall.
00:21:57 I wrote them down on your message sheet.
00:21:59 Mrs. Marshall called to remind you to stop the milk order,
00:22:02 get yourself a new pair of bathing trunks,
00:22:04 bring down a beach ball for Kimmy Friday,
00:22:06 eat three square meals daily.
00:22:08 She thinks of the inner man.
00:22:10 And phone Garden 8409.
00:22:13 I don't know what that last one's about.
00:22:16 Somebody took it while I was out.
00:22:18 Well, bye now or I'll be late.
00:22:22 Good night, Dolly. Thanks.
00:22:35 These fruits are not heated or artificially colored,
00:22:38 but are from nature to consumer.
00:22:41 Gifts packed in gay Mexican and Chinese baskets
00:22:45 or traditional California redwood boxes.
00:22:49 There's a phone call for you, Mr. Thompson, that detective.
00:22:52 Thank you. Excuse me, Aunt Farrah.
00:22:54 Who? Who's calling, Thelma?
00:22:56 Where's the rest of it, Sidney?
00:22:59 Doctor or no doctor, I want my brandy.
00:23:03 Hello, Mr. Thompson.
00:23:04 Case of mistaken identity.
00:23:06 This is Cleve Marshall.
00:23:08 Oh.
00:23:11 Hello, Cleve.
00:23:13 I've no excuse for calling you, none whatsoever.
00:23:16 It's just one of those things.
00:23:19 24 hours a day, lonesome, and they're not well.
00:23:23 In fact, I'm afraid I'm going to have to call you again.
00:23:27 I'm afraid I'm going to have to call you again.
00:23:31 Well, in fact, time's been full of emptiness
00:23:35 since I served in May 25th.
00:23:37 Oh, no. No, you can't. Not very well. Not here.
00:23:42 If you want, I'll meet you down on the road in about 20 minutes.
00:23:50 Yes, well, thank you for calling, Mr. Thompson.
00:23:57 Thank you.
00:23:58 After that?
00:24:22 After painting scenery that summer, I stayed on at Lake Placid.
00:24:25 It's even more wonderful there in the wintertime.
00:24:27 I got a job at the hotel as a hostess.
00:24:29 Oh, strictly the genteel kind.
00:24:31 Doing what?
00:24:33 Tennis, bingo games, bridge.
00:24:35 I make a great extra partner.
00:24:37 Fill in at anything if I need it.
00:24:39 If a drink makes you feel like this, you better leave it alone.
00:24:42 No. You asked about my past.
00:24:45 You should get to know her.
00:24:47 The pleasant, refined Miss Jordan.
00:24:49 Seen everywhere during the season.
00:24:51 Lake Placid, Virginia Beach, Saratoga.
00:24:54 Exploding other people's fun.
00:24:55 Great talent for it.
00:24:57 What a life.
00:24:59 Don't be dour just to share the moonlight with.
00:25:02 Gouty old gents.
00:25:04 I haven't had to gout lately.
00:25:06 You like to dance?
00:25:08 Oh, Cleve, it's just that I'm so tired of being on the outside looking in.
00:25:11 It'll wreck up me finally.
00:25:14 And here I am again.
00:25:17 Doing the same thing with you.
00:25:19 Did you say dance?
00:25:20 Shall we have a drink at the bar first?
00:25:34 Later.
00:25:36 Sorry, another time.
00:25:38 Waiter!
00:25:40 Check, please.
00:25:42 Can we go out that way?
00:25:44 If you're in a hurry.
00:25:46 That'll cover it.
00:25:48 Thank you.
00:25:49 Well, it was a lovely evening.
00:26:05 That low gear you threw us into.
00:26:07 Who came in there? Was it your wife?
00:26:09 No, she's away.
00:26:11 Temporarily or just for the season?
00:26:13 I'm sorry.
00:26:16 Well, you know where I live and where I walk in the evening.
00:26:18 I don't care what happens.
00:26:21 I've got to see you off.
00:26:23 Tomorrow?
00:26:25 No, tomorrow's a Friday.
00:26:27 That's no good.
00:26:29 Monday, of course.
00:26:31 Oh, but be careful.
00:26:33 Not as Mr. Thompson again.
00:26:35 Who's he?
00:26:37 The plainclothesman Scott sent out.
00:26:39 All he did was advise me to have Sidney live in the house for protection.
00:26:41 Some protection.
00:26:44 Oh, Mr. Smith or Mr. Brown.
00:26:46 How about Dick Tracy?
00:26:48 Well, it's for your sake.
00:26:51 Well, good night, Mr. Tracy.
00:27:02 You know, you haven't kissed me once this evening.
00:27:04 Yes, I have.
00:27:07 Tell me.
00:27:36 You scared me.
00:27:37 I didn't mean to.
00:27:39 I hate being a needs dropper.
00:27:41 What are you...
00:27:43 What are you doing here?
00:27:46 Don't worry.
00:27:48 I haven't been up there.
00:27:50 By phone, you were out.
00:27:52 I knew you'd be along soon.
00:27:54 Who was that?
00:27:56 Let me quiet him.
00:27:59 You wait.
00:28:01 Sure.
00:28:03 Sure, I can wait.
00:28:05 I'll be right back.
00:28:06 (dog barking)
00:28:07 (dog barking)
00:28:09 (dog barking)
00:28:10 (dog barking)
00:28:12 (dog barking)
00:28:14 (dog barking)
00:28:16 (dog barking)
00:28:18 (dramatic music)
00:28:19 Why is it you first meet a woman and she's only pretty?
00:28:40 After a few weeks, she's beautiful.
00:28:43 Sometimes it's the other way around.
00:28:45 Not with you.
00:28:48 Well, now you know the whole story.
00:28:50 You feel as though she let you down,
00:28:53 but you let her down, you should have told her.
00:28:56 You can't just say to your wife,
00:28:58 "Don't leave me alone, I'm falling in love with another woman."
00:29:00 If it's true, you should have said it.
00:29:02 It's true.
00:29:05 So you said that first night.
00:29:08 What's the difference?
00:29:10 I'm drunk now.
00:29:12 I wasn't then.
00:29:16 Somebody will be coming up in a moment, as usual.
00:29:18 No, I'm not going down there this weekend.
00:29:21 I can't stand those weekends anymore.
00:29:23 Don't you think I feel guilty too,
00:29:25 not daring to say your name to a soul
00:29:27 pretending you're a dozen other people?
00:29:29 Oh, Cleve, what horrible luck.
00:29:31 Just when everything I hoped was going right for me at last.
00:29:34 So sick of coming out here to recuperate.
00:29:38 Some recuperation.
00:29:40 Head over heels with a man I can't even be seen with.
00:29:43 Parking spots like this are a pain in the ass.
00:29:45 Parking spots like a couple of teenagers.
00:29:47 I told you.
00:29:49 Come on, we're being driven out of here too.
00:29:52 Head over heels?
00:29:55 That doesn't say you love me.
00:29:57 I only know I think of you all day and all night.
00:30:00 What I'll wear so you'll look at me
00:30:03 with that look in your eyes like now.
00:30:05 What I'll say to you,
00:30:07 "I can't see you anymore."
00:30:09 And what I'll do the next time you take me in your arms.
00:30:15 (dramatic music)
00:30:17 Isn't it up to me to take the chance?
00:30:24 Not entirely.
00:30:26 I'm married too.
00:30:28 I don't think I heard you right.
00:30:32 Just that.
00:30:34 I'm married.
00:30:43 I'm interested if you like telling me.
00:30:45 It isn't much of a marriage, not like yours.
00:30:47 His name is Tony.
00:30:49 What's the last name matter?
00:30:51 I met him in Florida a year ago at a roulette table.
00:30:53 You still love him?
00:30:55 (dramatic music)
00:30:58 (car engine roaring)
00:31:08 (dramatic music)
00:31:10 There's so much I want to tell you, you won't let me.
00:31:27 Remember I told you once I wanted to be an actress?
00:31:31 Well, it was all part of that glamour, I thought.
00:31:34 Having a certain kind of attention paid to you
00:31:37 the right table at expensive restaurants,
00:31:40 dark blue tuxedo, black fedora hat,
00:31:43 gold cigarette case.
