• last year
Reporter Catherine Musgrove makes a Big Stack at home.
00:00 I didn't know until last week that it's a Walton Summit firm that makes Snacksters,
00:05 the takeaway juice available in the likes of Tesco's.
00:09 However, when I went to Tesco's in Penrhytham they didn't have any, so onwards to Aldi at
00:15 Leyland and they did.
00:18 Here we are with the Snacksters Big Stack, definitely looks like a Big Mac to me.
00:31 Have a look, you've got your double patties, you've got some burger sauce going on there
00:39 and the writing, the font is definitely McDonald's-esque.
00:42 So I've opened the box and this is what you get on the inside.
00:46 It's all completely frozen, they say that's the best way to cook it.
00:49 You've got a sesame bun, two frozen patties, a slice of frozen cheese and some burger sauce.
00:58 First you've got to defrost your burger sauce.
01:02 Next you've got to take your burger patties frozen and it says cook burgers side by side
01:09 in a preheated frying pan for 90 seconds on each side or until nicely browned.
01:14 So it doesn't tell you to pour any oil in, so why not.
01:23 Now come back when they're browned.
01:24 Little update, this is taking far longer than 90 seconds, so if you're in a rush, microwave's
01:30 going to be the best option.
01:31 Now that they're beginning to brown, you've got to go and put these frozen bun slices
01:38 in the same pan.
01:42 It says for an authentic taste, add a bit of shredded lettuce.
01:46 So yeah, we fancy like that, we've gone for the lettuce.
01:50 We've got our first problem.
01:54 I didn't realise at first that that was two pieces stuck together and as I try to pull
01:59 them apart, I've got a feeling this is going to go horribly wrong.
02:02 Buns are starting to burn because I've got to put it up high to get the burgers, I've
02:08 got to knock that down, sorry.
02:10 To get the burgers to cook to where I'm happy that they're not going to give me food poisoning,
02:16 I had to turn it up quite high.
02:17 Oh, the burgers are burning.
02:18 But when I feel them, they're burnt, yet still cold and frozen.
02:27 This is just coming out in bits.
02:29 And that's what it looks like.
02:30 It is a bit burnt on the top, but that's my fault.
02:36 A bit of a faff to make, but the proof is in the pudding.
02:39 So let's have a taste and I'll report back.
02:42 Okay, I've bitten to it, tried it.
02:46 So sorry, this is a mess.
02:47 Nobody wants to see me eating.
02:49 So I'm just going to tell you now.
02:52 It's fine, it's adequate.
02:55 There is a resemblance to a Big Mac.
02:57 It's okay.
02:58 It fills a void if you're in a rush.
03:03 Yeah, it is fine.
