A Milano il Perlana Pop Lab, molto più di uno store

  • 5 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Lanciato a Milano il Perlana Pop Lab, molto più di uno store, più 'magico' di un laboratorio e più sorprendente di un’experience, aperto al pubblico dal 27 maggio al 2 giugno. Perlana accompagnerà gli ospiti in un viaggio sensoriale ed immersivo: dalla storia del brand all’innovazione dell’ultimo anno. Inoltre, sarà possibile scoprire la nuova formula toccando con mano e vedendo con i propri occhi come il nuovo Perlana sia in grado di far tornare i capi come nuovi dopo 10 lavaggi.


00:00 [Music]
00:04 Accompanying guests on a sensational sensory and immersive journey
00:09 from the history of the brand to the innovation of the last year.
00:13 This is the mission of Perlana Pop Lab,
00:16 the first temporary store open to the public from May 27 to June 2 in Milan.
00:21 Perlana is a historic brand loved by Italians and known for its new claim "Not washed with Perlana",
00:28 a claim that is part of the values that the brand represents and lives to the end.
00:33 And today, with our first temporary store here in Milan in Via dei Christoforis,
00:38 we want to bring consumer innovation closer in a multi-sensory path
00:43 to tell the values of the brand and make it known how the care of the owners
00:49 can actually lead to more conscious behaviors
00:53 and to express important sustainability values.
00:58 Entering the Perlana Pop Lab, in fact, you immediately immerse yourself in the history of the brand.
01:04 You are exposed to what are the historical facts as well as the most famous communications,
01:10 and then enter precisely in the detail of what is our formula,
01:15 our perfumes and the actual action of Perlana on the renewal of the heads.
01:20 An experience enriched by talks that will enter the world of the Bucato
01:25 and that will be animated by exceptional guests.
01:28 For example, Casa di Mattielli Cementuri, who will tell us about the secrets for a perfect Bucato,
01:34 and again Vanity Fair and Bivio for lessons on sustainable style,
01:39 and finally Geopop for a very fun lesson on chemical Bucato.
01:44 It will also be possible to discover the new formula of Perlana, introduced in 2024.
01:50 An Enkel patent has three actions, color renewal, fiber renewal, freshness renewal,
01:58 all with an aura that we could define as magic, but it is not magic,
02:05 it is actually technological innovation and everything that is expressed within the Temporary Store.