00:31:46 That's a good thing to get married for, a gold cigarette case.
00:31:50 I don't expect you to understand, I don't understand myself.
00:31:53 It was all shiny.
00:31:55 Until you opened the cigarette case
00:31:58 and found someone else's name inside.
00:32:00 To Tony from Dimples or Debbie or someone.
00:32:03 And then you ran into him.
00:32:06 Out with them someplace.
00:32:08 How long did you stay with him?
00:32:13 He stayed with me until my money gave out.
00:32:16 Where is he now?
00:32:18 I don't much care, thanks to you.
00:32:21 Wherever he is, there's money, gambling,
00:32:25 beautiful women.
00:32:28 Have you seen him lately?
00:32:32 No, and I don't want to.
00:32:35 I'll be free of him someday, I suppose.
00:32:37 But nothing to be angry about, Cleo.
00:32:40 You ought to feel sorry for him.
00:32:43 You've got to say it differently.
00:32:52 But you don't think of him anymore because of me?
00:32:55 I've said that.
00:32:57 Again.
00:32:59 I don't think of him anymore because of you.
00:33:03 We've got to go away together somewhere.
00:33:05 Could you... Could you manage, Soon?
00:33:09 Friday.
00:33:11 I'll say I'm going up north to see the state's attorney.
00:33:14 We'll take the evening train.
00:33:16 People will see us.
00:33:18 Then I'll only say I'm taking the train.
00:33:21 We'll go in your car.
00:33:24 I'm sorry.
00:33:25 I'm sorry.
00:33:27 I'm sorry.
00:33:29 I'm sorry.
00:33:31 I'm sorry.
00:33:33 I'm sorry.
00:33:35 I'm sorry.
00:33:37 I'm sorry.
00:33:39 I'm sorry.
00:33:41 I'm sorry.
00:33:43 I'm sorry.
00:33:45 I'm sorry.
00:33:47 I'm sorry.
00:33:49 I'm sorry.
00:33:52 I'm sorry.
00:33:53 Stella Park.
00:34:07 Stella Park.
00:34:09 [music]
00:34:36 Stella Park.
00:34:38 [music]
00:34:59 [music]
00:35:28 [music]
00:35:57 [music]
00:36:20 [music]
00:36:23 [phone ringing]
00:36:36 Miss Edwards residence.
00:36:38 Miss Jordan, please.
00:36:40 This is Mr. Johnson calling.
00:36:42 I'll see you in one moment.
00:36:44 [door opening]
00:36:46 [car horn]
00:36:55 [car engine]
00:37:03 [phone ringing]
00:37:13 Yes?
00:37:14 Hey, where's my driver?
00:37:16 Isn't it time?
00:37:18 Thank heaven you phoned.
00:37:20 You've got to come at once.
00:37:22 Something's happened.
00:37:24 No, no, no, don't talk.
00:37:26 Just come.
00:37:28 I'll meet you down on the road.
00:37:30 Please, please, use the side gate.
00:37:32 [car door closing]
00:37:34 [car engine]
00:37:36 [car door closing]
00:37:38 [car engine]
00:37:40 [car door closing]
00:37:43 What is it?
00:37:44 Leave.
00:37:46 I think I know.
00:37:48 Tony's shown up.
00:37:50 No, why would you say that?
00:37:52 Well, if it isn't Tony, what is it?
00:37:54 You thought of him first, too.
00:37:56 So did I.
00:37:58 Oh, it's Aunt Vera.
00:38:00 I was all right till you came.
00:38:02 I don't know what's the matter with me.
00:38:05 [car engine]
00:38:12 You're all right now.
00:38:20 Come on, talk. What is it?
00:38:22 She's dead.
00:38:24 What?
00:38:26 Shot. I was just leaving to get the car out.
00:38:27 I heard it.
00:38:29 She's on the library floor, the gun beside her, the safe open.
00:38:31 Another burglary?
00:38:34 Some things about Tony, too, you didn't tell me.
00:38:35 I don't know if he were broke or desperate.
00:38:37 Maybe. I don't know.
00:38:39 I'm afraid.
00:38:41 Don't go there, Cleve.
00:38:43 Why not?
00:38:45 You don't seem to understand why I'm afraid.
00:38:47 There was a letter I wrote to him once, ages ago.
00:38:49 I said Aunt Vera might be his type.
00:38:51 She had emeralds.
00:38:53 If they find that letter, it didn't mean anything, did it, Cleve?
00:38:55 Just, just female, nasty.
00:38:57 I don't know whether it meant anything or not.
00:38:59 I don't know Tony.
00:39:01 Maybe I don't know you either.
00:39:03 I suppose I had that to look forward to.
00:39:04 I'm sorry, darling.
00:39:06 I know how you feel.
00:39:08 But don't you see, if it was Tony,
00:39:10 they'll suspect me, too.
00:39:12 Every place we've been, every phone call we've made.
00:39:14 We've been careful.
00:39:16 We're not going to let them suspect you.
00:39:18 Then tell me what I should do.
00:39:20 You should have done it a half hour ago.
00:39:22 Go back in, scream, call the police.
00:39:24 Where's Sidney?
00:39:26 Out back, their house.
00:39:28 Did you know you were leaving?
00:39:30 No.
00:39:32 I was doing something else.
00:39:33 You didn't do anything else.
00:39:36 You didn't change anything in there.
00:39:39 A little.
00:39:41 How little?
00:39:43 I rubbed off all the fingerprints.
00:39:45 You what?
00:39:47 I was panicky.
00:39:49 I didn't know what to do in case they were Tony's prints.
00:39:51 Yours along with them?
00:39:53 I know I shouldn't have.
00:39:55 Dozens of times you've been in that room from where?
00:39:57 The window where it came in, the gun, the safe.
00:39:59 Bert was wearing gloves, done jobs like that,
00:40:01 a side job.
00:40:02 What else?
00:40:04 I don't think, I don't know.
00:40:06 Did you touch her?
00:40:08 No.
00:40:10 How was she lying?
00:40:12 Face down.
00:40:14 You didn't turn her over, how did you know she was dead?
00:40:16 I could tell she wasn't breathing.
00:40:18 You've got to go back and do it over.
00:40:20 I couldn't.
00:40:22 Your fingerprints on the safe where you looked,
00:40:24 found the jewels were gone, on the body.
00:40:26 Cleve, I can't.
00:40:28 Maybe I wasn't close to her, but I liked her.
00:40:31 It smelled of death.
00:40:32 I'm going with you.
00:40:34 No.
00:40:36 No, I won't let you take that chance.
00:40:38 Don't do it.
00:40:41 And make more mistakes, no.
00:40:43 You wait for me by the side door in case someone comes up.
00:40:45 I'll go douse the lights.
00:40:48 If you should get involved in this.
00:40:49 I won't get involved.
00:40:51 I'd like to be sure where Sidney is though.
00:40:53 You can only see their house from upstairs.
00:40:55 Why is the light out in here?
00:40:57 I turned it out after I cleaned up.
00:40:59 Was it on when you came in?
00:41:01 No.
00:41:03 Unhurried killer, turns on the lights.
00:41:05 I'm going to go downstairs and get some water.
00:41:07 I'll be right back.
00:41:09 I'll be right back.
00:41:11 I'll be right back.
00:41:13 I'll be right back.
00:41:16 Unhurried killer, turns the light out when he leaves.
00:41:17 Are you sure?
00:41:19 No, I'm not sure.
00:41:21 Okay, leave it dark.
00:41:23 But put your prints back on the switch in case you took them off.
00:41:25 Go on.
00:41:27 Colonel.
00:41:37 There's no help.
00:41:38 It hasn't been fired.
00:41:40 Hers?
00:41:42 I never saw it before.
00:41:44 Put her down.
00:41:46 Now turn her over.
00:41:48 Cleaver.
00:41:50 Wouldn't that have been your first instinct if you hadn't thought of Tony and the emeralds?
00:41:52 Aunt Vera, Aunt Vera.
00:41:54 Turn her over.
00:41:56 Turn her over.
00:41:58 Turn her over.
