KSBSI Tolak Potongan Iuran Tapera

  • 4 months ago
Rencana pemotongan gaji karyawan untuk program Tabungan Perumahan Rakyat atau Tapera, secara resmi ditolak oleh
Konfederasi Serikat Buruh Seluruh Indonesia atau KSBSI. Potongan Tapera 3%, dinilai sangat memberatkan penghasilan para pekerja.


00:00 The plan to cut the workers' salary for the public housing savings program or TAPERA
00:05 was officially rejected by the Confederation of the United Workers of Indonesia or KSBSI
00:11 where the 3% TAPERA cut is considered to be very heavy on the workers' income
00:16 The Confederation of the United Workers of Indonesia or KSBSI
00:23 stated its rejection of the 2.5% salary cut policy
00:27 for the public housing savings program or TAPERA
00:30 proposed by the government
00:32 KSBSI said this policy is appropriate for the Indonesian National Assembly, TNI and Polri
00:39 because although the government's intention is good, the workers' salary has been cut a lot so far
00:44 The President of the Confederation of the United Workers of Indonesia, Eliro Sita Silaban, stated
00:49 that the rejection of this TAPERA policy is baseless
00:51 because the workers have received low wages
00:54 and have received cuts for the State Budget and others
00:57 The majority rejected it
00:59 I didn't see any of the workers' unions who said it was okay
01:04 to reject it
01:05 I even read the statement from the Indonesian National Assembly
01:10 that they were against it
01:11 because what they said was true
01:15 It was just decided for the Indonesian National Assembly, TNI and Polri
01:19 We are already in the State Budget
01:23 We have been cutting wages since we started working
01:26 At the State Budget, we can enjoy it
01:28 There are additional services there
01:30 That's what has been maximized
01:32 For that, KSBSI suggested that the 2.5% salary cut should be decided for the Indonesian National Assembly, TNI and Polri
01:40 KSBSI will also take action to take to the streets in the near future
01:44 because almost all elements of the government rejected the 2.5% salary cut policy for TAPERA
01:50 From Jakarta, Rikyan Wardi, IDX Channel
01:53 [Music]
