BP Tapera: Prinsip Dasar Iuran Tapera Asas Gotong Royong

  • 5 months ago
Terbitnya Peraturan Pemerintah terbaru nomor 21 tahun 2024, terkait penyelenggaraan Tabungan Perumahan Rakyat atau Tapera menuai sorotan banyak pihak, khususnya para pekerja. Pasalnya dalam aturan tersebut, mengatur potongan gaji karyawan untuk iuran Tapera sebesar 3%.


00:00 The latest government regulation number 21 of 2024
00:04 on the implementation of public housing savings
00:06 or TAPERA, is a lot of work, especially the workers.
00:10 The issue in the regulation is to regulate the salary cut for employees
00:14 for TAPERA's 3% salary.
00:16 The salary cut will be allocated to employees of 2.5%
00:21 and employers of 0.5%.
00:24 Commissioner of TAPERA, Heri Pudyonugroho, said
00:28 TAPERA's salary is a savings fund for employees
00:33 which is allocated periodically within a certain period of time.
00:37 This policy will only apply in 2027
00:41 and can be of great benefit.
00:43 This regulation ensures not only to target workers who do not have a house
00:48 but also will apply to workers who already have a house.
00:52 Among the basic principles of this regulation
00:55 is to provide a foundation for the community
00:59 to have a house that is suitable and affordable
01:02 with a maximum of 5% of the population.
01:05 According to the Law No. 4 of 2016 on the public housing savings
01:11 that every worker and self-employed
01:16 who has an income above the minimum income
01:21 in the country, maybe the Ministry of Home Affairs or Ministry of Public Housing
01:23 must be a TAPERA representative. Why?
01:26 Because the principle of TAPERA is a "gotong royong"
01:31 where the community who already have a house
01:34 will save money and manage the savings
01:38 as a result of the accumulation
01:40 to help the community who do not have a house
01:44 which is included in the criteria of low-income community
01:47 to have a house that is suitable and affordable.
01:51 TAPERA is a national, independent and non-profit organization.
01:54 It is based in the United States.
