00:00 *musique*
00:02 *musique*
00:04 ♪ Have some fun with the Snorks ♪
00:06 ♪ Play along with the Snorks ♪
00:09 ♪ Sing along with the Snorks ♪
00:12 ♪ Harry will be living under the sea ♪
00:16 ♪ Come along with the Snorks ♪
00:18 ♪ If you could breathe underwater ♪
00:20 ♪ Where would you go? ♪
00:22 ♪ If you had friends underwater ♪
00:24 ♪ Who would you know? ♪
00:25 ♪ Come along, sing along, swim along too! ♪
00:29 ♪ Yeah! ♪
00:30 ♪ ♪
00:32 ♪ Come along with the Snorks ♪
00:35 ♪ Swim along with the Snorks ♪
00:39 ♪ So much to see, waiting for you and me ♪
00:42 ♪ Swim along with the ♪
00:43 ♪ Have some fun with the ♪
00:45 ♪ Come along with the Snorks ♪
00:47 ♪ ♪
00:53 ♪ ♪
00:58 - Tonight we feast!
01:00 - Incoming!
01:02 (splash!)
01:03 - That was close!
01:05 - Yeah, but as soon as we get past the town's defenses,
01:08 we're gonna have a real Snorgesboard!
01:10 - Forget Smorgasboard!
01:12 (laughing)
01:13 We're gonna have a Snorgesboard!
01:15 (laughing)
01:16 - The Snorketers are closing in, Esky.
01:18 You're our village's fastest Snork.
01:20 We're counting on you to get help.
01:22 - I don't think I can do it. I'll get caught.
01:25 - Go, go, go!
01:27 - Fire off more ice blocks to distract the Snorketers.
01:30 And give Esky a chance to escape.
01:32 Oh, no!
01:33 Swim for it!
01:35 One of the Snorks is escaping!
01:37 After him!
01:39 - I can't let them catch me.
01:41 (panting)
01:43 - Let 'em go!
01:44 We've still got plenty of mouthwater and Snorges left.
01:47 (panting)
01:50 - Hey, are you okay?
01:52 You look pooped.
01:54 - I can't talk now. I've got a village to save.
01:57 - Shush!
01:59 - Everybody's always in such a hurry these days.
02:02 ♪ ♪
02:05 - Okay, Jojo, try and hit this serve.
02:08 (boing)
02:09 I'll try.
02:10 (gasps)
02:11 (boing)
02:12 (boing)
02:13 (yells)
02:15 I win again!
02:17 - Oh, no!
02:19 - I love Snorkel.
02:20 (panting)
02:21 - You've got to help us right away,
02:23 because the whole town is being attacked by three Snorketers.
02:26 And we don't know what to do, so you've got to help us.
02:28 - Slow down. We can't understand you.
02:30 - Please. My whole village at the Snork Bowl
02:32 is being attacked by Snorketers.
02:34 We need help, desperately.
02:36 - Great, Neptune!
02:38 This looks like a job for the Snork Patrol.
02:40 - Yes, the Snork Patrol.
02:41 Do you know where we can find them?
02:43 - Why, you already have. It's us.
02:45 - Are you serious? Great.
02:47 We've got to hurry.
02:49 (sneezes)
02:50 Besides, all this hot weather is giving me a cold.
02:52 - Don't worry.
02:53 We'll take care of those Snorketers.
02:55 ♪ ♪
02:58 (signal sonore)
02:59 - We're getting close to the Snork Bowl.
03:02 You have to turn left.
03:04 - No need to give directions, my friend.
03:06 The Snork Patrol's automatic navigational system
03:09 will lead us right to your village.
03:11 - Really? Wow!
03:13 ♪ ♪
03:15 (signal sonore)
03:17 (signal sonore)
03:19 (explosion)
03:21 - Um, which way did you say to turn?
03:26 ♪ ♪
03:28 - I'll take the Snork Bowl net with us.
03:30 Maybe we can tie up the Snorketers with it.
03:32 - Good idea, Casey.
03:34 - The whole town is deserted.
03:36 - That is bad news.
03:38 ♪ ♪
03:40 - Listen, it's coming from the town square.
03:42 - Now we'll find out what's going on.
03:44 ♪ ♪
03:46 (signal sonore)
03:48 ♪ ♪
03:50 - Snorks are best when served with a light seaweed sauce.
03:53 - Nonsense! There's nothing as good as this.
03:56 - A plain Snork on a stick.
03:58 - Plain Snork?
03:59 What are you, a barbarian?
04:01 - Oh, no, we're too late.
04:03 The entire village is about to be eaten.
04:06 - It's never too late for the Snork Patrol.
04:09 - Yeah, let's get 'em.
04:11 - Wait, wait, we need a plan first.
04:13 - All stars right.
04:14 The Snork Patroller needs a plan.
04:16 Uh, Pike, what did you have in mind?
04:18 - We'll lure the two Snork Eaters here
04:20 and Esky will drop the net on them, okay?
04:22 - I... I think I can do it.
04:24 - Sounds good to me. Let's do it.
04:26 (signal sonore)
04:28 - Now to teach those bullies a lesson.
04:30 ♪ ♪
04:32 - Great! That seaweed is perfect.
04:34 Casey, how's that reading coming along?
04:36 - Well, it works all right.
04:37 I just hope we can get it off.
