• last year
Reporter Catherine Musgrove tries out some bizarre food combinations suggested by readers.
00:00 A couple of weeks ago I reached out to our readers and asked them what were the weird
00:05 food combinations that they've stumbled across that actually taste good. So, Alice and Grimshaw,
00:11 you were the first person to respond and you said Lancashire crumbly cheese and black treacle.
00:18 So I'm going to give it a go and I'm also going to do the second suggestion but more
00:23 of that in a minute.
00:26 Alice and you haven't actually said what you put the crumbly cheese on. So I've got some
00:31 sandwich tins. I'm going to give that a whirl.
00:36 Right, no idea how I'm doing this but all I've done is I've taken about a tablespoon
00:52 of black treacle, thickly spread it as if it was jam and then put some chunks of the
00:58 crumbly cheese on here. It is a mess, you can see all the syrup, the treacle has kind
01:02 of made a mess on the plate. We've got crumbly cheese. I've not made it look enticing and
01:09 full disclosure here, I shouldn't probably say this as a Lancashire girl but crumbly
01:15 Lancashire cheese really isn't my favourite but I'm prepared to give it a go.
01:19 Alice and I have got to give it to you. That actually is surprisingly nice. Not a massive
01:25 fan of the cheese as I've just said on its own and the treacle I very, very would rarely
01:31 have unless I was making some kind of bonfire night toffee but together quite a nice combination.
01:40 It kind of balances itself out. Not overly sweet, not overly bitter or anything like
01:48 that. Just actually really quite pleasant on toast. So yeah, Alison, good shout.
01:54 So the second suggestion was from Jo Hanson and you said Marmite and Marmalade. Again
02:01 I don't think you've given a serving instruction so again I'm going to put it on something
02:06 quite bland. I'm going to do it on a piece of toast and see what I think.
02:11 Jo's suggestion, it looks awful because obviously they're both kind of sloppy. I do like Marmite
02:20 though so that's a good start to get off on I feel so here we go. Okay, I've had two bites.
02:31 Not as good as the first one. The first one is a winner. This one, I don't hate it. Obviously
02:37 it helps that I do like Marmite and I do like Marmalade on their own. I feel like they're
02:43 just better on their own. Just have Marmite on toast or Marmalade on toast. You don't
02:49 need to be making this horrible looking mixture. It's alright, I don't hate it but I won't