00:42:00 Turn her over.
00:42:02 Turn her over.
00:42:05 Turn her over.
00:42:06 Go on.
00:42:13 When Scott's man was here, did you tell him the safe was in this room?
00:42:26 Yes.
00:42:28 What happened those first two times?
00:42:30 The side entrance was broken into.
00:42:32 The next time we just heard somebody out back, the dog barked.
00:42:34 Where's the dog now?
00:42:35 At the vet being bathed.
00:42:37 You didn't think it might be Tony before?
00:42:39 No, but...
00:42:41 But what?
00:42:43 Well, when I saw the necklace was gone and I remembered, not many people knew about the emerald.
00:42:45 All right, get your prints back on the safe.
00:42:47 Put your hands on them, natural curiosity.
00:42:55 Is there anything left in there?
00:42:57 Some more papers, it looks like.
00:42:59 Papers? A will by any chance?
00:43:01 Who is her heir?
00:43:03 Maybe you're a rich woman.
00:43:04 No, Cleve.
00:43:06 No, she can't have...
00:43:08 Might be tough for you if she did.
00:43:10 What would it look like?
00:43:12 Forget it, she'd have told you about it, I guess.
00:43:14 Yes, yes, anyway, she wouldn't have.
00:43:16 After I've gone, give me ten minutes.
00:43:19 Let's scream and run for Sydney.
00:43:21 Cleve, it may be days before we see each other.
00:43:25 Turn on the hall light and don't forget to take off that coat.
00:43:27 Oh.
00:43:29 What is it?
00:43:32 I don't know, but I left a note upstairs on her night table.
00:43:33 Get it, hurry.
00:43:35 What's this doing here?
00:43:37 Oh, I was carrying it when I...
00:43:39 Take it and pack it after I've gone.
00:43:41 Can I see Sydney's house from that window?
00:43:43 Yes.
00:43:45 It's all right, it's dark.
00:43:48 (dramatic music)
00:43:50 (dramatic music)
00:43:51 (dramatic music)
00:43:53 (dramatic music)
00:43:54 (dramatic music)
00:43:56 (dramatic music)
00:43:58 (dramatic music)
00:44:00 (dramatic music)
00:44:02 (dramatic music)
00:44:04 (dramatic music)
00:44:06 (dramatic music)
00:44:08 (dramatic music)
00:44:10 (dramatic music)
00:44:12 (dramatic music)
00:44:14 (dramatic music)
00:44:16 (dramatic music)
00:44:18 (dramatic music)
00:44:21 (dramatic music)
00:44:22 (dramatic music)
00:44:24 (dramatic music)
00:44:26 (dramatic music)
00:44:28 Thelma!
00:44:30 (dramatic music)
00:44:32 The phone is ringing.
00:44:34 I didn't hear it.
00:44:36 Get it.
00:44:38 No.
00:44:39 Get it.
00:44:40 (dramatic music)
00:44:42 Miss Edwards is asleep.
00:44:44 Her phone isn't connected up there.
00:44:46 (dramatic music)
00:44:48 (dramatic music)
00:44:51 Certainly, doctor.
00:44:52 It'll take a few minutes.
00:44:54 I'll call you back.
00:44:56 You coming over?
00:44:58 When I called you earlier,
00:45:00 how did you know Sidney wasn't on that phone?
00:45:02 We haven't time.
00:45:04 He's turning on the light.
00:45:06 Something's happened, you said.
00:45:08 That's all he had to hear.
00:45:10 That was nearly an hour ago.
00:45:12 Where was he?
00:45:14 Where were you?
00:45:15 I don't know.
00:45:17 Please.
00:45:19 Fast.
00:45:20 (dramatic music)
00:45:22 (dramatic music)
00:45:24 (dramatic music)
00:45:26 (dramatic music)
00:45:28 (dramatic music)
00:45:30 Cleaver, the lock on the window has been forced.
00:45:32 (dramatic music)
00:45:34 You shut the door when we came in?
00:45:36 No.
00:45:38 (dramatic music)
00:45:40 (dramatic music)
00:45:42 (dramatic music)
00:45:44 (dramatic music)
00:45:46 (dramatic music)
00:45:48 Let me out the front door, lock it after we shoot.
00:45:52 My pencil!
00:45:54 You hit me.
00:45:55 You hit me.
00:45:57 [Music]
00:45:59 [Music]
00:46:01 [Music]
00:46:03 [Music]
00:46:05 [Music]
00:46:32 Scott, get some case. I'll try to get around.
00:46:34 Namita, you don't know anything.
00:46:36 Please, the fingerprints aren't the same.
00:46:38 If I haven't been there...
00:46:40 Too late now.
00:46:50 Get in bed. Pretend you're sleeping.
00:46:52 Go on now, hurry.
00:46:54 [Music]
00:46:57 [Music]
00:47:00 [Music]
00:47:02 [Music]
00:47:10 [Music]
00:47:20 Miss Jones!
00:47:28 Miss Jones!
00:47:30 [Phone ringing]
00:47:32 I'll get it.
00:47:38 Hello?
00:47:48 Hello, Miles.
00:47:50 Oh, but Cleve isn't feeling well.
00:47:52 He was supposed to go up north last night.
00:47:54 Can't you leave him alone for one day?
00:47:56 Well, all right, but he's on the beach sleeping.
00:47:58 I'll have him call you back.
00:48:00 I'll take it.
00:48:02 It's ridiculous the short time you have down here.
00:48:04 It's Miles.
00:48:06 Hello, Miles.
00:48:08 Don't you ever read the morning papers?
00:48:10 Front page, B.
00:48:12 Vera Edwards?
00:48:14 Vaguely.
00:48:16 Why me? I work in courtrooms, remember?
00:48:18 $200,000 involved.
00:48:20 Emeralds.
00:48:22 And a recently rewritten will.
00:48:24 All right.
00:48:26 Her house, what's the address?
00:48:28 Yeah.
00:48:32 It'll take me a couple of hours, okay?
00:48:36 Well, bye.
00:48:38 You don't love me anymore, like Father said.
00:48:52 Father knows best.
00:48:54 Cleve, don't brush me off like that.
00:48:56 You're not yourself lately.
00:48:58 I can't keep track of you once I have you down here.
00:49:00 Business before pleasure.
00:49:02 You could have said you're sick. You are.
00:49:04 I'm feeling better now.
00:49:08 You look better.
00:49:10 I think you were just lying around waiting for an excuse.
00:49:12 Oh, you have company.
00:49:16 With trappings.
00:49:18 I'm not a trapper.
00:49:20 With trappings.
00:49:22 Oh, Cleve, I'm sorry.
00:49:26 I asked him for the weekend
00:49:28 because I thought you weren't going to be here.
00:49:30 When I woke up and you were, I...
00:49:32 What's the use?
00:49:34 It's all right.
00:49:36 Works out perfectly.
00:49:38 I haven't worked.
00:49:40 You have Father to complain to.
00:49:42 I don't anymore, Cleve.
00:49:44 I'll bet not.
00:49:46 What do you talk about, then?
00:49:48 It's past talking now.
00:49:50 He already knows how distant you are.
00:49:52 Preoccupied.
00:49:54 How little I see of you.
00:49:56 If I didn't know you so well
00:49:58 and love you so much, I'd...
00:50:00 What?
00:50:02 I'd think as he does
00:50:06 that you're playing around.
00:50:08 You have no courage, have you?
00:50:12 Father says, Father thinks.
00:50:16 All right, I'll say it.
00:50:18 There is someone, isn't there?
00:50:23 Yes.
00:50:30 Have you known her long?
00:50:33 I don't want to talk about her.
00:50:35 You don't want to marry her?
00:50:38 I'm trying to be very grown up about this, Cleve.
00:50:45 What is it?
00:50:47 Still Father's little girl.
00:50:49 Hair in the shorts.
00:50:51 I know that's my trouble. I know it.
00:50:54 Do you want to marry her?
00:50:56 I'm married to you, the children and the years.
00:51:00 You haven't answered my question.
00:51:02 You can't divorce a child.
00:51:06 That isn't what I want to hear.
00:51:09 Cleve.