04:39 ♪ ♪
04:41 - Ah!
04:42 - Hey, that's my Corky Cat balloon!
04:44 ♪ ♪
04:46 - So, what do you guys think?
04:47 Do we look like a Snork Eater or what?
04:49 - I don't know.
04:50 Do you think I used too much eye makeup?
04:52 - You look fine.
04:53 - You look fine, Corky.
04:55 - Uh, your snort is showing.
04:56 - Oh, sorry.
04:58 - Okay, let's go!
04:59 - More!
05:01 - Oh, no!
05:03 - Mm-mm! I love snorts!
05:06 - Eh, no finer delicacy.
05:08 (signal sonore)
05:10 - Hey, hold on there!
05:12 Who said that?
05:13 - Don't worry, boys.
05:15 It's just me, Spike, the Snork Eater.
05:17 How you doing?
05:18 - We're doing fine. Now get lost.
05:20 - Yeah! We're not sharing
05:22 any snorts with no one!
05:23 - Yeah! We caught 'em,
05:25 and we're gonna eat 'em!
05:26 - Oh, don't worry about nothing, boys.
05:28 I ain't here to eat your snorts.
05:30 - I don't believe you.
05:32 Are you sure you ain't gonna try something funny?
05:34 - Nah, no way!
05:36 Matter of fact, I found a whole mess of snorts
05:38 up yonder myself.
05:39 I was wondering if you boys would, uh, help me.
05:42 - A whole mess of 'em? You're kidding!
05:44 How many? - How many?
05:45 Uh... huh!
05:47 Well, there's so many of 'em,
05:48 I can't possibly get 'em all myself.
05:50 - I'll help you! - Me too!
05:51 - Where are they? - They're just, uh,
05:53 over that, uh, hill.
05:54 - Go ahead. Mmm, I can taste 'em now.
05:57 - Okay, follow me!
05:59 - It's working, you guys!
06:02 - Yeah, we got 'em now.
06:04 - Uh-oh! You weren't kidding!
06:08 (all screaming)
06:11 - I think you've already got your dinner!
06:13 Care for dessert?
06:14 - More snorts! - Get 'em!
06:17 - This better work.
06:20 (coups de klaxon)
06:22 - Say, this is a small world.
06:25 How you doing? - Oh, no, not you again.
06:27 I don't have time to talk to you now.
06:29 I'm in the middle of a big plan.
06:31 - Well, excuse me for livin'.
06:33 Boy, this guy's always busy.
06:35 - After them!
06:37 - Just a little farther.
06:39 - Oh, no, another one!
06:42 - It's dinner time!
06:45 - This is terrible.
06:46 Now everyone's captured.
06:48 - We had the perfect plan to capture these two.
06:51 - Yeah, too bad nobody told us there were three of them.
06:54 - Wait! I smell another snork.
06:58 Up there, look!
06:59 - Hey! That's the snork who escaped from the village!
07:03 - He must have brought these new ones.
07:05 - Should I touch him?
07:07 - No, let him go.
07:09 Maybe he'll bring us back more snorks for tomorrow's dinner.
07:13 - My friends are doomed.
07:19 My village is destroyed and it's all my fault.
07:22 Oh, what a lousy day.
07:24 - Boy, you sure look depressed.
07:26 Things that bad, worse.
07:28 - I've had terrible luck today.
07:30 - Me too.
07:31 Hey, maybe I can help.
07:33 - A little fish like you?
07:35 You've gotta be kidding.
07:36 Besides, I'm jinxed. You'd only get eaten.
07:39 - Eating? Who's eating?
07:40 I haven't had any food in days.
07:42 You know, I'm so hungry, I could even eat you.
07:44 - You? Eat me?
07:45 Aren't you a little small for that?
07:47 (roar)
07:49 (thud)
07:51 (fart)
07:52 (footsteps)
07:54 - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
07:55 What in the whirlpool kind of fish are you?
07:57 - I'm a snork eater eater.
07:59 (roar)
08:00 (gulp)
08:02 - Are you serious?
08:03 Well, I happen to be having trouble with some snork eaters.
08:06 - Snork eaters? Where? Where? Where?
08:08 Oh, tell me, tell me! You better not be kidding!
08:10 - I'm not. They've captured my friends.
08:12 - Show me. Now! Hurry!
08:13 Oh, hurry!
08:15 - Okay, okay. They're this way.
08:17 - Duh! I get the fat one there!
08:19 - Hey, who you calling fat?
08:21 Look, it's Esky!
08:23 - Hey, it's that snork we let go!
08:26 And he's brought a little minnow with him.
08:29 (roar)
08:31 (yells)
08:33 - That's no minnow!
08:35 It's a snork eater eater!
08:37 (fart)
08:39 - Oh, so that's what they look like!
08:41 - Let's get out of here!
08:44 - Hey, thanks!
08:45 - See you all after dinner!
08:48 - We will always be in your debt.
08:58 - The snork eater should have known better than to challenge a snork-eater!
09:02 - And a special thanks to Esky, who saved our entire village.
09:06 - I'm just glad I could help.
09:08 I guess I can do things after all.
09:10 - And now, it's time to eat!
09:13 (gulp)
09:14 - Well, this certainly is, uh, well preserved.
09:18 (gulp)
09:20 - I've never had popsicle soup before.
09:24 (coups de pied)
09:27 *musique*