Implementasi Tapera Berpotensi Ditunda

  • 3 months ago
Menteri Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono menilai kebijakan Tabungan Perumahan Rakyat (Tapera) untuk pegawai swasta sebaiknya tidak terburu-buru diimplementasikan.

Sebagaimana diketahui, kebijakan ini banyak menuai kritik karena dinilai memberatkan pegawai maupun perusahaan.


00:00The implementation of TAPERA may be postponed.
00:03This was said by the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing, PUPR,
00:06as well as the Chairperson of BP TAPERA, Basuki Hadimulyono,
00:10who insisted that if the government is not in a hurry to implement
00:14the Public Housing Savings Program, if it is considered not ready.
00:19In the parliament building of DPR RI Senayan, Jakarta Pusat, Kamisore,
00:23the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing,
00:25as well as the Chairperson of BP TAPERA, Basuki Hadimulyono, said,
00:29the implementation of the Public Housing Savings Program may be postponed
00:33if it is proposed by the DPR RI.
00:35Basuki also said that he had a discussion with the Minister of Finance,
00:39Mr. Mulyani Indrawati, regarding the postponement of the implementation of TAPERA.
00:42Basuki also insisted that if the government is not in a hurry to implement
00:47the TAPERA program, if it is considered not ready.
00:50He even admitted that he regretted the program, saying it was controversial.
00:55As is known, the government, through President Joko Widodo,
00:59obliges all workers to join the TAPERA program.
01:02Businessmen are asked to register their workers
01:05as TAPERA participants as late as May 2027.
01:09As a consequence, workers have to pay 3% of their salary,
01:14and 0.5% of the salary is paid by the businessmen.
01:20Personally, if it is not ready, why do we have to make a fuss?
01:26It should be known that up until now,
01:29105 trillion rupiahs have been allocated to the FLPP,
01:33as a subsidy for flower subsidies.
01:35Meanwhile, for TAPERA,
01:38maybe in 10 years, 50 trillion can be collected.
01:43So, the effort with this anger, I think I really regret it.
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