A2A, presentato decimo Bilancio sostenibilità territoriale di Brescia

  • 4 months ago
(Adnkronos) - A Brescia, la Fondazione Museo Diocesano ha fatto da cornice alla presentazione del decimo Bilancio di Sostenibilità Territoriale di Brescia, evento inserito nel progetto A2A: “Territori sostenibili: un’impresa comune”. Durante l’incontro, il presidente e l’ad di A2A, Roberto Tasca e Renato Mazzoncini, hanno discusso il bilancio insieme alla Sindaca, Laura Castelletti.


00:00 [Music]
00:06 Only in 2023 it generated more than half a billion euros in value for the territory and invested more than 328 million euros in the construction of facilities and infrastructures.
00:17 In Brescia, where it was born, A2A is committed to 360 degrees, as shown by the numbers of the 10th Brescia Territorial Sustainability Index presented at the Museo di Ocesano Foundation.
00:29 Almost 700,000 tons of CO2 avoided thanks to the zero-refuel, 9.9 million kilometers traveled by electric cars recharged in the A2A colonies.
00:41 And over 17,000 students involved in environmental education projects. The city of Brescia is therefore a brilliant example of decarbonization thanks to the Zero Waste circularity model to be exported.
00:55 [It is the opportunity to recount how 2023 went, starting from the most general data, the value returned on the territory of 554 million euros, to finish with investments that are a very relevant data,
01:11 mainly in the grid, the electric grid, the water grid, the heating grid, but also in the waste sector, of over 300 million euros. But also people involved,
01:21 today 15% of all employees in the group are in Brescia. And CO2 emissions, therefore the amount of CO2 avoided, which allows Brescia today,
01:32 as regards our sector, therefore the whole world of energy, to focus in advance, compared to 2030, the objectives of the Fit for 55.
01:42 The A2A Sustainability Strategy in the territories in which it operates is central.
01:46 It intervenes on the territories, therefore it intervenes substantially with its market supply, but it intervenes in full harmony with the territories,
01:53 which are preventively monitored, checked, listened to, and to which a feedback is then given, compared to the proposals that we have preemptively collected,
02:03 both for the activities we carry out, which have a more cultural or social purpose, and for the economic activities we carry out on their territory.
02:11 It seems to me a good way to make the enterprise transparent and to make evident to the citizens, to the inhabitants, in this case also to all our shareholders,
02:19 what is the commitment that A2A makes available.
02:22 After supporting in 2023 the Bergamo-Brescia event, the Italian Capital of Culture,
02:27 Life Company will be on the side of Brescia, also in its candidacy for the European Green Capital.
02:33 Today we have the goal of becoming the European Green Capital for the next few years.
02:39 It means a great effort and it is clear that the presence of A2A on our side becomes fundamental in terms of innovation, in terms of ecological transition.
02:50 Our commitment and the word environmental sustainability have characterized us for many years and it is clear that today we only have to step on the gas pedal.
02:59 operator