00:51:12 Yes, Pam.
00:51:14 I still love you.
00:51:16 Then what?
00:51:20 You have to give me time. I'm all mixed up.
00:51:25 Pamela, aren't you coming out to say hello?
00:51:28 Please, please don't leave me.
00:51:37 I'm not going to leave you.
00:51:39 Please, please don't leave me. I love you.
00:51:42 Miles is waiting.
00:51:44 I'll call you.
00:51:52 When? Tonight?
00:51:54 In a day or two.
00:51:57 I love you.
00:51:59 It seems to be a torment.
00:52:18 Well...
00:52:20 Have the lab man take those prints out and bake them.
00:52:23 What have we got so far?
00:52:25 Between 6 and 6'2".
00:52:27 About 170, 190 pounds.
00:52:29 Right heel worn down, drives a car a lot.
00:52:31 Go on, Miss Jordan.
00:52:33 I've told you all I can think of.
00:52:35 When I was in trouble, I naturally thought of her, my mother's sister.
00:52:38 I had nowhere else to go.
00:52:40 I was in ill health, without funds.
00:52:42 I think after a while she was glad.
00:52:44 I did little things for her.
00:52:46 Fixed her hair in new ways and read to her.
00:52:49 I was companionship she hadn't had for a long time.
00:52:52 And so she changed her will.
00:52:55 That's what you keep telling me, but I had no knowledge of that.
00:52:58 Do you know to whom the money was bequeathed and the original will?
00:53:01 I didn't even know there was a will.
00:53:03 To the county, Miss Jordan.
00:53:05 There was to be a park in her honor.
00:53:07 I'm sorry about that. It's not my fault.
00:53:09 Well, don't be too sorry. There may still be that park.
00:53:12 Mr. Scott, in your dealings with me,
00:53:15 you're questioning your suspicions.
00:53:17 Don't be sarcastic.
00:53:19 I'm not a criminal. Don't treat me so.
00:53:22 You almost have me apologizing.
00:53:24 But I'll control myself.
00:53:26 They're trying to get that call for you upstairs.
00:53:28 Thanks.
00:53:30 Got your call for you now, Scott.
00:53:31 Thanks.
00:53:32 You tune in on the pantry.
00:53:33 And Cleve, may I speak to you for a minute?
00:53:35 You wait for me in the sunroom, Miss Jordan.
00:53:38 What do you think?
00:53:43 It's too early.
00:53:45 What about those footprints?
00:53:47 I don't think they were the burglars.
00:53:49 I don't think there was a burglar.
00:53:52 Cozy her up.
00:53:54 See what you can get out of it.
00:53:56 Cleve.
00:54:05 One moment, please.
00:54:07 Be careful.
00:54:13 They're going to arrest me, aren't they?
00:54:15 Scott isn't going to make a mistake like that.
00:54:17 Don't lie.
00:54:18 But why? What happened?
00:54:19 I don't know too much myself.
00:54:21 Except whoever was here last night.
00:54:22 Apparently it wasn't Tony.
00:54:24 But how? I haven't even told them about him.
00:54:26 You didn't have to.
00:54:29 All that fuss and panic last night for nothing.
00:54:32 He called you this morning from Chicago.
00:54:34 Tony? Are you sure?
00:54:36 Laredo, that's his name, isn't it?
00:54:38 Scott told me when I came in.
00:54:40 One of the detectives got the call and reported it to him.
00:54:43 If he did call, why?
00:54:46 It would be a good thing to establish an alibi.
00:54:49 Another thing.
00:54:51 Artie's dead.
00:54:53 Nice fat will.
00:54:55 Wouldn't he be interested in that?
00:54:57 Want to pick up again?
00:54:58 But that still doesn't mean anything.
00:55:00 There are planes. He could have made it by this morning.
00:55:02 That's what Scott's getting the final report on now.
00:55:04 He's had the Chicago police on it for hours.
00:55:06 If this alibi is good...
00:55:09 What else did they find out about him?
00:55:13 For one thing, that you're not married to him.
00:55:15 You never were.
00:55:17 Why did you lie to me?
00:55:21 I was ashamed.
00:55:23 I couldn't tell you the truth.
00:55:25 Why did you have to tell me anything?
00:55:26 I don't know.
00:55:28 You forced me. It was always your wife, your strings.
00:55:30 I was sick of it.
00:55:31 All right, it's still my wife, my strings.
00:55:33 I know, I know. That's what makes this whole thing...
00:55:35 Oh, Cleve, we haven't time to quarrel.
00:55:38 I'll do anything possible. Anything.
00:55:42 A lawyer first, I guess.
00:55:45 But I haven't any money.
00:55:48 I'll take care of it.
00:55:50 I'll pay you back.
00:55:51 Don't talk like that.
00:55:53 There's a man in San Francisco.
00:55:55 Kingsley Willis. He's the best.
00:55:59 Even more than that.
00:56:00 You have to do more than that.
00:56:02 What more? You know how my hands are tied.
00:56:05 Things are too close now for comfort.
00:56:07 Cleve, suppose the district attorney turns it over to you.
00:56:11 He won't.
00:56:13 He's not going to let a thing like this get away from him.
00:56:15 That's what I mean. He'll be after me. He won't.
00:56:19 I'll take the case myself.
00:56:21 Against you.
00:56:22 How better could you protect me?
00:56:24 Hold it up, demand more evidence.
00:56:26 In the meantime, they'll find out who did it.
00:56:31 In the meantime, anything can happen.
00:56:33 Don't give way.
00:56:34 It's something I feel, Cleve.
00:56:36 I know.
00:56:37 Just because of the will of the people.
00:56:40 Be careful.
00:56:45 You wait there.
00:56:49 No sign of confession? I'm surprised.
00:56:51 Mr. Marshall has been very kind to me.
00:56:53 That's because he doesn't know everything about you that I do.
00:56:57 Miss Jordan, I've just been talking to an old friend of yours in Chicago.
00:57:01 Mr. Loretto.
00:57:03 He says he'd like to help you out, but he's fresh out of money right now.
00:57:07 Help me in what?
00:57:09 I told him we were arresting you for murder.
00:57:13 There was a burglary last night. Jordan missed it.
00:57:15 Oh, we'll find them around.
00:57:17 Sidney, want you?
00:57:19 There was also a phone call last night.
00:57:22 I've been sort of saving you.
00:57:23 Tell her, Sidney.
00:57:25 I'm sorry, Miss Jordan.
00:57:26 That man who's been calling you up lately, who you pretend is a lot of different names.
00:57:32 A number of my friends call me.
00:57:34 That man you meet down at the gate.
00:57:36 Let's just call him Mr. X.
00:57:38 He phoned first a few minutes after nine, and we were disconnected.
00:57:42 He phoned back, and you answered.
00:57:45 Something's happened, you said. Come at once.
00:57:47 I didn't think much of it at the time, but I do now.
00:57:50 And so will a jury.
00:57:52 Since 40 minutes later, you will continue to be asleep.
00:57:54 Why, Miss Jordan?
00:57:57 I won't say anything else until I see my lawyer.
00:58:00 Well, shall we go?
00:58:03 May I get my purse and a coat?
00:58:15 You may get nothing.
00:58:17 Cleve, I'll book her.
00:58:22 Do me a favor. Take Sidney down to headquarters so they can get a statement.
00:58:25 Sure.
00:58:26 [Sidney's cell phone rings]
00:58:29 I feel sorry.
00:58:48 Except, you know, she was always sort of strange, secretive.
00:58:51 And the way she kept insisting that someone was trying to burglarize the house.
00:58:55 Like she was setting up for this one.
00:58:57 Still, she was always nice to me.
00:59:00 I guess I just still can't believe it. Can you?
00:59:02 That's what we have trials for, Sidney.
00:59:05 Yes, that's right.
00:59:07 It's all over.
00:59:14 Well, that was open and shut from the start.
00:59:20 Not the way the newsboys will play it up.
00:59:23 I told you we'd get her indicted.
00:59:25 Yeah, but have they got enough to convict her?
00:59:27 There are fresh fingerprints all over the place. What more do you want?
