Pemerintah Tunda Penerapan Iuran Tapera

  • 3 months ago
Menteri Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono menilai kebijakan Tabungan Perumahan Rakyat (Tapera) untuk pegawai swasta sebaiknya tidak terburu-buru diimplementasikan.

Sebagaimana diketahui, kebijakan ini banyak menuai kritik karena dinilai memberatkan pegawai maupun perusahaan.


00:00The government has agreed to postpone the implementation of the TAPERA mandatory deposit for workers.
00:05Minister of Public Works and Public Housing, as well as the Chairperson of the BP TAPERA Committee,
00:08Asuki Basuki, I mean, Hadi Mulyono, ensured that the government will not be in a hurry to implement the TAPERA program if it is considered not ready.
00:20The government has agreed to postpone the implementation of the TAPERA mandatory deposit if the DPR is sent.
00:26The matter was reported by the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing, as well as the Chairperson of the BP TAPERA Committee, Basuki Hadi Mulyono.
00:32The matter was reported by the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing, as well as the Chairperson of the BP TAPERA Committee, Basuki Hadi Mulyono.
00:36Basuki ensured that the government will not be in a hurry to implement the TAPERA program if it is considered not ready.
00:44Basuki even admitted regretting the program due to the controversy in the community.
00:49The law was passed in 2016.
00:54The Minister of Finance and I want to strengthen the credibility of the law.
01:00This is a serious problem.
01:02This is a serious problem.
01:04Therefore, we postpone the implementation of the TAPERA program until 2027.
01:08In my opinion, if it is not ready, why should we be in a hurry?
01:15As it is known, the government obliges all employees to join the TAPERA program.
01:19Employees are asked to register their employees as TAPERA participants as late as May 2027.
01:25As a consequence, employees must pay a salary of 3% of their salary.
01:29From the size of the salary, 0.5% is paid by the employees.
01:33From Jakarta, ID Action News.
01:45Thank you for watching.
