Trotta (Valore D): "Skilling e reskilling fondamentale per il mondo del lavoro"

  • 5 months ago
(Adnkronos) - "Transizione digitale ed ecologica porrà sfide importanti, ma anche molte opportunità”. Lo dice Paola Trotta, Head of Communications and Public Affairs Valore D, intervenuta al panel ‘Focus parità di genere, ridurre il gender gap’, uno dei bullet point del nuovo appuntamento del format Adnkronos Q&A, 'Le competenze, un punto fermo' che si è svolto al Palazzo dell’informazione a Roma.


00:00 What are the challenges of the digital transition?
00:04 The digital and ecological transition will bring challenges to the world of work, but also opportunities.
00:13 We know that in the next five years 25% of the work, one in four, will change completely.
00:22 This will bring a significant stress on the entire work force.
00:29 In this sense, facilitating the presence of women through training activities, skilling and re-skilling is essential.
00:39 This would increase the female employment, reduce the gender gap and, above all, have a positive impact on the economy.
00:53 The European Institute for Ageing says that with more women employed in STEM fields,
01:00 the per capita GDP would increase by 2-2% to 3% in the next 30 years.
01:06 This is good news.