00:59:30 Isn't that right, Mr. District Attorney?
00:59:32 Finding those emeralds helped, too.
00:59:34 Well, don't you have anything better to do than hang around courthouses?
00:59:39 No, not much. I'm just meeting some of the newsmen here.
00:59:42 I've got a story to spill.
00:59:44 So have we. An indictment.
00:59:46 I wish you luck.
00:59:51 What's that story?
00:59:53 Slick grave snatcher.
00:59:54 Who's he?
00:59:55 Jordan's lawyer. Willis.
00:59:57 Kingsley Willis? You got him?
00:59:58 Yes, worse luck. But I'll handle him.
01:00:01 Coffee is so good, isn't it, Bill?
01:00:06 Oh, Mr. Pierce, your brother's been calling. He says it's important.
01:00:09 Get him back.
01:00:10 Yes. Bye-bye. See you later.
01:00:12 You know, I've been thinking, boss.
01:00:17 If you don't feel up to handling this case...
01:00:20 Oh, you'll get your break someday, Cleve.
01:00:22 You haven't been looking well lately.
01:00:24 Fishing's pretty good this time of year.
01:00:26 Hunting's good, too. Right here.
01:00:28 No, my boy. I like front pages.
01:00:30 Well, I just thought I'd ask.
01:00:32 Hello, Alex. How are you, boy?
01:00:35 How's the ambulance chasing?
01:00:37 The Jordan case?
01:00:40 Sure, but she's got a lawyer.
01:00:43 You're kidding. Alex, you wouldn't. Are you crazy?
01:00:49 You know what a case like this means to me.
01:00:51 How dare you?
01:00:55 Why, you double-crossing little...
01:00:57 I bring you up, put you through law school, and then just for a little limelight...
01:01:01 Whose idea was this?
01:01:03 You can go to Kingsley Willis.
01:01:06 That's the dirtiest?
01:01:12 Well, I might be mad with you if you tell me.
01:01:15 I'm out. Disqualified.
01:01:18 Kingsley Willis hired my brother for his defense staff.
01:01:21 How's that for a shrewd move?
01:01:24 Why?
01:01:26 He's scared of me.
01:01:28 He knows I'd cook that day.
01:01:30 I'm sorry, Pierce.
01:01:33 Come back here, you eager beaver.
01:01:36 Here's your big break.
01:01:41 You better be up to it, boy, because we're going to get her.
01:01:46 We've got to get her.
01:01:48 Pierce is too popular in this town.
01:01:58 Carries too much weight with jurors.
01:02:00 This Marshall, on the other hand, we haven't so much to worry about with him.
01:02:04 You thought this all up yourself?
01:02:06 No, to be honest.
01:02:08 I give credit where credit is due.
01:02:11 Your Aunt Vera's friend, Anonymous...
01:02:15 the one that sent me 5,000 on account to defend you?
01:02:19 Dear Mr. Willis, a smart move would be to disqualify the district attorney
01:02:25 by hiring his brother, a local lawyer, for your defense staff.
01:02:30 Pierce, the DA, has a strong influence in this town.
01:02:33 Commands too much respect from jurors.
01:02:37 And Anonymous has quite a grasp of things, wouldn't you say?
01:02:42 You did take the idea.
01:02:43 I like it.
01:02:45 It enables me to kill two birds with one stone.
01:02:49 It gives me local assistance, which I need.
01:02:53 Small-town jurors hate outsiders.
01:02:56 And a pinch hit prosecutor.
01:02:59 I'm partial to second-string teams, Miss Jordan.
01:03:03 I don't have to work so hard.
01:03:06 Besides, Marshall is not so sure that you're guilty, I could tell.
01:03:11 I should have taken it.
01:03:13 Don't be idealistic.
01:03:15 A job is a job.
01:03:17 You haven't asked me once if I'm guilty.
01:03:20 Why should I?
01:03:21 I know you're not.
01:03:23 I don't want to know.
01:03:25 That's the way I work.
01:03:27 To me, the world is full of innocent landings.
01:03:31 And I'm their lawyer.
01:03:33 But aren't there certain things you should know to protect me?
01:03:39 Miss Jordan, there are two types of criminals, the conscious and the unconscious.
01:03:44 The latter we sometimes call split personalities.
01:03:48 Schizophrenia.
01:03:50 That's when the left hand never lets the right hand know what it's doing.
01:03:55 Yes, go on.
01:03:57 I don't mean that you are schizophrenic, but that we are together.
01:04:02 I am the right hand and I must never know what the left hand has done or is doing.
01:04:09 If I should know, I might start feeling guilty.
01:04:15 Acting guilty.
01:04:17 That's rudimentary, I'm quite sure that you can understand that.
01:04:21 Miss Jordan, if I should be in trouble,
01:04:29 if there are any answers that I should know later on,
01:04:36 are you satisfied?
01:04:38 I suppose.
01:04:40 And especially in a case like this, when we have so many lawyers on our side.
01:04:46 Well, haven't we?
01:04:48 Only a lawyer would have thought of that trick.
01:04:52 If you're finished with me now, Mr. Willis...
01:04:55 Selma.
01:04:58 There's just one thing I would like to know.
01:05:02 Who is he?
01:05:04 Is he Mr. X?
01:05:06 The one they're looking for?
01:05:09 Footprints, the telephone call?
01:05:12 Split personality, remember.
01:05:14 The left hand never lets the right hand know.
01:05:17 Okay.
01:05:19 I just want to know how we stand, that's all.
01:05:22 Just how much we could count on him.
01:05:25 We can count on him.
01:05:28 I haven't been seeing her lately, if that's what worries you.
01:05:38 I haven't been home lately because I've been busy.
01:05:41 Getting a jury for this trial hasn't been easy.
01:05:44 Dave, I went to the bank this morning.
01:05:48 You haven't sent me any checks.
01:05:50 The teller wanted to record the new balance in my book, too.
01:05:53 The teller wanted to record the new balance in my book, too.
01:05:56 I see.
01:06:01 Five thousand dollars.
01:06:05 Did it cost you that to get rid of her, Cleo, or is that just the beginning?
01:06:08 The beginning, the end, I don't know.
01:06:11 Pam, please stay out of this.
01:06:13 It's my problem, too, if she's that kind of woman.
01:06:15 The money wasn't for blackmail, if that's what you mean.
01:06:19 She's in trouble.
01:06:21 I had to help her.
01:06:23 Not the usual kind?
01:06:25 No.
01:06:27 Something else.
01:06:28 And you believe her, of course?
01:06:30 Yes, I believe her.
01:06:32 She's not just taking advantage of the fact you're married.
01:06:34 The children, your position.
01:06:37 What are you driving at?
01:06:39 Maybe you ought to find out something more about her.
01:06:41 We could.
01:06:43 Father put a detective on you.
01:06:45 What?
01:06:46 I didn't intend to tell you.
01:06:47 But what I mean is we might find out something about her you don't know.
01:06:50 What have you found out already?
01:06:51 Nothing so far, except you parked with her one night up at lookout point.
01:06:54 What else?
01:06:55 Really.
01:06:56 It was dark.
01:06:57 She wore a sequined scarf.
01:06:59 That's all I could see, except it wasn't me.
01:07:04 Darling, I didn't approve.
01:07:05 I haven't spoken to father since.
01:07:06 That's right, Cleo.
01:07:08 Unlike Pam, I can't help you if you don't give me a chance.
01:07:11 I don't need any help, thank you.
01:07:14 Pam, you better leave.
01:07:17 Cleo.
01:07:19 I only wanted to...
01:07:26 Goodbye, Miles.
01:07:33 It's only that you don't seem to have your mind on this Jordan case.
01:07:36 It's the biggest chance you've ever had.
01:07:38 I have my mind on it.
01:07:39 You wanted more evidence and we gave it to you.
01:07:41 The emerald necklace.
01:07:42 And still you act like you wanted to get it over with and get away somewhere.
01:07:46 That's right.
01:07:47 Well, that's different, I'm sorry.
01:07:49 But in the meantime, don't muff this case.
01:07:52 You must always keep the jury with you.
01:07:54 Remember, prosecuting a woman is different, much more delicate.
