ReBuild 2024, a Riva del Garda la 10^ edizione della kermesse dedicata all'innovazione sostenibile dell’ambiente costruito

  • 5 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Si è conclusa oggi al Centro congressi di Riva del Garda la decima edizione di ReBuild - Meeting the next built environment, la due giorni dedicata all’innovazione sostenibile dell’ambiente costruito, intitolata ‘Values drive value: valori che generano valore’. La kermesse è una preziosa occasione di confronto e arricchimento per gli operatori della filiera delle costruzioni. Al centro di questa edizione le opportunità offerte al settore dal connubio di innovazione e principi di sostenibilità.


00:00 [Music]
00:04 The Riva del Garda Congress Center hosted the 10th edition of Rebuild, Meet in the Next Built Environment,
00:10 the two-day event dedicated to the sustainable innovation of the built environment,
00:14 entitled "Values drive value", values that generate value.
00:17 The precious opportunity to compare and enrich the construction workers
00:22 this year had the opportunities offered to the sector by the combination of innovation and sustainability principles.
00:28 The construction sector has an opportunity ahead of it, but also a great challenge.
00:32 In fact, we must be able to reconcile environmental sustainability with economic sustainability.
00:37 I think there are two elements, one of technical and scientific nature,
00:42 which is up to the technicians and scientists to find the element of conjunction
00:49 between the needs of building and these elements of innovation.
00:55 But I think there is a fundamental fact that is not new at all.
00:59 We have a useless building that weighs millions of cubic meters.
01:04 I believe that working there through these mechanisms, paradigms, principles of sustainability
01:11 is the master way to be able to give a serious answer to these problems.
01:15 "Value" is the keyword of the 2024 edition.
01:19 The main goal of these two days is to understand how, from the activities that are put into practice
01:25 on a technological side, development and innovation in the construction sector,
01:31 we can generate value for the entire community and not only for the owners of the buildings.
01:36 The regeneration of the existing building heritage cannot happen only through bonuses and public incentives.
01:42 It is necessary to develop it within a market logic.
01:45 To do this, we must work on new processes,
01:49 for example, new developments that integrate manufacturing and industry.
01:55 We must work a lot on the digital, we must make sure that our workers
02:00 can use more powerful tools, therefore more involved in the immaterial technologies
02:05 that today are of common domain but that in construction still struggle to enter.
02:10 We must imagine a finance that supports this sector.
02:15 In these conditions, we can certainly imagine a virtuous transition
02:19 in which companies and families, by doing their interests,
02:23 also build the world that we expect, a decarbonized, sustainable and circular world.
02:28 circolare.