01:08:00 I'll do my best.
01:08:02 You wouldn't like to go over your opening speech?
01:08:04 You'll hear it in the morning.
01:08:11 Hello, darling.
01:08:12 Hello, Mr. Scott.
01:08:15 Well, tomorrow's the big day, huh?
01:08:18 That's right.
01:08:23 See you in court.
01:08:25 Good luck, Mr. Marshal.
01:08:28 Yeah.
01:08:35 The why of this crime, the how, the where, the when, and the what that should be its punishment.
01:08:42 Only of the latter have I not yet spoken to you.
01:08:46 I'll remind you, ladies and gentlemen, of the long and arduous procedure of jury selection we have just been through.
01:08:53 During that time, to each prospective juror, I put the same question.
01:08:57 Do you believe in capital punishment?
01:09:00 You, particularly, 12, said that you did.
01:09:02 Otherwise, you wouldn't be here.
01:09:04 Let's get her convicted first, then worry about the penalty.
01:09:07 Maybe you said to yourself, "She isn't guilty."
01:09:10 And I won't have to recommend death.
01:09:13 But you will, Mrs. Asher, and all the rest of you, because I'm going to prove to you that Thelma Jordan is guilty.
01:09:21 Watch, Mrs. Asher.
01:09:23 And you'll have no qualms, religious, humane, or otherwise, about this death penalty.
01:09:30 I'll expect you to be as cold and unemotional in your verdict as Thelma Jordan was in passing the sentence of death upon her arms.
01:09:41 A life for a life.
01:09:46 That's all I ask you to remember.
01:09:49 The State calls its first witness, Dr. C.B. Griffin.
01:09:53 Too long, confused, in that capital punishment angle. The most controversial subject in crime, and you had to hit it.
01:10:00 You've antagonized the jurors.
01:10:03 Maybe I did get a little wound up.
01:10:05 I'll be more careful.
01:10:07 I always said I was partial to second-string things.
01:10:10 You sure?
01:10:12 He couldn't have picked out our juror better if he tried.
01:10:14 Mrs. Asher, she hates him.
01:10:17 Uncharitable, unchristian.
01:10:20 You'll thank Mr. Marshall in your prayers sometime.
01:10:23 I will.
01:10:29 Well, we'll be back at it again in an hour for the last session, I hope.
01:10:34 How'd the press boys feel about it?
01:10:36 The case about the clothes, they're all asking for Mr. X.
01:10:39 Fool isn't.
01:10:40 Now, one weak point.
01:10:42 Why, we ever had to introduce him in the first place.
01:10:44 I didn't, certainly. And finding him wasn't my department.
01:10:49 I may have handled some things wrong. I'm sorry about Mrs. Asher.
01:10:52 But I've been buttering her up lately.
01:10:54 And she knows it.
01:10:56 So, okay, stop riding me.
01:11:00 I didn't ask for this case.
01:11:02 I know you didn't, Cleve.
01:11:04 I got all the evidence in, didn't I?
01:11:06 A little cooker on that.
01:11:08 Well, unfortunately, that's not all it takes.
01:11:10 Now, Willis has been too clever combating it.
01:11:13 Did you get that this morning?
01:11:15 The gun and the necklace could have been hidden in that smudge pot by the fleeing bandit until he could come back for them later.
01:11:22 Who'd believe that?
01:11:24 Except Mrs. Asher.
01:11:26 Anyway, Cleve, this afternoon's your big chance.
01:11:29 When you get her on the stand with that new ammunition we've got, then you can really tie into her.
01:11:34 Don't worry.
01:11:36 Let her try and explain away her past.
01:11:39 That's all, brother.
01:11:41 [door opens]
01:11:43 [door closes]
01:11:46 [door opens]
01:12:12 Our lawyer said not to talk to anyone unless he was here.
01:12:15 Goodbye to all the talking.
01:12:17 No blackjacks, no hidden microphones. Come in.
01:12:20 Don't go far, Major.
01:12:21 Don't worry.
01:12:22 He's going to offer you leniency if you confess.
01:12:24 They always do that.
01:12:25 It's a chance, Jordan.
01:12:27 Oh, Cleve.
01:12:33 Cleve, I've waited for this.
01:12:36 In court, when you look at me with such hate.
01:12:39 Oh, don't look at me.
01:12:41 I had to do that.
01:12:42 Sometimes I think that hate is real.
01:12:44 And I can't bear it.
01:12:47 Why do you think it might be real?
01:12:50 The evidence.
01:12:52 It has piled up, hasn't it?
01:12:55 Sort of.
01:12:56 But I don't believe anything I don't see.
01:12:58 I thought maybe that was why you were here, losing confidence in me.
01:13:01 No, in myself.
01:13:03 There's no guarantee that this is going to turn out all right.
01:13:05 It's got to after all you've done. I know the chances you're taking.
01:13:09 I'm frightened, too.
01:13:12 Of anything special?
01:13:14 Being on the stand the way you're going to have to go after me.
01:13:17 If you tell the truth, there's nothing to worry about.
01:13:19 I can't tell all of it.
01:13:21 What can't you tell?
01:13:22 What? You, me, Sidney coming in.
01:13:26 You're having to get out so fast.
01:13:29 That I'm going to handle in another way.
01:13:32 What other truth can't you tell me?
01:13:34 I don't know.
01:13:36 There are things I'm going to have to ask you about your past.
01:13:38 That's no mystery. I already told you.
01:13:40 The prim repressed hostess in the hotel.
01:13:44 Yes, that's right.
01:13:47 Then this must be another Thelma Jordan.
01:13:50 Gambling raid photos.
01:13:52 Miles got them from the Florida police.
01:13:55 That blonde gave a phony name.
01:13:59 Is it you?
01:14:01 No.
01:14:03 It's not very convincing.
01:14:04 It's not me, Cleve. As I was once, maybe, but not now.
01:14:06 Come, come, you're quivering.
01:14:08 In the days with Tony, I told you, but not now.
01:14:09 The past is the prelude to the future.
01:14:11 Didn't you ever hear that, Miss Jordan?
01:14:13 Whose benefit have you changed? Miss Edwards?
01:14:15 So she'd leave you her money?
01:14:16 That's not true.
01:14:17 Perhaps we should call you Sarah Bernhardt, Jordan.
01:14:19 You told me once you wanted to be an actress.
01:14:20 Stop it, Cleve.
01:14:22 You can't tell me, "Stop it, Cleve," in court.
01:14:26 That's why I'm petrified with fear of calling on this day.
01:14:30 And I've just begun.
01:14:32 What else?
01:14:33 No more photos. Facts.
01:14:35 Incidental, but still facts.
01:14:37 Your shiny life with Mr. Laredo.
01:14:41 Odd that wherever it's shown, there's whiffs of blackmail, minor thefts, barbecue...
01:14:45 How many times have I told you, you can't hold that against me!
01:14:47 The jury will.
01:14:49 Cleve.
01:14:51 Cleve, look at me.
01:14:53 I'm not like that. I'm not.
01:14:57 Unfortunately, the jury doesn't look at you like I do.
01:15:01 What are we going to do?
01:15:04 A fast call from Mr. X to Mr. Willis.
01:15:08 You've taken your chance.
01:15:10 Stick with it.
01:15:12 Make her.
01:15:16 Get me where, Mr. Marshall?
01:15:18 I can tell you you wouldn't.
01:15:22 (SIREN WAILING)
01:15:24 The defense calls its last witness, Thelma Jordan.
01:15:42 There are no further witnesses, Your Honor.
01:15:50 The prosecutor has an objection.
01:15:52 I should like to argue, Your Honor, for our right to cross-examine.
01:15:57 Right? What right? What law book did you study from?
01:16:00 I said to argue the right.
01:16:02 How can you argue the right of something that doesn't exist?
01:16:05 If the defendant takes the stand to be examined by me, then you have the right to cross-examine, not otherwise.
01:16:11 If the prosecutor feels cheated, Your Honor, then it's entirely his own fault.
01:16:16 Believe me, there is nothing I would like better than to put my client on the stand.
01:16:20 But to subject her to this prosecutor whose vitriolic attack on this woman...
01:16:24 The personalities of the prosecution and the defense should be kept out of this, Your Honor.
01:16:27 Will you please tell him once and for all?
01:16:30 Mr. Marshall, as I'm sure you know, there is no law which requires a defendant to take the stand.
01:16:36 She does not have to prove her innocence. Guilt must be proved against her.
01:16:40 Thank you, Your Honor.
01:16:42 (indistinct chatter)
01:16:47 As I was saying, I cannot with conscience subject my client to any furtherance of this trial.
01:16:53 There is anyway only one question that I would ask her on the witness stand.
01:16:58 Did you kill your aunt, Miss Jordan?
01:17:02 But the answer to that is obvious.
01:17:04 She could not look at me so clearly.
01:17:07 All other questions would be irrelevant, except one.
01:17:13 The question that I see in your eyes, ladies and gentlemen.
01:17:18 Just exactly what has the prosecution proved to you?
01:17:23 That Miss Vera Edwards was robbed and killed, or killed and robbed?
01:17:26 That I don't even know. Beyond that, too, your prosecutor has failed you.
01:17:31 Mr. Marshall, at the beginning of this trial, promised you the when, where, why, and how of this crime.
01:17:41 The one word he forgot was "who."
01:17:46 It's the word which circumstantial evidence can never prove.
01:17:49 Here we go. Mr. X again.
01:17:51 That's the question I see in your eyes, ladies and gentlemen.
01:17:55 If she didn't do it, who did?
01:18:00 Who did?
01:18:02 Even I ask it. Even my client asks it.
01:18:05 If I didn't do it, who did?
01:18:07 The state has tried very hard to prove to you that no one else could have committed this crime.
01:18:16 But I would like to refer you to the state's own testimony.
01:18:20 May I have the transcript, your honor, please?
01:18:24 Don't worry. There's no loophole.
01:18:27 One of the points the prosecutor made was that as Mr. X had phoned a few minutes after 9,
01:18:33 Mr. X could certainly not have been present at the house at the time Miss Edwards was killed,
01:18:39 because he was killed earlier.
01:18:41 Didn't Miss Jordan say to him on the phone, "Something's happened"?
01:18:46 Now, on the surface, this could seem quite clever of the prosecutor.
01:18:50 But I quote now that eminent state medical witness, Dr. Griffith.
01:18:56 Questioned by the prosecutor,
01:18:59 "In information you would say that the time of Miss Edwards' death was not earlier than 8 p.m., not later than 9."
01:19:08 Answered by the doctor, "I can and do. Between 8 and 9 o'clock, Mr. Marshall."
01:19:17 So then, ladies and gentlemen,
01:19:20 I'd better say that Mr. X most certainly could have been in the house earlier and called back at 9, couldn't he?
01:19:26 He could have been the murderer too, couldn't he?
01:19:30 And Thelma Jordan, when he arrived, could have become suspicious that it was Mr. X that killed her aunt.
01:19:37 Why else was she in bed later, fainting sleep, sick at heart of her discovery?
01:19:42 Why has she been silent so long?
01:19:45 Is it out of some loyalty? Or fear?
01:19:50 Or because she loves him?
01:19:53 Who knows just exactly what is in a woman's heart.
01:19:59 But, ladies and gentlemen, if there is the slightest doubt in your mind,
01:20:05 if you think for one single instance that somebody else might have committed this crime,
01:20:09 even if there was the slightest physical possibility of it,
01:20:13 you cannot convict Thelma Jordan.
01:20:17 Investigation.
01:20:21 Miss Bellbinder, Mr. X, who are you?
01:20:40 Come on, Jordan. Judgment day.
01:20:44 Good luck, Thelma. If you win, this is the prosecutor's office.
01:20:53 Prosecutor? Hersecutor.
01:20:55 And if you get together with Mr. X, Thelma, bring him a record so he'll tell you that.
01:21:01 Well, Jordan, if you don't come back, we'll miss you.
01:21:07 And if you do, well, then I'll drive with you over to Hatch Peak.
01:21:10 Maybe on the way I'll be able to find out something about you.
01:21:14 (SIREN WAILING)
01:21:36 (GUNSHOT)
01:21:58 (SIREN WAILING)
01:22:02 Here she comes. Now, get ready. Get ready.
01:22:06 Think of the equivalent, Jordan.
01:22:10 Well, this is the last time we'll have to make this trick.
01:22:27 (SIREN WAILING)
01:22:31 (SIREN WAILING)
01:22:36 (SIREN WAILING)
01:22:52 The department of the Superior Court is now in session.
01:23:12 Honorable Jonathan David Hancock, judge presiding. Please be seated.
01:23:16 (SIREN WAILING)
01:23:20 Mrs. Ash has been crying. There's some hope.
01:23:42 Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, you have reached a verdict.
01:23:46 We have, Your Honor.
01:23:48 The defendant will rise and face the court.
01:24:08 The people of the state of California versus Thelma Jordan, defendant,
01:24:13 case 124-1206,
01:24:17 we, the jury, in the above entitled action,
01:24:20 find the defendant not guilty.
01:24:34 I've got to win.
01:24:36 Don't take it so hard. It's only a lawsuit.
01:24:38 Next time, you'll have had the evening.
01:24:40 Okay, Mr. Hancock.
01:24:42 I'm so tired.
01:24:44 Now that this is over, couldn't you throw in a little more?
01:24:47 I'll phone you tomorrow.
01:24:49 How about a statement, Mr. Marshall?
01:24:51 See, Scott, don't leap over the tennis net. Bad sport.
01:24:54 You told him the best man won. Didn't we?
01:24:57 I don't know what you mean.
01:24:59 Maybe. Maybe I'm wrong.
01:25:33 Why don't you answer?
01:25:35 Why? People calling to say they're glad.
01:25:37 Well, at least take it off the hook.
01:25:41 Now answer it.
01:25:47 I'd like to see how anxious this guy is.
01:25:50 Hello, Cleve?
01:25:52 Hello?
01:25:54 Yes, Cleve. Yes, I...
01:25:59 Yes. Yes, they've gone, but you can't come here.
01:26:04 No, no, it's not safe.
01:26:06 No, Cleve, I'll... I'll meet you somewhere.
01:26:09 I'll let you know in a few days.
01:26:11 I...
01:26:13 Did he ask you if I was here?
01:26:17 No.
01:26:22 Why did you have to come here?
01:26:25 Weren't we supposed to meet afterwards?
01:26:27 Has anything happened to change our plan?
01:26:29 Our plan was a long time ago.
01:26:31 Not so long.
01:26:33 My memory's not that short,
01:26:35 except, I gather, that our plan has changed.
01:26:38 That's why I came back the first time.
01:26:40 I didn't like that stall and I don't like this one.
01:26:42 I'm not stalling. I just don't want to face him.
01:26:45 Or him face me. Which?
01:26:47 Why don't you say what worries you?
01:26:49 I can't hope to make you understand.
01:26:51 I want to get away from here.
01:26:53 Naturally.
01:26:55 This place has memories.
01:26:57 Tony, please. Please don't let him find us here.
01:27:00 Why didn't you tell me that night that you were in love with him?
01:27:03 I wasn't.
01:27:05 It was Scott you were supposed to go after.
01:27:07 Make him tumble for your charms in those burglaries.
01:27:10 Then all of a sudden there was a guy named Marshall.
01:27:12 It just happened that way.
01:27:14 Wasn't it better the way it turned out?
01:27:16 Sure. An assistant district attorney.
01:27:18 Married. Got kids.
01:27:20 That's always the kind.
01:27:22 Well, just so you're not in love with him.
01:27:25 I'm not.
01:27:27 Then what is all this?
01:27:29 He's in love with me.
01:27:31 And you find that hard to resist.
01:27:34 I'm in love with you too.
01:27:36 Especially now.
01:27:38 Now that you're rich?
01:27:40 Yeah, I suppose that does make a difference.
01:27:42 But you brought that on yourself.
01:27:44 I only asked you for the emeralds.
01:27:46 Instead I wind up with a lifelong debt.
01:27:49 Do you think I'm going to let that get away from me?
01:27:52 I'll sign it over to you.
01:27:54 Everything. Any deal you want.
01:27:56 But we're finished. I'm not going away with you.
01:27:58 Uh-uh.
01:27:59 That might look like complicity.
01:28:01 Later if you're so anxious to get away from me.
01:28:04 But you'll change your mind.
01:28:07 Come here a minute. I'll help you change it now.
01:28:10 [phone buzzing]
01:28:14 [phone buzzing]
01:28:17 [phone buzzing]
01:28:20 Now, darling, get rid of him. I don't care how, just get rid of him.
01:28:23 Then we're leaving, you and me.
01:28:25 And keep in mind, the district attorney would still like to know about those footprints.
01:28:29 Who is Mr. X?
01:28:32 Elmer, get me the bottle.
01:28:38 [phone buzzing]
01:28:41 [phone buzzing]
01:28:45 And you can leave that open.
01:28:48 I was worried. I had to come.
01:29:02 Someone is here.
01:29:05 Tell me who he is.
01:29:07 Tell me.
01:29:09 Come with me, please.
01:29:12 [phone buzzing]
01:29:15 In here, Cleo.
01:29:21 In this room where I've told you so many lies.
01:29:23 What is it? What's happened?
01:29:25 He's come after me. I'm going away with him.
01:29:27 I don't believe that.
01:29:28 You don't believe anything you don't see.
01:29:29 I don't want to talk about the trial. That's over.
01:29:31 Why is Tony here?
01:29:33 He's part of it.
01:29:36 He's all of it. I've always loved him.
01:29:40 That's not true.
01:29:42 You're lying.
01:29:44 No.
01:29:46 Listen to me. We've never had much time together. We haven't now.
01:29:50 You must have known, except you didn't want to know.
01:29:53 Why didn't you put me on the stand?
01:29:55 To strengthen your case.
01:29:56 You were afraid I'd break down. You knew I would sometime.
01:29:59 Okay.
01:30:01 I killed him. Right from that corner.
01:30:04 I didn't know about the will. I was getting the jewels for Tony.
01:30:06 I came out of the closet.
01:30:08 I came out of the closet with that plan.
01:30:10 Didn't I, Tony?
01:30:15 Go on.
01:30:25 Don't let me interrupt you.
01:30:28 You could help. It's not easy.
01:30:31 She found me at the safe.
01:30:34 She had a gun, too.
01:30:37 I'd like to say I didn't intend to kill her.
01:30:41 But when you have a gun, you always intend if you have to.
01:30:49 But you were the fall guy, Cleve.
01:30:52 Right?
01:30:54 I was.
01:30:56 You were the fall guy, Cleve.
01:30:59 Right from the beginning.
01:31:01 Yes, you're right.
01:31:03 I suppose as you said, I must have known you killed her all along.
01:31:07 Though I did think it was you.
01:31:10 From Chicago, I killed Aunt Vera?
01:31:13 Or do you mean she only pulled the trigger?
01:31:16 That soothing angle.
01:31:18 Whatever the angle.
01:31:19 Get out of her life and stay out of it.
01:31:21 You don't seem to understand.
01:31:23 We started this together, we finish together.
01:31:25 You got your chance, Laredo. Take it.
01:31:27 Otherwise what?
01:31:28 Thumbs that have quit it and can't be tried again.
01:31:30 But you can for complicity.
01:31:32 And you.
01:31:33 Where would that put you, Mr. X?
01:31:35 Let it go, Cleve. Don't you see?
01:31:36 He sees.
01:31:38 That's the convenient part about a fall guy.
01:31:40 Once you've got him hooked, you've always got him hooked.
01:31:42 Don't, Cleve. He has a gun.
01:31:44 You're tough luck.
01:31:46 It was supposed to be Scott who could destroy evidence.
01:31:49 But you were so anxious.
01:31:51 Is that true?
01:31:53 Yes.
01:31:55 Get your things.
01:32:01 [Music]
01:32:05 [Music]
01:32:08 [Music]
01:32:12 [Music]
01:32:16 [Music]
01:32:20 [Music]
01:32:24 [Music]
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01:32:31 [Music]
01:32:37 [Music]
01:32:43 [Music]
01:32:51 [Music]
01:32:54 After a nice ocean trip, I thought we'd go to Europe.
01:33:01 Paris, the Riviera.
01:33:03 How'd you like that?
01:33:04 As far away as possible.
01:33:06 We'll stop in a few minutes and get a drink.
01:33:08 You'll be all right.
01:33:10 I'm all right now.
01:33:12 Give me a cigarette, Tony.
01:33:15 You were right.
01:33:18 It was hard, but it's better this way.
01:33:21 He's lucky to get off like he did.
01:33:23 Yes.
01:33:25 He only lost his wife and home.
01:33:28 We'll get them back.
01:33:30 And what will we get back, Tony?
01:33:33 For one thing, yourself.
01:33:35 Get the right clothes again.
01:33:37 Dye that mousy hair.
01:33:39 Get back that sexy look.
01:33:41 And what we always had.
01:33:44 And better now.
01:33:46 No more problems.
01:33:48 No more problems.
01:33:50 You won't go away from me?
01:33:52 I won't leave you.
01:33:55 A new one?
01:33:57 No names inside.
01:33:59 It's pretty.
01:34:15 Oh!
01:34:17 Oh!
01:34:19 Oh!
01:34:22 Oh!
01:34:25 Oh!
01:34:28 Oh!
01:34:31 Oh!
01:34:33 There's...
01:34:59 no more to say.
01:35:01 What about this, Tony?
01:35:03 How many...
01:35:07 confessions do you want?
01:35:09 It was no accident.
01:35:12 No accident, Mr. Scott?
01:35:15 Now you've got...
01:35:20 two confessions.
01:35:23 [♪♪♪]
01:35:25 She's confessed everything.
01:35:37 Except who Mr. X is.
01:35:39 Why don't you tell him?
01:35:50 I love him.
01:35:52 That's why.
01:35:55 I couldn't go on with him, Flea.
01:36:11 You did that for me.
01:36:14 I'm glad it's over.
01:36:20 All my life, struggling.
01:36:22 The court...
01:36:26 and the bail.
01:36:28 You saved your strength, darling.
01:36:30 Willis said I was two people.
01:36:34 He was right.
01:36:38 You don't suppose they could...
01:36:42 just let...
01:36:47 half of me die?
01:36:49 Doctor.
01:37:02 [♪♪♪]
01:37:04 There wasn't much use, anyway, Mr. Marshall.
01:37:23 [♪♪♪]
01:37:25 You didn't have to go out.
01:37:49 Cleve, I knew. I've known for an hour or so.
01:37:52 Funny how a few shiny little sequins...
01:37:54 throw a lot of light.
01:37:56 The girl the detective saw you with on lookout point.
01:38:00 The girl you prosecuted through the case for.
01:38:06 I don't have to ask you why. You believed in her.
01:38:09 I loved her.
01:38:15 Let's put it that way.
01:38:18 What are you gonna do?
01:38:20 I don't know.
01:38:22 Go somewhere.
01:38:24 Try to start again.
01:38:26 I guess you know what it means.
01:38:33 Just bombing.
01:38:35 No more law practice, anyway.
01:38:37 I'm sorry. I'll have to report it.
01:38:41 I already have.
01:38:43 I was with the DA when they found me.
01:38:47 I've always liked you, Cleve.
01:38:50 Miles.
01:38:52 Did you phone Pam?
01:38:54 I already have.
01:38:56 Well, I just wanted to tell her I'll get in touch with her later.
01:39:00 That's what she said, too. Later.
01:39:03 But she'll get over it.
01:39:05 Be seeing you, Cleve.
01:39:07 Good luck.
01:39:09 [♪♪♪]
01:39:16 [♪♪♪]
01:39:19 [♪♪♪]
01:39:22 [♪♪♪]
01:39:25 [♪♪♪]
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01:39:45 [♪♪♪]
01:39:47 [♪♪♪]
01:39:50 [♪♪♪]
01:39:53 [♪♪♪]
01:39:56 [Music]
01:39:58 [BLANK_AUDIO]